def fit(self, X, sess, learning_rate=0.05, inner_iteration = 50, iteration=20, batch_size=40, verbose=False): ## The first layer must be the input layer, so they should have same sizes. assert X.shape[1] == self.layers_sizes[0] ## initialize L, S, mu(shrinkage operator) self.L = np.zeros(X.shape) self.S = np.zeros(X.shape) if verbose: print ("X shape: ", X.shape) print ("L shape: ", self.L.shape) print ("S shape: ", self.S.shape) for it in range(iteration): if verbose: print ("Out iteration: " , it) ## alternating project, first project to L self.L = np.array(X - self.S,dtype=float) ## Using L to train the auto-encoder, sess = sess, iteration = inner_iteration, learning_rate = learning_rate, batch_size = batch_size, verbose = verbose) ## get optmized L self.L = self.SAE.getRecon(X = self.L, sess = sess) ## alternating project, now project to S and shrink S self.S = SHR.l21shrink(self.lambda_, (X - self.L).T).T return self.L, self.S
def test_shrinkage(): # Take the data from the data forlder of RobustAutoencoder repo -> x_data = np.random.randn(1000, 500) + 1 # Take the data from the data forlder of RobustAutoencoder repo <- # import other shrinkage -> re_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( '../RobustAutoencoder/model/')) # path is relative to notebook path. if re_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(re_path) from shrink import l21shrink as other21 from shrink import l1shrink as other1 # import other shrinkage <- # compare shrinking -> eps = np.linspace(0, 2, 20) test21_fail = False for ee in eps: other_m = other21.l21shrink(ee, x_data) my_m = l21shrink(ee, x_data) print("Test shrink21 fails: ", np.any(other_m != my_m)) test21_fail = np.any(other_m != my_m) if test21_fail: break test1_fail = False for ee in eps: other_m = other1.shrink(ee, x_data.ravel()) my_m = shrink(ee, x_data.ravel()) print("Test shrink1 fails: ", np.any(other_m != my_m)) test1_fail = np.any(other_m != my_m) if test1_fail: break
def fit(self, X, sess, learning_rate=0.15, inner_iteration=50, iteration=20, batch_size=133, re_init=False, verbose=False): ## The first layer must be the input layer, so they should have same sizes. assert X.shape[1] == self.layers_sizes[0] ## initialize L, S self.L = np.zeros(X.shape) self.S = np.zeros(X.shape) ##LS0 = self.L + self.S ## To estimate the size of input X if verbose: print "X shape: ", X.shape print "L shape: ", self.L.shape print "S shape: ", self.S.shape for it in xrange(iteration): if verbose: print "Out iteration: ", it ## alternating project, first project to L self.L = X - self.S ## Using L to train the auto-encoder, sess=sess, iteration=inner_iteration, learning_rate=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size, init=re_init, verbose=verbose) ## get optmized L self.L = self.AE.getRecon(X=self.L, sess=sess) ## alternating project, now project to S and shrink S self.S = SHR.l21shrink(self.lambda_, (X - self.L).T).T return self.L, self.S