コード例 #1
def generate_roadmap_parallel(samples, env, max_dist, leafsize, knn):
    """Parallelized roadmap generator """

    n_sample = len(samples)
    leafsize = knn
    if len(samples) < leafsize: leafsize = len(samples) - 1

    import sharedmem
    sample_ids = np.arange(n_sample, dtype='i')
    roadmap = sharedmem.full((n_sample, knn), 0)

    # Start multi processing over samples
    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        if n_sample % sharedmem.cpu_count() == 0:
            chunksize = n_sample / sharedmem.cpu_count()
            chunksize = n_sample / sharedmem.cpu_count() + 1

        def work(i):
            skdtree = KDTree(samples, leafsize=leafsize)
            sub_sample_ids = sample_ids[slice(i, i + chunksize)]

            for j, sub_sample_id in enumerate(sub_sample_ids):
                x = samples[sub_sample_id]
                    inds, dists = skdtree.search(x, k=leafsize)
                    print "skdtree search failed"

                edge_id = []
                append = edge_id.append
                for ii, (ind, dist) in enumerate(zip(inds, dists)):
                    if dist > max_dist: break  # undirected
                    if len(edge_id) >= knn: break  # directed?

                # to complement fewer number of edges for vectorized valueiteration
                if len(edge_id) < knn:
                    for ii in range(0, len(inds)):
                        #for ind in edge_id:
                        #    edge_id.append(ind)
                        #    if len(edge_id) >= knn: break
                        if len(edge_id) >= knn: break

                assert len(
                ) <= leafsize, "fewer leaves than edges {} (dists={})".format(
                    len(edge_id), dists[:len(edge_id)])

                for k in range(len(edge_id)):
                    roadmap[sub_sample_id][k] = edge_id[k]

        pool.map(work, range(0, n_sample, chunksize))  #, reduce=reduce)

    # convert sharedmem array to list
    roadmap = np.array(roadmap).astype(int)
    skdtree = None  #KDTree(samples, leafsize=leafsize)
    return roadmap.tolist(), skdtree
コード例 #2
def argsort(ar):
    min = minimum.reduce(ar)
    max = maximum.reduce(ar)
    nchunk = sharedmem.cpu_count() * 2
    #bins = numpy.linspace(min, max, nchunk, endpoint=True)
    step = 1.0 * (max - min) / nchunk
    bins = numpy.array(
        1.0 * numpy.arange(nchunk + 1) * (max - min) / nchunk + min, min.dtype)

    dig = digitize(ar, bins)
    binlength = bincount(dig, minlength=len(bins) + 1)
    binoffset = numpy.cumsum(binlength)
    out = sharedmem.empty(len(ar), dtype='intp')

    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:

        def work(i):
            # we can do this a lot faster
            # but already having pretty good speed.
            ind = numpy.nonzero(dig == i + 1)[0]
            myar = ar[ind]
            out[binoffset[i]:binoffset[i + 1]] = ind[myar.argsort()]

        pool.map(work, range(nchunk))

    return out
コード例 #3
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: StevenLOL/sharedmem
def argsort(ar):
    min = minimum.reduce(ar)
    max = maximum.reduce(ar)
    nchunk = sharedmem.cpu_count() * 2
    #bins = numpy.linspace(min, max, nchunk, endpoint=True)
    step = 1.0 * (max - min) / nchunk
    bins = numpy.array(
            1.0 * numpy.arange(nchunk + 1) * (max - min) / nchunk + min,

    dig = digitize(ar, bins)
    binlength = bincount(dig, minlength=len(bins) + 1)
    binoffset = numpy.cumsum(binlength)
    out = sharedmem.empty(len(ar), dtype='intp')

    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        def work(i):
            # we can do this a lot faster
            # but already having pretty good speed.
            ind = numpy.nonzero(dig == i + 1)[0]
            myar = ar[ind]
            out[binoffset[i]:binoffset[i+1]] = ind[myar.argsort()]
        pool.map(work, range(nchunk)) 

    return out
コード例 #4
ファイル: willowdataset.py プロジェクト: leaflabs/willow-gui
    def __init__(self, filename):

        self.filename = filename
        self.fileObject = h5py.File(self.filename)
        self.dset = self.fileObject['channel_data']
        self.isSnapshot = self.fileObject.attrs['ph_flags'][0] & (1 << 6)
        self.nsamples, self.nchan = self.dset.shape
        self.time_ms = np.arange(self.nsamples) * MS_PER_SEC / SAMPLE_RATE
        self.timeMin = np.min(self.time_ms)
        self.timeMax = np.max(self.time_ms)
        self.boardID = self.fileObject.attrs['board_id'][0]
        if self.isSnapshot:
            self.cookie = None
            self.cookie = self.fileObject.attrs['experiment_cookie'][0]
        chipAliveMask = self.fileObject['chip_live'][0]
        self.chipList = [
            i for i in range(NCHIPS) if (chipAliveMask & (0x1 << i))

        self.isImported = False
        self.sliceImported = False
        self.sliceBeenFiltered = False

        self.ncpu = sharedmem.cpu_count()

        self.slice_nsamples = 0
        self.slice_nchans = None
コード例 #5
def fstack_mp(img, fmap):
    img_stacked = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='uint16')

