def main(argv): #default: M = 'yolov3' gpu = '0' path = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hm:p:g:', ['m=', 'path=', 'gpu=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -p <path> -g <gpu>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -p <path> -g <gpu>') elif opt in ['-m', '--M']: M = arg elif opt in ['-p', '--path']: path = arg elif opt in ['-g', '--gpu']: gpu = arg if path == None: raise ValueError('you should specify the model path via [python convertor -p /path/to/model/weights]') print('model: [%s], gpu: [%s], weights: [%s]'%(M, gpu, path)) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu config = Config(M) config.mgn = True model = MODELS(config = config).model load_weights_by_name(model, path) load_weights_by_name(model, os.path.join(parpath, 'pretrained_weights/%s.h5'%M)) saved_path = os.path.join(parpath, 'saved_weights/%s_reid.h5'%M) print('weights saving to %s'%saved_path) model.save_weights(saved_path)
class ELAPSEDTIME(): def __init__(self, dataset, reid, detector='yolov3'): self.detector = detector self.reid = reid self.dataset = dataset self.config = Config(detector) self.DA = DA('validation', self.config) def load_model(self, ): if self.reid: self.model = MODELS(self.config).load_model() else: self.model = MODELS( self.config, model_type='detection').load_model(model_name='') def timer(self, ): if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) pool = loadmat( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/pool.mat'))['pool'].squeeze() gallery = [imname[0] for imname in pool] if not hasattr(self, 'model'): self.load_model() t_step1, t_step2 = 0, 0 overall_timer_start = time.time() for i, inmame in enumerate(gallery): step0_timer = time.time() img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/Image/SSM/', inmame)) input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = self.DA(img, []) step1_timer = time.time() t_step1 += (step1_timer - step0_timer) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': self.model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ])[0] else: self.model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])])[0] step2_timer = time.time() t_step2 += (step2_timer - step1_timer) print("\r%d|%d|%.3f|%.3f|%.3f" % (i + 1, len(gallery), step2_timer - overall_timer_start, t_step1, t_step2), end='') t_all = time.time() - overall_timer_start return [t_all, t_step1, t_step2]
def main(argv): M = 'yolov3' gpu = '0' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hm:g:', ['m=', 'gpu=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -g <gpu>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -g <gpu>') elif opt in ['-m', '--M']: M = arg elif opt in ['-g', '--gpu']: gpu = arg print('model: [%s] gpu: [%s]' % (M, gpu)) os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu config = Config(M) model = MODELS(config, model_type='detection').load_model() print('saving model to pretrained_weights/%s.h5' % config.M) model.save_weights( os.path.join(parpath, 'pretrained_weights/%s.h5' % config.M))
def load_model(self, ): self.reid_model = MODELS(config=self.config).load_model()
class EVALUATION(): def __init__(self, dataset, detector='yolov3', experiment_name='default', overwrite=False): self.detector = detector self.dataset = dataset self.overwrite = overwrite self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.checkdir() self.config = Config(detector) self.DA = DA('validation', self.config) def get_sims(self, gfeats, qfeat, _eval=True): ''' gfeats: gallery features qfeat: query feature ''' if _eval: return gfeats_norm = np.linalg.norm(gfeats, keepdims=True, axis=-1) qfeat_norm = np.linalg.norm(qfeat, keepdims=True) gfeats_nl = gfeats / gfeats_norm qfeat_nl = qfeat / qfeat_norm sim = return sim def checkdir(self, ): dirpath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print('experiment [%s] existed' % self.experiment_name) if self.overwrite: print('cleaning experiment [%s] [overwrite == True]' % self.experiment_name) shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print( 'it seems the experiment directory can not be deleted. please check the status of the directory %s' % dirpath) os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) else: print( 'the results of experiment [%s] will be reused [overwrite == False]' % self.experiment_name) else: os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) def load_model(self, ): self.reid_model = MODELS(config=self.config).load_model() def simple_evaluation(self, model, gallery_size=50): #extract query feature vectors TestG50 = loadmat( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/test/train_test/TestG50.mat') )['TestG50'].squeeze() qfeatures = [] for item in TestG50['Query']: img_name = item['imname'][0, 0][0] roi = item['idlocate'][0, 0][0].astype(np.int32) img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/Image/SSM/', img_name)) input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = self.DA(img, [roi]) feature = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack([input_ids]) ]) qfeatures.append( [img_name, feature[0, :, 0, 0, :], np.array([roi])]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(qfeatures), len(TestG50['Query'])), end='') print('') #extract gallery feature vectors filepath = os.path.join( parpath, 'experiment_results/cuhk_%s_gallery.pkl' % self.config.M) assert os.path.exists(filepath) f = open(filepath, 'rb') pre_gallery = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') gallery = [] for item in pre_gallery: imname, features, boxes = item if features is None: features = np.zeros([0, 256], dtype=np.float32) boxes = np.zeros([0, 5], dtype=np.float32) img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/Image/SSM/', imname)) #xyxy 2 xywh t_boxes = boxes.copy() t_boxes[:, 2:4] -= t_boxes[:, :2] input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = self.DA( img, t_boxes[:, :4]) feats = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack([input_ids]) ]) gallery.append([imname, feats[0, :, 0, 0, :], boxes]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(pre_gallery)), end='') print('') name_to_det_feat = {} for img_name, features, boxes in gallery: name_to_det_feat[img_name] = (boxes, features) return self.evaluation(qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval=False, gallery_size=gallery_size) def evaluation(self, qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval, gallery_size=100): fname = 'TestG{}'.format(gallery_size if (gallery_size != -1) else 50) protoc = loadmat( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/test/train_test', fname + '.mat'))[fname].squeeze() aps, accs, topk = [], [], [1, 5, 10] all_recall_rate = [] tape = {} for i in range(len(qfeatures)): y_true, y_score = [], [] y_boxes, y_gname = [], [] count_gt, count_tp = 0, 0 qimg_name, qfeat, qbox = qfeatures[i] probe_imname = str(protoc['Query'][i]['imname'][0, 0][0]) assert probe_imname == qimg_name tested = set([probe_imname]) for item in protoc['Gallery'][i].squeeze(): gallery_imname = str(item[0][0]) gt = item[1][0].astype(np.int32) gt[2:] += gt[:2] count_gt += (gt.size > 0) if gallery_imname not in name_to_det_feat: continue gboxes, gfeatures = name_to_det_feat[gallery_imname] sim = self.get_sims(gfeatures, qfeat, _eval) label = np.zeros(len(sim), dtype=np.int32) if gt.size > 0: w, h = gt[2] - gt[0], gt[3] - gt[1] iou_thresh = min(0.5, (w * h * 1.0) / ((w + 10) * (h + 10))) inds = np.argsort(sim)[::-1] sim = sim[inds] gboxes = gboxes[inds] for j, roi in enumerate(gboxes[:, :4]): if self._compute_iou(roi, gt) >= iou_thresh: label[j] = 1 count_tp += 1 break y_true.extend(list(label)) y_score.extend(list(sim)) y_boxes.extend(list(gboxes)) y_gname.extend([gallery_imname for _ in gboxes]) tested.add(gallery_imname) if gallery_size == -1: for gallery_imname in name_to_det_feat.keys(): if gallery_imname in tested: continue gboxes, gfeatures = name_to_det_feat[gallery_imname] sim = self.get_sims(gfeatures, qfeat, _eval) label = np.zeros(len(sim), dtype=np.int32) y_true.extend(list(label)) y_score.extend(list(sim)) y_boxes.extend(list(gboxes)) y_gname.extend([gallery_imname for _ in gboxes]) y_score = np.array(y_score) y_true = np.array(y_true) y_boxes = np.array(y_boxes) y_gname = np.array(y_gname) assert count_tp <= count_gt recall_rate = count_tp * 1.0 / count_gt all_recall_rate.append(recall_rate) ap = 0 if count_tp == 0 else \ average_precision_score(y_true, y_score) * recall_rate aps.append(ap) inds = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1] y_score = y_score[inds] y_true = y_true[inds] y_boxes = y_boxes[inds] y_gname = y_gname[inds] acc = [min(1, sum(y_true[:k])) for k in topk] accs.append(acc) tape[qimg_name] = [ i, qbox, ap, acc, recall_rate, y_score, y_true, y_boxes, y_gname ] print("\r%d:\t%d|%d|%.2f|%.2f" % (gallery_size, len(aps), len(qfeatures), np.mean(aps), np.mean(accs, axis=0)[0]), end='') print('') print('search ranking:') print('aRR:%.4f' % np.mean(all_recall_rate)) print(' mAP = {:.2%}'.format(np.mean(aps))) accs = np.mean(accs, axis=0) for i, k in enumerate(topk): print(' top-{:2d} = {:.2%}'.format(k, accs[i])) if gallery_size == -1: record_aps = [] new_tape = {} for key in tape.keys(): record_aps.append(tape[key][2]) record_aps.sort() th = record_aps[50] for key in tape.keys(): if tape[key][2] > th: continue new_tape[key] = tape[key] filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_tape.pkl' % self.config.M) pickle.dump(new_tape, filepath) return aps, accs def query_feature_extractor(self, ): filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_query_features.