def fit(self, X, sess, learning_rate=0.15, inner_iteration = 50, iteration=20, batch_size=50, verbose=False): ## The first layer must be the input layer, so they should have same sizes. assert X.shape[1] == self.layers_sizes[0] ## initialize L, S, mu(shrinkage operator) self.L = np.zeros(X.shape) self.S = np.zeros(X.shape) mu = (X.size) / (4.0 * nplin.norm(X,1)) print "shrink parameter:", self.lambda_ / mu LS0 = self.L + self.S XFnorm = nplin.norm(X,'fro') if verbose: print "X shape: ", X.shape print "L shape: ", self.L.shape print "S shape: ", self.S.shape print "mu: ", mu print "XFnorm: ", XFnorm for it in xrange(iteration): if verbose: print "Out iteration: " , it ## alternating project, first project to L self.L = X - self.S ## Using L to train the auto-encoder = self.L, sess = sess, iteration = inner_iteration, learning_rate = learning_rate, batch_size = batch_size, verbose = verbose) ## get optmized L self.L = self.AE.getRecon(X = self.L, sess = sess) ## alternating project, now project to S self.S = SHR.shrink(self.lambda_/mu, (X - self.L).reshape(X.size)).reshape(X.shape) ## break criterion 1: the L and S are close enough to X c1 = nplin.norm(X - self.L - self.S, 'fro') / XFnorm ## break criterion 2: there is no changes for L and S c2 = np.min([mu,np.sqrt(mu)]) * nplin.norm(LS0 - self.L - self.S) / XFnorm if verbose: print "c1: ", c1 print "c2: ", c2 if c1 < self.error and c2 < self.error : print "early break" break ## save L + S for c2 check in the next iteration LS0 = self.L + self.S return self.L , self.S
def test_shrinkage(): # Take the data from the data forlder of RobustAutoencoder repo -> x_data = np.random.randn(1000, 500) + 1 # Take the data from the data forlder of RobustAutoencoder repo <- # import other shrinkage -> re_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( '../RobustAutoencoder/model/')) # path is relative to notebook path. if re_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(re_path) from shrink import l21shrink as other21 from shrink import l1shrink as other1 # import other shrinkage <- # compare shrinking -> eps = np.linspace(0, 2, 20) test21_fail = False for ee in eps: other_m = other21.l21shrink(ee, x_data) my_m = l21shrink(ee, x_data) print("Test shrink21 fails: ", np.any(other_m != my_m)) test21_fail = np.any(other_m != my_m) if test21_fail: break test1_fail = False for ee in eps: other_m = other1.shrink(ee, x_data.ravel()) my_m = shrink(ee, x_data.ravel()) print("Test shrink1 fails: ", np.any(other_m != my_m)) test1_fail = np.any(other_m != my_m) if test1_fail: break
def fit(self, train_dataset, path, model_name, iteration=30, batch_size=128, learning_rate=1e-4, epochs=20, verbose=False): # Initialize L, S dtyp: tensor X = train_dataset.tensors[0] self.L = torch.zeros(X.size()) self.S = torch.zeros(X.size()) # Calculate mu(shrinkage operator) X_numpy = X.detach().cpu().numpy() # mu = (X_numpy.size)/(4.0*np.linalg.norm(X_numpy,1)) mu = (X_numpy.size) / (4.0 * np.linalg.norm( X_numpy.reshape(-1, X_numpy.shape[-1] * X_numpy.shape[-1]), 1)) print("Shrink parameter:", self.lambda_ / mu) LS0 = self.L + self.S XFnorm = torch.norm(X, 'fro') # Frobenius norm if verbose: print("X shape:", X.shape) print("mu:", mu) print("XFnorm:", XFnorm) for it in range(iteration): print('iteration:', it) if verbose: print("Out iteration:", it) self.L = X - self.S # Convert L to trian_loader ae_dataset = Data.TensorDataset(self.L) ae_train_loader = Data.DataLoader(dataset=ae_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) # Use L to train autoencoder and get optimized(reconstructed) L model =, model=self.dae, train_loader=ae_train_loader, learning_rate=learning_rate, epochs=epochs) recon_loader = Data.DataLoader(dataset=ae_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False) self.L =, model, recon_loader).detach().cpu() # Alternate project of S self.S = SHR.shrink(self.lambda_ / mu, (X - self.L).reshape(-1)).reshape(X.shape) # Break criterion 1: L and S are close enought to X c1 = torch.norm((X - self.L - self.S), 'fro') / XFnorm # Break criterion 2: there is no change for L and S c2 = np.min([mu, np.sqrt(mu) ]) * torch.norm(LS0 - self.L - self.S) / XFnorm self.errors.append(c1) if it == iteration - 1: print("save autoencoder:"), path + 'model_rda_' + model_name + '.pth') # plots print("plot examples of reconstruction:") self.plot(path, X[:10], self.L[:10]) if verbose: print("c1:", c1) print("c2:", c2) if c1 < self.error and c2 < self.error: print("early break") break LS0 = self.L + self.S return self.L