    # This implementation is faster than breaking each image plane up for parallel processing
    def do_work(x):
        index = ne.evaluate("fmap==x")
        img_stacked[index] = img[:, :, x][index]
        index = ne.evaluate("(fmap > x) & (fmap < x+1)")
        A = fmap[index]
        B = img[:, :, x+1][index]
        C = img[:, :, x][index]
        img_stacked[index] = ne.evaluate("(A-x) * B + (x+1-A) * C")

    with shmem.MapReduce(np=img.shape[2]-1) as pool:
        pool.map(do_work, range(img.shape[2]-1))

    last_ind = img.shape[2]-1
    index = ne.evaluate("fmap == last_ind")
    num_proc = shmem.cpu_count()
    edges = get_edges(img, num_proc)

    def mp_assignment(x):
        img_stacked[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:][index[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:]] = img[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :, -1]\
                                                                        [index[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :]]
    with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
        pool.map(mp_assignment, range(num_proc))

    return img_stacked
コード例 #6
def sharedmem_pool(total_cores, numexpr=True):
    # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15639779
    global AFFINITY_FLAG
    if not AFFINITY_FLAG:
        AFFINITY_FLAG = True
        os.system("taskset -p 0xfff %d" % os.getpid())
    if total_cores is None:
        total_cores = sm.cpu_count()
    return sm.MapReduce(np=good_process_number(total_cores, numexpr))
コード例 #7
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: kdesimone/popeye
def regularizing_objective_function(parameter, bundle): # pragma: no cover
    # attach the guess for tau to each of the voxels in the bundle
    for voxel in bundle:
        model = voxel[1]
        model.parameter = parameter
    # fit each of the voxels
    num_cpus = sharedmem.cpu_count()-1
    with sharedmem.Pool(np=num_cpus) as pool:
        output = pool.map(parallel_fit, bundle)
    return output
コード例 #8
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: noahbenson/popeye
def regularizing_objective_function(parameter, bundle): # pragma: no cover
    # attach the guess for tau to each of the voxels in the bundle
    for voxel in bundle:
        model = voxel[1]
        model.parameter = parameter
    # fit each of the voxels
    num_cpus = sharedmem.cpu_count()-1
    with sharedmem.Pool(np=num_cpus) as pool:
        output = pool.map(parallel_fit, bundle)
    return output
コード例 #9
def get_features_from_states(env, states, feature_fn):
    import sharedmem
    n_states = len(states)
    feat_len = len(feature_fn(env, states[0]))
    state_ids = np.arange(n_states, dtype='i')

    features = sharedmem.full((n_states, feat_len), 0.)

    # Start multi processing over support states
    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        if n_states % sharedmem.cpu_count() == 0:
            chunksize = n_states / sharedmem.cpu_count()
            chunksize = n_states / sharedmem.cpu_count() + 1

        def work(i):
            s_ids = state_ids[slice(i, i + chunksize)]
            for j, s_id in enumerate(s_ids):
                s = states[s_id]  # state id in states
                features[s_id] = feature_fn(env, s)

        pool.map(work, range(0, n_states, chunksize))  #, reduce=reduce)
    return np.array(features)
コード例 #10
def get_fmap(img):
    num_proc = shmem.cpu_count()
    log_kernel = get_log_kernel(11, 2)
    se = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (17, 17))

    def mp_imgproc(x):
        bound_in = (edges[x]-(edges[x] > 0)*50, edges[x+1] + (edges[x+1] < img.shape[0]) *50 )
        bound_out = (50 if edges[x] > 0 else 0, None if edges[x+1] == img.shape[0] else -50)
        part_img = cv2.filter2D(img[bound_in[0]:bound_in[1], :, ii].astype('single'), -1, log_kernel)
        part_img = cv2.dilate(part_img, se)
        img_filtered[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :] = part_img[bound_out[0]:bound_out[1], :]

