コード例 #1
def call(method, args, pubkey_resolver=None):
        Unified function to call Wallet and Server API methods
        Should be used by applications like `shellparty-gui`


        import shellpartycli.clientapi
        unsigned_hex = clientapi.call('create_send', {...}) 
        signed_hex =  clientapi.call('sign_raw_transaction', unsigned_hex)
        tx_hash = clientapi.call('send_raw_transaction', signed_hex)
    if method in WALLET_METHODS:
        func = getattr(wallet, method)
        return func(**args)
        if method.startswith('create_'):
            # Get provided pubkeys from params.
            pubkeys = []
            for address_name in ['source', 'destination']:
                if address_name in args:
                    address = args[address_name]
                    if script.is_multisig(address) or address_name != 'destination':    # We don’t need the pubkey for a mono‐sig destination.
                        pubkeys += get_pubkeys(address, pubkey_resolver=pubkey_resolver)
            args['pubkey'] = pubkeys

        result = util.api(method, args)

        if method.startswith('create_'):
            messages.check_transaction(method, args, result)

        return result
コード例 #2
def get_pubkeys(address, pubkey_resolver=input_pubkey):
    pubkeys = []
    if script.is_multisig(address):
        _, pubs, _ = script.extract_array(address)
        for pub in pubs:
            pubkey = get_pubkey_monosig(pub, pubkey_resolver=pubkey_resolver)
            if pubkey:
        pubkey = get_pubkey_monosig(address, pubkey_resolver=pubkey_resolver)
        if pubkey:
    return pubkeys
コード例 #3
def get_dust_return_pubkey(source, provided_pubkeys, encoding):
    """Return the pubkey to which dust from data outputs will be sent.

    This pubkey is used in multi-sig data outputs (as the only real pubkey) to
    make those the outputs spendable. It is derived from the source address, so
    that the dust is spendable by the creator of the transaction.
    # Get hex dust return pubkey.
    if script.is_multisig(source):
        a, self_pubkeys, b = script.extract_array(backend.multisig_pubkeyhashes_to_pubkeys(source, provided_pubkeys))
        dust_return_pubkey_hex = self_pubkeys[0]
        dust_return_pubkey_hex = backend.pubkeyhash_to_pubkey(source, provided_pubkeys)

    # Convert hex public key into the (binary) dust return pubkey.
        dust_return_pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(dust_return_pubkey_hex)
    except binascii.Error:
        raise script.InputError('Invalid private key.')

    return dust_return_pubkey
コード例 #4
def compose_transaction(args, message_name, param_names):
    args = prepare_args(args, message_name)
    common_params = common_args(args)
    params = extract_args(args, param_names)
    # Get provided pubkeys from params.
    pubkeys = []
    for address_name in ['source', 'destination']:
        if address_name in params:
            address = params[address_name]
            if script.is_multisig(address) or address_name != 'destination':    # We don’t need the pubkey for a mono‐sig destination.
                pubkeys += get_pubkeys(address)
    params['pubkey'] = pubkeys

    method = 'create_{}'.format(message_name)
    unsigned_tx_hex = util.api(method, params)
    # check_transaction(method, params, unsigned_tx_hex)

    return unsigned_tx_hex
コード例 #5
def get_unspent_txouts(source, unconfirmed=False, multisig_inputs=False):
    """returns a list of unspent outputs for a specific address
    @return: A list of dicts, with each entry in the dict having the following keys:

        raise MempoolError("Mempool is not yet ready; please try again in a few minutes.")

    # Get all outputs.
    logger.debug("Getting outputs.")
    if script.is_multisig(source):
        pubkeyhashes = script.pubkeyhash_array(source)
        raw_transactions = searchrawtransactions(
            pubkeyhashes[1], unconfirmed=True
        )  # unconfirmed=True to prune unconfirmed spent outputs
        pubkeyhashes = [source]
        raw_transactions = searchrawtransactions(source, unconfirmed=True)

