コード例 #1
def get_size(ctype, num, il_code):
    """Return ILValue representing total size of `num` objects of given ctype.

    ctype - CType of object to count
    num - Integral ILValue representing number of these objects

    long_num = set_type(num, ctypes.longint, il_code)
    total = ILValue(ctypes.longint)
    size = ILValue(ctypes.longint)
    il_code.register_literal_var(size, str(ctype.size))
    il_code.add(math_cmds.Mult(total, long_num, size))

    return total
コード例 #2
    def _fix_chunk_count(self, il_code):
        """Convert chunk and count so that chunk is in {1, 2, 4, 8}.

        The Rel commands requre that chunk be in {1, 2, 4, 8}. If the
        given chunk value is not in this set, we multiply count and divide
        chunk by an appropriate value so that chunk is in {1, 2, 4, 8},
        and then return the new value of chunk and the new value of count.

        In addition, this command moves `count` to a 64-bit value.
        # Cache the value of fixed_chunk and fixed_count so it is not
        # recomputed unnecessarily
        if self.fixed_chunk or self.fixed_count:

        if not self.count:
            self.fixed_chunk, self.fixed_count = self.chunk, self.count

        # TODO: Technically, if count is an unsigned long and `chunk` is in
        # `sizes`, we don't need to emit a SET command.
        resized_count = set_type(self.count, ctypes.longint, il_code)

        sizes = [8, 4, 2, 1]
        if self.chunk in sizes:
            self.fixed_chunk, self.fixed_count = self.chunk, resized_count

        # Select the biggest legal size that divides given chunk size
        for new_chunk in sizes:
            if self.chunk % new_chunk == 0:

        self.fixed_chunk = new_chunk

        scale = ILValue(ctypes.longint)
        scale_factor = str(int(self.chunk / new_chunk))
        il_code.register_literal_var(scale, scale_factor)

        self.fixed_count = ILValue(ctypes.longint)
        il_code.add(math_cmds.Mult(self.fixed_count, resized_count, scale))