コード例 #1
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: Jravis/gaepsi
    def ztree(self,
        if scale is None:
            scale = fc.scale(self['locations'].min(axis=0),
        zkey = sharedmem.empty(self.numpoints, dtype=fc.fckeytype)

        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 1024

            def work(i):
                X, Y, Z = self['locations'][i:i + chunksize].T
                fc.encode(X, Y, Z, scale=scale, out=zkey[i:i + chunksize])

            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

        # use sharemem.argsort, because it is faster
        arg = sharedmem.argsort(zkey, np=np)

        return zt.Tree(zkey=zkey,
コード例 #2
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: rainwoodman/lyamock
def chop(Nside, pos):
    """ bootstrap the sky, returns about 100 chunks, only 50 of them are big"""
    # we paint quasar uniformly as long as it is covered by sdss:
    Npix = chealpy.nside2npix(Nside)
    chunkid = sharedmem.empty(len(pos), dtype='intp')
    print len(pos)
    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        chunksize = 1024 * 1024
        def work(i):
            sl = slice(i, i + chunksize)
            chunkid[sl] = chealpy.vec2pix_nest(Nside, pos[sl])
        pool.map(work, range(0, len(pos), chunksize))
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(chunkid)
    chunksize = sharedmem.array.bincount(chunkid, minlength=Npix)
    assert (chunksize == numpy.bincount(chunkid, minlength=Npix)).all()
    return sharedmem.array.packarray(arg, chunksize)
コード例 #3
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: rainwoodman/gaepsi
  def ztree(self, zkey=None, scale=None, minthresh=10, maxthresh=20, np=None):
    if scale is None:
      scale = fc.scale(self['locations'].min(axis=0), self['locations'].ptp(axis=0))
    zkey = sharedmem.empty(self.numpoints, dtype=fc.fckeytype)

    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
      chunksize = 1024 * 1024
      def work(i):
        X, Y, Z = self['locations'][i:i+chunksize].T
        fc.encode(X, Y, Z, scale=scale, out=zkey[i:i+chunksize])
      pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

    # use sharemem.argsort, because it is faster
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(zkey, np=np)

    return zt.Tree(zkey=zkey, scale=scale, arg=arg, minthresh=minthresh, maxthresh=maxthresh)
コード例 #4
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: DonRegan/gaepsi
  def fixmainid(self, merger):
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(self.data['mainid'])
    self.data[...] = self.data[arg]

    left = self.data['mainid'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='left')
    right = self.data['mainid'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='right')
    mask = self.data['mainid'][left] == merger['swallowed']
    print 'fixing mainid', mask.sum(), 'remaining'
    left = left[mask]
    right = right[mask]
    for i, row in enumerate(merger[mask]):
      time, after, swallowed = row
      l = left[i]
      r = right[i]
      self.data['mainid'][l:r] = after
      #assert (self.data['time'][l:r] == time).any()
      #assert (self[after]['time'] == time).any()

    return mask.sum()
コード例 #5
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: Jravis/gaepsi
  def fixmainid(self, merger):
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(self.data['mainid'])
    self.data[...] = self.data[arg]

    left = self.data['mainid'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='left')
    right = self.data['mainid'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='right')
    mask = self.data['mainid'][left] == merger['swallowed']
    print 'fixing mainid', mask.sum(), 'remaining'
    left = left[mask]
    right = right[mask]
    for i, row in enumerate(merger[mask]):
      time, after, swallowed = row
      l = left[i]
      r = right[i]
      self.data['mainid'][l:r] = after
      #assert (self.data['time'][l:r] == time).any()
      #assert (self[after]['time'] == time).any()

    return mask.sum()
コード例 #6
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: DonRegan/gaepsi
  def fixparentmass(self, merger):
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(self.data['id'])
    self.data[...] = self.data[arg]
    left = self.data['id'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='left')
    right = self.data['id'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='right')
    mask = self.data['id'][left] == merger['swallowed']
    left = left[mask]
    right = right[mask]
    print 'fix mass', mask.sum()
    for i, row in enumerate(merger[mask]):
      time, after, swallowed = row
      l = left[i]
      r = right[i]
      last = numpy.abs(self.data['time'][l:r] - time).argsort()[:1]
      #assert (self.data['time'][l:r] == time).any()
      #assert (self[after]['time'] == time).any()
      aftermask = self['id'] == after
      match = numpy.abs(self.data[aftermask]['time'] - time).argsort()[:1]

