def test_create_target_spec_from_std_time_series(self): """ Verify we can create target-spec giving ordinary ts, and that passing a non-fixed time-axis raises exception """ cal = api.Calendar() ta = api.TimeAxis(cal.time(2017, 1, 1), api.deltahours(1), 24) ts = api.TimeSeries( ta, fill_value=3.0, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) cids = api.IntVector([0, 2, 3]) t0 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(ts, cids, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.SNOW_COVERED_AREA, 'test_uid') self.assertAlmostEqual(t0.ts.value(0), ts.value(0)) rid = 0 t1 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(ts, rid, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 'test_uid') self.assertAlmostEqual(t1.ts.value(0), ts.value(0)) tax = api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector.from_numpy(ta.time_points[:-1]), ta.total_period().end) tsx = api.TimeSeries( tax, fill_value=2.0, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tx = api.TargetSpecificationPts(tsx, rid, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 'test_uid') self.assertIsNotNone(tx)
def dacc_time(t): dt_last = int(t[-1] - t[-2]) if np.all(t[1:] - t[:-1] == dt_last): # fixed_dt time axis return api.TimeAxis(int(t[0]), dt_last, len(t) - 1) else: return api.TimeAxis( api.UtcTimeVector.from_numpy(t[:-1].astype(int)), int(t[-1]))
def noop_time(t): # if issubset: # t = t[:-1] dt_last = int(t[-1] - t[-2]) if np.all(t[1:] - t[:-1] == dt_last): # fixed_dt time axis return api.TimeAxis(int(t[0]), dt_last, len(t)) else: # point_type time axis return api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector.from_numpy(t.astype(int)), int(t[-1] + dt_last))
def test_timeaxis_time_points(self): c = api.Calendar('Europe/Oslo') dt = api.deltahours(1) n = 240 t0 = c.time(2016, 4, 10) ta = api.TimeAxis(c, t0, dt, n) tp = ta.time_points self.assertIsNotNone(tp) self.assertEqual(len(tp), n + 1) self.assertEqual(len(api.TimeAxis(c, t0, dt, 0).time_points), 0)
def test_timeaxis_time_points_double(self): dt = 1.5 n = 240 t0 = 0 ta = api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) tp = ta.time_points_double self.assertIsNotNone(tp) self.assertEqual(len(tp), n + 1) self.assertEqual(len(api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, 0).time_points_double), 0) self.assertEqual(ta.time_points_double[1], 1.5)
def test_average_outside_give_nan(self): ta1=api.TimeAxis(0, 10, 10) ta2=api.TimeAxis(-10, 10, 21) tsa=api.TimeSeries(ta1, fill_value=1.0, point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tsb=tsa.average(ta2) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(tsb.value(11))) # nan when a ends self.assertTrue(math.isnan(tsb.value(0))) # nan before first a tsa=api.TimeSeries(ta1, fill_value=1.0, point_fx=api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE) tsb=tsa.average(ta2) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(tsb.value(10))) # notice we get one less due to linear-between, it ends at last point in tsa. self.assertTrue(math.isnan(tsb.value(0)))
def test_integral_fine_resolution(self): """ Case study for last-interval bug from python""" utc=api.Calendar() ta=api.TimeAxis(utc.time(2017, 10, 16), api.deltahours(24*7), 219) tf=api.TimeAxis(utc.time(2017, 10, 16), api.deltahours(3), 12264) src=api.TimeSeries(ta, fill_value=1.0, point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) ts=src.integral(tf) self.assertIsNotNone(ts) for i in range(len(tf)): if not math.isclose(ts.value(i), 1.0*api.deltahours(3)): self.assertAlmostEqual(ts.value(i), 1.0*api.deltahours(3))
def _clip_ensemble_of_geo_timeseries(ensemble, utc_period, err, allow_shorter_period=False): """ Clip ensemble og source-keyed dictionaries of geo-ts according to utc_period Parameters ---------- ensemble: list List of dictionaries keyed by time series type, where values are api vectors of geo located time series over the same time axis utc_period: api.UtcPeriod The utc time period that should (as a minimum) be covered. allow_shorter_period: bool, optional may return ts for shorter period if time_axis does not cover utc_period """ if utc_period is None: return ensemble # Check time axis of first ensemble member/geo_point and if required create new time axis to use for clipping member = ensemble[0] time_axis = {} is_optimal = {} for key, geo_ts in member.items(): is_optimal[key] = False point_type = geo_ts[0].ts.point_interpretation() == api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE ta = geo_ts[0].ts.time_axis if ta.total_period().start > utc_period.start or ta.time_points[-1] - point_type < utc_period.end: if not allow_shorter_period: raise err("Found time axis that does not cover utc_period.") else: period_start = max(ta.time_points[0], int(utc_period.start)) period_end = min(ta.time_points[-1] - point_type, int(utc_period.end)) else: period_start = utc_period.start period_end = utc_period.end idx_start = np.argmax(ta.time_points > period_start) - 1 idx_end = np.argmin(ta.time_points < period_end + point_type) if idx_start > 0 or idx_end < len(ta.time_points) - 1: if ta.timeaxis_type == api.TimeAxisType.FIXED: dt = ta.time(1) - ta.time(0) n = int(idx_end - idx_start) time_axis[key] = api.TimeAxis(int(ta.time_points[idx_start]), int(dt), n) else: time_points = api.UtcTimeVector(ta.time_points[idx_start:idx_end].tolist()) t_end = ta.time_points[idx_end] time_axis[key] = api.TimeAxis(time_points, int(t_end)) else: is_optimal[key] = True time_axis[key] = ta if all(list(is_optimal.values())): # No need to clip if all are optimal return ensemble return [{key: source_vector_map[key]([source_type_map[key](s.mid_point(), s.ts.average(time_axis[key])) for s in geo_ts]) for key, geo_ts in f.items()} for f in ensemble]
def test_generic_timeaxis(self): c = api.Calendar('Europe/Oslo') dt = api.deltahours(1) n = 240 t0 = c.time(2016, 4, 10) tag1 = api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) self.assertEqual(len(tag1), n) self.assertEqual(tag1.time(0), t0) tag2 = api.TimeAxis(c, t0, dt, n) self.assertEqual(len(tag2), n) self.assertEqual(tag2.time(0), t0) self.assertIsNotNone(tag2.calendar_dt.calendar)
def test_percentiles_with_min_max_extremes(self): """ the percentiles function now also supports picking out the min-max peak value within each interval. Setup test-data so that we have a well known percentile result, but also have peak-values within the interval that we can verify. We let hour ts 0..9 have values 0..9 constant 24*10 days then modify ts[1], every day first value to a peak min value equal to - day_no*1 every day second value to a peak max value equal to + day_no*1 every day 3rd value to a nan value ts[1] should then have same average value for each day (so same percentile) but min-max extreme should be equal to +- day_no*1 """ c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) timeseries=api.TsVector() p_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE for i in range(10): timeseries.append(api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, fill_value=i, point_fx=p_fx)) ts=timeseries[1] # pick this one to insert min/max extremes for i in range(0, 240, 24): ts.set(i + 0, 1.0 - 100*i/24.0) ts.set(i + 1, 1.0 + 100*i/24.0) # notice that when i==0, this gives 1.0 ts.set(i + 2, float('nan')) # also put in a nan, just to verify it is ignored during average processing wanted_percentiles=api.IntVector([api.statistics_property.MIN_EXTREME, 0, 10, 50, api.statistics_property.AVERAGE, 70, 100, api.statistics_property.MAX_EXTREME]) ta_day=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt*24, n//24) percentiles=api.percentiles(timeseries, ta_day, wanted_percentiles) for i in range(len(ta_day)): if i == 0: # first timestep, the min/max extremes are picked from 0'th and 9'th ts. self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[0].value(i), 3, "min-extreme ") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[7].value(i), 3, "min-extreme ") else: self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0 - 100.0*i*24.0/24.0, percentiles[0].value(i), 3, "min-extreme ") self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0 + 100.0*i*24.0/24.0, percentiles[7].value(i), 3, "max-extreme") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[1].value(i), 3, " 0-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.9, percentiles[2].value(i), 3, " 10-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[3].value(i), 3, " 50-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[4].value(i), 3, " -average") self.assertAlmostEqual(6.3, percentiles[5].value(i), 3, " 70-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[6].value(i), 3, "100-percentile")
