コード例 #1
def test_psf1d_kernel_model(caplog):
    """Access the kernel data: subkernel=True"""

    k = Box1D()
    k.xlow = 1
    k.xhi = 3
    m = PSFModel(kernel=k)

    dfold = Data1D('fold', np.arange(10), np.zeros(10))

    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):
        ans = m.get_kernel(dfold)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    r = caplog.record_tuples[0]
    assert r[0] == 'sherpa.instrument'
    assert r[1] == logging.INFO
    assert r[2] == "PSF frac: 1.0"

    assert isinstance(ans, Data1D)
    assert ans.name == 'kernel'

    # integers, so treat as exact
    assert (ans.x == np.arange(10)).all()

    # box1D between 1 and 3 inclusive
    y = np.asarray([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    assert ans.y == pytest.approx(y / y.sum())

    assert ans.staterror is None
    assert ans.syserror is None
コード例 #2
def test_psf1d_combined_v2():
    """See test_psf1d_step_v2"""

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    x = np.arange(0, 200, 0.5)
    d = Data1D('fake', x, x * 0)

    smoothed = psf(imdl)
    y = smoothed(x)

    # So the output is not easy to describe analytically, hence
    # we just check parts of it.
    assert y[(x >= 19.5) & (x <= 100)] == pytest.approx([-490] * 162, abs=1e-4)
    assert y[x >= 119] == pytest.approx([-500] * 162, abs=1e-4)

    # check that the x <= 19 values are in ascending order
    y1 = y[x <= 19]
    assert (y1[1:] > y1[:-1]).all()
コード例 #3
def test_psf1d_model_given_2d_dataset():
    """Do we error out or not?

    This is a regression test.

    psf = PSFModel('psf', make_1d_model())
    d = make_2d_data()

    # Does this error out?

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    # Or maybe this errors out?
    smoothed = psf(imdl)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        smoothed(np.arange(1, 7))

    # It is not at all obvious why we have 36 for the source dim.
    assert str(
    ) == "input array sizes do not match dimensions, source size: 6 vs source dim: 36"
コード例 #4
def test_psf1d_kernel_data(caplog):
    """Access the kernel data: subkernel=True"""

    k = np.asarray([2, 5, 3])
    x = 5 + np.arange(k.size)
    d = Data1D('my-kernel', x, k)

    m = PSFModel(kernel=d)

    dfold = Data1D('fold', np.arange(10), np.zeros(10))

    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):
        ans = m.get_kernel(dfold)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    r = caplog.record_tuples[0]
    assert r[0] == 'sherpa.instrument'
    assert r[1] == logging.INFO
    assert r[2] == "PSF frac: 1.0"

    assert isinstance(ans, Data1D)
    assert ans.name == 'kernel'
    # integers, so treat as exact
    assert (ans.x == np.arange(5, 8)).all()
    assert ans.y == pytest.approx(k / k.sum())
    assert ans.staterror is None
    assert ans.syserror is None
コード例 #5
def test_psf2d_data_given_1d_dataset():
    """Do we error out or not?

    This is a regression test.

    psf = PSFModel('psf', make_2d_data())
    d = make_1d_data()

    # Does this error out?

    smdl = Gauss2D()
    smdl.ampl = 1000

    cmdl = Const2D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    # Or maybe this errors out?
    smoothed = psf(imdl)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        smoothed(np.arange(1, 7))

    assert str(
        err.value) == "function missing required argument 'x1lo' (pos 3)"
コード例 #6
def test_psf1d_data_given_2d_dataset():
    """Do we error out or not?

    This is a regression test.

    psf = PSFModel('psf', make_1d_data())
    d = make_2d_data()

    # Does this error out?

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    # Or maybe this errors out?
    smoothed = psf(imdl)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        smoothed(np.arange(1, 7))

    assert str(
    ) == "input array sizes do not match, dims_src: 2 vs dims_kern: 1"
コード例 #7
ファイル: instrument.py プロジェクト: mirca/sherpa
    def fold(self, data):
        _PSFModel.fold(self, data)

        # Set WCS coordinates of kernel data set to match source data set.
        if (isinstance(data, DataIMG) and
                isinstance(self.kernel, DataIMG)):
コード例 #8
def test_psf2d_model_show():
    """What happens when the kernel is a model?"""

