class TestValidateFilterSyntax(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Tests filter syntax support. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ super(TestValidateFilterSyntax, self).setUp() self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._mockgun.create("Shot", {"code": "shot"}) def test_filter_array_or_dict(self): """ Ensure that arrays and dictionaries are supported for filters. """ # This should not throw. self._mockgun.find("Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [["code", "is", "shot"]] }, ["code", "is", "shot"]]) # We can't have not dict/list values for filters however. self.assertRaisesRegexp( ShotgunError, "Filters can only be lists or dictionaries, not int.", lambda: self._mockgun.find("Shot", [1]))
class TestEntityFieldComparison(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Checks if entity fields comparison work. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._project_link = self._mockgun.create("Project", {"name": "project", "archived": False}) # This entity will ensure that a populated link field will be comparable. self._mockgun.create( "PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "with_project", "project": self._project_link, } ) # This entity will ensure that an unpopulated link field will be comparable. self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "without_project"}) def test_searching_for_none_entity_field(self): """ Ensures that comparison with None work. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is", None]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is_not", None]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) def test_searching_for_initialized_entity_field(self): """ Ensures that comparison with an entity works. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is", self._project_link]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is_not", self._project_link]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) def test_find_entity_with_none_link(self): """ Make sure that we can search for sub entity fields on entities that have the field not set. """ # The pipeline configuration without_project doesn't have the project field set, so we're expecting # it to not be returned here. items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project.Project.archived", "is", False]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) self.assertEqual(items[0]["id"], self._project_link["id"])
class TestEntityFieldComparison(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Checks if entity fields comparison work. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._project_link = self._mockgun.create("Project", {"name": "project"}) # This entity will ensure that a populated link field will be comparable. self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", { "code": "with_project", "project": self._project_link }) # This entity will ensure that an unpopulated link field will be comparable. self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "without_project"}) def test_searching_for_none_entity_field(self): """ Ensures that comparison with None work. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is", None]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is_not", None]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) def test_searching_for_initialized_entity_field(self): """ Ensures that comparison with an entity works. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is", self._project_link]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["project", "is_not", self._project_link]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1)
class TestValidateFilterSyntax(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Tests filter syntax support. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ super(TestValidateFilterSyntax, self).setUp() self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._mockgun.create("Shot", {"code": "shot"}) def test_filter_array_or_dict(self): """ Ensure that arrays and dictionaries are supported for filters. """ # This should not throw. self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [ { "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [["code", "is", "shot"]] }, [ "code", "is", "shot" ] ] ) # We can't have not dict/list values for filters however. self.assertRaisesRegexp( ShotgunError, "Filters can only be lists or dictionaries, not int.", lambda: self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [1] ) )
class TestTextFieldOperators(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Checks if text field comparison work. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._user = self._mockgun.create("HumanUser", {"login": "******"}) def test_operator_contains(self): """ Ensures contains operator works. """ item = self._mockgun.find_one("HumanUser", [["login", "contains", "se"]]) self.assertTrue(item)
class TestFilterOperator(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Unit tests for the filter_operator filter syntax. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates tests data. """ super(TestFilterOperator, self).setUp() self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._prj1_link = self._mockgun.create("Project", {"name": "prj1"}) self._prj2_link = self._mockgun.create("Project", {"name": "prj2"}) self._shot1 = self._mockgun.create("Shot", { "code": "shot1", "project": self._prj1_link }) self._shot2 = self._mockgun.create("Shot", { "code": "shot2", "project": self._prj1_link }) self._shot3 = self._mockgun.create("Shot", { "code": "shot3", "project": self._prj2_link }) def test_simple_filter_operators(self): """ Tests a simple use of the filter_operator. """ shots = self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [["code", "is", "shot1"], ["code", "is", "shot2"]] }]) self.assertEqual(len(shots), 2) shots = self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [["code", "is", "shot1"], ["code", "is", "shot2"]] }]) self.assertEqual(len(shots), 0) def test_nested_filter_operators(self): """ Tests a the use of the filter_operator nested inside the filter_operator. """ shots = self._mockgun.find("Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [{ "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [["code", "is", "shot1"], ["project", "is", self._prj1_link]] }, { "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [["code", "is", "shot3"], ["project", "is", self._prj2_link]] }] }]) self.assertEqual(len(shots), 2) def test_invalid_operator(self): self.assertRaisesRegexp( ShotgunError, "Unknown filter_operator type: bad", lambda: self._mockgun.find("Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "bad", "filters": [] }])) self.assertRaisesRegexp( ShotgunError, "Bad filter operator, requires keys 'filter_operator' and 'filters',", lambda: self._mockgun.find("Shot", [{}]))