def setUp(self): self.c = api.Calendar() self.d = api.deltahours(1) self.n = 24 # self.t= self.c.trim(api.utctime_now(),self.d) self.t = self.c.trim(self.c.time(1969, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0), self.d) self.ta = api.TimeAxis(self.t, self.d, self.n)
def _create_forecast_set(self, n_fc, t0, dt, n_steps, dt_fc, fx): """ Parameters ---------- n_fc : int number of forecasts, e.g. 8 t0 : utctime start of first forecast dt : utctimespan delta t for forecast-ts n_steps : number of steps in one forecast-ts dt_fc : utctimespan delta t between each forecast, like deltahours(6) fx : lambda time_axis: a function returning a DoubleVector with values for the supplied time-axis Returns ------- api.TsVector() """ fc_set = api.TsVector() for i in range(n_fc): ta = api.TimeAxis(t0 + i * dt_fc, dt, n_steps) ts = api.TimeSeries( ta=ta, values=fx(ta), point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) fc_set.append(ts) return fc_set
def test_ts_get_krls_predictor(self): t0=api.utctime_now() ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, api.deltahours(1), 30*24) data=np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, ta.size())) ts_data=api.TimeSeries(ta, data, api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE) ts=api.TimeSeries("a") try: ts.get_krls_predictor()"should not be able to get predictor for unbound") except: pass fbi=ts.find_ts_bind_info() fbi[0].ts.bind(ts_data) ts.bind_done() pred=ts.get_krls_predictor(api.deltahours(3)) ts_krls=pred.predict(ta) self.assertEqual(len(ts_krls), len(ts_data)) ts_mse=pred.mse_ts(ts_data) self.assertEqual(len(ts_mse), len(ts_data)) for i in range(len(ts_krls)): self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_krls.values[i], ts_data.values[i], places=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_mse.values[i], 0, places=2) self.assertAlmostEqual(pred.predictor_mse(ts_data), 0, places=2)
def pad(v, t): if not concat: if self.nb_pads > 0: nb_pads = self.nb_pads t_padded = np.zeros((t.shape[0], t.shape[1] + nb_pads), dtype=t.dtype) t_padded[:, :-nb_pads] = t[:, :] t_add = t[0, -1] - t[0, -nb_pads - 1] # print('t_add:',t_add) t_padded[:, -nb_pads:] = t[:, -nb_pads:] + t_add v_padded = np.zeros( (v.shape[0], t.shape[1] + nb_pads, v.shape[2]), dtype=v.dtype) v_padded[:, :-nb_pads, :] = v[:, :, :] v_padded[:, -nb_pads:, :] = v[:, -nb_pads:, :] else: t_padded = t v_padded = v dt_last = t_padded[0, -1] - t_padded[0, -2] return (v_padded, [ api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector.from_numpy(t_one), int(t_one[-1] + dt_last)) for t_one in t_padded ]) else: return (v, t)
def test_kling_gupta_and_nash_sutcliffe(self): """ Test/verify exposure of the kling_gupta and nash_sutcliffe correlation functions """ def np_nash_sutcliffe(o, p): return 1 - (np.sum((o - p)**2))/(np.sum((o - np.mean(o))**2)) c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) from math import sin, pi rad_max=10*2*pi obs_values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.array([sin(i*rad_max/n) for i in range(n)])) mod_values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.array([0.1 + sin(pi/10.0 + i*rad_max/n) for i in range(n)])) obs_ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, values=obs_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) mod_ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, values=mod_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertAlmostEqual(api.kling_gupta(obs_ts, obs_ts, ta, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1.0, None, "1.0 for perfect match") self.assertAlmostEqual(api.nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts, obs_ts, ta), 1.0, None, "1.0 for perfect match") # verify some non trivial cases, and compare to numpy version of ns mod_inv=obs_ts*-1.0 kge_inv=obs_ts.kling_gupta(mod_inv) # also show how to use time-series.method itself to ease use ns_inv=obs_ts.nash_sutcliffe(mod_inv) # similar for nash_sutcliffe, you can reach it directly from a ts ns_inv2=np_nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts.values.to_numpy(), mod_inv.values.to_numpy()) self.assertLessEqual(kge_inv, 1.0, "should be less than 1") self.assertLessEqual(ns_inv, 1.0, "should be less than 1") self.assertAlmostEqual(ns_inv, ns_inv2, 4, "should equal numpy calculated value") kge_obs_mod=api.kling_gupta(obs_ts, mod_ts, ta, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.assertLessEqual(kge_obs_mod, 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(obs_ts.nash_sutcliffe(mod_ts), np_nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts.values.to_numpy(), mod_ts.values.to_numpy()))
