コード例 #1
alpha = 1.
a = -1.
b = 1.
x = symbols("x")
ue = sin(4*np.pi*x)*(x+domain[0])*(x+domain[1]) + a*(x-domain[0])/2. + b*(domain[1] - x)/2.
fe = ue.diff(x, 2) + alpha*ue.diff(x, 1)

# Lambdify for faster evaluation
ul = lambdify(x, ue, 'numpy')
fl = lambdify(x, fe, 'numpy')

# Size of discretization
N = int(sys.argv[-2])

SD = Basis(N, family=family, bc=(a, b), domain=domain)
X = SD.mesh()
u = TrialFunction(SD)
v = TestFunction(SD)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(SD, buffer=fl(X))

# Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
f_hat = Function(SD)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)
if family == 'legendre':
    f_hat *= -1.

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
if family == 'chebyshev':
    A = inner(v, div(grad(u))) + alpha*inner(v, grad(u))
コード例 #2
# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
x = Symbol("x")
ue = cos(4 * x) + 1j * sin(6 * x)
#ue = cos(4*x)
fe = ue.diff(x, 2)

# Size of discretization
N = 40

dtype = {True: np.complex, False: np.float}[ue.has(1j)]
ST = Basis(N, dtype=dtype, domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi))
u = TrialFunction(ST)
v = TestFunction(ST)

X = ST.mesh()

# Get f on quad points and exact solution
fj = Array(ST, buffer=fe)
uj = Array(ST, buffer=ue)

# Compute right hand side
f_hat = Function(ST)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Solve Poisson equation
A = inner(grad(v), grad(u))
u_hat = Function(ST)
u_hat = A.solve(-f_hat, u_hat)

uq = ST.backward(u_hat)
コード例 #3
#ue = cos(4*x)
fe = ue.diff(x, 2)

# Lambdify for faster evaluation
ul = lambdify(x, ue, 'numpy')
fl = lambdify(x, fe, 'numpy')

# Size of discretization
N = 40

dtype = {True: np.complex, False: np.float}[ue.has(1j)]
ST = Basis(N, dtype=dtype, plan=True, domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi))
u = TrialFunction(ST)
v = TestFunction(ST)

X = ST.mesh(N)

# Get f on quad points and exact solution
fj = Array(ST, buffer=fl(X))
uj = Array(ST, buffer=ul(X))

# Compute right hand side
f_hat = Function(ST)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Solve Poisson equation
A = inner(grad(v), grad(u))
u_hat = Function(ST)
u_hat = A.solve(-f_hat, u_hat)

uq = ST.backward(u_hat)
コード例 #4
shen = importlib.import_module('.'.join(('shenfun', family)))

# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
x = symbols("x")
ue = sin(np.pi * x) * (1 - x**2)
fe = ue.diff(x, 2)

# Lambdify for faster evaluation
ul = lambdify(x, ue, 'numpy')
fl = lambdify(x, fe, 'numpy')

# Size of discretization
N = 32

SD = Basis(N, family=family, bc='Neumann', plan=True)
X = SD.mesh(N)
u = TrialFunction(SD)
v = TestFunction(SD)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(SD, buffer=fl(X))

# Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
f_hat = Function(SD, buffer=inner(v, fj))

if family == 'legendre':
    f_hat *= -1.

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
if family == 'chebyshev':
    A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
コード例 #5
family = 'legendre'

# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
domain = (-1., 1.)

x = symbols("x", real=True)
d = 2. / (domain[1] - domain[0])
x_map = -1 + (x - domain[0]) * d
ue = 1 + cos(5 * pi * (x_map + 1) / 2)
fe = ue.diff(x, 2)

# Size of discretization
N = int(sys.argv[-1])

SD = Basis(N, family=family, bc='NeumannDirichlet', domain=domain)
X = SD.mesh()
u = TrialFunction(SD)
v = TestFunction(SD)

# Get f on quad points
fj = Array(SD, buffer=fe)

# Compute right hand side of Poisson equation
f_hat = Function(SD)
f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat)

# Get left hand side of Poisson equation
A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))

u_hat = Function(SD)
u_hat = A.solve(f_hat, u_hat)