コード例 #1
def dvinddzeta(zetac, Surf_in, IsBound, M_in_bound=None):
    Produces derivatives of induced velocity by Surf_in w.r.t. the zetac point.
    Derivatives are divided into those associated to the movement of zetac, and
    to the movement of the Surf_in vertices (DerVert).

    If Surf_in is bound (IsBound==True), the circulation over the TE due to the
    wake is not included in the input.

    If Surf_in is a wake (IsBound==False), derivatives w.r.t. collocation
    points are computed ad the TE contribution on DerVert. In this case, the
    chordwise paneling Min_bound of the associated input is required so as to
    calculate Kzeta and correctly allocate the derivative matrix.

    The output derivatives are:
    - Dercoll: 3 x 3 matrix
    - Dervert: 3 x 3*Kzeta (if Surf_in is a wake, Kzeta is that of the bound)

    zetac must be contiguously stored!

    M_in, N_in = Surf_in.maps.M, Surf_in.maps.N
    Kzeta_in = Surf_in.maps.Kzeta
    shape_zeta_in = (3, M_in + 1, N_in + 1)

    # allocate matrices
    Dercoll = np.zeros((3, 3))

    if IsBound:
        """ Bound: scan everthing, and include every derivative. The TE is not
        scanned twice"""

        Dervert = np.zeros((3, 3 * Kzeta_in))

        for pp_in in itertools.product(range(0, M_in), range(0, N_in)):
            mm_in, nn_in = pp_in
            # zeta_panel_in=Surf_in.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm_in,nn_in)
            zeta_panel_in = Surf_in.zeta[:, [
                mm_in + 0, mm_in + 1, mm_in + 1, mm_in + 0
            ], [nn_in + 0, nn_in + 0, nn_in + 1, nn_in + 1]].T
            # get local derivatives
            der_zetac, der_zeta_panel = eval_panel_cpp(
                zetac, zeta_panel_in, gamma_pan=Surf_in.gamma[mm_in, nn_in])
            ### Mid-segment point contribution
            Dercoll += der_zetac
            ### Panel vertices contribution
            for vv_in in range(4):
                # get vertices m,n indices
                mm_v, nn_v = mm_in + dmver[vv_in], nn_in + dnver[vv_in]
                # get vertices 1d index
                jj_v = [
                    np.ravel_multi_index((cc, mm_v, nn_v), shape_zeta_in)
                    for cc in range(3)
                Dervert[:, jj_v] += der_zeta_panel[vv_in, :, :]

        All segments are scanned when computing the contrib. Dercoll. The
        TE is scanned a second time to include the contrib. due to the TE
        elements moviment. The Dervert shape is computed using the chordwse
        paneling of the associated bound surface (M_in_bound).

        Kzeta_in_bound = (M_in_bound + 1) * (N_in + 1)
        Dervert = np.zeros((3, 3 * Kzeta_in_bound))

        ### loop all panels (coll. contrib)
        for pp_in in itertools.product(range(0, M_in), range(0, N_in)):
            mm_in, nn_in = pp_in
            # zeta_panel_in=Surf_in.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm_in,nn_in)
            zeta_panel_in = Surf_in.zeta[:, [
                mm_in + 0, mm_in + 1, mm_in + 1, mm_in + 0
            ], [nn_in + 0, nn_in + 0, nn_in + 1, nn_in + 1]].T
            # get local derivatives
            der_zetac = dbiot.eval_panel_cpp_coll(
                zetac, zeta_panel_in, gamma_pan=Surf_in.gamma[mm_in, nn_in])
            # der_zetac_fast=dbiot.eval_panel_fast_coll(
            # 		zetac,zeta_panel_in,gamma_pan=Surf_in.gamma[mm_in,nn_in])
            # if np.max(np.abs(der_zetac-der_zetac_fast))>1e-10:
            # 	embed()

            ### Mid-segment point contribution
            Dercoll += der_zetac

        ### Re-scan the TE to include vertex contrib.
        # vertex 0 of wake is vertex 1 of bound (local no.)
        # vertex 3 of wake is vertex 2 of bound (local no.)
        vvec = [0, 3]  # vertices to include
        dn = [0,
              1]  # delta to go from (m,n) panel to (m,n) vertices (on bound)

        shape_zeta_in_bound = (3, M_in_bound + 1, N_in + 1)
        for nn_in in range(N_in):
            # zeta_panel_in=Surf_in.get_panel_vertices_coords(0,nn_in)
            zeta_panel_in = Surf_in.zeta[:, [0, 1, 1, 0], [
                nn_in + 0, nn_in + 0, nn_in + 1, nn_in + 1
            # get local derivatives
            _, der_zeta_panel = eval_panel_cpp(zetac,