def test_calibration_ts_case(self): times=[0, 3600, 3600 + 2*3600] ta=api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector(times[0:-1]), times[-1]) values=api.DoubleVector([0.0]*(len(times) - 1)) ts=api.TimeSeries(ta, values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) target=api.TargetSpecificationPts(ts, api.IntVector([0]), 1.0, api.ABS_DIFF, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.CELL_CHARGE, 'water_balance') self.assertIsNotNone(target)
def test_integral(self): c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) fill_value=1.0 ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, fill_value=fill_value, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tsa=api.TimeSeries('a')*1.0 + 0.0 # expression, needing bind tsb=api.TimeSeries('b')*1.0 + 0.0 # another expression, needing bind for different ts ts_i1=tsa.integral(ta) ts_i2=api.integral(tsb, ta) # circulate through serialization ts_i1_blob=ts_i1.serialize() ts_i2_blob=ts_i2.serialize() ts_i1=api.TimeSeries.deserialize(ts_i1_blob) ts_i2=api.TimeSeries.deserialize(ts_i2_blob) for ts_i in [ts_i1, ts_i2]: self.assertTrue(ts_i.needs_bind()) tsb=ts_i.find_ts_bind_info() self.assertEqual(len(tsb), 1) tsb[0].ts.bind(ts) ts_i.bind_done() self.assertFalse(ts_i.needs_bind()) ts_i1_values=ts_i1.values for i in range(n): expected_value=dt*fill_value self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_value, ts_i1.value(i), 4, "expect integral of each interval") self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_value, ts_i2.value(i), 4, "expect integral of each interval") self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_value, ts_i1_values[i], 4, "expect integral of each interval")
def test_percentiles(self): c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t0, dt, n) timeseries=api.TsVector() for i in range(10): timeseries.append( api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, fill_value=i, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE)) wanted_percentiles=api.IntVector([api.statistics_property.MIN_EXTREME, 0, 10, 50, api.statistics_property.AVERAGE, 70, 100, api.statistics_property.MAX_EXTREME]) ta_day=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t0, dt*24, n//24) ta_day2=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt*24, n//24) percentiles=api.percentiles(timeseries, ta_day, wanted_percentiles) percentiles2=timeseries.percentiles(ta_day2, wanted_percentiles) # just to verify it works with alt. syntax self.assertEqual(len(percentiles2), len(percentiles)) for i in range(len(ta_day)): self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[0].value(i), 3, "min-extreme ") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[1].value(i), 3, " 0-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.9, percentiles[2].value(i), 3, " 10-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[3].value(i), 3, " 50-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[4].value(i), 3, " -average") self.assertAlmostEqual(6.3, percentiles[5].value(i), 3, " 70-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[6].value(i), 3, "100-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[7].value(i), 3, "max-extreme")
def test_compute_running_bias(self): """ Verify that if we feed forecast[n] and observation into the bias-predictor it will create the estimated bias offsets """ f = api.KalmanFilter() bp = api.KalmanBiasPredictor(f) self.assertIsNotNone(bp) self.assertEqual(bp.filter.parameter.n_daily_observations, 8) n_fc = 1 utc = api.Calendar() t0 = utc.time(2016, 1, 1) dt = api.deltahours(1) n_fc_steps = 24 * 10 # 10 days history fc_dt = api.deltahours(6) fc_fx = lambda time_axis: self._create_fc_values( time_axis, 2.0) # just return a constant 2.0 deg C for now n_obs = n_fc_steps obs_ta = api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n_obs) obs_ts = api.TimeSeries(obs_ta, fill_value=0.0, point_fx=api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE) kalman_dt = api.deltahours( 3) # suitable average for prediction temperature kalman_ta = api.TimeAxis(t0, kalman_dt, n_obs // 3) fc_ts = self._create_forecast_set(n_fc, t0, dt, n_fc_steps, fc_dt, fc_fx)[0] bias_ts = bp.compute_running_bias( fc_ts, obs_ts, kalman_ta) # also verify we can feed in a pure TsVector bias_pattern = bp.state.x # the bp.state.x is now the best estimates fo the bias between fc and observation self.assertEqual(len(bias_pattern), 8) for i in range(len(bias_pattern)): self.assertLess(abs(bias_pattern[i] - 2.0), 0.2) # bias should iterate to approx 2.0 degC now. # and...: for i in range(8): self.assertAlmostEqual(bias_ts.value(i), 0.0) # expect 0.0 for the first day for i in range(8): self.assertLess(abs(bias_ts.value(bias_ts.size() - i - 1) - 2.0), 0.2) # last part should be 2.0 deg.C
def test_min_max_check_ts_fill(self): ta=api.TimeAxis(0, 1, 5) ts_src=api.TimeSeries(ta, values=api.DoubleVector([1.0, -1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 4.0]), point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) cts=api.TimeSeries(ta, values=api.DoubleVector([1.0, 1.8, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0]), point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) ts_qac=ts_src.min_max_check_ts_fill(v_max=10.0, v_min=-10.0, dt_max=300, cts=cts) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_qac.value(3), 2.0) ts_qac=ts_src.min_max_check_ts_fill(v_max=10.0, v_min=0.0, dt_max=300, cts=cts) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_qac.value(1), 1.8) # -1 out, replaced with linear between self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_qac.value(3), 2.0)
def _reduce_fcst_group_horizon(self, fcst_group, nb_hours): # for each fcst in group; create time axis for clipping clipped_fcst_group = [] for fcst in fcst_group: # Get time acces from first src type in first member ta = fcst[0][list(fcst[0].keys())[0]][0].ts.time_axis clip_end = ta.time(0) + nb_hours * api.deltahours(1) if ta.time(0) < clip_end < ta.total_period().end: if ta.timeaxis_type == api.TimeAxisType.FIXED: dt = ta.time(1) - ta.time(0) n = nb_hours * api.deltahours(1) // dt ta = api.TimeAxis(ta.time(0), dt, n) else: idx = ta.time_points < clip_end t_end = ta.time(int(idx.nonzero()[0][-1] + 1)) ta = api.TimeAxis( api.UtcTimeVector(ta.time_points[idx].tolist()), t_end) clipped_fcst_group.append(self._clip_forecast(fcst, ta)) return clipped_fcst_group
def test_merge_points(self): a=api.TimeSeries() # a empty at beginning, we allow that. tb=api.TimeAxis(0, 1, 5) b=api.TimeSeries(tb, values=api.DoubleVector([1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) a.merge_points(b) # now a should equal b c=api.TimeSeries(api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector([3, 10, 11]), t_end=12), fill_value=9.0, point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) a.merge_points(c) # now a should have new values for t=3, plus new time-points 11 and 12 self.assertEqual(len(a), 7) assert_array_almost_equal(a.values.to_numpy(), np.array([1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 9.0, 4.0, 9.0, 9.0])) assert_array_almost_equal(a.time_axis.time_points, np.array([0,1,2,3,4,10,11,12])) xa= api.TimeSeries("some_unbound_ts") xa.merge_points(a) # now it should be bound, and it's values are from a self.assertEqual(len(xa), 7) assert_array_almost_equal(xa.values.to_numpy(), np.array([1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 9.0, 4.0, 9.0, 9.0])) assert_array_almost_equal(xa.time_axis.time_points, np.array([0,1,2,3,4,10,11,12])) d=api.TimeSeries(api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector([3, 10, 11]), t_end=12), fill_value=10.0, point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) xa.merge_points(d) #now that xa is bound, also check we get updated self.assertEqual(len(xa), 7) assert_array_almost_equal(xa.values.to_numpy(), np.array([1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 4.0, 10.0, 10.0])) assert_array_almost_equal(xa.time_axis.time_points, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12]))