      m = numpy.max([self.data['mass'][l:r][last].max(), self.data[aftermask]['mass'][match].max()])
      self.data['mass'][l:r][last] = m # numpy.nan
      self.data['mass'][aftermask.nonzero()[0][match]] = m #numpy.nan
コード例 #7
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: Jravis/gaepsi
  def fixparentmass(self, merger):
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(self.data['id'])
    self.data[...] = self.data[arg]
    left = self.data['id'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='left')
    right = self.data['id'].searchsorted(merger['swallowed'], side='right')
    mask = self.data['id'][left] == merger['swallowed']
    left = left[mask]
    right = right[mask]
    print 'fix mass', mask.sum()
    for i, row in enumerate(merger[mask]):
      time, after, swallowed = row
      l = left[i]
      r = right[i]
      last = numpy.abs(self.data['time'][l:r] - time).argsort()[:1]
      #assert (self.data['time'][l:r] == time).any()
      #assert (self[after]['time'] == time).any()
      aftermask = self['id'] == after
      match = numpy.abs(self.data[aftermask]['time'] - time).argsort()[:1]

      m = numpy.max([self.data['mass'][l:r][last].max(), self.data[aftermask]['mass'][match].max()])
      self.data['mass'][l:r][last] = m # numpy.nan
      self.data['mass'][aftermask.nonzero()[0][match]] = m #numpy.nan
コード例 #8
ファイル: testsort.py プロジェクト: sppalkia/sharedmem
raise NotImplemented("sorting has been deprecated")

import sharedmem

import numpy
a = numpy.random.random(10000000)
arg = sharedmem.argsort(a, chunksize=10240)

print a[arg]
assert (a[arg[1:]] >= a[arg[:-1]]).all()

コード例 #9
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: DonRegan/gaepsi
def paint(pos, color, luminosity, sml, camera, CCD, tree=None,
        return_tree_and_sml=False, normalize=True, np=None, direct_write=False,
    """ pos = (x, y, z)
        color can be None or 1 or array
        luminosity can be None or 1 or array
        sml can be None or 1, or array
        camera is Camera
        CCD is array of camera.shape, 2.
        CCD[..., 0] is the color channel (sum of color * luminosity)
        CCD[..., 1] is the luminosity channel (sum of luminosity)

        if color is None, CCD.shape == camera.shape
        if color is not None, 
            CCD.shape == camera.shape, 2
            CCD[..., 0] is color
            CCD[..., 1] is brightness

        if normalize is False, do not do CCD[..., 0] will be
        the weighted sum of color.
        if normalize is True, CCD[..., 0] will be the weighted average of color

        if direct_write is true, each process will directly write to CCD (CCD
        must be on sharedmem)

        if cumulative is False, original content in CCD will be disregarded.
        if cumulative is True, original content in CCD will be preserved (+=)
    CCDlimit = 20 * 1024 * 1024 # 20M pixel per small CCD
    camera.shape = (CCD.shape[0], CCD.shape[1])
    nCCD = int((CCD.shape[0] * CCD.shape[1] / CCDlimit) ** 0.5)
    if np is None: np = sharedmem.cpu_count()
    if nCCD <= np ** 0.5: 
        nCCD = int(np ** 0.5 + 1)
    cams = camera.divide(nCCD, nCCD)
    cams = cams.reshape(-1, 3)

    if tree is None:
        scale = fc.scale([x.min() for x in pos], [x.ptp() for x in pos])
        zkey = sharedmem.empty(len(pos[0]), dtype=fc.fckeytype)