def fit(self, X, path="", num_gen=10, iteration=20, num_epoch=100, batch_size=64, verbose=False): # initialize L, S, mu(shrinkage operator) self.L = np.zeros(X.shape) self.S = np.zeros(X.shape) # since the input dimension of nplin must be 1D or 2D, change the shape only for nplin. # X_norm = X.reshape(-1, X.shape[-1] * X.shape[-1]) mu = (X_norm.size) / (4.0 * nplin.norm(X_norm, 1)) print("shrink parameter:", self.lambda_ / mu) LS0 = self.L + self.S XFnorm = nplin.norm(X_norm, 'fro') if verbose: print("X shape: ", X.shape) print("L shape: ", self.L.shape) print("S shape: ", self.S.shape) print("mu: ", mu) print("XFnorm: ", XFnorm) for it in range(iteration): if verbose: print("Out iteration: ", it) ## alternating project, first project to L self.L = X - self.S ## Using L to train the auto-encoder, path=path, file_name="vae_loss" + str(it) + ".npy", num_epoch=num_epoch, batch_size=batch_size) ## get optmized L self.L = self.cnnvae.reconstructor(self.L) ## alternating project, now project to S self.S = SHR.shrink(self.lambda_ / mu, (X - self.L).reshape(X.size)).reshape(X.shape) ## break criterion 1: the L and S are close enough to X c1 = nplin.norm((X - self.L - self.S).reshape( -1, X.shape[-1] * X.shape[-1]), 'fro') / XFnorm ## break criterion 2: there is no changes for L and S c2 = np.min([mu, np.sqrt(mu) ]) * nplin.norm(LS0 - self.L - self.S) / XFnorm self.errors.append(c1) if it % 1 == 0: print("generation images:") self.cnnvae.gen_plot(FLAG_gen=True, x="", num_gen=num_gen, path=path, fig_name="generator_" + str(it) + ".png") if it == iteration - 1: print("generate fid images") self.cnnvae.generation_fid(path=path) if verbose: print("c1: ", c1) print("c2: ", c2) if c1 < self.error and c2 < self.error: print("early break") break ## save L + S for c2 check in the next iteration LS0 = self.L + self.S return self.L, self.S, np.array(self.errors)
def fit(self, X, path = "", num_gen=10, iteration=20, num_epoch = 100, batch_size=64, verbose=False): """ X: input data path: path of saving loss and generation num_gene: number of generated images iteration: number of outer iteration num_epoch: number of epoch for each VAE (inner iteration) batch_size: batch size of VAE """ ## initialize L, S, mu(shrinkage operator) self.L = np.zeros(X.shape) self.S = np.zeros(X.shape) mu = (X.size) / (4.0 * nplin.norm(X,1)) print ("shrink parameter:", self.lambda_ / mu) LS0 = self.L + self.S XFnorm = nplin.norm(X,'fro') if verbose: print ("X shape: ", X.shape) print ("L shape: ", self.L.shape) print ("S shape: ", self.S.shape) print ("mu: ", mu) print ("XFnorm: ", XFnorm) for it in range(iteration): if verbose: print ("Out iteration: " , it) ## alternating project, first project to L self.L = X - self.S ## Using L to train the auto-encoder = self.L, path = path, file_name = "vae_loss"+str(it), num_epoch = num_epoch, batch_size = batch_size) ## get optmized L self.L = self.vae.reconstructor(self.L) ## alternating project, now project to S self.S = SHR.shrink(self.lambda_/mu, (X - self.L).reshape(X.size)).reshape(X.shape) ## break criterion 1: the L and S are close enough to X c1 = nplin.norm(X - self.L - self.S, 'fro') / XFnorm ## break criterion 2: there is no changes for L and S c2 = np.min([mu,np.sqrt(mu)]) * nplin.norm(LS0 - self.L - self.S) / XFnorm self.errors.append(c1) # generate sample images for visual check and FID computation if it == iteration-1: print("generation images:") self.vae.gen_plot(FLAG_gen = True, x="", num_gen=num_gen, path=path, fig_name="generator_"+str(it)+".png") print("generate fid images") self.vae.generation_fid(path=path) if verbose: print ("c1: ", c1) print ("c2: ", c2) if c1 < self.error and c2 < self.error : print ("early break") break ## save L + S for c2 check in the next iteration LS0 = self.L + self.S return self.L , self.S, np.array(self.errors)