    # Change format.
    # TODO: Slow.
    logger.debug("Formatting outputs.")
    outputs = {}
    for tx in raw_transactions:
        for vout in tx["vout"]:
            txid = tx["txid"]
            confirmations = tx["confirmations"] if "confirmations" in tx else 0
            outkey = "{}{}".format(txid, vout["n"])  # edge case: avoid duplicate output
            if outkey not in outputs or outputs[outkey]["confirmations"] < confirmations:
                coin = {
                    "amount": float(vout["value"]),
                    "confirmations": confirmations,
                    "scriptPubKey": vout["scriptPubKey"]["hex"],
                    "txid": txid,
                    "vout": vout["n"],
                outputs[outkey] = coin
    outputs = sorted(outputs.values(), key=lambda x: x["confirmations"])

    # Prune unspendable.
    logger.debug("Pruning unspendable outputs.")
    # TODO: Slow.
    outputs = [output for output in outputs if is_scriptpubkey_spendable(output["scriptPubKey"], source)]

    # Prune spent outputs.
    logger.debug("Pruning spent outputs.")
    vins = {(vin["txid"], vin["vout"]) for tx in raw_transactions for vin in tx["vin"]}
    unspent = []
    for output in outputs:
        if (output["txid"], output["vout"]) not in vins:
    unspent = sorted(unspent, key=lambda x: x["txid"])

    # Remove unconfirmed txouts, if desired.
    if not unconfirmed:
        unspent = [output for output in unspent if output["confirmations"] > 0]
        # Hackish: Allow only inputs which are either already confirmed or were seen only recently. (Skip outputs from slow‐to‐confirm transanctions.)
            unspent = [
                output for output in unspent if output["confirmations"] > 0 or (time.time() - output["ts"]) < 6 * 3600
            ]  # Cutoff: six hours
        except (KeyError, TypeError):

    return unspent
コード例 #6
def main():
    if os.name == 'nt':
        from shellpartylib.lib import util_windows
        #patch up cmd.exe's "challenged" (i.e. broken/non-existent) UTF-8 logging

    # Post installation tasks

    # Parse command-line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=APP_NAME, description='Shellparty CLI for shellparty-server', add_help=False)
    parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true', help='show this help message and exit')
    parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version="{} v{}; {} v{}".format(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, 'shellparty-lib', config.VERSION_STRING))
    parser.add_argument('--config-file', help='the location of the configuration file')

    parser = add_config_arguments(parser, CONFIG_ARGS, 'client.conf')

    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action', help='the action to be taken')

