async def currenttime(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global tz_aliases global tz_offsets if not tz_aliases: with open(cmd.resource('tz_aliases.yml')) as tz_a_file: tz_aliases = yaml.safe_load(tz_a_file) if not tz_offsets: with open(cmd.resource('tz_offsets.yml')) as tz_o_file: tz_offsets = yaml.safe_load(tz_o_file) if args: shift = ' '.join(args).lower() if shift in tz_aliases: shift = tz_aliases.get(shift) if shift in tz_offsets: shift = tz_offsets.get(shift) else: shift = None try: if shift: now = arrow.utcnow().to(shift) else: now = arrow.utcnow() except ParserError: now = None if now: time_out = now.format('DD. MMM. YYYY - HH:mm:ss') response = discord.Embed(color=0xf9f9f9, title=f'🕥 {time_out}') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Could not parse that time.') await
async def joke(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): if not joke_cache: with open(cmd.resource('stupidstuff.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as stupid_joke_file: stupid = json.loads( [joke_cache.append(joke_item) for joke_item in stupid if 1 < len(joke_item.get('body')) < 512] with open(cmd.resource('wocka.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as wocka_joke_file: wocka = json.loads( [joke_cache.append(joke_item) for joke_item in wocka if 1 < len(joke_item.get('body')) < 512] joke_data = joke_cache.pop(secrets.randbelow(len(joke_cache))) joke_text = joke_data.get('body') embed = discord.Embed(color=0xFFDC5D) embed.add_field(name='😆 Have A Random Joke', value=joke_text) await, embed=embed)
async def fortune(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): if not fortune_files: for fortune_file in os.listdir(cmd.resource('fortune')): with open(cmd.resource(f'fortune/{fortune_file}')) as forfile: text_data = fortune_files.append(text_data.split('%')) category = secrets.choice(fortune_files) fort = None while fort is None or len(fort) > 800: fort = secrets.choice(category) response = discord.Embed(color=0x8CCAF7) response.add_field(name='🔮 Fortune', value=fort) await
async def cook(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core global recipe_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if not recipe_core: recipe_core = RecipeCore(cmd.resource('data')) if args: lookup = ' '.join(args) recipe = recipe_core.find_recipe(lookup) used_items = [] if recipe: req_satisfied = True for ingredient in recipe.ingredients: user_inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory( in_inventory = False for item in user_inv: if item['item_file_id'] == ingredient.file_id: used_items.append(item) in_inventory = True break if not in_inventory: req_satisfied = False if req_satisfied: cooked_item_data = item_core.get_item_by_name( await cmd.db.add_to_inventory(, cooked_item_data) await item_core.add_item_statistic(cmd.db, recipe, for req_item in used_items: await cmd.db.del_from_inventory(, req_item['item_id']) quality = cook_quality[cooked_item_data['quality']] connector = 'a' if quality[0].lower() in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']: connector = 'an' head_title = f'{recipe.icon} You made {connector} {quality.lower()} {}' response = discord.Embed(color=recipe.color, title=head_title) response.set_author(, icon_url=user_avatar( else: response = discord.Embed( color=0xBE1931, title=f'❗ You\'re missing ingredients.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0x696969, title=f'🔍 Recipe not found.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title=f'❗ Nothing inputted.') await
async def shootfoot(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global feet_data if not feet_data: with open(cmd.resource('feets.yml')) as footfile: feet_data = yaml.safe_load(footfile) if args: foot_lang = None foot_lang_search = args[0].lower() for foot_key in feet_data.keys(): if foot_key.lower() == foot_lang_search: foot_lang = foot_key if foot_lang: joke_list = feet_data.get(foot_lang) else: joke_list = None else: foot_lang = secrets.choice(list(feet_data.keys())) joke_list = feet_data.get(foot_lang) if joke_list: joke = secrets.choice(joke_list) response = discord.Embed( color=0xbf6952, title=f'🔫 How to shoot yourself in the foot with {foot_lang}...') response.description = joke else: response = discord.Embed( color=0x696969, title=f'🔍 I don\'t know how to do it with {foot_lang_search}.') await