    def mp_gaussblur(x):
        bound_in = (edges[x]-(edges[x] > 0)*50, edges[x+1] + (edges[x+1] < img.shape[0]) *50 )
        bound_out = (50 if edges[x] > 0 else 0, None if edges[x+1] == img.shape[0] else -50)
        part_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(fmap[bound_in[0]:bound_in[1], :], (31, 31), 6)
        fmap[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :] = part_img[bound_out[0]:bound_out[1], :]

    log_response = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='single')
    fmap = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='single')
    edges = get_edges(img, num_proc)

    def mp_assignment_1(x):
        log_response[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:] = img_filtered[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:]

    def mp_assignment_2(x):
        fmap[index[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:]] = ii

    for ii in range(img.shape[2]):
        img_filtered = shmem.empty((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype='single')
        with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
            pool.map(mp_imgproc, range(num_proc))

        index = ne.evaluate("img_filtered > log_response")

        with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
            pool.map(mp_assignment_1, range(num_proc))
        # log_response[index] = img_filtered[index]
        with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
            pool.map(mp_assignment_2, range(num_proc))

    with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
        pool.map(mp_gaussblur, range(num_proc))
    return fmap
コード例 #11
def fstack_mp_new(img, fmap):
    img_stacked = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='uint16')
    indexl = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='bool')

    edges = get_edges(img, 16)
    # This implementation is faster than breaking each image plane up for parallel processing
    def do_work(x):

        if x!=img.shape[2]-1:

            def mt_assignment(input, y):
                return input[index[edges[y]:edges[y+1],:]]
            index = ne.evaluate("fmap==x")
            img_stacked[index] = img[:, :, x][index]
            index = ne.evaluate("(fmap > x) & (fmap < x+1)")
            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as pool:
                A = np.concatenate([(pool.submit(mt_assignment, fmap, y)).result() for y in range(16)], axis=0)
                B = np.concatenate([(pool.submit(mt_assignment, img[:, :, x+1], y)).result() for y in range(16)], axis=0)
                C = np.concatenate([(pool.submit(mt_assignment, img[:, :, x], y)).result() for y in range(16)], axis=0)
            print('A Shape is : ', A.shape)
            print('A content is: ', A)

            img_stacked[index] = ne.evaluate("(A-x) * B + (x+1-A) * C")
            last_ind = img.shape[2]-1
            indexl = ne.evaluate("fmap == last_ind")

    with shmem.MapReduce(np=img.shape[2]) as pool:
        pool.map(do_work, range(img.shape[2]))

    num_proc = shmem.cpu_count()
    edges = get_edges(img, num_proc)

    def mp_assignment(x):
        img_stacked[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:][indexl[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:]] = img[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :, -1]\
                                                                        [indexl[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :]]
    with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
        pool.map(mp_assignment, range(num_proc))

    return img_stacked
コード例 #12
    def cache(self, grids, ncpus=1, Ns=None):  # pragma: no cover

        # get parameter space
        if isinstance(grids[0], SliceType):
            params = [list(np.arange(g.start, g.stop, g.step)) for g in grids]
            params = [list(np.linspace(g[0], g[1], Ns)) for g in grids]

        # make combos
        combos = [c for c in itertools.product(*params)]

        def mini_predictor(combo):
            return self.generate_ballpark_prediction(*combo)

        # compute predictions
        num_cpus = sharedmem.cpu_count() - 1
        with sharedmem.Pool(np=num_cpus) as pool:
            models = pool.map(self.mini_predictor, combos)

        # turn into array
        return models
コード例 #13
hubble = header.hubble

chunksize = args.chunksize
mass = [args.minmass, args.maxmass]
if args.test:
    mass = [10, 10.5]
    chunksize = 5
binwidth = args.binwidth

print 'Directory: ', fdir
print 'Snapshot: ', snap
print 'Boxsize: ', boxsize
print 'Hubble parameter: ', hubble
print 'Halo mass range for calculation: 10^' + str(mass), 'M_sun'
print 'Number of cores for sharedmem: ', sharedmem.cpu_count()
print 'Number of threads for numexpr: ', ar.ellipsoid.numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS
print ' '