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(filepath): return if not hasattr(self, 'reid_model'): self.load_model() if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) TestG50 = loadmat( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/test/train_test/TestG50.mat') )['TestG50'].squeeze() query_features = [] for item in TestG50['Query']: img_name = item['imname'][0, 0][0] roi = item['idlocate'][0, 0][0].astype(np.int32) img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/Image/SSM/', img_name)) input_img, input_box, _, meta = self.DA(img, [roi]) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': feature = self.reid_model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ])[0] else: feature = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])])[0] query_features.append([img_name, feature[0], np.array([roi])]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(query_features), len(TestG50['Query'])), end='') print('') self.query_features = query_features f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(query_features, f) f.close() return def oim_evaluation(self, gallery_size=100): gfilepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results/oim_gallery.pkl') f = open(gfilepath, 'rb') gfeatures = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') f.close() qfilepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results/oim_query.pkl') f = open(qfilepath, 'rb') qfeatures = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') f.close() name_to_det_feat = {} for imname, features, boxes in gfeatures: if features is None: features = np.zeros([0, 256], dtype=np.float32) boxes = np.zeros([0, 4], dtype=np.float32) name_to_det_feat[imname] = (boxes, features) res = {} gallery_length = [50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, -1] for gallery_size in gallery_length: res[gallery_size] = self.evaluation(qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval=True, gallery_size=gallery_size) f = open(os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', 'oim_res.pkl'), 'wb') pickle.dump(res, f) f.close() def gallery_feature_extractor(self, ): filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_gallery_features.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(filepath): return if not hasattr(self, 'reid_model'): self.load_model() if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) pool_path = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/pool.mat') if not os.path.exists(pool_path): raise ValueError('cannot found %s' % pool_path) pool = loadmat(pool_path)['pool'].squeeze() imnames = [imname[0] for imname in pool] gallery = [] for imname in imnames: img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/Image/SSM/', imname)) input_img, input_box, _, meta = self.DA(img, []) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) elif self.config.M == 'dla_34': feats, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) else: feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) det = self.DA.unmold(det[0], meta) det[:, 2:] += det[:, :2] gallery.append([imname, det_features[0], det]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(imnames)), end='') print('') f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(gallery, f) f.close() return def private_detector_evaluation(self, gallery_size=100): print( 'the results of this experiment using end-to-end detector [%s] + feature extractor [%s%s]' % (self.config.M, self.config.M, '_mgn' if self.config.mgn else '')) topk = [1, 5, 10] gallery_length = [50, -1, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000] respath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_res.