def mcep2spec(MCEP, alpha, dftlen): misc.check_executable( 'mgc2sp', 'You can find it in SPTK (') order = MCEP.shape[1] - 1 tmpspecfile = sp.gentmpfile('mcep2spec.mcep') outspecfile = sp.gentmpfile('mcep2spec.spec') try: MCEP.astype(np.float32).tofile(tmpspecfile) cmd = os.path.join( sp.BINPATH, 'mgc2sp') + ' -a ' + str(alpha) + ' -g 0 -m ' + str( int(order)) + ' -l ' + str( dftlen) + ' -o 2 ' + tmpspecfile + ' > ' + outspecfile ret = os.system(cmd) if ret > 0: raise ValueError('ERROR during execution of mgc2sp') SPEC = np.fromfile(outspecfile, dtype=np.float32) SPEC = SPEC.reshape((-1, int(dftlen / 2) + 1)) except: if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(outspecfile): os.remove(outspecfile) raise if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(outspecfile): os.remove(outspecfile) return SPEC
def analysis(wav, fs, f0s, shift, dftlen): ''' Compute features using the STRAIGHT vocoder. (STRAIGHT's Analysis stage) fs : [Hz] f0s : [s,Hz] shift : [s] dftlen : ''' #f0s = np.interp(np.arange(f0s[0,0], f0s[-1,0], shift), f0s[:,0], np.log(f0s[:,1]) f0shift = np.median(np.diff(f0s[:,0])) tmprawwavfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis.raw') tmpf0file = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis.f0') tmpspecfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis.spec') tmpaperfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis.aper') try: ((wav.copy()*np.iinfo(np.int16).max).astype(np.int16)).tofile(tmprawwavfile) np.savetxt(tmpf0file, f0s[:,1], fmt='%f') #print('STRAIGHTPATH='+STRAIGHTPATH) # Aperiodicity estimation cmd = STRAIGHTPATH+'straight_bndap -float -nmsg -f '+str(fs)+' -shift '+str(shift*1000)+' -f0shift '+str(f0shift*1000)+' -f0file '+tmpf0file+' -fftl '+str(dftlen)+' -apord '+str(dftlen/2+1)+' -raw '+tmprawwavfile+' '+tmpaperfile # -nmsg os.system(cmd) # Spectral envelope estimation cmd = STRAIGHTPATH+'straight_mcep -float -nmsg -f '+str(fs)+' -fftl '+str(dftlen)+' -apord '+str(dftlen/2+1)+' -shift '+str(shift*1000)+' -f0shift '+str(f0shift*1000)+' -f0file '+tmpf0file+' -pow -raw '+tmprawwavfile+' '+tmpspecfile # -nmsg os.system(cmd) SPEC = np.fromfile(tmpspecfile, dtype='float32') SPEC = SPEC.reshape((-1, dftlen/2+1)) APER = np.fromfile(tmpaperfile, dtype='float32') APER = APER.reshape((-1, dftlen/2+1)) except: if os.path.exists(tmprawwavfile): os.remove(tmprawwavfile) if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(tmpaperfile): os.remove(tmpaperfile) raise if os.path.exists(tmprawwavfile): os.remove(tmprawwavfile) if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(tmpaperfile): os.remove(tmpaperfile) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() f, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True) axs[0].imshow(sp.mag2db(SPEC.T), origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='none', extent=(0, SPEC.shape[0]*shift, 0, fs/2)) axs[1].imshow(APER.T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='none', extent=(0, SPEC.shape[0]*shift, 0, fs/2)) from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb; Pdb().set_trace() return SPEC, APER
def spec2mcep(SPEC, alpha, order): misc.check_executable( 'mcep', 'You can find it in SPTK (') dftlen = 2 * (SPEC.shape[1] - 1) tmpspecfile = sp.gentmpfile('spec2mcep.spec') outspecfile = sp.gentmpfile('spec2mcep.mcep') try: SPEC.astype(np.float32).tofile(tmpspecfile) cmd = os.path.join( sp.BINPATH, 'mcep' ) + ' -a ' + str(alpha) + ' -m ' + str(int(order)) + ' -l ' + str( dftlen ) + ' -e 1.0E-8 -j 0 -f 0.0 -q 3 ' + tmpspecfile + ' > ' + outspecfile ret = os.system(cmd) if ret > 0: raise ValueError('ERROR during execution of mcep') MCEP = np.fromfile(outspecfile, dtype=np.float32) MCEP = MCEP.reshape((-1, 1 + int(order))) except: if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(outspecfile): os.remove(outspecfile) raise if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(outspecfile): os.remove(outspecfile) return MCEP