#nbins=18; a=ar.AxialRatio(fdir,snap,nbins,rmin=10**-2.42857143,useSubhaloes=args.subhaloes)
nbins = 2
a = ar.AxialRatio(fdir,
                  0, [1., 2.],
submass = a.cat.SubhaloMassInRadType[:, 4] / hubble * 1e10
subhalos = np.nonzero((submass > 10**mass[0]) & (submass < 10**mass[1]))[0]
nsubs = a.cat.nsubs
ngroups = a.cat.ngroups
コード例 #14
def computePolicies(mdp, goal_states, error=1e-10):
    """Compute Q using multi-process
    # initialization of variables
    n_goal_states = len(goal_states)
    n_actions, n_states = mdp.n_actions, mdp.n_states

    roadmap = mdp.roadmap
    states  = mdp.states
    gamma   = mdp.gamma
    T       = mdp.T
    rewards = mdp.get_rewards()
    #from IPython import embed; embed(); sys.exit()    
    if rewards is None: rewards=np.zeros(len(mdp.states))
        rewards = np.array(rewards)
    goal_state_ids = np.arange(n_goal_states, dtype='i')
    goal_policy_mat  = sharedmem.full((n_goal_states, mdp.n_states, mdp.n_actions), 0.)
    ## goal_values   = sharedmem.full((n_goal_states, mdp.n_states), 0.)
    ## goal_validity = sharedmem.full((n_goal_states), True)
    # Start multi processing over goal states
    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        if n_goal_states % sharedmem.cpu_count() == 0:
            chunksize = n_goal_states / sharedmem.cpu_count()
            chunksize = n_goal_states / sharedmem.cpu_count() + 1

        def work(i):
            state_ids = goal_state_ids[slice (i, i + chunksize)] #0,1,2,3
            new_rewards = copy.copy(rewards)
            values      = np.zeros(n_states)
            for j, goal_state_id in enumerate(state_ids):
                s = goal_states[goal_state_id] # state id in states
                ## s_idx = states.index(s)
                # vi agent
                mdp = vi.valueIterAgent(n_actions, n_states,
                                        roadmap, None, states,
                                        gamma=gamma, T=T)                

                if new_rewards[s] >= 0.:
                    new_rewards[s] = 1. 

                # Store q_mat and validity mat per state
                policy, _ = mdp.find_policy(error)
                goal_policy_mat[goal_state_id] = policy                    
                # find all states that gives f_g in states
                for k, gs in enumerate(goal_states):
                    if s == gs:
                        goal_policy_mat[k] = policy
                # reset
                new_rewards[s] = 0. 

        pool.map(work, range(0, n_goal_states, chunksize))#, reduce=reduce)

    # convert sharedmem array to list
    policies = []    
    for i in range(n_goal_states):
        policies.append( np.array(goal_policy_mat[i]) )

    return policies
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_utilities.py プロジェクト: fagan2888/popeye
def test_parallel_fit_manual_grids():

    # stimulus features
    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.arange(0, 360, 45)
    num_blank_steps = 0
    num_bar_steps = 30
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1.0
    frames_per_tr = 1.0
    scale_factor = 0.10
    pixels_down = 100
    pixels_across = 100
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    voxel_index = (1, 2, 3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1

    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    bar = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance,
                                screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps,
                                num_blank_steps, ecc)

    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(bar, viewing_distance, screen_width,
                              scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)

    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = og.GaussianModel(stimulus, utils.double_gamma_hrf)
    model.hrf_delay = 0

    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -5.24
    y = 2.58
    sigma = 1.24
    beta = 2.5
    baseline = -0.25

    # create the "data"
    data = model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, beta, baseline)

    # set search grid
    x_grid = slice(-5, 4, 5)
    y_grid = slice(-5, 7, 5)
    s_grid = slice(1 / stimulus.ppd, 5.25, 5)
    b_grid = slice(0.1, 4.0, 5)

    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-12.0, 12.0)
    y_bound = (-12.0, 12.0)
    s_bound = (1 / stimulus.ppd, 12.0)
    b_bound = (1e-8, 1e2)
    m_bound = (None, None)

    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, b_bound, m_bound)

    # make 3 voxels
    all_data = np.array([data, data, data])
    num_voxels = data.shape[0]
    indices = [(1, 2, 3)] * 3

    # bundle the voxels
    bundle = utils.multiprocess_bundle(og.GaussianFit, model, all_data, grids,
                                       bounds, indices)

    # run analysis
    with sharedmem.Pool(np=sharedmem.cpu_count() - 1) as pool:
        output = pool.map(utils.parallel_fit, bundle)