    m = PSFModel("pmodel2", make_2d_model())

    yy, xx = np.mgrid[1:10, 1:9]
    xx = xx.flatten()
    yy = yy.flatten()
    zz = np.arange(xx.size)
    dfold = Data2D('fold', xx, yy, zz)

    out = str(m).split("\n")
    assert len(out) == 8
    assert out[0] == "pmodel2"
    assert out[
        1] == "   Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units"
    assert out[
        2] == "   -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----"
    assert out[3] == "   pmodel2.kernel frozen         box2"
    assert out[
        4] == "   pmodel2.size frozen     (72, 72)     (72, 72)     (72, 72)"
    assert out[
        5] == "   pmodel2.center frozen     (36, 36)     (36, 36)     (36, 36)"
    assert out[
        6] == "   pmodel2.radial frozen            0            0            1           "
    assert out[
        7] == "   pmodel2.norm frozen            1            0            1           "
コード例 #9
def test_psf2d_data_show():
    """What happens when the kernel is a Data2D instance?"""

    y, x = np.mgrid[1:4, 1:3]
    x = x.flatten()
    y = y.flatten()
    z = np.ones(x.size)
    data2 = Data2D('data2', x, y, z)

    m = PSFModel("pdata2", data2)

    yy, xx = np.mgrid[1:10, 1:9]
    xx = xx.flatten()
    yy = yy.flatten()
    zz = np.arange(xx.size)
    dfold = Data2D('fold', xx, yy, zz)

    out = str(m).split("\n")
    assert len(out) == 8
    assert out[0] == "pdata2"
    assert out[
        1] == "   Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units"
    assert out[
        2] == "   -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----"
    assert out[3] == "   pdata2.kernel frozen        data2"
    assert out[
        4] == "   pdata2.size  frozen       (6, 6)       (6, 6)       (6, 6)"
    assert out[
        5] == "   pdata2.center frozen       (3, 3)       (3, 3)       (3, 3)"
    assert out[
        6] == "   pdata2.radial frozen            0            0            1           "
    assert out[
        7] == "   pdata2.norm  frozen            1            0            1           "
コード例 #10
def test_psf1d_model_show():
    """What happens when the kernel is a model?"""

    box1 = make_1d_model()
    m = PSFModel("pmodel1", box1)

    dfold = Data1D('fold', np.arange(10), np.zeros(10))

    out = str(m).split("\n")
    assert len(out) == 8
    assert out[0] == "pmodel1"
    assert out[
        1] == "   Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units"
    assert out[
        2] == "   -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----"
    assert out[3] == "   pmodel1.kernel frozen         box1"
    assert out[
        4] == "   pmodel1.size frozen           10           10           10"
    assert out[
        5] == "   pmodel1.center frozen            5            5            5"
    assert out[
        6] == "   pmodel1.radial frozen            0            0            1           "
    assert out[
        7] == "   pmodel1.norm frozen            1            0            1           "
コード例 #11
def test_psf1d_combined():
    """This is based on
    but I wanted to make sure we have an explicit check of the underlying

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 12.5
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    gsmooth.fwhm = 3
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    x = np.arange(5, 23, 3)
    d = Data1D('fake', x, x * 0)

    smoothed = psf(imdl)
    y = smoothed(x)

    assert y == pytest.approx([-490, -490, -490, -500, -500, -500], rel=7e-3)
コード例 #12
def test_psf1d_step_v2():
    """Trying to track down why we have seen different behavior in

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    x = np.arange(0, 200, 0.5)
    d = Data1D('fake', x, x * 0)

    smoothed = psf(smdl)
    y = smoothed(x)

    # So the output is not easy to describe analytically, hence
    # we just check parts of it.
    assert y[(x >= 19.5) & (x <= 100)] == pytest.approx([10] * 162, abs=1e-4)
    assert y[x >= 119] == pytest.approx([0] * 162, abs=1e-4)

    # check that the x <= 19 values are in ascending order
    y1 = y[x <= 19]
    assert (y1[1:] > y1[:-1]).all()
コード例 #13
def test_psf1d_show():
    """Test the __str__ method

    Loop through basic data and then add in the options
    (but not all possible combinations).
    def check(x, n, ans):
        toks = x[n].split()
        assert toks == ans

    NAME = ['psfmodel']
    PARAMS = ['Param', 'Type', 'Value', 'Min', 'Max', 'Units']
    LINES = ['-----', '----', '-----', '---', '---', '-----']
    KERNEL = ['psfmodel.kernel', 'frozen', 'oned']
    SIZE = ['psfmodel.size', 'frozen', '7', '7', '7']
    CENTER = ['psfmodel.center', 'frozen', '3', '3', '3']
    RADIAL = ['psfmodel.radial', 'frozen', '0', '0', '1']
    NORM = ['psfmodel.norm', 'frozen', '1', '0', '1']

    m = PSFModel()