        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 1024
            def work(i):
                sl = slice(i, i+chunksize)        
                x, y, z = pos
                fc.encode(x[sl], y[sl], z[sl], scale=scale, out=zkey[i:i+chunksize])
            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

        arg = sharedmem.argsort(zkey)

        tree = zt.Tree(zkey=zkey, scale=scale, arg=arg, minthresh=8, maxthresh=20)
    if sml is None:
        sml = sharedmem.empty(len(zkey), 'f4')
        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 64
            def work(i):
                setupsml(tree, [x[i:i+chunksize] for x in pos],
            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

    def writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD):
        cam, ox, oy = cams[i]
        #print i, sparse, len(cams)
        if sparse:
            index, C, L = myCCD
            x = index[0] + ox
            y = index[1] + oy
            p = CCD.flat
            if color is not None:
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y, 0), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += C
                    p[ind] = C
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y, 1), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += L
                    p[ind] = L
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += L
                    p[ind] = L
            if color is not None:
                if cumulative:
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1], :] += myCCD
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1], :] = myCCD
                if cumulative:
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1]] += myCCD[..., 1]
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1]] = myCCD[..., 1]

    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
        def work(i):
            cam, ox, oy = cams[i]
            myCCD = numpy.zeros(cam.shape, dtype=('f8', 2))
            cam.paint(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 
                    sml, color, luminosity, out=myCCD, tree=tree)
            mask = (myCCD[..., 1] != 0)
            if mask.sum() < 0.1 * myCCD[..., 1].size:
                index = mask.nonzero()
                C = myCCD[..., 0][mask]
                L = myCCD[..., 1][mask]
                sparse, myCCD = True, (index, C, L)
                sparse, myCCD = False, myCCD
            if not direct_write:
                return i, sparse, myCCD
                writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD)
                return 0, 0, 0
        def reduce(i, sparse, myCCD):
            if not direct_write:
                writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD)
        pool.map(work, range(len(cams)), reduce=reduce)

    if color is not None and normalize:
        CCD[..., 0] /= CCD[..., 1]
    if return_tree_and_sml:
        return CCD, tree, sml
        tree = None
        sml = None
        return CCD
コード例 #10
ファイル: extract-sfgas.py プロジェクト: rainwoodman/mb2
offset = numpy.concatenate(([0], size.cumsum()))

print "allocation total pars", total
idall = sharedmem.empty(total, dtype=first.schema["id"].dtype)
sfrall = sharedmem.empty(total, dtype="f4")

def work(i):
    snap = Snapshot(argv[1] % i, "cmugadget", template=first)
    print "i", i
    sfr = snap[0, "sfr"]
    id = snap[0, "id"]
    print "i", i, "read"
    mask = sfr > 0
    idall[offset[i] : offset[i] + size[i]] = id[mask]
    sfrall[offset[i] : offset[i] + size[i]] = sfr[mask]
    print "i", i, "assign"
    print "i", i, mask.sum()

with sharedmem.Pool() as pool:
    pool.map(work, range(first.C["Nfiles"]))
print "phase 2 done"

arg = sharedmem.argsort(idall)
idall = idall[arg]
sfrall = sfrall[arg]

コード例 #11
size = numpy.array(size, 'i8')
total = size.sum()
offset = numpy.concatenate(([0], size.cumsum()))

print 'allocation total pars', total
idall = sharedmem.empty(total, dtype=first.schema['id'].dtype)
sfrall = sharedmem.empty(total, dtype='f4')

def work(i):
    snap = Snapshot(argv[1] % i, 'cmugadget', template=first)
    print 'i', i
    sfr = snap[0, 'sfr']
    id = snap[0, 'id']
    print 'i', i, 'read'
    mask = sfr > 0
    idall[offset[i]:offset[i]+size[i]] = id[mask]
    sfrall[offset[i]:offset[i]+size[i]] = sfr[mask]
    print 'i', i, 'assign'
    print 'i', i, mask.sum()
with sharedmem.Pool() as pool:
    pool.map(work, range(first.C['Nfiles']))
print 'phase 2 done'

arg = sharedmem.argsort(idall)
idall = idall[arg]
sfrall = sfrall[arg]
