コード例 #1
def test_modelcontour(override_plot_backend):
    p = plot.ModelContour()
    r = p._repr_html_()
    check_empty(r, 'ModelContour', nsummary=7)

    x0 = np.asarray([[10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30]])
    x1 = np.asarray([[5, 5, 5], [15, 15, 15]])
    y = np.arange(x0.size)
    d = Data2D('n n', x0.flatten(), x1.flatten(), y.flatten())

    # need somethig we can contour
    m = Gauss2D()
    m.xpos = 21
    m.ypos = 9
    m.fwhm = 5

    # we need a stat argument (as of 4.12.1) but it isn't used so
    # send in None
    p.prepare(d, m, stat=None)
    r = p._repr_html_()
    check_full(r, 'ModelContour', 'x1', 'Model', nsummary=7)
コード例 #2
def test_fitcontour(override_plot_backend):
    p = plot.FitContour()
    r = p._repr_html_()
    assert r is None  # note: always None

    x0 = np.asarray([[10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30]])
    x1 = np.asarray([[5, 5, 5], [15, 15, 15]])
    y = np.arange(x0.size)
    d = Data2D('n n', x0.flatten(), x1.flatten(), y.flatten())

    # need somethig we can contour
    m = Gauss2D()
    m.xpos = 21
    m.ypos = 9
    m.fwhm = 5

    dplot = plot.DataContour()

    mplot = plot.ModelContour()
    mplot.prepare(d, m, stat=None)

    p.prepare(dplot, mplot)
    r = p._repr_html_()

    # different to previous checks
    assert r is not None

    if plot.backend.name == 'pylab':
        assert '<summary>FitContour</summary>' in r
        assert '<svg ' in r

    assert '<summary>DataContour (' in r
    assert '<summary>ModelContour (' in r
    assert '<div class="dataval">n n</div>' in r
    assert '<div class="dataval">Model</div>' in r