    parser_send = subparsers.add_parser('send', help='create and broadcast a *send* message')
    parser_send.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_send.add_argument('--destination', required=True, help='the destination address')
    parser_send.add_argument('--quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of ASSET to send')
    parser_send.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the ASSET of which you would like to send QUANTITY')
    parser_send.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_order = subparsers.add_parser('order', help='create and broadcast an *order* message')
    parser_order.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_order.add_argument('--get-quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of GET_ASSET that you would like to receive')
    parser_order.add_argument('--get-asset', required=True, help='the asset that you would like to buy')
    parser_order.add_argument('--give-quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of GIVE_ASSET that you are willing to give')
    parser_order.add_argument('--give-asset', required=True, help='the asset that you would like to sell')
    parser_order.add_argument('--expiration', type=int, required=True, help='the number of blocks for which the order should be valid')
    parser_order.add_argument('--fee-fraction-required', default=config.DEFAULT_FEE_FRACTION_REQUIRED, help='the miners’ fee required for an order to match this one, as a fraction of the {} to be bought'.format(config.SCH))
    parser_order_fees = parser_order.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser_order_fees.add_argument('--fee-fraction-provided', default=config.DEFAULT_FEE_FRACTION_PROVIDED, help='the miners’ fee provided, as a fraction of the {} to be sold'.format(config.SCH))
    parser_order_fees.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_shellpay = subparsers.add_parser('{}pay'.format(config.SCH).lower(), help='create and broadcast a *{}pay* message, to settle an Order Match for which you owe {}'.format(config.SCH, config.SCH))
    parser_shellpay.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_shellpay.add_argument('--order-match-id', required=True, help='the concatenation of the hashes of the two transactions which compose the order match')
    parser_shellpay.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_issuance = subparsers.add_parser('issuance', help='issue a new asset, issue more of an existing asset or transfer the ownership of an asset')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--transfer-destination', help='for transfer of ownership of asset issuance rights')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--quantity', default=0, help='the quantity of ASSET to be issued')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the name of the asset to be issued (if it’s available)')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--divisible', action='store_true', help='whether or not the asset is divisible (must agree with previous issuances)')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--description', type=str, required=True, help='a description of the asset (set to ‘LOCK’ to lock against further issuances with non‐zero quantitys)')
    parser_issuance.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_broadcast = subparsers.add_parser('broadcast', help='broadcast textual and numerical information to the network')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--text', type=str, required=True, help='the textual part of the broadcast (set to ‘LOCK’ to lock feed)')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--value', type=float, default=-1, help='numerical value of the broadcast')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--fee-fraction', default=0, help='the fraction of bets on this feed that go to its operator')
    parser_broadcast.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_bet = subparsers.add_parser('bet', help='offer to make a bet on the value of a feed')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--feed-address', required=True, help='the address which publishes the feed to bet on')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--bet-type', choices=list(BET_TYPE_NAME.values()), required=True, help='choices: {}'.format(list(BET_TYPE_NAME.values())))
    parser_bet.add_argument('--deadline', required=True, help='the date and time at which the bet should be decided/settled')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--wager', required=True, help='the quantity of SHP to wager')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--counterwager', required=True, help='the minimum quantity of SHP to be wagered by the user to bet against you, if he were to accept the whole thing')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--target-value', default=0.0, help='target value for Equal/NotEqual bet')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--leverage', type=int, default=5040, help='leverage, as a fraction of 5040')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--expiration', type=int, required=True, help='the number of blocks for which the bet should be valid')
    parser_bet.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_dividend = subparsers.add_parser('dividend', help='pay dividends to the holders of an asset (in proportion to their stake in it)')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--quantity-per-unit', required=True, help='the quantity of SHP to be paid per whole unit held of ASSET')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the asset to which pay dividends')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--dividend-asset', required=True, help='asset in which to pay the dividends')
    parser_dividend.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_burn = subparsers.add_parser('burn', help='destroy {} to earn SHP, during an initial period of time')
    parser_burn.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_burn.add_argument('--quantity', required=True, help='quantity of {} to be burned'.format(config.SCH))
    parser_burn.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_cancel = subparsers.add_parser('cancel', help='cancel an open order or bet you created')
    parser_cancel.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_cancel.add_argument('--offer-hash', required=True, help='the transaction hash of the order or bet')
    parser_cancel.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_rps = subparsers.add_parser('rps', help='open a rock-paper-scissors like game')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--wager', required=True, help='the quantity of SHP to wager')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--move', type=int, required=True, help='the selected move')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--possible-moves', type=int, required=True, help='the number of possible moves (odd number greater or equal than 3)')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--expiration', type=int, required=True, help='the number of blocks for which the bet should be valid')
    parser_rps.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact SCH fee to be paid to miners')

    parser_rpsresolve = subparsers.add_parser('rpsresolve', help='resolve a rock-paper-scissors like game')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--random', type=str, required=True, help='the random number used in the corresponding rps transaction')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--move', type=int, required=True, help='the selected move in the corresponding rps transaction')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--rps-match-id', required=True, help='the concatenation of the hashes of the two transactions which compose the rps match')
    parser_rpsresolve.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact SCH fee to be paid to miners')