async def inspect(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if args: inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory( if inv: lookup = ' '.join(args) item_o = item_core.get_item_by_name(lookup) if item_o: item = await cmd.db.get_inventory_item(, item_o.file_id) else: item = None if item: response = item_o.make_inspect_embed( response.set_footer(text=f'ItemID: {item["item_id"]}') else: response = None else: response = None else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ You didn\'t input anything.') if response: await else: await'finditem').execute(message, args)
async def chances(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if message.mentions: target = message.mentions[0] else: target = upgrade_file = await cmd.db[cmd.db.db_cfg.database].Upgrades.find_one({'UserID':}) or {} upgrade_level = upgrade_file.get('luck') or 0 top_roll, rarities = item_core.create_roll_range(upgrade_level) out_lines = [] table_head = ['Rarity', 'Chance'] for rarity_key in rarities.keys(): if rarity_key != 0: new_key = rarity_key - 1 range_top = rarities.get(rarity_key) - rarities.get(new_key) chance = round((range_top / top_roll) * 100, 5) out_line = [rarity_names.get(new_key).title(), f'{chance}%'] out_lines.append(out_line) range_top = top_roll - rarities.get(9) chance = round((range_top / top_roll) * 100, 5) out_line = [rarity_names.get(9).title(), f'{chance}%'] out_lines.append(out_line) description = f'Your luck is **Lv{upgrade_level}** with a top roll of **{top_roll}**.' out_table = boop(out_lines, table_head) response = discord.Embed(color=0x1b6f5f) response.set_author(name=f'{}\'s Item Chances', icon_url=user_avatar(target)) response.add_field(name='General Stats', value=description, inline=False) response.add_field(name='Chances Table', value=f'```bat\n{out_table}\n```', inline=False) await
async def wfbounties(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): if args: try: btier = abs(int(args[0])) if not 5 >= btier >= 1: btier = None except ValueError: btier = None if btier: world_state = '' try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(world_state) as data: data = await data = json.loads(data) synd_missions = data['SyndicateMissions'] poe_data = None for synd_mission in synd_missions: if synd_mission['Tag'] == 'CetusSyndicate': poe_data = synd_mission except aiohttp.ClientPayloadError: poe_data = None if poe_data: end_stamp = int( poe_data['Expiry']['$date']['$numberLong']) // 1000 end_arr = arrow.get(end_stamp) with open(cmd.resource('bounty_rewards.yml'), encoding='utf-8') as reward_file: reward_data = yaml.safe_load(reward_file) job_index = btier - 1 job = poe_data['Jobs'][job_index] job_mission = capital_split(job.get('jobType').split('/')[-1]) job_rewards = reward_data.get( job.get('rewards').split('/')[-1]) job_info = f'Levels: {job.get("minEnemyLevel")} - {job.get("maxEnemyLevel")}' job_info += f' | Standing: {job.get("xpAmounts")[0]} - {job.get("xpAmounts")[-1]}' job_info += f' | Mission: {job_mission}' cetus_wh = '' cetus_or = '' response = discord.Embed(color=0xb74624, timestamp=end_arr.datetime) response.set_author(name=f'Ostron Tier {btier} Bounty', icon_url=cetus_or) response.add_field(name='Job Information', value=job_info) response.add_field(name='Bounty Rewards', value=', '.join(job_rewards)) response.set_footer( text=f'Bounties change {end_arr.humanize()}.', icon_url=cetus_wh) else: response = discord.Embed( title='❗ Could not retrieve Plains of Eidolon data.', color=0xBE1931) else: response = discord.Embed(title='❗ Invalid tier provided.', color=0xBE1931) else: response = discord.Embed(title='❗ Please provide a bounty tier.', color=0xBE1931) await
async def timeconvert(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global tz_aliases global tz_offsets if not tz_aliases: with open(cmd.resource('tz_aliases.yml')) as tz_a_file: tz_aliases = yaml.safe_load(tz_a_file) if not tz_offsets: with open(cmd.resource('tz_offsets.yml')) as tz_o_file: tz_offsets = yaml.safe_load(tz_o_file) if args: conv_input = ' '.join(args).split('>') if len(conv_input) == 2: from_pieces = conv_input[0].split() if len(from_pieces) == 2: from_time = from_pieces[0] from_zone = from_pieces[1] if from_zone.lower() in tz_aliases: from_zone = tz_aliases.get(from_zone.lower()) if from_zone.lower() in tz_offsets: from_zone = tz_offsets.get(from_zone.lower()) to_zone = conv_input[1] if to_zone.lower() in tz_aliases: to_zone = tz_aliases.get(to_zone.lower()) if to_zone.lower() in tz_offsets: to_zone = tz_offsets.get(to_zone.lower()) try: from_string = f'{arrow.utcnow().format("YYYY-MM-DD")} {from_time}:00' if from_zone != 0: from_arrow = arrow.get(from_string).to(str(from_zone)) else: from_arrow = arrow.get(from_string) to_arrow = time_out = to_arrow.format('DD. MMM. YYYY - HH:mm:ss (ZZ)') response = discord.Embed(color=0xf9f9f9, title=f'🕥 {time_out}') except ParserError: response = discord.Embed( color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Could not parse that time.