コード例 #1
def test_extract_features(utterances_index, features):
    config = pipeline.get_default_config(features,
    feats = pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    feat1 = feats[utterances_index[0][0]]
    assert feat1.is_valid()
    assert feat1.shape[0] == 140
    assert feat1.dtype == np.float32

    config = pipeline.get_default_config(features,
    feats = pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    feat2 = feats[utterances_index[0][0]]
    assert feat2.is_valid()
    assert feat2.shape[0] == 140
    assert feat2.shape[1] == feat1.shape[1] + 3

    utterances_index = [('u1', utterances_index[0][1], 0, 1)]
    config = pipeline.get_default_config(features,
    feats = pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    feat3 = feats[utterances_index[0][0]]
    assert feat3.is_valid()
    assert feat3.shape[0] == 98
    assert feat3.shape[1] == feat1.shape[1]
コード例 #2
def test_config_good(features):
    c1 = pipeline.get_default_config(features, to_yaml=False)
    c2 = pipeline.get_default_config(
        features, to_yaml=True, yaml_commented=False)
    c3 = pipeline.get_default_config(
        features, to_yaml=True, yaml_commented=True)
    assert features in c1.keys()
    assert '#' not in c2
    assert '#' in c3
    assert equal_dict(c1, yaml.load(c2, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))
    assert equal_dict(c1, yaml.load(c3, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))
コード例 #3
def command_config(args):
    config = pipeline.get_default_config(
        to_yaml=True, yaml_commented=not args.no_comments,
        with_pitch=not args.no_pitch,
        with_cmvn=not args.no_cmvn,
        with_delta=not args.no_delta)

    output = sys.stdout if not args.output else open(args.output, 'w')
コード例 #4
def test_cmvn(utterances_index, by_speaker, with_vad):
    config = pipeline.get_default_config(
        'mfcc', with_cmvn=True, with_pitch=False, with_delta=False)
    config['cmvn']['by_speaker'] = by_speaker
    config['cmvn']['with_vad'] = with_vad
    feats = pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    feat2 = feats[utterances_index[0][0]]
    assert feat2.is_valid()
    assert feat2.shape[0] == 140
    assert feat2.shape[1] == 13
コード例 #5
def test_check_speakers(utterances_index, capsys):
    log = utils.get_logger(level='info')

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        pipeline.extract_features(config, [(utterances_index[0][1], )],
    assert 'no speaker information provided' in str(err)

    capsys.readouterr()  # clean the buffer
    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc', with_cmvn=False)
    pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index, log=log)
    log_out = capsys.readouterr()
    assert 'cmvn' not in log_out.err
    assert '(CMVN disabled)' in log_out.err

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc', with_cmvn=True)
    config['cmvn']['by_speaker'] = False
    pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index, log=log)
    log_out = capsys.readouterr().err
    assert 'cmvn by utterance' in log_out
    assert '(CMVN by speaker disabled)' in log_out
コード例 #6
ファイル: setup_data.py プロジェクト: zzdxlee/shennong
def generate_configurations(conf_directory):
    except FileExistsError:

    for features in pipeline.valid_features():
        conf = os.path.join(conf_directory, f'{features}_only.yaml')
        yaml = pipeline.get_default_config(
            features, to_yaml=True, yaml_commented=False,
            with_cmvn=False, with_delta=False, with_pitch=False)
        open(conf, 'w').write(yaml)

        conf = os.path.join(conf_directory, f'{features}_nocmvn.yaml')
        yaml = pipeline.get_default_config(
            features, to_yaml=True, yaml_commented=False,
            with_cmvn=False, with_delta=True, with_pitch=True)
        open(conf, 'w').write(yaml)

        conf = os.path.join(conf_directory, f'{features}_full.yaml')
        yaml = pipeline.get_default_config(
            features, to_yaml=True, yaml_commented=False,
            with_cmvn=True, with_delta=True, with_pitch=True)
        open(conf, 'w').write(yaml)
コード例 #7
def test_config_format(utterances_index, capsys, tmpdir, kind):
    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc', to_yaml=kind != 'dict')

    if kind == 'file':
        tempfile = str(tmpdir.join('foo'))
        open(tempfile, 'w').write(config)
        config = tempfile

    if kind == 'str':
        config2 = 'a:\nb\n'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        assert 'error in configuration' in str(err)

    parsed = pipeline._init_config(config, log=utils.get_logger(level='info'))
    output = capsys.readouterr().err
    for word in ('mfcc', 'pitch', 'cmvn', 'delta'):
        assert word in output
        assert word in parsed
コード例 #8
def test_config_bad(utterances_index):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'invalid features "bad"' in str(err)