    parser_publish = subparsers.add_parser('publish', help='publish contract code in the blockchain')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--gasprice', required=True, type=int, help='the price of gas')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--startgas', required=True, type=int, help='the maximum quantity of {} to be used to pay for the execution (satoshis)'.format(config.SHP))
    parser_publish.add_argument('--endowment', required=True, type=int, help='quantity of {} to be transfered to the contract (satoshis)'.format(config.SHP))
    parser_publish.add_argument('--code-hex', required=True, type=str, help='the hex‐encoded contract (returned by `serpent compile`)')
    parser_publish.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_execute = subparsers.add_parser('execute', help='execute contract code in the blockchain')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--contract-id', required=True, help='the contract ID of the contract to be executed')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--gasprice', required=True, type=int, help='the price of gas')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--startgas', required=True, type=int, help='the maximum quantity of {} to be used to pay for the execution (satoshis)'.format(config.SHP))
    parser_execute.add_argument('--value', required=True, type=int, help='quantity of {} to be transfered to the contract (satoshis)'.format(config.SHP))
    parser_execute.add_argument('--payload-hex', required=True, type=str, help='data to be provided to the contract (returned by `serpent encode_datalist`)')
    parser_execute.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_destroy = subparsers.add_parser('destroy', help='destroy a quantity of a Shellparty asset')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--source', required=True, help='the source address')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--asset', required=True, help='the ASSET of which you would like to destroy QUANTITY')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--quantity', required=True, help='the quantity of ASSET to destroy')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--tag', default='', help='tag')
    parser_destroy.add_argument('--fee', help='the exact {} fee to be paid to miners'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_address = subparsers.add_parser('balances', help='display the balances of a {} address'.format(config.SHP_NAME))
    parser_address.add_argument('address', help='the address you are interested in')

    parser_asset = subparsers.add_parser('asset', help='display the basic properties of a {} asset'.format(config.SHP_NAME))
    parser_asset.add_argument('asset', help='the asset you are interested in')

    parser_wallet = subparsers.add_parser('wallet', help='list the addresses in your backend wallet along with their balances in all {} assets'.format(config.SHP_NAME))

    parser_pending = subparsers.add_parser('pending', help='list pending order matches awaiting {}payment from you'.format(config.SCH))

    parser_getrows = subparsers.add_parser('getrows', help='get rows from a Shellparty table')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--table', required=True, help='table name')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--filter', nargs=3, action='append', help='filters to get specific rows')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--filter-op', choices=['AND', 'OR'], help='operator uses to combine filters', default='AND')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--order-by', help='field used to order results')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--order-dir', choices=['ASC', 'DESC'], help='direction used to order results')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--start-block', help='return only rows with block_index greater than start-block')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--end-block', help='return only rows with block_index lower than end-block')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--status', help='return only rows with the specified status')
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--limit', help='number of rows to return', default=100)
    parser_getrows.add_argument('--offset', help='number of rows to skip', default=0)

    parser_getrunninginfo = subparsers.add_parser('getinfo', help='get the current state of the server')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Logging
    log.set_up(logger, verbose=args.verbose)
    logger.propagate = False

    logger.info('Running v{} of {}.'.format(APP_VERSION, APP_NAME))

    # Help message
    if args.help:

    # Configuration
    clientapi.initialize(testnet=args.testnet, testcoin=args.testcoin,
                        shellparty_rpc_connect=args.shellparty_rpc_connect, shellparty_rpc_port=args.shellparty_rpc_port,
                        shellparty_rpc_user=args.shellparty_rpc_user, shellparty_rpc_password=args.shellparty_rpc_password,
                        shellparty_rpc_ssl=args.shellparty_rpc_ssl, shellparty_rpc_ssl_verify=args.shellparty_rpc_ssl_verify,
                        wallet_name=args.wallet_name, wallet_connect=args.wallet_connect, wallet_port=args.wallet_port, 
                        wallet_user=args.wallet_user, wallet_password=args.wallet_password,
                        wallet_ssl=args.wallet_ssl, wallet_ssl_verify=args.wallet_ssl_verify,

    if args.action in list(messages.MESSAGE_PARAMS.keys()):
        unsigned_hex = messages.compose(args.action, args)
        logger.info('Transaction (unsigned): {}'.format(unsigned_hex))
        if not args.unsigned:
            if script.is_multisig(args.source):
                logger.info('Multi‐signature transactions are signed and broadcasted manually.')
            elif input('Sign and broadcast? (y/N) ') == 'y':

                if wallet.is_mine(args.source):
                    if wallet.is_locked():
                        passphrase = getpass.getpass('Enter your wallet passhrase: ')
                        logger.info('Unlocking wallet for 60 (more) seconds.')
                    signed_tx_hex = wallet.sign_raw_transaction(unsigned_hex)
                    private_key_wif = input('Source address not in wallet. Please enter the private key in WIF format for {}:'.format(args.source))
                    if not private_key_wif:
                        raise TransactionError('invalid private key')
                    signed_tx_hex = wallet.sign_raw_transaction(unsigned_hex, private_key_wif=private_key_wif)