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(respath): f = open(respath, 'rb') res = pickle.load(f) f.close() for gallery_size in gallery_length: aps, accs = res[gallery_size] print(gallery_size) print(' mAP = {:.2%}'.format(np.mean(aps))) for i, k in enumerate(topk): print(' top-{:2d} = {:.2%}'.format(k, accs[i])) return qfilepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_query_features.pkl' % self.config.M) assert os.path.exists(qfilepath) f = open(qfilepath, 'rb') qfeatures = pickle.load(f) f.close() gfilepath = os.path.join( parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_gallery_features.pkl' % self.config.M) assert os.path.exists(gfilepath) f = open(gfilepath, 'rb') gfeatures = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') f.close() name_to_det_feat = {} for img_name, features, boxes in gfeatures: name_to_det_feat[img_name] = (boxes, features) res = {} for gallery_size in gallery_length: res[gallery_size] = self.evaluation(qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval=True, gallery_size=gallery_size) f = open(respath, 'wb') pickle.dump(res, f) f.close() def _compute_iou(self, box1, box2): a, b = box1.copy(), box2.copy() x1 = max(a[0], b[0]) y1 = max(a[1], b[1]) x2 = min(a[2], b[2]) y2 = min(a[3], b[3]) inter = max(0, x2 - x1) * max(0, y2 - y1) union = (a[2] - a[0]) * (a[3] - a[1]) + (b[2] - b[0]) * (b[3] - b[1]) - inter return inter * 1.0 / union
class EVALUATION(): def __init__(self, dataset, detector='yolov3', experiment_name='default', overwrite=False): if dataset is None: return self.detector = detector self.dataset = dataset self.overwrite = overwrite self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.checkdir() self.config = Config(detector) self.DA = DA('validation', self.config) self.load_gallery() def checkdir(self, ): dirpath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print('experiment [%s] existed' % self.experiment_name) if self.overwrite: print('cleaning experiment [%s] [overwrite == True]' % self.experiment_name) shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print( 'it seems the experiment directory can not be deleted. please check the status of the directory %s' % dirpath) os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) else: print( 'the results of experiment [%s] will be reused [overwrite == False]' % self.experiment_name) else: os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) def load_model(self, ): self.reid_model = MODELS(config=self.config).load_model() def load_gallery(self): self.gallery_dict = {} frame_test = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frame_test.mat')) frame_indices = frame_test['img_index_test'] for index, im_name in enumerate(frame_indices[:, 0]): mat = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'annotations', im_name[0] + '.jpg.mat')) boxes = mat[list(mat.keys())[-1]] ids = boxes[:, 0] boxes = boxes[:, 1:5] self.gallery_dict[im_name[0] + '.jpg'] = [im_name[0] + '.jpg', boxes, ids] def TSNE(self, ): fTSNE_features = os.path.join( parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_TSNE_features.pkl' % self.config.M) fTSNE_id = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_TSNE_id.pkl' % self.config.M) fTSNE_imgs = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_TSNE_imgs.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(fTSNE_features): f = open(fTSNE_features, 'rb') TSNE_features = pickle.load(f) f = open(fTSNE_id, 'rb') TSNE_id = pickle.load(f) f.close() else: if not hasattr(self, 'reid_model'): self.load_model() if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) TSNE_features = [] TSNE_id = [] TSNE_imgs = [] gallery = [] for imname in self.gallery_dict.keys(): _, boxes, ids = self.gallery_dict[imname] img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frames', imname)) input_img, input_box, _, meta = self.DA(img, boxes) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack( [self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) else: feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) for i, feat in enumerate(feats[0]): TSNE_features.append(feat) TSNE_id.append(ids[i]) x, y, w, h = boxes[i] TSNE_imgs.append(img[int(y):int(y + h), int(x):int(x + w), :]) gallery.append(imname) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(self.gallery_dict)), end='') print('') TSNE_features = np.array(TSNE_features) TSNE_id = np.array(TSNE_id) f = open(fTSNE_features, 'wb') pickle.dump(TSNE_features, f) f.close() f = open(fTSNE_id, 'wb') pickle.dump(TSNE_id, f) f.close() f = open(fTSNE_imgs, 'wb') pickle.dump(TSNE_imgs, f) f.close()