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Invalid first argument.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Invalid input arguments.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Nothing inputted.') await
async def inventorystats(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if message.mentions: target = message.mentions[0] else: target = inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory(target) item_o_list = [] for item in inv: item_o = item_core.get_item_by_file_id(item['item_file_id']) item_o_list.append(item_o) item_o_list = sorted(item_o_list, key=lambda x: x.rarity, reverse=True) inv = item_o_list if inv: total_value = 0 rarity_dict = {} type_dict = {} for item_o_item in item_o_list: total_value += item_o_item.value if item_o_item.type.lower() in type_dict: type_count = type_dict[item_o_item.type.lower()] else: type_count = 0 type_count += 1 type_dict.update({item_o_item.type.lower(): type_count}) if item_o_item.rarity_name in rarity_dict: rare_count = rarity_dict[item_o_item.rarity_name] else: rare_count = 0 rare_count += 1 rarity_dict.update({item_o_item.rarity_name: rare_count}) type_keys = ['fish', 'plant', 'animal'] type_list = [] for type_key in type_keys: if type_key in type_dict: type_num = type_dict[type_key] else: type_num = 0 type_list.append([type_key.upper(), type_num]) type_out = boop(type_list) rare_keys = ['common', 'uncommon', 'rare', 'legendary', 'prime', 'spectral', 'ethereal', 'antimatter', 'omnipotent'] rare_list = [] for rare_key in rare_keys: if rare_key in rarity_dict: rare_num = rarity_dict[rare_key] else: rare_num = 0 rare_list.append([rare_key.upper(), rare_num]) rare_out = boop(rare_list) response = discord.Embed(color=0xc16a4f) response.set_author(name=f'{}#{target.discriminator}', icon_url=user_avatar(target)) response.add_field(name='Items by Type', value=f'```py\n{type_out}\n```', inline=False) response.add_field(name='Items by Rarity', value=f'```py\n{rare_out}\n```', inline=False) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xc6e4b5, title='💸 Totally empty...') await
async def sell(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) currency = if args: inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory( if inv: lookup = ' '.join(args) if lookup == 'all': value = 0 count = 0 for invitem in inv: item_ob_id = item_core.get_item_by_file_id( invitem['item_file_id']) value += item_ob_id.value count += 1 await cmd.db.del_from_inventory(, invitem['item_id']) await cmd.db.add_currency(, message.guild, value) currency = response = discord.Embed( color=0xc6e4b5, title=f'💶 You sold {count} items for {value} {currency}.') else: item_o = item_core.get_item_by_name(lookup) if item_o: item = await cmd.db.get_inventory_item(, item_o.file_id) else: item = None if item: value = item_o.value await cmd.db.add_currency(, message.guild, value) await cmd.db.del_from_inventory(, item['item_id']) response = discord.Embed( color=0xc6e4b5, title= f'💶 You sold the {} for {value} {currency}.' ) else: response = discord.Embed( color=0x696969, title= f'🔍 I didn\'t find any {lookup} in your inventory.') else: response = discord.Embed( color=0xc6e4b5, title=f'💸 Your inventory is empty, {}...') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ You didn\'t input anything.') await
async def realprogrammers(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global joke_cache if not joke_cache: with open(cmd.resource('real-programmers'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as joke_file: joke_cache = yaml.safe_load(joke_file) joke = secrets.choice(joke_cache) response = discord.Embed(color=0xf9f9f9, title=f'💻 Real programmers...') response.description = joke await
async def dadjoke(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): with open(cmd.resource('dadjokes.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as dadjokes_file: jokes = jokes = json.loads(jokes) joke_list = jokes['JOKES'] end_joke_choice = secrets.choice(joke_list) end_joke = end_joke_choice['setup'] punchline = end_joke_choice['punchline'] embed = discord.Embed(color=0xFFDC5D) embed.add_field(name='😖 Have An Awful Dad Joke', value=f'{end_joke}\n...\n{punchline}') await, embed=embed)