            for vv in range(2):
                nn_v = nn_in + dn[vv]
                jj_v = []
                for cc in range(3):
                        np.ravel_multi_index((cc, M_in_bound, nn_v),
                Dervert[:, jj_v] += der_zeta_panel[vvec[vv], :, :]

    return Dercoll, Dervert
コード例 #2
ファイル: lib_dbiot.py プロジェクト: sananazir/sharpy
 def run_eval_panel_cpp():
     for ii in range(10000):
         eval_panel_cpp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, 1e-6,
                        gamma_pan=3.)  # vortex_radius
コード例 #3
ファイル: lib_dbiot.py プロジェクト: sananazir/sharpy
def eval_panel_cpp_coll(zetaP, ZetaPanel, vortex_radius, gamma_pan=1.0):
    DerP, DerVertices = eval_panel_cpp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, vortex_radius,
    return DerP
コード例 #4
ファイル: lib_dbiot.py プロジェクト: sananazir/sharpy
    zetaP = np.array([3.0, 5.5, 2.0])
    zeta0 = np.array([1.0, 3.0, 0.9])
    zeta1 = np.array([5.0, 3.1, 1.9])
    zeta2 = np.array([4.8, 8.1, 2.5])
    zeta3 = np.array([0.9, 7.9, 1.7])
    ZetaPanel = np.array([zeta0, zeta1, zeta2, zeta3])
    zetap = 0.3 * zeta1 + 0.7 * zeta2

    # ZetaPanel=np.array([[ 1.221, -0.064, -0.085],
    #        				[ 1.826, -0.064, -0.141],
    #        				[ 1.933,  1.456, -0.142],
    #        				[ 1.327,  1.456, -0.087]])
    # zetaP=np.array([-0.243,  0.776,  0.037])

    ### verify model consistency
    DPcpp, DVcpp = eval_panel_cpp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, 1e-6,
                                  gamma_pan=gamma)  # vortex_radius
    DPexp, DVexp = eval_panel_exp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)
    DPcomp, DVcomp = eval_panel_comp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)
    DPfast, DVfast = eval_panel_fast(zetaP,
    DPfast_coll = eval_panel_fast_coll(zetaP,

    ermax = max(np.max(np.abs(DPcpp - DPexp)), np.max(np.abs(DVcpp - DVexp)))
    assert ermax < 1e-15, 'eval_panel_cpp not matching with eval_panel_exp'
    ermax = max(np.max(np.abs(DPcomp - DPexp)), np.max(np.abs(DVcomp - DVexp)))
    assert ermax < 1e-15, 'eval_panel_comp not matching with eval_panel_exp'
コード例 #5
 def run_eval_panel_cpp():
     for ii in range(10000):
         eval_panel_cpp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=3.)
コード例 #6
    zetaP = np.array([3.0, 5.5, 2.0])
    zeta0 = np.array([1.0, 3.0, 0.9])
    zeta1 = np.array([5.0, 3.1, 1.9])
    zeta2 = np.array([4.8, 8.1, 2.5])
    zeta3 = np.array([0.9, 7.9, 1.7])
    ZetaPanel = np.array([zeta0, zeta1, zeta2, zeta3])
    zetap = 0.3 * zeta1 + 0.7 * zeta2

    # ZetaPanel=np.array([[ 1.221, -0.064, -0.085],
    #        				[ 1.826, -0.064, -0.141],
    #        				[ 1.933,  1.456, -0.142],
    #        				[ 1.327,  1.456, -0.087]])
    # zetaP=np.array([-0.243,  0.776,  0.037])

    ### verify model consistency
    DPcpp, DVcpp = eval_panel_cpp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)
    DPexp, DVexp = eval_panel_exp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)
    DPcomp, DVcomp = eval_panel_comp(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)
    DPfast, DVfast = eval_panel_fast(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)
    DPfast_coll = eval_panel_fast_coll(zetaP, ZetaPanel, gamma_pan=gamma)

    ermax = max(np.max(np.abs(DPcpp - DPexp)), np.max(np.abs(DVcpp - DVexp)))
    assert ermax < 1e-15, 'eval_panel_cpp not matching with eval_panel_exp'
    ermax = max(np.max(np.abs(DPcomp - DPexp)), np.max(np.abs(DVcomp - DVexp)))
    assert ermax < 1e-15, 'eval_panel_comp not matching with eval_panel_exp'
    ermax = max(np.max(np.abs(DPfast - DPexp)), np.max(np.abs(DVfast - DVexp)))
    assert ermax < 1e-15, 'eval_panel_fast not matching with eval_panel_exp'
    ermax = np.max(np.abs(DPfast_coll - DPexp))
    assert ermax < 1e-15, 'eval_panel_fast_coll not matching with eval_panel_exp'