def test_min_max_check_linear_fill(self): ta=api.TimeAxis(0, 1, 5) ts_src=api.TimeSeries(ta, values=api.DoubleVector([1.0, -1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 4.0]), point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) ts_qac=ts_src.min_max_check_linear_fill(v_max=10.0, v_min=-10.0, dt_max=300) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_qac.value(3), 3.0) ts_qac=ts_src.min_max_check_linear_fill(v_max=10.0, v_min=0.0, dt_max=300) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_qac.value(1), 1.5) # -1 out, replaced with linear between self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_qac.value(3), 3.0) ts_qac=ts_src.min_max_check_linear_fill(v_max=10.0, v_min=0.0, dt_max=0) self.assertTrue(not math.isfinite(ts_qac.value(3))) # should give nan, not allowed to fill in self.assertTrue(not math.isfinite(ts_qac.value(1))) # should give nan, not allowed to fill in
def test_bias_predictor(self): """ Verify that if we feed forecast[n] and observation into the bias-predictor it will create the estimated bias offsets """ f = api.KalmanFilter() bp = api.KalmanBiasPredictor(f) self.assertIsNotNone(bp) self.assertEqual(bp.filter.parameter.n_daily_observations, 8) n_fc = 8 utc = api.Calendar() t0 = utc.time(2016, 1, 1) dt = api.deltahours(1) n_fc_steps = 36 # e.g. like arome 36 hours fc_dt = api.deltahours(6) fc_fx = lambda time_axis: self._create_fc_values( time_axis, 2.0) # just return a constant 2.0 deg C for now fc_set = self._create_geo_forecast_set(n_fc, t0, dt, n_fc_steps, fc_dt, fc_fx) n_obs = 24 obs_ta = api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n_obs) obs_ts = api.TimeSeries(obs_ta, fill_value=0.0, point_fx=api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE) kalman_dt = api.deltahours( 3) # suitable average for prediction temperature kalman_ta = api.TimeAxis(t0, kalman_dt, 8) bp.update_with_forecast( fc_set, obs_ts, kalman_ta ) # here we feed in forecast-set and observation into kalman fc_setv = self._create_forecast_set(n_fc, t0, dt, n_fc_steps, fc_dt, fc_fx) bp.update_with_forecast( fc_setv, obs_ts, kalman_ta) # also verify we can feed in a pure TsVector bias_pattern = bp.state.x # the bp.state.x is now the best estimates fo the bias between fc and observation self.assertEqual(len(bias_pattern), 8) for i in range(len(bias_pattern)): self.assertLess(abs(bias_pattern[i] - 2.0), 0.2) # bias should iterate to approx 2.0 degC now.
def setUp(self): = api.Calendar() self.dt = api.deltahours(1) self.nt = 24 * 10 self.t0 =, 1, 1) self.ta = api.TimeAxis(self.t0, self.dt, self.nt) self.ta1 = api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(self.t0, self.dt, self.nt) self.geo_points = api.GeoPointVector() self.geo_points.append(api.GeoPoint(100, 100, 1000)) self.geo_points.append(api.GeoPoint(5100, 100, 1150)) self.geo_points.append(api.GeoPoint(100, 5100, 850))
def test_can_run_bayesian_kriging_from_observation_sites_to_1km_grid(self): """ Somewhat more complex test, first do kriging of 1 timeseries out to grid (expect same values flat) then do kriging of 3 time-series out to the grid (expect different values, no real verification here since this is done elsewhere """ # arrange the test with a btk_parameter, a source grid and a destination grid btk_parameter = api.BTKParameter(temperature_gradient=-0.6, temperature_gradient_sd=0.25, sill=25.0, nugget=0.5, range=20000.0, zscale=20.0) fx = lambda z: api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.zeros(self.n)) grid_1km_1 = self._create_geo_point_grid(self.mnx, self.mny, self.dx_model) grid_1km_3 = self._create_geo_point_grid(self.mnx, self.mny, self.dx_model) observation_sites = api.TemperatureSourceVector() ta_obs = api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(self.t, self.d * 3, int(self.n / 3)) ta_grid = api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(self.t, self.d, self.n) point_fx = api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE ts_site_1 = api.TimeSeries(ta_obs, values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy( (20.0 - 0.6 * 5.0 / 100) + 3.0 * np.sin(np.arange(start=0, stop=ta_obs.size(), step=1) * 2 * np.pi / 8.0 - np.pi / 2.0) ), point_fx=point_fx) ts_site_2 = api.TimeSeries(ta_obs, values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy( (20.0 - 0.6 * 500.0 / 100) + 3.0 * np.sin(np.arange(start=0, stop=ta_obs.size(), step=1) * 2 * np.pi / 8.0 - np.pi / 2.0)), point_fx=point_fx) ts_site_3 = api.TimeSeries(ta_obs, values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy( (20.0 - 0.6 * 1050.0 / 100) + 3.0 * np.sin(np.arange(start=0, stop=ta_obs.size(), step=1) * 2 * np.pi / 8.0 - np.pi / 2.0)), point_fx=point_fx) observation_sites.append(api.TemperatureSource(api.GeoPoint(50.0, 50.0, 5.0), ts_site_1)) # act 1: just one time-series put into the system, should give same ts (true-averaged) in all the grid-1km_ts (which can be improved using std.gradient..) grid_1km_1ts = api.bayesian_kriging_temperature(observation_sites, grid_1km_1, ta_grid, btk_parameter) # assert 1: self.assertEqual(len(grid_1km_1ts), self.mnx * self.mny) expected_grid_1ts_values = ts_site_1.average(api.TimeAxis(ta_grid)).values.to_numpy() for gts in grid_1km_1ts: self.assertEqual(gts.ts.size(), ta_grid.size()) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_grid_1ts_values, gts.ts.values.to_numpy())) observation_sites.append(api.TemperatureSource(api.GeoPoint(9000.0, 500.0, 500), ts_site_2)) observation_sites.append(api.TemperatureSource(api.GeoPoint(9000.0, 12000.0, 1050.0), ts_site_3)) grid_1km_3ts = api.bayesian_kriging_temperature(observation_sites, grid_1km_3, ta_grid, btk_parameter) self.assertEqual(len(grid_1km_3ts), self.mnx * self.mny) for gts in grid_1km_3ts: self.assertEqual(gts.ts.size(), ta_grid.size()) self.assertFalse(np.allclose(expected_grid_1ts_values, gts.ts.values.to_numpy()))
def setUp(self): self.c = api.Calendar() self.d = api.deltahours(1) self.n = 24 self.t = self.c.trim(self.c.time(2016, 9, 1), self.d) self.ta = api.TimeAxis(self.t, self.d, self.n) self.dx_arome = 2500 self.dx_model = 1000 self.nx = 2 self.ny = 2 self.mnx = 5 self.mny = 5 self.max_elevation = 1000
def test_partition_by(self): """ verify/demo exposure of the .partition_by function that can be used to produce yearly percentiles statistics for long historical time-series """ c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(1930, 9, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=c.diff_units(t0, c.time(2016, 9, 1), dt) ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) pattern_values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.arange(len(ta))) # increasing values src_ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, values=pattern_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) partition_t0=c.time(2016, 9, 1) n_partitions=80 partition_interval=api.Calendar.YEAR # get back TsVector, # where all TsVector[i].index_of(partition_t0) # is equal to the index ix for which the TsVector[i].value(ix) correspond to start value of that particular partition. ts_partitions=src_ts.partition_by(c, t0, partition_interval, n_partitions, partition_t0) self.assertEqual(len(ts_partitions), n_partitions) ty=t0 for ts in ts_partitions: ix=ts.index_of(partition_t0) vix=ts.value(ix) expected_value=c.diff_units(t0, ty, dt) self.assertEqual(vix, expected_value) ty=c.add(ty, partition_interval, 1) # Now finally, try percentiles on the partitions wanted_percentiles=[0, 10, 25, -1, 50, 75, 90, 100] ta_percentiles=api.TimeAxis(partition_t0, api.deltahours(24), 365) percentiles=api.percentiles(ts_partitions, ta_percentiles, wanted_percentiles) self.assertEqual(len(percentiles), len(wanted_percentiles))
def _predict_bias(self, obs_set, fc_set): # Return a set of bias_ts per observation geo_point bias_set = api.TemperatureSourceVector() kf = api.KalmanFilter() kbp = api.KalmanBiasPredictor(kf) kta = api.TimeAxis(self.t0, api.deltahours(3), 8) for obs in obs_set: kbp.update_with_forecast(fc_set, obs.ts, kta) pattern = api.KalmanState.get_x(kbp.state) # a_ts = api.TimeSeries(pattern, api.deltahours(3), self.ta) # can do using ct of TimeSeries, or: b_ts = api.create_periodic_pattern_ts(pattern, api.deltahours(3), self.ta.time(0), self.ta) # function bias_set.append(api.TemperatureSource(obs.mid_point(), b_ts)) return bias_set
def test_create_source_vector_does_not_leak(self): n = 365 * 24 * 1 # 1st checkpoint memory here, for i in range(10): v = api.TemperatureSourceVector([ api.TemperatureSource( api.GeoPoint(0.0, 1.0, 2.0), api.TimeSeries(api.TimeAxis(api.time(0), api.time(3600), n), fill_value=float(x), point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE)) for x in range(n) ]) self.assertIsNotNone(v) del v pass # 2nd mem check here, should be approx same as first checkpoint