async def filtersell(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if args: full_qry = ' '.join(args) arguments = full_qry.split(':') if len(arguments) >= 2: mode = arguments[0].lower() lookup = ' '.join(arguments[1:]) inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory( if inv: sell_count = 0 sell_value = 0 if mode == 'name': attribute = 'name' elif mode == 'type': attribute = 'type' elif mode == 'rarity' or mode == 'quality': attribute = 'rarity_name' else: attribute = None if attribute: sell_id_list = [] for item in inv: item_ob_id = item_core.get_item_by_file_id( item['item_file_id']) item_attribute = getattr(item_ob_id, attribute) if item_attribute.lower() == lookup.lower(): sell_value += item_ob_id.value sell_count += 1 sell_id_list.append(item['item_id']) await sell_item_ids(cmd.db,, sell_id_list) await cmd.db.add_currency(, message.guild, sell_value) currency = sell_title = f'💶 You sold {sell_count} items for {sell_value} {currency}.' response = discord.Embed(color=0xc6e4b5, title=sell_title) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Invalid arguments.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Your inventory is empty.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Invalid number of arguments.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Nothing inputted.') await
async def finditem(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if args: lookup = ' '.join(args) item = item_core.get_item_by_name(lookup) if item: response = item.make_inspect_embed( else: response = discord.Embed(color=0x696969, title=f'🔍 I didn\'t find any {lookup}.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ You didn\'t input anything.') await
async def viewrecipe(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global recipe_core if not recipe_core: recipe_core = RecipeCore(cmd.resource('data')) if args: lookup = ' '.join(args) recipe = recipe_core.find_recipe(lookup) currency = if recipe: response = discord.Embed(color=recipe.color) ingredients = '' ing_value = 0 recipe.ingredients.sort(key=lambda x: req_satisfied = True for ingredient in recipe.ingredients: user_inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory( in_inventory = False for item in user_inv: if item['item_file_id'] == ingredient.file_id: in_inventory = True break if in_inventory: in_inventory = '▫' else: in_inventory = '▪' req_satisfied = False ingredients += f'\n{in_inventory} **{}**' ing_value += ingredient.value ing_icon = recipe.ingredients[0].icon item_title = f'{recipe.icon} {}' item_short = f'Type: **{recipe.type}**\nValue: **{recipe.value} {currency}**' item_short += f'\nHave Ingredients: **{req_satisfied}**' item_short += f'\nIngredient Value: **{ing_value} {currency}**' response.add_field(name=item_title, value=item_short, inline=True) response.add_field(name=f'{ing_icon} Ingredients', value=ingredients, inline=True) response.add_field(name='📰 Description', value=recipe.desc, inline=False) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0x696969, title=f'🔍 I couldn\'t find that.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title=f'❗ Nothing inputted.') await
async def httpstatus(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): if args: lookup = args[0] with open(cmd.resource('http_status.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as status_file: status_data = json.loads( if lookup in status_data: status_id = lookup status_data = status_data[status_id] status_message = status_data['message'] status_description = status_data['description'] response = discord.Embed(color=0x3B88C3) response.add_field(name=f'🌐 {status_id}: {status_message}', value=f'{status_description}.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Invalid status code.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='❗ Nothing inputted.') await