def main(argv): M = 'yolov3' gpu = '0' image_path = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hm:g:p:', ['m=', 'gpu=', 'path=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -g <gpu>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -g <gpu>') elif opt in ['-m', '--M']: M = arg elif opt in ['-p', '--path']: image_path = arg elif opt in ['-g', '--gpu']: gpu = arg print('model: [%s] gpu: [%s]' % (M, gpu)) os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) set_session(sess) if not os.path.exists(image_path): raise ValueError( 'you must specify a image for testing %s' % ('' if image_path is None else 'bad image path: [%s]' % image_path)) config = Config(M) model_path = os.path.join(parpath, 'pretrained_weights/%s.h5' % config.M) model = MODELS(config, model_type='detection').load_model(model_name='') #test da = DA('validation', config) img = cv2.imread(image_path) input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = da(img, []) cv2.imwrite('input_img.jpg', (input_img * 255).astype(np.uint8)) if config.M == 'mrcnn': anchors = ANCHORS(config) detection, detection_score = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) else: detection, detection_score = model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) detection = da.unmold(detection[0], meta) image = draw(img, detection, detection_score) print(detection_score) print(detection) cv2.imwrite('%s_test.jpg' % config.M, image) print('detection results saved as: %s_test.jpg' % config.M)
def load_model(self, ): if self.reid: self.model = MODELS(self.config).load_model() else: self.model = MODELS( self.config, model_type='detection').load_model(model_name='')
class EVALUATION(): def __init__(self, dataset, detector='yolov3', experiment_name='default', overwrite=False): if dataset is None: return self.detector = detector self.dataset = dataset self.overwrite = overwrite self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.checkdir() self.config = Config(detector) self.DA = DA('validation', self.config) self.load_gallery() def checkdir(self, ): dirpath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print('experiment [%s] existed' % self.experiment_name) if self.overwrite: print('cleaning experiment [%s] [overwrite == True]' % self.experiment_name) shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print( 'it seems the experiment directory can not be deleted. please check the status of the directory %s' % dirpath) os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) else: print( 'the results of experiment [%s] will be reused [overwrite == False]' % self.experiment_name) else: os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) def load_gallery(self, ): pool_path = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/pool.mat') Person_path = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/annotation/Person.mat') if not os.path.exists(pool_path): raise ValueError('cannot found %s' % pool_path) pool =['pool'].squeeze() Person =['Person'].squeeze() imnames = [imname[0] for imname in pool] images = {} for person in Person: pid = int(person[0][0][1:]) for item in person[2][0]: if item[0][0] in images: images[item[0][0]][0].append(item[1][0].tolist()) images[item[0][0]][1].append(pid) else: images[item[0][0]] = [[item[1][0].tolist()], [pid]] self.gallery_dict = {} for key in images.keys(): if key in imnames: self.gallery_dict[key] = images[key] def load_model(self, ): self.reid_model = MODELS(self.config).load_model() def TSNE(self, ): fTSNE_features = os.path.join( parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_TSNE_features.pkl' % self.config.M) fTSNE_id = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_TSNE_id.pkl' % self.config.M) fTSNE_imgs = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'cuhk_%s_TSNE_imgs.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(fTSNE_features): f = open(fTSNE_features, 'rb') TSNE_features = pickle.load(f) f = open(fTSNE_id, 'rb') TSNE_id = pickle.load(f) f.close() else: if not hasattr(self, 'reid_model'): self.load_model() if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) TSNE_features = [] TSNE_id = [] TSNE_imgs = [] gallery = [] for imname in self.gallery_dict.keys(): boxes, ids = self.gallery_dict[imname] img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(self.dataset, 'dataset/Image/SSM', imname)) input_img, input_box, _, meta = self.DA(img, boxes) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack( [self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) else: feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) for i, feat in enumerate(feats[0]): TSNE_features.append(feat) TSNE_id.append(ids[i]) x, y, w, h = boxes[i] TSNE_imgs.append(img[int(y):int(y + h), int(x):int(x + w), :]) gallery.append(imname) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(self.gallery_dict)), end='') print('') TSNE_features = np.array(TSNE_features) TSNE_id = np.array(TSNE_id) f = open(fTSNE_features, 'wb') pickle.dump(TSNE_features, f) f.close() f = open(fTSNE_id, 'wb') pickle.dump(TSNE_id, f) f.close() f = open(fTSNE_imgs, 'wb') pickle.dump(TSNE_imgs, f) f.close()