def analysis_aper(wav, fs, f0s, shift, dftlen): ''' Compute features using the STRAIGHT vocoder. (STRAIGHT's Analysis stage) fs : [Hz] f0s : [s,Hz] shift : [s] dftlen : ''' #f0s = np.interp(np.arange(f0s[0,0], f0s[-1,0], shift), f0s[:,0], np.log(f0s[:,1]) f0shift = np.median(np.diff(f0s[:,0])) tmprawwavfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis-aper.raw') tmpf0file = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis-aper.f0') tmpaperfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-analysis-aper.aper') try: ((wav.copy()*np.iinfo(np.int16).max).astype(np.int16)).tofile(tmprawwavfile) np.savetxt(tmpf0file, f0s[:,1], fmt='%f') # Aperiodicity estimation cmd = STRAIGHTPATH+'straight_bndap -float -nmsg -f '+str(fs)+' -shift '+str(shift*1000)+' -f0shift '+str(f0shift*1000)+' -f0file '+tmpf0file+' -fftl '+str(dftlen)+' -apord '+str(dftlen/2+1)+' -raw '+tmprawwavfile+' '+tmpaperfile # -nmsg ret = os.system(cmd) if ret>0: raise ValueError('ERROR during execution of straight_bndap') APER = np.fromfile(tmpaperfile, dtype='float32') APER = APER.reshape((-1, dftlen/2+1)) except: if os.path.exists(tmprawwavfile): os.remove(tmprawwavfile) if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmpaperfile): os.remove(tmpaperfile) raise if os.path.exists(tmprawwavfile): os.remove(tmprawwavfile) if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmpaperfile): os.remove(tmpaperfile) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.imshow(APER.T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='none', extent=(0, APER.shape[0]*shift, 0, fs/2)) from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb; Pdb().set_trace() return APER
def sv56demo(wav, fs, level=-26): ''' Normalize the waveform in amplitude ''' misc.check_executable('sv56demo', 'source?') tmpinfname = sigproc.gentmpfile('interface-sv56demo-in.raw') tmpoutfname = sigproc.gentmpfile('interface-sv56demo-out.raw') try: (wav.copy() * np.iinfo(np.int16).max).astype( np.int16).tofile(tmpinfname) levelstr = '' if level != None: levelstr = ' -lev ' + str(level) cmd = os.path.join( sigproc.BINPATH, 'sv56demo') + ' ' + levelstr + ' -sf ' + str( fs) + ' ' + tmpinfname + ' ' + tmpoutfname + ' 640' out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) #print(out) # Put outputs in a dictionary m = re.findall(r'\n?\s*(.*): .* ([-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*).*', out) meta = dict(m) meta.pop('Input file', None) for key in meta: meta[key] = float(meta[key]) wav = np.fromfile(tmpoutfname, dtype=np.int16) wav = wav / float(np.iinfo(np.int16).max) except: if os.path.exists(tmpinfname): os.remove(tmpinfname) if os.path.exists(tmpoutfname): os.remove(tmpoutfname) raise if os.path.exists(tmpinfname): os.remove(tmpinfname) if os.path.exists(tmpoutfname): os.remove(tmpoutfname) return wav, meta
def avread(filename): ''' Read any audio ''' tmpoutfname = sp.gentmpfile('avread.wav') try: os.system('avconv -i ' + filename + ' ' + tmpoutfname + ' >/dev/null 2>&1') #os.system('avconv -i '+filename+' '+tmpoutfname) wav, fs, enc = wavread(tmpoutfname) except: if os.path.exists(tmpoutfname): os.remove(tmpoutfname) raise if os.path.exists(tmpoutfname): os.remove(tmpoutfname) return wav, fs, enc