async def itemstatistics(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) page_number = 1 if message.mentions: target = message.mentions[0] else: target = if args: try: page_number = abs(int(args[0])) if page_number == 0: page_number = 1 except TypeError: page_number = 1 except ValueError: page_number = 1 start_range = (page_number - 1) * 10 end_range = page_number * 10 all_stats = await cmd.db[cmd.db.db_cfg.database].ItemStatistics.find_one( {'UserID':}) or {} if '_id' in all_stats: all_stats.pop('_id') all_stats.pop('UserID') all_stats = [[x, all_stats.get(x)] for x in all_stats.keys()] mem_count = len(all_stats) all_stats = sorted(all_stats, key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True) all_stats = all_stats[start_range:end_range] listing = [] for stat in all_stats: item_o = item_core.get_item_by_file_id(stat[0]) amount = stat[1] listing.append([, amount]) out_table = boop(listing, ['Item', 'Count']) response = discord.Embed(color=0xc16a4f) response.set_author(name=f'{}\'s Item Statistics', icon_url=user_avatar(target)) response.description = f'```hs\n{out_table}\n```' response.set_footer( text= f'{} has found {mem_count} out of {len(item_core.all_items)} items.' ) await
async def recipes(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global recipe_core if not recipe_core: recipe_core = RecipeCore(cmd.resource('data')) if args: try: page = int(args[0]) - 1 if page < 0: page = 0 except ValueError: page = 0 else: page = 0 list_start = page * 10 list_end = (page + 1) * 10 recipe_list = sorted(, key=lambda x:[list_start:list_end] recipe_look = secrets.choice( recipe_icon = recipe_look.icon recipe_color = recipe_look.color recipe_boop_head = ['Name', 'Type', 'Value', 'Ingr.'] recipe_boop_list = [] stats_text = f'Showing recipes: {list_start}-{list_end}.' stats_text += f'\nThere is a total of {len(} recipes.' if recipe_list: for recipe in recipe_list: req_satisfied = await check_requirements(cmd, message, recipe) recipe_boop_list.append( [, recipe.type, recipe.value, req_satisfied]) recipe_table = boop(recipe_boop_list, recipe_boop_head) response = discord.Embed(color=recipe_color) response.add_field(name=f'{recipe_icon} Recipe Stats', value=f'```py\n{stats_text}\n```', inline=False) response.add_field(name=f'📰 Recipes On Page {page + 1}', value=f'```hs\n{recipe_table}\n```') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0x696969, title=f'🔍 This page is empty.') await
async def inventory(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if message.mentions: target = message.mentions[0] else: target = upgrade_file = await cmd.db[cmd.db.db_cfg.database ].Upgrades.find_one({'UserID':}) if upgrade_file is None: await cmd.db[cmd.db.db_cfg.database ].Upgrades.insert_one({'UserID':}) upgrade_file = {} if 'storage' in upgrade_file: storage = upgrade_file['storage'] else: storage = 0 inv_limit = 64 + (8 * storage) page_number = 1 if args: try: page_number = abs(int(args[0])) if page_number == 0: page_number = 1 except TypeError: page_number = 1 except ValueError: page_number = 1 start_range = (page_number - 1) * 10 end_range = page_number * 10 inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory(target) total_inv = len(inv) item_o_list = [] for item in inv: item_o = item_core.get_item_by_file_id(item['item_file_id']) item_o_list.append(item_o) item_o_list = sorted(item_o_list, key=lambda x: x.rarity, reverse=True) inv = item_o_list[start_range:end_range] if inv: headers = ['Type', 'Item', 'Value', 'Rarity'] to_format = [] total_value = 0 for item_o_item in inv: to_format.append([ item_o_item.type,, f'{item_o_item.value}', f'{item_o_item.rarity_name.title()}' ]) for item_o_item in item_o_list: total_value += item_o_item.value output = boop(to_format, column_names=headers) response = discord.Embed(color=0xc16a4f) response.set_author(name=f'{}#{target.discriminator}', icon_url=user_avatar(target)) inv_text = f'Showing items {start_range}-{end_range}.' inv_text += f'\nYou have {total_inv}/{inv_limit} items in your inventory.' inv_text += f'\nTotal value of your inventory is {total_value} {}.' response.add_field(name='📦 Inventory Stats', value=f'```py\n{inv_text}\n```') response.add_field(name=f'📋 Items Currently On Page {page_number}', value=f'```hs\n{output}\n```', inline=False) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xc6e4b5, title='💸 Totally empty...') await
