def _convert_to_timeseries(self, data): """Convert timeseries from numpy structures to shyft.api timeseries. We assume the time axis is regular, and that we can use a point time series with a parametrized time axis definition and corresponding vector of values. If the time series is missing on the data, we insert it into non_time_series. Returns ------- timeseries: dict Time series arrays keyed by type """ tsc = api.TsFactory().create_point_ts time_series = {} for key, (data, ta) in data.items(): def construct(d): if ta.size() != d.size: raise WRFDataRepositoryError( "Time axis size {} not equal to the number of " "data points ({}) for {}" "".format(ta.size(), d.size, key)) return tsc(ta.size(), ta.start, ta.delta_t, api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(d), api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) time_series[key] = np.array( [construct(data[:, i]) for i in range(data.shape[1])]) return time_series
def _create_shyft_ts(self): b = 946684800 # 2000.01.01 00:00:00 h = 3600 #one hour in seconds values = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) shyft_ts_factory = api.TsFactory() return shyft_ts_factory.create_point_ts(len(values), b, h, api.DoubleVector(values))
def test_store(self): ds = SmGTsRepository(PREPROD) nl = [u'/shyft/test/a', u'/shyft/test/b', u'/shyft/test/c'] #[u'/ICC-test-v9.2'] t0 = 946684800 # time_t/unixtime 2000.01.01 00:00:00 dt = 3600 #one hour in seconds values = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) shyft_ts_factory = api.TsFactory() shyft_result_ts = shyft_ts_factory.create_point_ts( len(values), t0, dt, api.DoubleVector(values)) shyft_catchment_result = dict() shyft_catchment_result[nl[0]] = shyft_result_ts shyft_catchment_result[nl[1]] = shyft_result_ts shyft_catchment_result[nl[2]] = shyft_result_ts r = self.assertEqual(r, True) # now read back the ts.. and verify it's there.. read_period = api.UtcPeriod(t0, t0 + 3 * dt) rts_list =, read_period) self.assertIsNotNone(rts_list) c2 = rts_list[nl[-1]] [ self.assertAlmostEqual(c2.value(i), values[i]) for i in range(len(values)) ]
def _convert_to_timeseries(self, data): """Convert timeseries from numpy structures to shyft.api timeseries. We assume the time axis is regular, and that we can use a point time series with a parametrized time axis definition and corresponding vector of values. If the time series is missing on the data, we insert it into non_time_series. Returns ------- timeseries: dict Time series arrays keyed by type """ tsc = api.TsFactory().create_point_ts time_series = {} for key, (data, ta) in data.items(): fslice = (len(data.shape) - 2) * [slice(None)] I, J = data.shape[-2:] def construct(d): if ta.size() != d.size: raise EcDataRepositoryError( "Time axis size {} not equal to the number of " "data points ({}) for {}" "".format(ta.size(), d.size, key)) return api.TimeSeries( ta, api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(d.flatten()), self.series_type[key]) time_series[key] = np.array( [[construct(data[fslice + [i, j]]) for j in range(J)] for i in range(I)]) return time_series
def _convert_to_timeseries(self, data, concat): """Convert timeseries from numpy structures to shyft.api timeseries. Returns ------- timeseries: dict Time series arrays keyed by type """ tsf = api.TsFactory().create_point_ts tsc = api.TimeSeries time_series = {} if concat: for key, (data, ta) in data.items(): nb_timesteps, nb_pts = data.shape def construct(d): if ta.size() != d.size: raise ECConcatDataRepositoryError("Time axis size {} not equal to the number of " "data points ({}) for {}" "".format(ta.size(), d.size, key)) return tsf(ta.size(), ta.start, ta.delta_t, api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray(d.flatten()), self.series_type[key]) time_series[key] = np.array([construct(data[:, j]) for j in range(nb_pts)]) else: def construct(d, tax): if tax.size() != d.size: raise ECConcatDataRepositoryError("Time axis size {} not equal to the number of " "data points ({}) for {}" "".format(tax.size(), d.size, key)) return tsc(tax, api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray(d.flatten()), self.series_type[key]) for key, (data, ta) in data.items(): nb_forecasts, nb_timesteps, nb_pts = data.shape time_series[key] = np.array([construct(data[i, :, j], ta[i]) for i in range(nb_forecasts) for j in range(nb_pts)]) return time_series
def _convert_to_timeseries(self, data, t, ts_id): ta = api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(int(t[0]), int(t[1]) - int(t[0]), len(t)) tsc = api.TsFactory().create_point_ts def construct(d): return tsc(ta.size(), ta.start, ta.delta_t, api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray(d)) ts = [construct(data[:,j]) for j in range(data.shape[-1])] return {k:v for k, v in zip(ts_id,ts)}