    # assert equivalence
    for fit in output:
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline, 2)
コード例 #16
def computeQ(mdp, support_states, error=1e-10, support_features=None, support_feature_state_dict=None,
             cstr_fn=None, add_no_cstr=True, max_cnt=100, **kwargs):
    """Compute Q using multi-process
    # initialization of variables
    n_support_states = len(support_states)
    n_actions, n_states = mdp.n_actions, mdp.n_states

    eps     = np.finfo(float).eps    
    roadmap = mdp.roadmap
    states  = mdp.states
    gamma   = mdp.gamma
    T       = mdp.T
    rewards = mdp.get_rewards()
    #from IPython import embed; embed(); sys.exit()    
    if rewards is None: rewards=np.zeros(len(mdp.states))
        rewards = np.array(rewards)
    support_state_ids = np.arange(n_support_states, dtype='i')
    if support_features is not None:
        support_feature_ids, support_feature_values = support_features        
        computed_f_id = sharedmem.full(len(support_feature_values), False, dtype='b')
        return NotImplementedError

    if cstr_fn is None:
        support_q_mat    = sharedmem.full((n_support_states, mdp.n_states, mdp.n_actions), 0.)
        support_values   = sharedmem.full((n_support_states, mdp.n_states), 0.)
        support_validity = sharedmem.full((n_support_states), True)
        if add_no_cstr: n_cstr_fn = len(cstr_fn) + 1
        else:           n_cstr_fn = len(cstr_fn) 
        support_q_mat    = sharedmem.full((n_support_states, n_cstr_fn, mdp.n_states,
                                           mdp.n_actions), 0.)
        support_values   = sharedmem.full((n_support_states, n_cstr_fn, mdp.n_states), 0.)
        support_validity = sharedmem.full((n_support_states, n_cstr_fn), True)

        if len(cstr_fn)>0:
            feat_map = kwargs['feat_map']
            roadmap  = kwargs['roadmap']
            states   = mdp.states

            cstr_T = []
            for i in range(len(cstr_fn)):
                validity_map      = cstr_fn[i](None, f=feat_map)[roadmap]
                validity_map[:,0] = True
                Tc                = mdp.T*validity_map[:,np.newaxis,:]
                Tc[:,:,0]         = eps
                sum_T             = np.sum(Tc, axis=-1)
                Tc               /= sum_T[:,:,np.newaxis]
    # Start multi processing over support states
    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        if n_support_states % sharedmem.cpu_count() == 0:
            chunksize = n_support_states / sharedmem.cpu_count()
            chunksize = n_support_states / sharedmem.cpu_count() + 1

        def work(i):
            state_ids = support_state_ids[slice (i, i + chunksize)]
            new_rewards = copy.copy(rewards)
            values      = np.zeros(n_states)
            for j, state_id in enumerate(state_ids):
                s = support_states[state_id] # state id in states

                # vi agent
                mdp = vi.valueIterAgent(n_actions, n_states,
                                        roadmap, None, states,
                                        gamma=gamma, T=T)                

                if support_feature_ids is None:
                    if new_rewards[s] >= 0.:
                        new_rewards[s] = 1. 
                    # find all states that gives f_g in states
                    f_id              = support_feature_ids[state_id]
                    goal_state_ids    = support_feature_state_dict[f_id]
                    if computed_f_id[f_id]:
                        computed_f_id[f_id] = True
                    new_rewards[goal_state_ids] = 1.

                # Store q_mat and validity mat per state
                if cstr_fn is not None:
                    for k in range(len(cstr_fn)):
                        # check if the goal is isolated
                        if np.sum(cstr_T[k][goal_state_ids])>0.:
                            values, param_dict = mdp.solve_mdp(error, init_values=values,
                                                               T=cstr_T[k], max_cnt=max_cnt,
                            support_q_mat[state_id][k]    = param_dict['q']
                            support_validity[state_id][k] = cstr_fn[k](s)
                            support_values[state_id][k]   = values

                    if add_no_cstr:
                        values, param_dict = mdp.solve_mdp(error, init_values=values,
                                                           T=T, max_cnt=max_cnt,
                                                           ## goal=s,
                        support_q_mat[state_id][-1]    = param_dict['q']
                        support_validity[state_id][-1] = True 
                        support_values[state_id][-1]   = values
                    values, param_dict = mdp.solve_mdp(error, init_values=values,
                    support_q_mat[state_id]  = param_dict['q']                    
                    support_values[state_id] = values
                # find all states that gives f_g in states
                for gs in goal_state_ids:
                    k = support_states.index(gs)
                    if k!=state_id:
                        support_q_mat[k] = support_q_mat[state_id]
                # reset
                ## new_rewards = copy.copy(rewards)
                if support_feature_ids is None:
                    new_rewards[s] = 0. 
                    new_rewards[goal_state_ids] = 0.

        pool.map(work, range(0, n_support_states, chunksize))#, reduce=reduce)