                logger.info('Transaction (signed): {}'.format(signed_tx_hex))
                tx_hash = wallet.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx_hex)
                logger.info('Hash of transaction (broadcasted): {}'.format(tx_hash))

    elif args.action in ['balances', 'asset', 'wallet', 'pending', 'getinfo', 'getrows']:
        view = console.get_view(args.action, args)
        print_method = getattr(console, 'print_{}'.format(args.action), None)
        if args.json_output or print_method is None:

コード例 #7
def construct (db, tx_info, encoding='auto',
               exact_fee=None, fee_provided=0, provided_pubkeys=None,

    (source, destination_outputs, data) = tx_info

    # Sanity checks.
    if exact_fee and not isinstance(exact_fee, int):
        raise exceptions.TransactionError('Exact fees must be in satoshis.')
    if not isinstance(fee_provided, int):
        raise exceptions.TransactionError('Fee provided must be in satoshis.')


    # Destination outputs.
        # Replace multi‐sig addresses with multi‐sig pubkeys. Check that the
        # destination output isn’t a dust output. Set null values to dust size.
    destination_outputs_new = []
    for (address, value) in destination_outputs:

        # Value.
        if script.is_multisig(address):
            dust_size = multisig_dust_size
            dust_size = regular_dust_size
        if value == None:
            value = dust_size
        elif value < dust_size:
            raise exceptions.TransactionError('Destination output is dust.')

        # Address.
        if script.is_multisig(address):
            destination_outputs_new.append((backend.multisig_pubkeyhashes_to_pubkeys(address, provided_pubkeys), value))
            destination_outputs_new.append((address, value))

    destination_outputs = destination_outputs_new
    destination_shell_out = sum([value for address, value in destination_outputs])


    # Data encoding methods (choose and validate).
    if data:
        if encoding == 'auto':
            if len(data) + len(config.PREFIX) <= config.OP_RETURN_MAX_SIZE:
                encoding = 'opreturn'
                encoding = 'multisig'
        elif encoding not in ('pubkeyhash', 'multisig', 'opreturn'):
            raise exceptions.TransactionError('Unknown encoding‐scheme.')

    # Divide data into chunks.
    if data:
        if encoding == 'pubkeyhash':
            # Prefix is also a suffix here.
            chunk_size = 20 - 1 - 8
        elif encoding == 'multisig':
            # Two pubkeys, minus length byte, minus prefix, minus two nonces,
            # minus two sign bytes.
            chunk_size = (33 * 2) - 1 - 8 - 2 - 2
        elif encoding == 'opreturn':
            chunk_size = config.OP_RETURN_MAX_SIZE
            if len(data) + len(config.PREFIX) > chunk_size:
                raise exceptions.TransactionError('One `OP_RETURN` output per transaction.')
        data_array = list(chunks(data, chunk_size))
        data_array = []

    # Data outputs.
    if data:
        if encoding == 'multisig':
            data_value = multisig_dust_size
        elif encoding == 'opreturn':
            data_value = op_return_value
            # Pay‐to‐PubKeyHash, e.g.
            data_value = regular_dust_size
        data_output = (data_array, data_value)
        data_output = None
    data_shell_out = sum([data_value for data_chunk in data_array])


    # Source.
        # If public key is necessary for construction of (unsigned)
        # transaction, use the public key provided, or find it from the
        # blockchain.
    if source:
    if encoding == 'multisig':
        dust_return_pubkey = get_dust_return_pubkey(source, provided_pubkeys, encoding)
        dust_return_pubkey = None

    # Calculate collective size of outputs, for fee calculation.
    if encoding == 'multisig':
        data_output_size = 81       # 71 for the data
    elif encoding == 'opreturn':
        data_output_size = 90       # 80 for the data
        data_output_size = 25 + 9   # Pay‐to‐PubKeyHash (25 for the data?)
    outputs_size = ((25 + 9) * len(destination_outputs)) + (len(data_array) * data_output_size)