    # basic settings
    out = str(m).split('\n')

    assert len(out) == 5
    check(out, 0, NAME)
    check(out, 1, PARAMS)
    check(out, 2, LINES)
    check(out, 3, RADIAL)
    check(out, 4, NORM)

    m.kernel = make_1d_data()

    # before a fold you don't get the size and center parameters
    out = str(m).split('\n')

    assert len(out) == 6
    check(out, 0, NAME)
    check(out, 1, PARAMS)
    check(out, 2, LINES)
    check(out, 3, KERNEL)
    check(out, 4, RADIAL)
    check(out, 5, NORM)

    dfold = Data1D('fold', np.arange(10), np.zeros(10))

    out = str(m).split('\n')

    assert len(out) == 8
    check(out, 0, NAME)
    check(out, 1, PARAMS)
    check(out, 2, LINES)
    check(out, 3, KERNEL)
    check(out, 4, SIZE)
    check(out, 5, CENTER)
    check(out, 6, RADIAL)
    check(out, 7, NORM)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_instrument.py プロジェクト: wmclaugh/sherpa
def test_psf1d_fold_no_kernel():
    """Error out if there's no kernel"""

    m = PSFModel('bob')
    dfold = Data1D('fold', np.arange(10), np.zeros(10))
    with pytest.raises(PSFErr) as exc:

    assert "model 'bob' does not have an associated PSF function" == str(exc.value)
コード例 #15
def test_psf_set_model_to_bool(kernel_func):
    """Can we change the model field? boolean

    This is a regression test.

    m = PSFModel(kernel=kernel_func())
    # This does not error out
    m.model = False
コード例 #16
def test_psf_set_model_to_model(kernel_func):
    """Can we change the model field? model

    This is a regression test.

    m = PSFModel(kernel=kernel_func())
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
        m.model = Box1D()

    assert str(
    ) == "'PSFModel' object attribute 'model' cannot be replaced with a callable attribute"
コード例 #17
def test_psf2d_kernel_model(caplog):
    """Access the kernel data: no subkernel"""

    k = Box2D()
    k.xlow = -1
    k.xhi = 1
    k.ylow = 10
    k.yhi = 12
    m = PSFModel('x', kernel=k)

    d1, d0 = np.mgrid[5:15, -5:4]
    ds = d0.shape

    d0 = d0.flatten()
    d1 = d1.flatten()
    z = np.zeros(ds).flatten()

    dfold = Data2D('fold', d0, d1, z, shape=ds)

    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):
        ans = m.get_kernel(dfold)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    r = caplog.record_tuples[0]
    assert r[0] == 'sherpa.instrument'
    assert r[1] == logging.INFO
    assert r[2] == "PSF frac: 1.0"

    assert isinstance(ans, Data2D)
    assert ans.name == 'kernel'
    assert (ans.shape == [10, 9]).all()

    # integers, so treat as exact
    assert (ans.x0 == d0).all()
    assert (ans.x1 == d1).all()

    # This is the old check, converted to what I assume is meant to be
    # the correct form - see #1428 - but ans.y is all zeros except for
    # a single 1 whilst k is not (it has 9 True values and the rest
    # False). I do not have time to identify the truth here.
    k = (ans.x0 >= -1) & (ans.x0 <= 1) & (ans.x1 >= 10) & (ans.x1 <= 12)
    assert ans.y == pytest.approx(k / k.sum())

    assert ans.staterror is None
    assert ans.syserror is None
コード例 #18
def test_psf1d_no_kernel():
    """Error out if there's no kernel"""

    m = PSFModel('bob')
    b = Box1D()
    with pytest.raises(PSFErr) as exc:

    assert "PSF kernel has not been set" == str(exc.value)
コード例 #19
def test_psf2d_kernel_data(caplog):
    """Access the kernel data: no subkernel"""

    x1, x0 = np.mgrid[-5:-3, 10:13]
    s = x0.shape

    k = np.ones(s)
    k[1, 1] = 2

    x0 = x1.flatten()
    x1 = x1.flatten()
    k = k.flatten()
    d = Data2D('my-kernel', x0, x1, k, shape=s)

    m = PSFModel('x', kernel=d)

    d1, d0 = np.mgrid[5:15, -5:5]
    ds = d0.shape
    z = np.zeros(ds)
    dfold = Data2D('fold', d0.flatten(), d1.flatten(), z.flatten(), shape=ds)

    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):
        ans = m.get_kernel(dfold)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    r = caplog.record_tuples[0]
    assert r[0] == 'sherpa.instrument'
    assert r[1] == logging.INFO
    assert r[2] == "PSF frac: 1.0"

    assert isinstance(ans, Data2D)
    assert ans.name == 'kernel'
    assert (ans.shape == [2, 3]).all()

    # integers, so treat as exact
    assert (ans.x0 == x0).all()
    assert (ans.x1 == x1).all()

    assert ans.y == pytest.approx(k / k.sum())

    assert ans.staterror is None
    assert ans.syserror is None
コード例 #20
def test_psf2d_set_invalid_field(kernel_func, field, vals):
    """What happens if we send in a 2D array?

