コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwarg keys:

        # this filter bank has a name
        ScalarFilterBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        This filter bank looks like this:

                |                                             |
                |                --------------               |
                |   ----------- |  diffr M1   |---------------|---->  slope
                | /              --------------               |
        px  --->|-                                            |
                | \                                           |
                |  \          --------------------            |
                |   \---------|  dbl-diffr M1/2  |------------|---->  curvature
                |             --------------------            |
                |                                             |


        # aux
        this_order     = kwargs.get('order', 1)
        name_slope_arm = "%s-slope"  % kwargs.get('name', 'scf')
        name_curv_arm  = "%s-curv"   % kwargs.get('name', 'scf')

        # the slope filter
        self._slope_filter = ScalarHomogeneousDifferencer(name=name_slope_arm, order=this_order, weight=1.0)

        # the curvature filter. This filter is a chain of two half-M1 differencers
        self._curv_filter  = ScalarHomogeneousDoubleDifferencer(name=name_curv_arm, order=this_order, weight=1.0)

        self._meta_data_queue = deque()

        # in this pythonic environ need to have more explicit assurance that the filter is made

        self._is_made = False
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This double-differencer is a cascade of two differencers:

                |                                           |
                |   ----------------   ----------------     |
            --->|---|   diffr M1   |---|   diffr M1   |-----|---->  double difference
                |   ----------------   ----------------     |
                |                                           |

        This cascade halves the bandwidth of either differencer. When used in conjuction with a
        single differencer, the M1 value here must be 1/2 the M1 value of the single differencer.

                single differencer: M1 = (tau_+ + tau_-) / 2
                double differencer: M1 = (tau_+ + tau_-) / 4

        With these conditions, the delay of the single- and double-differencer is nearly the same.

        kwarg keys:

        # the differencer has a name
        ScalarFilterBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # instantiate an underlying poly-ema pair
        this_order      = kwargs.get('order', 1)
        name_1st_fltr   = "%s-1st" % kwargs.get('name', 'f')
        name_2nd_fltr   = "%s-2nd" % kwargs.get('name', 'f')

        # a note on weights: the filter output is the cascade of these two filters. The total filter
        # output weight needs to be 1/2

        self._1st_fltr  = ScalarHomogeneousDifferencer(name=name_1st_fltr, order=this_order, weight=1.0)
        self._2nd_fltr  = ScalarHomogeneousDifferencer(name=name_2nd_fltr, order=this_order, weight=0.5)

        # in this pythonic environ need to have more explicit assurance that the filter is made

        self._is_made   = False
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        # base class ctor first
        ScalarFilterBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # all poly emas have an order
        self._order            = kwargs.get('order', 1)
        self._zero_based_order = self._order - 1

        # buffers

        # 1 linear buffer for lags on output y[n]
        self._Ycoef       = [0.0 for x in range(self._order)]

        # 1 circular buffer for lags on output y[n]
        self._yn          = FixedLengthCircularBuffer(self._order)

        # we only have 1 x[n] for polyemas
        self._Xcoef       = 1.0
        self._xn          = 0.0

        # initialization

        self._init        = False
        self._v0          = 0.0

        # filter parameters

        self._inv_gain    = 1.0    # gain adjustment
        self._M1          = 1.0    # location parameter

        # event count to determine when the filter is ready

        self._event_count = 0

        # in this pythonic environ need to have more explicit assurance that the filter is made

        self._is_made     = False