    # convert sharedmem array to dict
    support_q_mat_dict    = {}
    support_values_dict   = {}
    support_validity_dict = {}
    for i, s in enumerate(support_states):
        support_q_mat_dict[s]  = np.array(support_q_mat[i])
        support_values_dict[s]  = np.array(support_values[i])
        if cstr_fn is not None:
            support_validity_dict[s] = np.array(support_validity[i])

    if cstr_fn is not None:
        return support_q_mat_dict, support_values_dict, support_validity_dict
        return support_q_mat_dict, support_values_dict
コード例 #17
ファイル: gaussian.py プロジェクト: rainwoodman/lyamock
def main(A):
    # gaussian are used for each subbox.
    # slaves are processes so they won't damage these variables
    # from the master.
    global sightlines

    global deltafield
    global objectidfield
    global velfield

    sightlines = Sightlines(A)
    powerspec = PowerSpectrum(A)
    # fine1 takes some time, so we do it async
    # while initing lya and estimating box layout.
    delta0, var0, disp0 = initcoarse(A, powerspec)
    varlya = initlya(A)

    den1 = density2.Density(A.NmeshFine, 
#            Kmax=A.Kmax,
            Kmin=A.KSplit, power=powerspec, 
            BoxSize=A.BoxSize / A.Nrep)
    layout = A.layout(len(sightlines), chunksize=1024)

    Nsamples = sightlines.Nsamples.sum()
    print 'total number of pixels', Nsamples

    deltafield = sharedmem.empty(shape=Nsamples, dtype='f4')
    velfield = sharedmem.empty(shape=Nsamples, dtype='f4')
    objectidfield = sharedmem.empty(shape=Nsamples, dtype='i4')
    processors = [ 
            (AddDelta, delta0),
            (AddDisp(0), disp0[0]),
            (AddDisp(1), disp0[1]), 
            (AddDisp(2), disp0[2]),

    for proc, d0 in processors:
        proc.prepare(A, d0)

    MemoryBytes = numpy.max([proc.MemoryBytes for proc, d0 in processors])

    np = int((sharedmem.total_memory() - 1024 ** 3) // MemoryBytes)
    np = numpy.min([sharedmem.cpu_count(), np])
    print 'spawn and work, with ', np, 'slaves', \
            'each use', MemoryBytes /1024.**2, 'MB'

    var1list = []
    with sharedmem.Pool(np=np) as pool:
        def work(i, j, k):
            box = layout[i, j, k]
            var = None
            for cls, d0 in processors:
                proc = cls(box, den1, varlya)
                N = 0
                for chunk in box:
                    N += proc.visit(chunk)
                if cls is AddDelta:
                    var1 = proc.var1

                # free memory
                del proc 

                if N == 0: 
                    # no pixels
                    # No need to work on other processors
            print 'done', i, j, k, N, var1
            return var1
        def reduce(v1):
            if v1 is not None:
        pool.map(work, A.yieldwork(), reduce=reduce, star=True)


    D2 = A.cosmology.Dplus(1 / 3.0) / A.cosmology.Dplus(1.0)
    D3 = A.cosmology.Dplus(1 / 4.0) / A.cosmology.Dplus(1.0)
    var1 = numpy.nanmean(var1list)
    var = var0 + var1 + varlya
    print 'gaussian-variance is', var
    numpy.savetxt(A.datadir + '/gaussian-variance.txt', [var])
    print 'lya field', 'var', var
    print 'growth factor at z=2.0, 3.0', D2, D3
    print 'lya variance adjusted to z=2.0, z=3.0', D2 ** 2 * var, D3 **2 * var
コード例 #18
def test_parallel_fit_manual_grids():