    This is a regression test (since it currently does not error out).

    kernel = kernel_func()
    m = PSFModel("p2", kernel)

    setattr(m, field, vals)
    assert getattr(m, field) == pytest.approx(vals)
コード例 #21
def test_psf2d_kernel_model(caplog):
    """Access the kernel data: no subkernel"""

    k = Box2D()
    k.xlow = -1
    k.xhi = 1
    k.ylow = 10
    k.yhi = 12
    m = PSFModel('x', kernel=k)

    d1, d0 = np.mgrid[5:15, -5:4]
    ds = d0.shape

    d0 = d0.flatten()
    d1 = d1.flatten()
    z = np.zeros(ds).flatten()

    dfold = Data2D('fold', d0, d1, z, shape=ds)

    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):
        ans = m.get_kernel(dfold)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    r = caplog.record_tuples[0]
    assert r[0] == 'sherpa.instrument'
    assert r[1] == logging.INFO
    assert r[2] == "PSF frac: 1.0"

    assert isinstance(ans, Data2D)
    assert ans.name == 'kernel'
    assert (ans.shape == [10, 9]).all()

    # integers, so treat as exact
    assert (ans.x0 == d0).all()
    assert (ans.x1 == d1).all()

    k = (ans.x0 >= -1) & (ans.x0 <= 1) & (ans.x1 >= 10) & (ans.x1 <= 12)
    assert pytest.approx(k / k.sum(), ans.y)

    assert ans.staterror is None
    assert ans.syserror is None
コード例 #22
def test_psf1d_no_fold():
    """Error out if there's no kernel"""

    box = Box1D()
    psf = PSFModel('bob', box)

    cpt = Gauss1D()
    sm = psf(cpt)

    with pytest.raises(PSFErr) as exc:
        sm([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    assert "PSF model has not been folded" == str(exc.value)
コード例 #23
def test_psf1d_flat():
    """This is based on
    but I wanted to make sure we have an explicit check of the underlying

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    gsmooth.fwhm = 3
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    x = np.arange(5, 23, 3)
    d = Data1D('fake', x, x * 0)

    smoothed = psf(cmdl)
    y = smoothed(x)

    assert y == pytest.approx([-500] * 6)
コード例 #24
def test_psf1d_step():
    """This is based on
    but I wanted to make sure we have an explicit check of the underlying

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 12.5
    smdl.ampl = 10

    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    gsmooth.fwhm = 3
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    x = np.arange(5, 23, 3)
    d = Data1D('fake', x, x * 0)

    smoothed = psf(smdl)
    y = smoothed(x)

    assert y == pytest.approx([10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0], abs=1e-4)
コード例 #25
def test_psf1d_convolved_pars():
    """What does .pars mean for a PSFModel applied to a model?"""

    b1 = Box1D('b1')
    m = PSFModel(kernel=b1)
    b2 = Box1D('b2')
    c = m(b2)

    b1.xlow = 1
    b1.xhi = 10
    b1.ampl = 0.2

    b2.xlow = 4
    b2.xhi = 8
    b2.ampl = 0.4

    bpars = b1.pars + b2.pars
    assert len(bpars) == 6

    cpars = c.pars
    assert len(cpars) == 6
    for bpar, cpar in zip(bpars, cpars):
        assert cpar == bpar
コード例 #26
def test_regrid1d_works_with_convolution_style():
    """This doesn't really test more than the previous
    model-evaluation tests.