def main(argv): M = 'yolov3' gpu = '0' CUHK_SYSU = "/home/ronghua/Projects/data/dataset-v2/" PRW = '/home/ronghua/Projects/data/PRW-v16.04.20/' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hm:g:p:c:', ['m=', 'gpu=', 'prw=', 'cuhk=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -g <gpu>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(argv[0] + ' -m <M> -g <gpu>') elif opt in ['-m', '--M']: M = arg elif opt in ['-p', '--path']: PRW = arg elif opt in ['-c', '--cuhk']: CUHK_SYSU = arg elif opt in ['-g', '--gpu']: gpu = arg print('model: [%s] gpu: [%s], CUHK_SYSU: [%s], PRW: [%s]' % (M, gpu, CUHK_SYSU, PRW)) os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu dataset = False if os.path.exists(CUHK_SYSU): dataset = True if os.path.exists(PRW): dataset = True if not dataset: raise ValueError( 'you should specify at least one dataset [CUHK_SYSU or PRW]') config = Config(M) model_path = os.path.join(parpath, 'pretrained_weights/%s.h5' % config.M) model = MODELS(config, model_type='detection').load_model(model_name='') if config.M == 'mrcnn': anchors = ANCHORS(config) load_weights_by_name(model, model_path) da = DA('validation', config) if os.path.exists(CUHK_SYSU): filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', 'cuhk_%s_gallery.pkl' % config.M) if os.path.exists(filepath): print('cuhk_%s_gallery.pkl exists.' % config.M) else: print('creating cuhk-sysu gallery for %s' % config.M) gallery = [] pool_path = os.path.join(CUHK_SYSU, 'dataset/annotation/pool.mat') if not os.path.exists(pool_path): raise ValueError('cannot found %s' % pool_path) pool = loadmat(pool_path)['pool'].squeeze() imnames = [imname[0] for imname in pool] for imname in imnames: img = cv2.imread( os.path.join(CUHK_SYSU, 'dataset/Image/SSM/', imname)) input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = da(img, []) if config.M == 'mrcnn': detection, scores = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) else: detection, scores = model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) detection = da.unmold(detection[0], meta) detection[:, 2:] += detection[:, :2] features = np.zeros([len(detection), 0]) gallery.append([imname, features, detection]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(imnames)), end='') print('') f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(gallery, f) f.close() if os.path.exists(PRW): filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', 'prw_%s_gallery.pkl' % config.M) if os.path.exists(filepath): print('prw_%s_gallery.pkl exists.' % config.M) else: print('creating prw gallery for %s' % config.M) gallery = [] frame_test_path = os.path.join(PRW, 'frame_test.mat') if not os.path.exists(frame_test_path): raise ValueError('cannot found %s' % frame_test_path) frame_indices = loadmat( frame_test_path)['img_index_test'].squeeze() imnames = [imname[0] + '.jpg' for imname in frame_indices] for imname in imnames: img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(PRW, 'frames', imname)) input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = da(img, []) if config.M == 'mrcnn': detection, scores = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) else: detection, scores = model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) detection = da.unmold(detection[0], meta) detection[:, 2:] += detection[:, :2] features = np.zeros([len(detection), 0]) gallery.append([imname, features, detection]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(imnames)), end='') print('') f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(gallery, f) f.close()
class EVALUATION(): def __init__(self, dataset, detector='yolov3', experiment_name='default', overwrite=False): if dataset is None: return self.detector = detector self.dataset = dataset self.overwrite = overwrite self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.checkdir() self.config = Config(detector) self.DA = DA('validation', self.config) self.load_gallery() self.load_query() def get_sims(self, gfeats, qfeat, _eval=True): ''' gfeats: gallery features qfeat: query feature ''' if _eval: return gfeats_norm = np.linalg.norm(gfeats, keepdims=True, axis=-1) qfeat_norm = np.linalg.norm(qfeat, keepdims=True) gfeats_nl = gfeats / gfeats_norm qfeat_nl = qfeat / qfeat_norm sim = return sim def checkdir(self, ): dirpath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print('experiment [%s] existed' % self.experiment_name) if self.overwrite: print('cleaning experiment [%s] [overwrite == True]' % self.experiment_name) shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(dirpath): print( 'it seems the experiment directory can not be deleted. please check the status of the directory %s' % dirpath) os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) else: print( 'the results of experiment [%s] will be reused [overwrite == False]' % self.experiment_name) else: os.mkdir(dirpath) assert os.path.exists(dirpath) def load_model(self, ): self.reid_model = MODELS(config=self.config).load_model() def load_gallery(self): self.gallery_dict = {} frame_test = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frame_test.mat')) frame_indices = frame_test['img_index_test'] for index, im_name in enumerate(frame_indices[:, 0]): mat = os.path.join(self.dataset, 'annotations', im_name[0] + '.jpg.mat')) boxes = mat[list(mat.keys())[-1]] ids = boxes[:, 0] boxes = boxes[:, 1:5] self.gallery_dict[im_name[0] + '.jpg'] = [im_name[0] + '.jpg', boxes, ids] def load_query(self): file = open(os.path.join(self.dataset, 'query_info.txt')) self.query_list = [] for line in file: items = line.split() ids, roi = int(items[0]), [ float(items[1]), float(items[2]), float(items[3]), float(items[4]) ] self.query_list.append([items[-1] + '.jpg', roi, ids]) def query_feature_extractor(self, ): filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_query_features.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(filepath): return if not hasattr(self, 'reid_model'): self.load_model() if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) query_features = [] for item in self.query_list: img_name, roi, _ = item img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frames', img_name)) input_img, input_box, _, meta = self.DA(img, [roi]) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': feature = self.reid_model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ])[0] else: feature = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])])[0] query_features.append([img_name, feature[0], np.array([roi])]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(query_features), len(self.query_list)), end='') print('') self.query_features = query_features f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(query_features, f) f.close() return def gallery_feature_extractor(self, ): filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_gallery_features.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(filepath): return if not hasattr(self, 'reid_model'): self.load_model() if self.config.M == 'mrcnn' and not hasattr(self, 'anchors'): self.anchors = ANCHORS(self.config) gallery = [] for imname in self.gallery_dict.keys(): img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frames', imname)) input_img, input_box, _, meta = self.DA(img, []) if self.config.M == 'mrcnn': feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack(meta), np.stack([self.anchors.get_anchors(input_img.shape)]) ]) elif self.config.M == 'dla_34': feats, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) else: feats, _, _, _, det_features, det, _ = self.reid_model.predict( [np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box])]) det = self.DA.unmold(det[0], meta) det[:, 2:] += det[:, :2] gallery.append([imname, det_features[0], det]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(self.gallery_dict)), end='') print('') f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(gallery, f) f.close() return def simple_evaluation(self, model, gallery_size=50): #extract query feature vectors qfeatures = [] for item in self.query_list: img_name, roi, _ = item img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frames', img_name)) input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = self.DA(img, [roi]) feature = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack([input_ids]) ]) qfeatures.append([img_name, feature[0], np.array([roi])]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(qfeatures), len(self.query_list)), end='') print('') #extract gallery feature vectors filepath = os.path.join( parpath, 'experiment_results/prw_%s_gallery.pkl' % self.config.M) assert os.path.exists(filepath) f = open(filepath, 'rb') oim_gallery = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') gallery = [] for item in oim_gallery: imname, oim_features, oim_boxes = item if oim_features is None: oim_features = np.zeros([0, 256], dtype=np.float32) oim_boxes = np.zeros([0, 5], dtype=np.float32) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dataset, 'frames', imname)) #xyxy 2 xywh toim_boxes = oim_boxes.copy() toim_boxes[:, 2:4] -= toim_boxes[:, :2] input_img, input_box, input_ids, meta = self.DA( img, toim_boxes[:, :4]) feats = model.predict([ np.stack([input_img]), np.stack([input_box]), np.stack([input_ids]) ]) gallery.append([imname, feats[0, :, 0, 