    # stimulus features
    viewing_distance = 38
    screen_width = 25
    thetas = np.arange(0,360,45)
    num_blank_steps = 0
    num_bar_steps = 30
    ecc = 10
    tr_length = 1.0
    frames_per_tr = 1.0
    scale_factor = 0.10
    pixels_down = 100
    pixels_across = 100
    dtype = ctypes.c_int16
    voxel_index = (1,2,3)
    auto_fit = True
    verbose = 1
    # create the sweeping bar stimulus in memory
    bar = simulate_bar_stimulus(pixels_across, pixels_down, viewing_distance,
                                screen_width, thetas, num_bar_steps, num_blank_steps, ecc)
    # create an instance of the Stimulus class
    stimulus = VisualStimulus(bar, viewing_distance, screen_width, scale_factor, tr_length, dtype)
    # initialize the gaussian model
    model = og.GaussianModel(stimulus, utils.double_gamma_hrf)
    model.hrf_delay = 0
    # generate a random pRF estimate
    x = -5.24
    y = 2.58
    sigma = 1.24
    beta = 2.5
    baseline = -0.25
    # create the "data"
    data = model.generate_prediction(x, y, sigma, beta, baseline)
    # set search grid
    x_grid = slice(-5,4,5)
    y_grid = slice(-5,7,5)
    s_grid = slice(1/stimulus.ppd,5.25,5)
    b_grid = slice(0.1,4.0,5)
    # set search bounds
    x_bound = (-12.0,12.0)
    y_bound = (-12.0,12.0)
    s_bound = (1/stimulus.ppd,12.0)
    b_bound = (1e-8,1e2)
    m_bound = (None, None)
    # loop over each voxel and set up a GaussianFit object
    grids = (x_grid, y_grid, s_grid,)
    bounds = (x_bound, y_bound, s_bound, b_bound, m_bound)
    # make 3 voxels
    all_data = np.array([data,data,data])
    num_voxels = data.shape[0]
    indices = [(1,2,3)]*3
    # bundle the voxels
    bundle = utils.multiprocess_bundle(og.GaussianFit, model, all_data, grids, bounds, indices)
    # run analysis
    with sharedmem.Pool(np=sharedmem.cpu_count()-1) as pool:
        output = pool.map(utils.parallel_fit, bundle)
    # assert equivalence
    for fit in output:
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.x, x, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.y, y, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.sigma, sigma, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.beta, beta, 2)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(fit.baseline, baseline, 2)
コード例 #19
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: DonRegan/gaepsi
def paint(pos, color, luminosity, sml, camera, CCD, tree=None,
        return_tree_and_sml=False, normalize=True, np=None, direct_write=False,
    """ pos = (x, y, z)
        color can be None or 1 or array
        luminosity can be None or 1 or array
        sml can be None or 1, or array
        camera is Camera
        CCD is array of camera.shape, 2.
        CCD[..., 0] is the color channel (sum of color * luminosity)
        CCD[..., 1] is the luminosity channel (sum of luminosity)

        if color is None, CCD.shape == camera.shape
        if color is not None, 
            CCD.shape == camera.shape, 2
            CCD[..., 0] is color
            CCD[..., 1] is brightness

        if normalize is False, do not do CCD[..., 0] will be
        the weighted sum of color.
        if normalize is True, CCD[..., 0] will be the weighted average of color

        if direct_write is true, each process will directly write to CCD (CCD
        must be on sharedmem)

        if cumulative is False, original content in CCD will be disregarded.
        if cumulative is True, original content in CCD will be preserved (+=)
    CCDlimit = 20 * 1024 * 1024 # 20M pixel per small CCD
    camera.shape = (CCD.shape[0], CCD.shape[1])
    nCCD = int((CCD.shape[0] * CCD.shape[1] / CCDlimit) ** 0.5)
    if np is None: np = sharedmem.cpu_count()
    if nCCD <= np ** 0.5: 
        nCCD = int(np ** 0.5 + 1)
    cams = camera.divide(nCCD, nCCD)
    cams = cams.reshape(-1, 3)

    if tree is None:
        scale = fc.scale([x.min() for x in pos], [x.ptp() for x in pos])
        zkey = sharedmem.empty(len(pos[0]), dtype=fc.fckeytype)

        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 1024
            def work(i):
                sl = slice(i, i+chunksize)        
                x, y, z = pos
                fc.encode(x[sl], y[sl], z[sl], scale=scale, out=zkey[i:i+chunksize])
            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

        arg = sharedmem.argsort(zkey)

        tree = zt.Tree(zkey=zkey, scale=scale, arg=arg, minthresh=8, maxthresh=20)
    if sml is None:
        sml = sharedmem.empty(len(zkey), 'f4')
        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 64
            def work(i):
                setupsml(tree, [x[i:i+chunksize] for x in pos],
            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

    def writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD):
        cam, ox, oy = cams[i]
        #print i, sparse, len(cams)
        if sparse:
            index, C, L = myCCD
            x = index[0] + ox
            y = index[1] + oy
            p = CCD.flat
            if color is not None:
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y, 0), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += C
                    p[ind] = C
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y, 1), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += L
                    p[ind] = L
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += L
                    p[ind] = L
            if color is not None:
                if cumulative:
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1], :] += myCCD
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1], :] = myCCD
                if cumulative:
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1]] += myCCD[..., 1]
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy+cam.shape[1]] = myCCD[..., 1]