async def forage(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): global item_core if not item_core: item_core = ItemCore(cmd.resource('data')) if not await, upgrade_file = await cmd.db[cmd.db.db_cfg.database].Upgrades.find_one( {'UserID':}) if upgrade_file is None: await cmd.db[cmd.db.db_cfg.database ].Upgrades.insert_one({'UserID':}) upgrade_file = {} inv = await cmd.db.get_inventory( if 'storage' in upgrade_file: storage = upgrade_file['storage'] else: storage = 0 inv_limit = 64 + (8 * storage) if len(inv) < inv_limit: base_cooldown = 60 if 'stamina' in upgrade_file: stamina = upgrade_file['stamina'] else: stamina = 0 cooldown = int(base_cooldown - ((base_cooldown / 100) * ((stamina * 0.5) / (1.25 + (0.01 * stamina))))) if cooldown < 12: cooldown = 12 await,, cooldown) rarity = await item_core.roll_rarity(cmd.db, if args: if in try: if int(args[0]) <= 9: rarity = int(args[0]) else: pass except TypeError: pass item = item_core.pick_item_in_rarity('plant', rarity) connector = 'a' if item.rarity_name[0].lower() in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']: connector = 'an' if rarity == 0: if[0].lower() in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']: connector = 'an' response_title = f'{item.icon} You found {connector} {} and threw it away!' else: response_title = f'{item.icon} You found {connector} {item.rarity_name} {}!' data_for_inv = item.generate_inventory_item() await cmd.db.add_to_inventory(, data_for_inv) await item_core.add_item_statistic(cmd.db, item, response = discord.Embed(color=item.color, title=response_title) response.set_author(, icon_url=user_avatar( else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title=f'❗ Your inventory is full.') else: timeout = await, response = discord.Embed( color=0x696969, title=f'🕙 You are resting for another {timeout} seconds.') await
async def quiz(cmd: SigmaCommand, message: discord.Message, args: list): # exit if quiz is already active in the channel if in active_quizzes: return # load quizzes from the resources quizzes = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cmd.resource('')): index = 1 for file in files: if file.endswith('.yml'): file_path = (os.path.join(root, file)) with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as quiz_file: data = yaml.safe_load(quiz_file) data.update({'index': index}) quizzes.append(data) index += 1 # respond with a list of available quizzes response_body = '' for quiz_item in quizzes: response_body += f"`#{quiz_item['index']}.` {quiz_item['quiz']}" response = discord.Embed(, title='Pick a quiz', description=response_body) quiz_list = await def check_value(msg): # check if the message is an integer try: int(msg.content) return True except ValueError: return False # wait for user response response = discord.Embed( # response for user response try: index = await'message', check=check_value, timeout=5) active_quizzes[] = True await quiz_list.delete() # delete the quiz list await index.delete() # delete the user response index = index.content queue = [] # look for the chosen index in the data for quiz_item in quizzes: if str(quiz_item['index']) == str(index): # grab 10 random items while len(queue) != 2: addition = quiz_item['questions'].pop(secrets.randbelow(len(quiz_item['questions']))) queue.append(addition) if not queue: response.title = 'Selected quiz was not found' await else: # start the quiz unanswered = [] scores = {} for item in queue: response = discord.Embed(, title=quiz_item['quiz']) response.description = quiz_item['question_template'] response.description = response.description.replace('${question}', 'or '.join(item['questions'])) await # awaiting for the user answer response = discord.Embed(, title=quiz_item['quiz']) try: def check_answer(msg): if msg.content in item['answers']: out = True else: out = False return out answer = await'message', check=check_answer, timeout=12) await answer.delete() response = discord.Embed(color=0x00FF00, title=quiz_item['quiz']) desc_text = f"Correct answer by {}!" desc_text += f" The answer was {'or '.join(item['answers'])}" response.description = desc_text await try: scores[] += 1 except KeyError: scores[] = 1 except asyncio.TimeoutError: response = discord.Embed(color=0xFF0000, title=quiz_item['quiz']) response.description = f"Correct answer was {'or '.join(item['answers'])}" await unanswered.append(item) summary = discord.Embed(, title='Quiz end') summary_body = '**Final scores**\n' for uid in scores: summary_body += f"<@{uid}> - {scores[uid]} point(s) \n" if unanswered: summary_body += '\n**Unanswered questions**\n' for item in unanswered: summary_body += f"{', '.join(item['questions'])} ({', '.join(item['answers'])})\n" summary.description = summary_body await del active_quizzes[] except asyncio.TimeoutError: response.title = 'Timed out, please use the command again to pick a quiz' await