def validateDir(path, dirName, nzbNameOriginal, failed, result): """ Check if directory is valid for processing :param path: Path to use :param dirName: Directory to check :param nzbNameOriginal: Original NZB name :param failed: Previously failed objects :param result: Previous results :return: True if dir is valid for processing, False if not """ IGNORED_FOLDERS = ['.AppleDouble', '.@__thumb', '@eaDir'] folder_name = os.path.basename(dirName) if folder_name in IGNORED_FOLDERS: return False result.output += logHelper("Processing folder " + dirName, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) if folder_name.startswith('_FAILED_'): result.output += logHelper("The directory name indicates it failed to extract.", sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) failed = True elif folder_name.startswith('_UNDERSIZED_'): result.output += logHelper("The directory name indicates that it was previously rejected for being undersized.", sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) failed = True elif folder_name.upper().startswith('_UNPACK'): result.output += logHelper( "The directory name indicates that this release is in the process of being unpacked.", sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) result.missedfiles.append(dirName + " : Being unpacked") return False if failed: process_failed(os.path.join(path, dirName), nzbNameOriginal, result) result.missedfiles.append(dirName + " : Failed download") return False if is_hidden_folder(os.path.join(path, dirName)): result.output += logHelper("Ignoring hidden folder: " + dirName, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) result.missedfiles.append(dirName + " : Hidden folder") return False # make sure the dir isn't inside a show dir for dbData in [x['doc'] for x in sickrage.srCore.mainDB.db.all('tv_shows', with_doc=True)]: if dirName.lower().startswith(os.path.realpath(dbData["location"]).lower() + os.sep) or \ dirName.lower() == os.path.realpath(dbData["location"]).lower(): result.output += logHelper( "Cannot process an episode that's already been moved to its show dir, skipping " + dirName, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.WARNING) return False # Get the videofile list for the next checks allFiles = [] allDirs = [] for _, processdir, fileList in os.walk(os.path.join(path, dirName), topdown=False): allDirs += processdir allFiles += fileList videoFiles = [x for x in allFiles if isMediaFile(x)] allDirs.append(dirName) # check if the dir have at least one tv video file for video in videoFiles: try: NameParser().parse(video, cache_result=False) return True except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException): pass for proc_dir in allDirs: try: NameParser().parse(proc_dir, cache_result=False) return True except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException): pass if sickrage.srCore.srConfig.UNPACK: # Search for packed release packedFiles = [x for x in allFiles if isRarFile(x)] for packed in packedFiles: try: NameParser().parse(packed, cache_result=False) return True except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException): pass result.output += logHelper(dirName + " : No processable items found in folder", sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) return False
def processDir(dirName, nzbName=None, process_method=None, force=False, is_priority=None, delete_on=False, failed=False, proc_type="auto", **kwargs): """ Scans through the files in dirName and processes whatever media files it finds :param dirName: The folder name to look in :param nzbName: The NZB name which resulted in this folder being downloaded :param force: True to postprocess already postprocessed files :param failed: Boolean for whether or not the download failed :param proc_type: Type of postprocessing auto or manual """ result = ProcessResult() result.output += logHelper("Processing folder %s" % dirName, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) result.output += logHelper("TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR: %s" % sickrage.srCore.srConfig.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) postpone = False # if they passed us a real dir then assume it's the one we want if os.path.isdir(dirName): dirName = os.path.realpath(dirName) # if the client and SickRage are not on the same machine translate the Dir in a network dir elif sickrage.srCore.srConfig.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and os.path.isdir(sickrage.srCore.srConfig.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) \ and os.path.normpath(dirName) != os.path.normpath(sickrage.srCore.srConfig.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR): dirName = os.path.join(sickrage.srCore.srConfig.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, os.path.abspath(dirName).split(os.path.sep)[-1]) result.output += logHelper("Trying to use folder %s" % dirName, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) # if we didn't find a real dir then quit if not os.path.isdir(dirName): result.output += logHelper( "Unable to figure out what folder to process. If your downloader and SiCKRAGE aren't on the same PC make sure you fill out your TV download dir in the config.", sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) return result.output path, dirs, files = get_path_dir_files(dirName, nzbName, proc_type) files = [x for x in files if notTorNZBFile(x)] SyncFiles = [x for x in files if isSyncFile(x)] # Don't post process if files are still being synced and option is activated if SyncFiles and sickrage.srCore.srConfig.