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    del config['mfcc']
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    assert 'the configuration does not define any features' in str(err)

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    config['plp'] = config['mfcc']
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    assert 'more than one features extraction processor' in str(err)

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    config['invalid'] = config['mfcc']
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        pipeline.extract_features(config, utterances_index)
    assert 'invalid keys in configuration' in str(err)

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    del config['cmvn']['with_vad']
    parsed = pipeline._init_config(config)
    assert 'cmvn' in parsed
    assert parsed['cmvn']['with_vad']

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    del config['cmvn']['by_speaker']
    c = pipeline._init_config(config)
    assert not c['cmvn']['by_speaker']

    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')
    del config['pitch']['postprocessing']
    c = pipeline._init_config(config)
    assert c['pitch']['postprocessing'] == {}
コード例 #9
def test_extract_features_full(ext, wav_file, wav_file_8k, wav_file_float32,
                               capsys, tmpdir):
    # difficult case with parallel jobs, different sampling rates,
    # speakers and segments
    index = [('u1', wav_file, 's1', 0, 1),
             ('u2', wav_file_float32, 's2', 1, 1.2),
             ('u3', wav_file_8k, 's1', 1, 3)]
    config = pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc')

    # disable VAD because it can alter the cmvn result (far from (0,
    # 1) when the signal includes non-voiced frames)
    config['cmvn']['with_vad'] = False

    feats = pipeline.extract_features(config,

    # ensure we have the expected log messages
    messages = capsys.readouterr().err
    assert 'INFO - get 3 utterances from 2 speakers in 3 wavs' in messages
    assert 'WARNING - several sample rates found in wav files' in messages

    for utt in ('u1', 'u2', 'u3'):
        assert utt in feats
        assert feats[utt].dtype == np.float32

    # check properies
    p1 = feats['u1'].properties
    p2 = feats['u2'].properties
    p3 = feats['u3'].properties
    assert p1['audio']['file'] == wav_file
    assert p1['audio']['duration'] == 1.0
    assert p2['audio']['file'] == wav_file_float32
    assert p2['audio']['duration'] == pytest.approx(0.2)
    assert p3['audio']['file'] == wav_file_8k
    assert p3['audio']['duration'] < 0.5  # ask 3s but get duration-tstart
    assert p1['mfcc'] == p2['mfcc']
    assert p1['mfcc']['sample_rate'] != p3['mfcc']['sample_rate']
    assert p1.keys() == {
        'audio', 'mfcc', 'cmvn', 'pitch', 'delta', 'speaker', 'pipeline'
    assert p1.keys() == p2.keys() == p3.keys()
    assert p1['pipeline'] == p2['pipeline'] == p3['pipeline']

    # check shape. mfcc*delta + pitch = 13 * 3 + 3 = 42
    assert feats['u1'].shape == (98, 42)
    assert feats['u2'].shape == (18, 42)
    assert feats['u3'].shape == (40, 42)

    # check cmvn
    assert feats['u2'].data[:, :13].mean() == pytest.approx(0.0, abs=1e-6)
    assert feats['u2'].data[:, :13].std() == pytest.approx(1.0, abs=1e-6)

    data = np.vstack((feats['u1'].data[:, :13], feats['u3'].data[:, :13]))
    assert data.mean() == pytest.approx(0.0, abs=1e-6)
    assert data.std() == pytest.approx(1.0, abs=1e-6)
    assert np.abs(data.mean()) <= np.abs(feats['u1'].data[:, :13].mean())
    assert np.abs(data.std() - 1.0) <= np.abs(feats['u1'].data[:, :13].std() -
    assert np.abs(data.mean()) <= np.abs(feats['u3'].data[:, :13].mean())
    assert np.abs(data.std() - 1.0) <= np.abs(feats['u3'].data[:, :13].std() -

    # save / load the features
    filename = str(tmpdir.join('feats' + ext))
    feats2 = FeaturesCollection.load(filename)
    assert feats2 == feats
コード例 #10
 def fun(utts):
     c = pipeline._init_config(
         pipeline.get_default_config('mfcc', with_cmvn=False))
     u = pipeline._init_utterances(utts)
     pipeline._Manager(c, u)
     return u