0, :], oim_boxes]) print("\r%d|%d" % (len(gallery), len(oim_gallery)), end='') print('') name_to_det_feat = {} for img_name, features, boxes in gallery: name_to_det_feat[img_name] = (boxes, features) return self.evaluation(qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval=True) def evaluation(self, qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval): aps, accs, topk = [], [], [1, 5, 10] log = open('log.txt', 'w') sysout = sys.stdout all_recall_rate = [] #tape = {} for i, query in enumerate(self.query_list): sys.stdout = log qimg_name, qroi, qid = query y_true, y_score = [], [] count_gt, count_tp = 0, 0 qfeat = qfeatures[i][1].ravel() gallery_items = [ self.gallery_dict[key] for key in self.gallery_dict if qid in self.gallery_dict[key][-1] and key != qimg_name ] gallery_gts = {} for item in gallery_items: gallery_gts[item[0]] = item[1][item[2] == qid] gallery_imgs = [ key for key in self.gallery_dict if key != qimg_name ] imgs, y_boxes, y_gname = [], [], [] for gallery_imname in gallery_imgs: count_gt += (gallery_imname in gallery_gts) if gallery_imname not in name_to_det_feat: continue gboxes, gfeatures = name_to_det_feat[gallery_imname] sim = self.get_sims(gfeatures, qfeat, _eval) label = np.zeros(len(sim), dtype=np.int32) if gallery_imname in gallery_gts: gt = gallery_gts[gallery_imname].ravel() w, h = gt[2], gt[3] gt[2], gt[3] = gt[0] + gt[2], gt[1] + gt[3] iou_thresh = min(0.5, (w * h * 1.0) / ((w + 10) * (h + 10))) inds = np.argsort(sim)[::-1] sim = sim[inds] gboxes = gboxes[inds] for j, roi in enumerate(gboxes[:, :4]): if self._compute_iou(roi, gt) >= iou_thresh: label[j] = 1 count_tp += 1 break y_true.extend(list(label)) y_score.extend(list(sim)) y_boxes.extend(list(gboxes)) y_gname.extend([gallery_imname for _ in gboxes]) y_score = np.array(y_score) y_true = np.array(y_true) y_boxes = np.array(y_boxes) y_gname = np.array(y_gname) assert count_tp <= count_gt recall_rate = count_tp * 1.0 / count_gt all_recall_rate.append(recall_rate) ap = 0 if count_tp == 0 else \ average_precision_score(y_true, y_score) * recall_rate aps.append(ap) inds = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1] y_score = y_score[inds] y_true = y_true[inds] y_boxes = y_boxes[inds] y_gname = y_gname[inds] acc = [min(1, sum(y_true[:k])) for k in topk] accs.append(acc) #tape[qimg_name] = [qid, qroi, ap, acc, recall_rate, y_score, y_true, y_boxes, y_gname] sys.stdout = sysout print("\r%d:\t%d|%d|%.2f|%.2f" % (-1, len(aps), len(qfeatures), np.mean(aps), np.mean(accs, axis=0)[0]), end='') print('') print('search ranking:') print('aRR:%.4f' % np.mean(all_recall_rate)) print(' mAP = {:.2%}'.format(np.mean(aps))) accs = np.mean(accs, axis=0) for i, k in enumerate(topk): print(' top-{:2d} = {:.2%}'.format(k, accs[i])) #record_aps = [] #new_tape = {} #for key in tape.keys(): # record_aps.append(tape[key][2]) #record_aps.sort() #th = record_aps[50] #for key in tape.keys(): # if tape[key][2] > th:continue # new_tape[key] = tape[key] #filepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_tape.pkl'%self.config.M) #pickle.dump(new_tape, filepath) return aps, accs def private_detector_evaluation(self): print( 'the results of this experiment using end-to-end detector [%s] + feature extractor [%s%s]' % (self.config.M, self.config.M, '_mgn' if self.config.mgn else '')) topk = [1, 5, 10] respath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_res.pkl' % self.config.M) if os.path.exists(respath): f = open(respath, 'rb') res = pickle.load(f) f.close() aps, accs = res print(' mAP = {:.2%}'.format(np.mean(aps))) for i, k in enumerate(topk): print(' top-{:2d} = {:.2%}'.format(k, accs[i])) return qfilepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_query_features.pkl' % self.config.M) assert os.path.exists(qfilepath) f = open(qfilepath, 'rb') qfeatures = pickle.load(f) f.close() gfilepath = os.path.join(parpath, 'experiment_results', self.experiment_name, 'prw_%s_gallery_features.pkl' % self.config.M) assert os.path.exists(gfilepath) f = open(gfilepath, 'rb') gfeatures = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') f.close() name_to_det_feat = {} for img_name, features, boxes in gfeatures: name_to_det_feat[img_name] = (boxes, features) res = self.evaluation(qfeatures, name_to_det_feat, _eval=True) f = open(respath, 'wb') pickle.dump(res, f) f.close() def _compute_iou(self, box1, box2): a, b = box1.copy(), box2.copy() x1 = max(a[0], b[0]) y1 = max(a[1], b[1]) x2 = min(a[2], b[2]) y2 = min(a[3], b[3]) inter = max(0, x2 - x1) * max(0, y2 - y1) union = (a[2] - a[0]) * (a[3] - a[1]) + (b[2] - b[0]) * (b[3] - b[1]) - inter return inter * 1.0 / union