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES: postpone = True nzbNameOriginal = nzbName if not postpone: result.output += logHelper("PostProcessing Path: %s" % path, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.INFO) result.output += logHelper("PostProcessing Dirs: [%s]" % ", ".join(dirs), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) rarFiles = [x for x in files if isRarFile(x)] rarContent = unRAR(path, rarFiles, force, result) files += rarContent videoFiles = [x for x in files if isMediaFile(x)] videoInRar = [x for x in rarContent if isMediaFile(x)] result.output += logHelper("PostProcessing Files: [%s]" % ", ".join(files), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) result.output += logHelper("PostProcessing VideoFiles: [%s]" % ", ".join(videoFiles), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) result.output += logHelper("PostProcessing RarContent: [%s]" % ", ".join(rarContent), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) result.output += logHelper("PostProcessing VideoInRar: [%s]" % ", ".join(videoInRar), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) # If nzbName is set and there's more than one videofile in the folder, files will be lost (overwritten). if len(videoFiles) >= 2: nzbName = None if not process_method: process_method = sickrage.srCore.srConfig.PROCESS_METHOD result.result = True # Don't Link media when the media is extracted from a rar in the same path if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and videoInRar: process_media(path, videoInRar, nzbName, 'move', force, is_priority, result) delete_files(path, rarContent, result) for video in set(videoFiles) - set(videoInRar): process_media(path, [video], nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) elif sickrage.srCore.srConfig.DELRARCONTENTS and videoInRar: process_media(path, videoInRar, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) delete_files(path, rarContent, result, True) for video in set(videoFiles) - set(videoInRar): process_media(path, [video], nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) else: for video in videoFiles: process_media(path, [video], nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) else: result.output += logHelper("Found temporary sync files, skipping post processing for: %s" % path) result.output += logHelper("Sync Files: [%s] in path %s" % (", ".join(SyncFiles), path)) result.missedfiles.append("%s : Syncfiles found" % path) # Process Video File in all TV Subdir for curDir in [x for x in dirs if validateDir(path, x, nzbNameOriginal, failed, result)]: result.result = True for processPath, _, fileList in os.walk(os.path.join(path, curDir), topdown=False): if not validateDir(path, processPath, nzbNameOriginal, failed, result): continue postpone = False SyncFiles = [x for x in fileList if isSyncFile(x)] # Don't post process if files are still being synced and option is activated if SyncFiles and sickrage.srCore.srConfig.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES: postpone = True if not postpone: rarFiles = [x for x in fileList if isRarFile(x)] rarContent = unRAR(processPath, rarFiles, force, result) fileList = set(fileList + rarContent) videoFiles = [x for x in fileList if isMediaFile(x)] videoInRar = [x for x in rarContent if isMediaFile(x)] notwantedFiles = [x for x in fileList if x not in videoFiles] if notwantedFiles: result.output += logHelper("Found unwanted files: [%s]" % ", ".join(notwantedFiles), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) # Don't Link media when the media is extracted from a rar in the same path if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and videoInRar: process_media(processPath, videoInRar, nzbName, 'move', force, is_priority, result) process_media(processPath, set(videoFiles) - set(videoInRar), nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) delete_files(processPath, rarContent, result) elif sickrage.srCore.srConfig.DELRARCONTENTS and videoInRar: process_media(processPath, videoInRar, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) process_media(processPath, set(videoFiles) - set(videoInRar), nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) delete_files(processPath, rarContent, result, True) else: process_media(processPath, videoFiles, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result) # Delete all file not needed if process_method != "move" or not result.result \ or ( proc_type == "manual" and not delete_on): # Avoid to delete files if is Manual PostProcessing continue delete_files(processPath, notwantedFiles, result) if ( not sickrage.srCore.srConfig.NO_DELETE or proc_type == "manual") and process_method == "move" and \ os.path.normpath(processPath) != os.path.normpath( sickrage.srCore.srConfig.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR): if delete_folder(processPath, check_empty=True): result.output += logHelper("Deleted folder: %s" % processPath, sickrage.srCore.srLogger.DEBUG) else: result.output += logHelper("Found temporary sync files, skipping post processing for: %s" % processPath) result.output += logHelper("Sync Files: [%s] in path %s" % (", ".join(SyncFiles), processPath)) result.missedfiles.append("%s : Syncfiles found" % processPath) if result.aggresult: result.output += logHelper("Processing completed") if result.missedfiles: result.output += logHelper("I did encounter some unprocessable items: [%s]" % ", ".join(result.missedfiles)) else: result.output += logHelper( "Problem(s) during processing, failed the following files/folders: [%s]" % ", ".join( result.missedfiles), sickrage.srCore.srLogger.WARNING) return result.output