    # Get inputs.
    multisig_inputs = not data
    unspent = backend.get_unspent_txouts(source, unconfirmed=allow_unconfirmed_inputs, multisig_inputs=multisig_inputs)
    unspent = backend.sort_unspent_txouts(unspent)
    logger.debug('Sorted UTXOs: {}'.format([print_coin(coin) for coin in unspent]))

    inputs = []
    shell_in = 0
    change_quantity = 0
    sufficient_funds = False
    final_fee = fee_per_kb
    for coin in unspent:
        logger.debug('New input: {}'.format(print_coin(coin)))
        shell_in += round(coin['amount'] * config.UNIT)

        # If exact fee is specified, use that. Otherwise, calculate size of tx
        # and base fee on that (plus provide a minimum fee for selling SCH).
        if exact_fee:
            final_fee = exact_fee
            size = 181 * len(inputs) + outputs_size + 10
            necessary_fee = (int(size / 1000) + 1) * fee_per_kb
            final_fee = max(fee_provided, necessary_fee)
            assert final_fee >= 1 * fee_per_kb

        # Check if good.
        shell_out = destination_shell_out + data_shell_out
        change_quantity = shell_in - (shell_out + final_fee)
        logger.debug('Change quantity: {} SCH'.format(change_quantity / config.UNIT))
        # If change is necessary, must not be a dust output.
        if change_quantity == 0 or change_quantity >= regular_dust_size:
            sufficient_funds = True

    if not sufficient_funds:
        # Approximate needed change, fee by with most recently calculated
        # quantities.
        shell_out = destination_shell_out + data_shell_out
        total_shell_out = shell_out + max(change_quantity, 0) + final_fee
        raise exceptions.BalanceError('Insufficient {} at address {}. (Need approximately {} {}.) To spend unconfirmed coins, use the flag `--unconfirmed`. (Unconfirmed coins cannot be spent from multi‐sig addresses.)'.format(config.SCH, source, total_shell_out / config.UNIT, config.SCH))


    # Change output.
    if change_quantity:
        if script.is_multisig(source):
            change_address = backend.multisig_pubkeyhashes_to_pubkeys(source, provided_pubkeys)
            change_address = source
        change_output = (change_address, change_quantity)
        change_output = None

    # Serialise inputs and outputs.
    unsigned_tx = serialise(encoding, inputs, destination_outputs,
                            data_output, change_output,
    unsigned_tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(unsigned_tx).decode('utf-8')

    '''Sanity Check'''

    from shellpartylib.lib import blocks

    # Desired transaction info.
    (desired_source, desired_destination_outputs, desired_data) = tx_info
    desired_source = script.make_canonical(desired_source)
    desired_destination = script.make_canonical(desired_destination_outputs[0][0]) if desired_destination_outputs else ''
    # NOTE: Include change in destinations for SCH transactions.
    # if change_output and not desired_data and desired_destination != config.UNSPENDABLE:
    #    if desired_destination == '':
    #        desired_destination = desired_source
    #    else:
    #        desired_destination += '-{}'.format(desired_source)
    # NOTE
    if desired_data == None:
        desired_data = b''

    # Parsed transaction info.
        parsed_source, parsed_destination, x, y, parsed_data = blocks.get_tx_info2(unsigned_tx_hex)
    except exceptions.SCHOnlyError:
        # Skip SCH‐only transactions.
        return unsigned_tx_hex
    desired_source = script.make_canonical(desired_source)

    # Check desired info against parsed info.
    desired = (desired_source, desired_destination, desired_data)
    parsed = (parsed_source, parsed_destination, parsed_data)
    if desired != parsed:
        raise exceptions.TransactionError('Constructed transaction does not parse correctly: {} ≠ {}'.format(desired, parsed))

    return unsigned_tx_hex
コード例 #8
def serialise (encoding, inputs, destination_outputs, data_output=None, change_output=None, dust_return_pubkey=None):
    s  = (1).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')                # Version