class TestMultiEntityFieldComparison(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Ensures multi entity field comparison work. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") # Create two users to assign to the pipeline configurations. self._user1 = self._mockgun.create("HumanUser", {"login": "******"}) self._user2 = self._mockgun.create("HumanUser", {"login": "******"}) # Create pipeline configurations that are assigned none, one or two users. self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", { "code": "with_user1", "users": [self._user1] }) self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", { "code": "with_user2", "users": [self._user2] }) self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", { "code": "with_both", "users": [self._user2, self._user1] }) self._mockgun.create("PipelineConfiguration", { "code": "with_none", "users": [] }) def test_find_by_sub_entity_field(self): """ Ensures that queries on linked entity fields works. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user1"]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 2) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user2"]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 2) items = self._mockgun.find( "PipelineConfiguration", [["users.HumanUser.login", "contains", "ser"]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 3) # Lets get fancy a bit. items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [{ "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user1"], ["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user2"]] }]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 3) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [{ "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user1"], ["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user2"]] }]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) def test_find_with_none(self): """ Ensures comparison with multi-entity fields and None works. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users", "is", None]], ["users"]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) self.assertEqual(items[0]["users"], []) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users", "is_not", None]], ["users"]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 3) for item in items: self.assertTrue(len(item["users"]) > 0)
class TestFilterOperator(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Unit tests for the filter_operator filter syntax. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates tests data. """ super(TestFilterOperator, self).setUp() self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") self._prj1_link = self._mockgun.create( "Project", { "name": "prj1" } ) self._prj2_link = self._mockgun.create( "Project", { "name": "prj2" } ) self._shot1 = self._mockgun.create( "Shot", { "code": "shot1", "project": self._prj1_link } ) self._shot2 = self._mockgun.create( "Shot", { "code": "shot2", "project": self._prj1_link } ) self._shot3 = self._mockgun.create( "Shot", { "code": "shot3", "project": self._prj2_link } ) def test_simple_filter_operators(self): """ Tests a simple use of the filter_operator. """ shots = self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [ ["code", "is", "shot1"], ["code", "is", "shot2"] ] }] ) self.assertEqual(len(shots), 2) shots = self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [{ "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [ ["code", "is", "shot1"], ["code", "is", "shot2"] ] }] ) self.assertEqual(len(shots), 0) def test_nested_filter_operators(self): """ Tests a the use of the filter_operator nested inside the filter_operator. """ shots = self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [ { "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [ { "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [ ["code", "is", "shot1"], ["project", "is", self._prj1_link] ] }, { "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [ ["code", "is", "shot3"], ["project", "is", self._prj2_link] ] } ] } ] ) self.assertEqual(len(shots), 2) def test_invalid_operator(self): self.assertRaisesRegexp( ShotgunError, "Unknown filter_operator type: bad", lambda: self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [ { "filter_operator": "bad", "filters": [] } ]) ) self.assertRaisesRegexp( ShotgunError, "Bad filter operator, requires keys 'filter_operator' and 'filters',", lambda: self._mockgun.find( "Shot", [ { } ]) )
class TestMultiEntityFieldComparison(TestBaseWithExceptionTests): """ Ensures multi entity field comparison work. """ def setUp(self): """ Creates test data. """ self._mockgun = Mockgun("", login="******", password="******") # Create two users to assign to the pipeline configurations. self._user1 = self._mockgun.create("HumanUser", {"login": "******"}) self._user2 = self._mockgun.create("HumanUser", {"login": "******"}) # Create pipeline configurations that are assigned none, one or two users. self._mockgun.create( "PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "with_user1", "users": [self._user1]} ) self._mockgun.create( "PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "with_user2", "users": [self._user2]} ) self._mockgun.create( "PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "with_both", "users": [self._user2, self._user1]} ) self._mockgun.create( "PipelineConfiguration", {"code": "with_none", "users": []} ) def test_find_by_sub_entity_field(self): """ Ensures that queries on linked entity fields works. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user1"]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 2) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user2"]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 2) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users.HumanUser.login", "contains", "ser"]]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 3) # Lets get fancy a bit. items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [{ "filter_operator": "any", "filters": [ ["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user1"], ["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user2"] ]}] ) self.assertEqual(len(items), 3) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [{ "filter_operator": "all", "filters": [ ["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user1"], ["users.HumanUser.login", "is", "user2"] ]}] ) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) def test_find_with_none(self): """ Ensures comparison with multi-entity fields and None works. """ items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users", "is", None]], ["users"]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 1) self.assertEqual(items[0]["users"], []) items = self._mockgun.find("PipelineConfiguration", [["users", "is_not", None]], ["users"]) self.assertEqual(len(items), 3) for item in items: self.assertTrue(len(item["users"]) > 0)