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    # Set up the convolution kernel
    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    smoothed = psf(imdl)

    # This is the model that will be evaluated
    regrid = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    smoothed_regrid = regrid.apply_to(smoothed)

    # Ignoring edge effects, the smoothed step function drops from
    # x=100 down to x~120 (it is not clear why it doesn't smooth
    # below x=100, but maybe I've set up the convolution wrong).
    # So, if the regrid model evaluates x=0 to 200 but the requested
    # grid is from x=102 ro 180, then we should see a difference
    # to evaluating without regrid.
    xfull = np.arange(0, 200, 0.5)
    xout = np.arange(101, 180, 0.5)

    regrid.grid = xfull

    # fake up a data object for the fold method
    # TODO: it is not clear to me what grid should be used here;
    #       xfull or xout
    d = Data1D('fake', xfull, xfull * 0)

    y_regrid = smoothed_regrid(xout)

    # calculate the expected values
    y_full = smoothed(xfull)

    # since the grids have the same binning, it is a simple extraction
    idx0, = np.where(xfull == xout[0])
    idx1, = np.where(xfull == xout[-1])
    y_expected = y_full[idx0[0]:idx1[0] + 1]

    assert_allclose(y_regrid, y_expected, atol=1e-10, rtol=0)

    # check that this is all worth it; i.e. that without regrid
    # you just get the constant term. If this fails then it does not
    # mean that the regrid code is broken, but it implies that
    # something fundamental has changed with the basic model
    # evaluation.
    d = Data1D('fake', xout, xout * 0)
    y_check = smoothed(xout)
    y_expected = np.zeros(xout.size) + cmdl.c0.val
    assert_allclose(y_check, y_expected, rtol=0, atol=1e-7)
コード例 #27
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from sherpa.models.basic import Box2D
from sherpa.instrument import PSFModel
from sherpa.data import Data2D

k = np.asarray([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
yg, xg = np.mgrid[:3, :3]
kernel = Data2D('kdata', xg.flatten(), yg.flatten(), k.flatten(),
psf = PSFModel(kernel=kernel)

print("# print(psf)")

pt = Box2D('pt')
box = Box2D('box')
unconvolved_mdl = pt + box

pt.xlow = 1.5
pt.xhi = 2.5
pt.ylow = 2.5
pt.yhi = 3.5
pt.ampl = 10

box.xlow = 4
box.xhi = 10
box.ylow = 6.5
box.yhi = 7.5
box.ampl = 10
コード例 #28
def test_psf1d_empty_pars():
    """What does .pars mean for an empty PSFModel?"""

    m = PSFModel()
    assert m.pars == ()
コード例 #29
    def fold(self, data):
        _PSFModel.fold(self, data)

        # Set WCS coordinates of kernel data set to match source data set.
        if hasattr(self.kernel, "set_coord"):
コード例 #30
ファイル: instrument.py プロジェクト: lpsinger/sherpa
    def fold(self, data):
        _PSFModel.fold(self, data)

        # Set WCS coordinates of kernel data set to match source data set.
        if (isinstance(data, DataIMG) and isinstance(self.kernel, DataIMG)):
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_regrid_unit.py プロジェクト: DougBurke/sherpa
def test_regrid1d_works_with_convolution_style():
    """This doesn't really test more than the previous
    model-evaluation tests.

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    # Set up the convolution kernel
    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    smoothed = psf(imdl)

    # This is the model that will be evaluated
    regrid = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    smoothed_regrid = regrid.apply_to(smoothed)

    # Ignoring edge effects, the smoothed step function drops from
    # x=100 down to x~120 (it is not clear why it doesn't smooth
    # below x=100, but maybe I've set up the convolution wrong).
    # So, if the regrid model evaluates x=0 to 200 but the requested
    # grid is from x=102 ro 180, then we should see a difference
    # to evaluating without regrid.
    xfull = np.arange(0, 200, 0.5)
    xout = np.arange(101, 180, 0.5)

    regrid.grid = xfull

    # fake up a data object for the fold method
    # TODO: it is not clear to me what grid should be used here;
    #       xfull or xout
    d = Data1D('fake', xfull, xfull * 0)

    y_regrid = smoothed_regrid(xout)

    # calculate the expected values
    y_full = smoothed(xfull)

    # since the grids have the same binning, it is a simple extraction
    idx0, = np.where(xfull == xout[0])
    idx1, = np.where(xfull == xout[-1])
    y_expected = y_full[idx0[0]:idx1[0] + 1]

    assert_allclose(y_regrid, y_expected, atol=1e-10, rtol=0)

    # check that this is all worth it; i.e. that without regrid
    # you just get the constant term. If this fails then it does not
    # mean that the regrid code is broken, but it implies that
    # something fundamental has changed with the basic model
    # evaluation.
    d = Data1D('fake', xout, xout * 0)
    y_check = smoothed(xout)
    y_expected = np.zeros(xout.size) + cmdl.c0.val
    assert_allclose(y_check, y_expected, rtol=0, atol=1e-7)
コード例 #32
def test_psf1d_pars():
    """What does .pars mean for a PSFModel?"""

    b = Box1D()
    m = PSFModel(kernel=b)
    assert m.pars == ()