    # Number of inputs.
    s += var_int(int(len(inputs)))

    # List of Inputs.
    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        txin = inputs[i]
        s += binascii.unhexlify(bytes(txin['txid'], 'utf-8'))[::-1]         # TxOutHash
        s += txin['vout'].to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')   # TxOutIndex

        tx_script = binascii.unhexlify(bytes(txin['scriptPubKey'], 'utf-8'))
        s += var_int(int(len(tx_script)))                      # Script length
        s += tx_script                                         # Script
        s += b'\xff' * 4                                    # Sequence

    # Number of outputs.
    n = 0
    n += len(destination_outputs)
    if data_output:
        data_array, value = data_output
        for data_chunk in data_array: n += 1
        data_array = []
    if change_output: n += 1
    s += var_int(n)

    # Destination output.
    for destination, value in destination_outputs:
        s += value.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')          # Value

        if script.is_multisig(destination):
            tx_script = get_multisig_script(destination)
            tx_script = get_monosig_script(destination)

        s += var_int(int(len(tx_script)))                      # Script length
        s += tx_script

    # Data output.
    for data_chunk in data_array:
        data_array, value = data_output
        s += value.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')        # Value

        data_chunk = config.PREFIX + data_chunk

        # Initialise encryption key (once per output).
        key = ARC4.new(binascii.unhexlify(inputs[0]['txid']))  # Arbitrary, easy‐to‐find, unique key.

        if encoding == 'multisig':
            assert dust_return_pubkey
            # Get data (fake) public key.
            pad_length = (33 * 2) - 1 - 2 - 2 - len(data_chunk)
            assert pad_length >= 0
            data_chunk = bytes([len(data_chunk)]) + data_chunk + (pad_length * b'\x00')
            data_chunk = key.encrypt(data_chunk)
            data_pubkey_1 = make_fully_valid(data_chunk[:31])
            data_pubkey_2 = make_fully_valid(data_chunk[31:])

            # Construct script.
            tx_script = OP_1                                   # OP_1
            tx_script += op_push(33)                           # Push bytes of data chunk (fake) public key    (1/2)
            tx_script += data_pubkey_1                         # (Fake) public key                  (1/2)
            tx_script += op_push(33)                           # Push bytes of data chunk (fake) public key    (2/2)
            tx_script += data_pubkey_2                         # (Fake) public key                  (2/2)
            tx_script += op_push(len(dust_return_pubkey))  # Push bytes of source public key
            tx_script += dust_return_pubkey                       # Source public key
            tx_script += OP_3                                  # OP_3
            tx_script += OP_CHECKMULTISIG                      # OP_CHECKMULTISIG
        elif encoding == 'opreturn':
            data_chunk = key.encrypt(data_chunk)
            tx_script = OP_RETURN                                  # OP_RETURN
            tx_script += op_push(len(data_chunk))                  # Push bytes of data chunk (NOTE: OP_SMALLDATA?)
            tx_script += data_chunk                                # Data
        elif encoding == 'pubkeyhash':
            pad_length = 20 - 1 - len(data_chunk)
            assert pad_length >= 0
            data_chunk = bytes([len(data_chunk)]) + data_chunk + (pad_length * b'\x00')
            data_chunk = key.encrypt(data_chunk)
            # Construct script.
            tx_script = OP_DUP                                     # OP_DUP
            tx_script += OP_HASH160                                # OP_HASH160
            tx_script += op_push(20)                               # Push 0x14 bytes
            tx_script += data_chunk                                # (Fake) pubKeyHash
            tx_script += OP_EQUALVERIFY                            # OP_EQUALVERIFY
            tx_script += OP_CHECKSIG                               # OP_CHECKSIG
            raise exceptions.TransactionError('Unknown encoding‐scheme.')

        s += var_int(int(len(tx_script)))                      # Script length
        s += tx_script

    # Change output.
    if change_output:
        change_address, change_value = change_output
        s += change_value.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')   # Value

        if script.is_multisig(change_address):
            tx_script = get_multisig_script(change_address)
            tx_script = get_monosig_script(change_address)

        s += var_int(int(len(tx_script)))                      # Script length
        s += tx_script

    s += (0).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')                # LockTime
    return s