def test_vector_of_timeseries(self): dv = np.arange(self.ta.size()) v = api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(dv) tsf = api.TsFactory(); tsa = tsf.create_point_ts(self.n, self.t, self.d, v) tsvector = api.TsVector() self.assertEqual(len(tsvector), 0) tsvector.push_back(tsa) self.assertEqual(len(tsvector), 1)
def _create_constant_geo_ts(self, geo_ts_type, geo_point, utc_period, value): """Create a time point ts, with one value at the start of the supplied utc_period.""" tv = api.UtcTimeVector() tv.push_back(utc_period.start) vv = api.DoubleVector() vv.push_back(value) cts = api.TsFactory().create_time_point_ts(utc_period, tv, vv, api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) return geo_ts_type(geo_point, cts)
def _make_shyft_ts_from_xts(xts): if not isinstance(xts, ITimeSeries): raise SmgDataError("Supplied xts should be of type ITimeSeries") t = api.UtcTimeVector() v = api.DoubleVector() for i in range(xts.Count): t.push_back(xts.Time(i).ToUnixTime()) v.push_back(xts.Value(i).V) shyft_ts = api.TsFactory().create_time_point_ts(api.UtcPeriod(t[0], t[-1]), t, v) return shyft_ts
def test_create_TargetSpecificationPts(self): t = api.TargetSpecificationPts(); t.scale_factor = 1.0 t.calc_mode = api.NASH_SUTCLIFFE t.calc_mode = api.KLING_GUPTA; t.s_r = 1.0 # KGEs scale-factors t.s_a = 2.0 t.s_b = 3.0 self.assertAlmostEqual(t.scale_factor, 1.0) # create a ts with some points cal = api.Calendar(); start = cal.time(api.YMDhms(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) dt = api.deltahours(1) tsf = api.TsFactory(); times = api.UtcTimeVector() times.push_back(start + 1 * dt); times.push_back(start + 3 * dt); times.push_back(start + 4 * dt) values = api.DoubleVector() values.push_back(1.0) values.push_back(3.0) values.push_back(np.nan) tsp = tsf.create_time_point_ts(api.UtcPeriod(start, start + 24 * dt), times, values) # convert it from a time-point ts( as returned from current smgrepository) to a fixed interval with timeaxis, needed by calibration tst = api.TsTransform() tsa = tst.to_average(start, dt, 24, tsp) # tsa2 = tst.to_average(start,dt,24,tsp,False) # tsa_staircase = tst.to_average_staircase(start,dt,24,tsp,False) # nans infects the complete interval to nan # tsa_staircase2 = tst.to_average_staircase(start,dt,24,tsp,True) # skip nans, nans are 0 # stuff it into the target spec. # also show how to specify snow-calibration cids = api.IntVector([0, 2, 3]) t2 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(tsa,cids, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.SNOW_COVERED_AREA) t2.catchment_property = api.SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT self.assertEqual(t2.catchment_property, api.SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT) self.assertIsNotNone(t2.catchment_indexes) for i in range(len(cids)): self.assertEqual(cids[i],t2.catchment_indexes[i]) t.ts = tsa #TODO: Does not work, list of objects are not yet convertible tv = api.TargetSpecificationVector([t, t2]) tv=api.TargetSpecificationVector() tv.append(t) tv.append(t2) # now verify we got something ok self.assertEqual(2, tv.size()) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(2), 2.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(3), 3.0) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 # and that the target vector now have its own copy of ts tsa.set(1, 3.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # make sure the ts passed onto target spec, is a copy self.assertAlmostEqual(tsa.value(1), 3.0) # and that we really did change the source
def test_ts_factory(self): dv=np.arange(self.ta.size()) v=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(dv) t=api.UtcTimeVector(); for i in range(self.ta.size()): t.push_back(self.ta(i).start) t.push_back(self.ta(self.ta.size() - 1).end) tsf=api.TsFactory() ts1=tsf.create_point_ts(self.ta.size(), self.t, self.d, v) ts2=tsf.create_time_point_ts(self.ta.total_period(), t, v) tslist=api.TsVector() tslist.push_back(ts1) tslist.push_back(ts2) self.assertEqual(tslist.size(), 2)
def _make_shyft_ts_from_ssa_ts(ssa_ts): if (not isinstance(ssa_ts, SsaTimeSeries)): raise SmgDataError( "supplied ssa_ts should be of type SsaTimeSeries") tsv = ssa_ts.GetTsAsVector(TimeSystemReference.Unix1970Utc) tsfactory = api.TsFactory() #todo: this can be done much faster using clr direct accesss, times = api.UtcTimeVector.FromNdArray( np.fromiter(tsv.Time, dtype=np.long)) values = api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray( np.fromiter(tsv.Value, dtype=np.float)) ts_period = api.UtcPeriod(tsv.TotalPeriod.Start.ToUnixTime(), tsv.TotalPeriod.End.ToUnixTime()) shyft_ts = tsfactory.create_time_point_ts(ts_period, times, values) return shyft_ts