    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
        def work(i):
            cam, ox, oy = cams[i]
            myCCD = numpy.zeros(cam.shape, dtype=('f8', 2))
            cam.paint(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 
                    sml, color, luminosity, out=myCCD, tree=tree)
            mask = (myCCD[..., 1] != 0)
            if mask.sum() < 0.1 * myCCD[..., 1].size:
                index = mask.nonzero()
                C = myCCD[..., 0][mask]
                L = myCCD[..., 1][mask]
                sparse, myCCD = True, (index, C, L)
                sparse, myCCD = False, myCCD
            if not direct_write:
                return i, sparse, myCCD
                writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD)
                return 0, 0, 0
        def reduce(i, sparse, myCCD):
            if not direct_write:
                writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD)
        pool.map(work, range(len(cams)), reduce=reduce)

    if color is not None and normalize:
        CCD[..., 0] /= CCD[..., 1]
    if return_tree_and_sml:
        return CCD, tree, sml
        tree = None
        sml = None
        return CCD
コード例 #20
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: Jravis/gaepsi
def paint(pos,
    """ pos = (x, y, z)
        color can be None or 1 or array
        luminosity can be None or 1 or array
        sml can be None or 1, or array
        camera is Camera
        CCD is array of camera.shape, 2.
        CCD[..., 0] is the color channel (sum of color * luminosity)
        CCD[..., 1] is the luminosity channel (sum of luminosity)

        if color is None, CCD.shape == camera.shape
        if color is not None, 
            CCD.shape == camera.shape, 2
            CCD[..., 0] is color
            CCD[..., 1] is brightness

        if normalize is False, do not do CCD[..., 0] will be
        the weighted sum of color.
        if normalize is True, CCD[..., 0] will be the weighted average of color

        if direct_write is true, each process will directly write to CCD (CCD
        must be on sharedmem)

        if cumulative is False, original content in CCD will be disregarded.
        if cumulative is True, original content in CCD will be preserved (+=)
    CCDlimit = 20 * 1024 * 1024  # 20M pixel per small CCD
    camera.shape = (CCD.shape[0], CCD.shape[1])
    nCCD = int((CCD.shape[0] * CCD.shape[1] / CCDlimit)**0.5)
    if np is None: np = sharedmem.cpu_count()
    if nCCD <= np**0.5:
        nCCD = int(np**0.5 + 1)
    cams = camera.divide(nCCD, nCCD)
    cams = cams.reshape(-1, 3)

    if tree is None:
        scale = fc.scale([x.min() for x in pos], [x.ptp() for x in pos])
        zkey = sharedmem.empty(len(pos[0]), dtype=fc.fckeytype)

        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 1024

            def work(i):
                sl = slice(i, i + chunksize)
                x, y, z = pos
                          out=zkey[i:i + chunksize])

            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

        arg = numpy.argsort(zkey)

        tree = zt.Tree(zkey=zkey,
    if sml is None:
        sml = sharedmem.empty(len(zkey), 'f4')
        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 64

            def work(i):
                setupsml(tree, [x[i:i + chunksize] for x in pos],
                         out=sml[i:i + chunksize])

            pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

    def writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD):
        cam, ox, oy = cams[i]
        #print i, sparse, len(cams)
        if sparse:
            index, C, L = myCCD
            x = index[0] + ox
            y = index[1] + oy
            p = CCD.flat
            if color is not None:
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y, 0), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += C
                    p[ind] = C
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y, 1), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += L
                    p[ind] = L
                ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index((x, y), CCD.shape)
                if cumulative:
                    p[ind] += L
                    p[ind] = L
            if color is not None:
                if cumulative:
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy + cam.shape[1], :] += myCCD
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0], oy:oy + cam.shape[1], :] = myCCD
                if cumulative:
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0],
                        oy:oy + cam.shape[1]] += myCCD[..., 1]
                    CCD[ox:ox + cam.shape[0],
                        oy:oy + cam.shape[1]] = myCCD[..., 1]

    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:

        def work(i):
            cam, ox, oy = cams[i]
            myCCD = numpy.zeros(cam.shape, dtype=('f8', 2))
            mask = (myCCD[..., 1] != 0)
            if mask.sum() < 0.1 * myCCD[..., 1].size:
                index = mask.nonzero()
                C = myCCD[..., 0][mask]
                L = myCCD[..., 1][mask]
                sparse, myCCD = True, (index, C, L)
                sparse, myCCD = False, myCCD
            if not direct_write:
                return i, sparse, myCCD
                writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD)
                return 0, 0, 0

        def reduce(i, sparse, myCCD):
            if not direct_write:
                writeCCD(i, sparse, myCCD)

        pool.map(work, range(len(cams)), reduce=reduce)

    if color is not None and normalize:
        CCD[..., 0] /= CCD[..., 1]
    if return_tree_and_sml:
        return CCD, tree, sml
        tree = None
        sml = None
        return CCD