def test_average_accessor(self): dv = np.arange(self.ta.size()) v = api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(dv) t = api.UtcTimeVector() for i in range(self.ta.size()): t.push_back(self.ta(i).start) t.push_back( self.ta(self.ta.size() - 1).end) # important! needs n+1 points to determine n periods in the timeaxis tsf = api.TsFactory() ts1 = tsf.create_point_ts(self.ta.size(), self.t, self.d, v) ts2 = tsf.create_time_point_ts(self.ta.total_period(), t, v) tax = api.Timeaxis(self.ta.total_period().start + api.deltaminutes(30), api.deltahours(1), self.ta.size()) avg1 = api.AverageAccessorTs(ts1, tax) self.assertEqual(avg1.size(), tax.size()) self.assertIsNotNone(ts2)
def get_timeseries(self, input_source_types, utc_period, geo_location_criteria=None): """Method for fetching the sources in NetCDF files. Parameters ---------- input_source_types: list List of source types to retrieve (precipitation, temperature..) geo_location_criteria: bbox + proj.ref ? utc_period : of type UtcPeriod Returns ------- data: dict Shyft.api container for geo-located time series. Types are found from the input_source_type.vector_t attribute. """ data = dict() # Fill the data with actual values for input_source in input_source_types: api_source_type = self.source_type_map[input_source] ts = self._fetch_station_tseries(input_source, self._params['types'], utc_period) assert type(ts) is list tsf = api.TsFactory() acc_data = api_source_type.vector_t() for station in ts: times = station['time'] assert type(times) is list dt = times[1] - times[0] if len(times) > 1 else api.deltahours( 1) total_period = api.UtcPeriod(times[0], times[-1] + dt) time_points = api.UtcTimeVector(times) time_points.push_back(total_period.end) values = station['values'] value_points = api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray(values) api_ts = tsf.create_time_point_ts(total_period, time_points, value_points) data_source = api_source_type( api.GeoPoint(*station['location']), api_ts) acc_data.append(data_source) data[input_source] = acc_data return data
def _convert_to_timeseries(self, data): tsc = api.TsFactory().create_point_ts time_series = {} for key, (data, ta) in data.items(): fslice = (len(data.shape) - 2)*[slice(None)] I, J = data.shape[-2:] def construct(d): if ta.size() != d.size: raise ERAInterimDataRepositoryError("Time axis size {} not equal to the number of " "data points ({}) for {}" "".format(ta.size(), d.size, key)) return tsc(ta.size(), ta.start, ta.delta_t, api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(d.flatten()), self.series_type[key]) time_series[key] = np.array([[construct(data[fslice + [i, j]]) for j in range(J)] for i in range(I)]) return time_series
def test_vector_of_timeseries(self): dv=np.arange(self.ta.size()) v=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(dv) tsf=api.TsFactory() tsa=tsf.create_point_ts(self.n, self.t, self.d, v) tsvector=api.TsVector() self.assertEqual(len(tsvector), 0) tsvector.push_back(tsa) self.assertEqual(len(tsvector), 1) tsvector.push_back(tsa) vv=tsvector.values_at_time(self.ta.time(3)) # verify it's easy to get out vectorized results at time t self.assertEqual(len(vv), len(tsvector)) self.assertAlmostEqual(vv[0], 3.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(vv[1], 3.0) ts_list=[tsa, tsa] vv=api.ts_vector_values_at_time(ts_list, self.ta.time(4)) # also check it work with list(TimeSeries) self.assertEqual(len(vv), len(tsvector)) self.assertAlmostEqual(vv[0], 4.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(vv[1], 4.0)
def test_ts_transform(self): dv=np.arange(self.ta.size()) v=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(dv) t=api.UtcTimeVector(); for i in range(self.ta.size()): t.push_back(self.ta(i).start) # t.push_back(self.ta(self.ta.size()-1).end) #important! needs n+1 points to determine n periods in the timeaxis t_start=self.ta.total_period().start dt=api.deltahours(1) tax=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t_start + api.deltaminutes(30), dt, self.ta.size()) tsf=api.TsFactory() ts1=tsf.create_point_ts(self.ta.size(), self.t, self.d, v) ts2=tsf.create_time_point_ts(self.ta.total_period(), t, v) ts3=api.TsFixed(tax, v, api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE) tst=api.TsTransform() tt1=tst.to_average(t_start, dt, tax.size(), ts1) tt2=tst.to_average(t_start, dt, tax.size(), ts2) tt3=tst.to_average(t_start, dt, tax.size(), ts3) self.assertEqual(tt1.size(), tax.size()) self.assertEqual(tt2.size(), tax.size()) self.assertEqual(tt3.size(), tax.size())
for var, (file_name, source_type, source_vec) in source_map.items(): nci = Dataset( os.path.join(shyftdata_dir, 'netcdf/orchestration-testdata/' + file_name)) time = api.UtcTimeVector([int(t) for t in nci.variables['time'][:]]) delta_t = time[1] - time[0] if len(time) > 1 else api.deltahours(1) for i in range(nci.dimensions['station'].size): x = nci.variables['x'][i] y = nci.variables['y'][i] z = nci.variables['z'][i] gp = api.GeoPoint(float(x), float(y), float(z)) data = nci.variables[var][:, i] time_axis = api.TimeAxis(int(time[0]), delta_t, len(time)) dts = api.TsFactory().create_time_point_ts(time_axis.total_period(), time, data, api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) # add it to the variable source vector source_vec.append(source_type(gp, dts)) nci.close() # source data, which will be fed to the interpolation region_environment = re def plot_station_data(region_environment): """plot the data within each source vector of the 'ARegionEnvironment' """ for fv, sv in region_environment.variables: n_stn = len(sv) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
def test_create_TargetSpecificationPts(self): t = api.TargetSpecificationPts() t.scale_factor = 1.0 t.calc_mode = api.NASH_SUTCLIFFE t.calc_mode = api.KLING_GUPTA t.calc_mode = api.ABS_DIFF t.calc_mode = api.RMSE t.s_r = 1.0 # KGEs scale-factors t.s_a = 2.0 t.s_b = 3.0 self.assertIsNotNone(t.uid) t.uid = 'test' self.assertEqual(t.uid, 'test') self.assertAlmostEqual(t.scale_factor, 1.0) # create a ts with some points cal = api.Calendar() start = cal.time(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) dt = api.deltahours(1) tsf = api.TsFactory() times = api.UtcTimeVector() times.push_back(start + 1 * dt) times.push_back(start + 3 * dt) times.push_back(start + 4 * dt) values = api.DoubleVector() values.push_back(1.0) values.push_back(3.0) values.push_back(np.nan) tsp = tsf.create_time_point_ts(api.UtcPeriod(start, start + 24 * dt), times, values) # convert it from a time-point ts( as returned from current smgrepository) to a fixed interval with timeaxis, needed by calibration tst = api.TsTransform() tsa = tst.to_average(start, dt, 24, tsp) # tsa2 = tst.to_average(start,dt,24,tsp,False) # tsa_staircase = tst.to_average_staircase(start,dt,24,tsp,False) # nans infects the complete interval to nan # tsa_staircase2 = tst.to_average_staircase(start,dt,24,tsp,True) # skip nans, nans are 0 # stuff it into the target spec. # also show how to specify snow-calibration cids = api.IntVector([0, 2, 3]) t2 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(tsa, cids, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.SNOW_COVERED_AREA, 'test_uid') self.assertEqual(t2.uid, 'test_uid') t2.catchment_property = api.SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT self.assertEqual(t2.catchment_property, api.SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT) t2.catchment_property = api.CELL_CHARGE self.assertEqual(t2.catchment_property, api.CELL_CHARGE) self.assertIsNotNone(t2.catchment_indexes) for i in range(len(cids)): self.assertEqual(cids[i], t2.catchment_indexes[i]) t.ts = api.TimeSeries(tsa) # target spec is now a regular TimeSeries tv = api.TargetSpecificationVector() tv[:] = [t, t2] # now verify we got something ok self.assertEqual(2, tv.size()) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(2), 2.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 # self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(3), 3.0) # original flat out at end, but now: self.assertTrue(math.isnan( tv[0].ts.value(3))) # strictly linear between points. # and that the target vector now have its own copy of ts tsa.set(1, 3.0) self.assertAlmostEqual( tv[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # make sure the ts passed onto target spec, is a copy self.assertAlmostEqual(tsa.value(1), 3.0) # and that we really did change the source # Create a clone of target specification vector tv2 = api.TargetSpecificationVector(tv) self.assertEqual(2, tv2.size()) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv2[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv2[0].ts.value(2), 2.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertTrue(math.isnan( tv2[0].ts.value(3))) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 tv2[0].scale_factor = 10.0 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].scale_factor, 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv2[0].scale_factor, 10.0) # test we can create from breakpoint time-series ts_bp = api.TimeSeries(api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector([0, 25, 20]), 30), fill_value=2.0, point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tspec_bp = api.TargetSpecificationPts(ts_bp, cids, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.CELL_CHARGE, 'test_uid') self.assertIsNotNone(tspec_bp)
def _create_shyft_ts(self): b = 946684800 # 2000.01.01 00:00:00 h = 3600 # One hour in seconds v = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) return api.TsFactory().create_point_ts(len(v), b, h, api.DoubleVector(v))