def reaper(wav, fs, shift, f0min, f0max, rmsteps=False, outpm=False, prehp_cutoff=None): ''' Estimate the f0 prehp_cutoff: High-pass the signal before estimating f0 (def. None). Value is [Hz]. Source: ''' misc.check_executable( 'reaper', 'You can download the source from') if not prehp_cutoff is None: b, a = scipy.signal.butter(8, prehp_cutoff / (0.5 / shift), btype='high') wav = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, wav) tmpwavfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('interface-reaper-in.wav') tmpf0file = sigproc.gentmpfile('interface-reaper-out.f0') tmppmfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('') try: fileio.wavwrite(tmpwavfile, wav, fs, np.int16) cmd = os.path.join( sigproc.BINPATH, 'reaper') + ' -i ' + tmpwavfile + ' -m ' + str( f0min) + ' -x ' + str(f0max) + ' -e ' + str( shift) + ' -a -f ' + tmpf0file + ' -p ' + tmppmfile os.system(cmd + ' 2>&1 >/dev/null') # Run it silent # Read the f0 values and the corresponding analysis times f0s = list() with open(tmpf0file) as f0file: n = 1 for line in f0file: if n > 7: # Skip the EST-file header TODO Neater way to do this! values = line.split() f0s.append((float(values[0]), float(values[2]))) n += 1 f0s = np.array(f0s) f0s[f0s[:, 1] < 0, 1] = 0 if rmsteps: f0s = resampling.f0s_rmsteps(f0s) # Read the f0 values and the corresponding analysis times pms = list() with open(tmppmfile) as pmfile: n = 1 for line in pmfile: if n > 7: # Skip the EST-file header TODO Neater way to do this! values = line.split() pms.append(float(values[0])) n += 1 pms = np.array(pms) except: if os.path.exists(tmpwavfile): os.remove(tmpwavfile) if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmppmfile): os.remove(tmppmfile) raise if os.path.exists(tmpwavfile): os.remove(tmpwavfile) if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmppmfile): os.remove(tmppmfile) if outpm: return f0s, pms else: return f0s
def synthesis(fs, f0s, SPEC, shift, APER=None, f0_forcecont=False, verbose=0): if f0s.shape[0]!=SPEC.shape[0] or (APER!=None and (SPEC.shape[0]!=APER.shape[0])): raise ValueError('Features dont have the same length (F0={}, SPEC={}, APER={}).'.format(f0s.shape, SPEC.shape, APER.shape)) if APER!=None and (SPEC.shape[1]!=APER.shape[1]): raise ValueError('Spectral features dont have the same width (SPEC={}, APER={}).'.format(SPEC.shape, APER.shape)) dftlen = (SPEC.shape[1]-1)*2 if APER==None: APER = np.zeros(SPEC.shape) APER[f0s[:,1]>0,:int((float(dftlen)/fs)*4000.0)] = -100.0 if f0_forcecont: # Replace zero values by interpolated values idx = f0s[:,1]>0 f0s[:,1] = np.exp(np.interp(f0s[:,0], f0s[idx,0], np.log(f0s[idx,1]))) tmpf0file = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-synthesis.f0') tmpaperfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-synthesis.aper') tmpspecfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-synthesis.spec') tmpwavfile = sigproc.gentmpfile('straight-synthesis.wav') try: np.savetxt(tmpf0file, f0s[:,1], fmt='%f') APER.astype(np.float32).tofile(tmpaperfile) SPEC.astype(np.float32).tofile(tmpspecfile) cmd = STRAIGHTPATH+'synthesis_fft \ -f '+str(fs)+' \ -fftl '+str(dftlen)+' \ -spec \ -shift '+str(shift*1000)+' \ -sigp 1.2 \ -sd 0.5 \ -cornf 4000 \ -bw 70.0 \ -delfrac 0.2 \ -apfile '+tmpaperfile+' \ -float \ '+tmpf0file+' \ '+tmpspecfile+' \ '+tmpwavfile+' ' #>/dev/null 2>&1 if verbose==0: cmd += ' > /dev/null 2>&1' #print(cmd) os.system(cmd) wavfs, wav = wavdtype = wav.dtype wav = wav / float(np.iinfo(wavdtype).max) except: if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmpaperfile): os.remove(tmpaperfile) if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(tmpwavfile): os.remove(tmpwavfile) raise if os.path.exists(tmpf0file): os.remove(tmpf0file) if os.path.exists(tmpaperfile): os.remove(tmpaperfile) if os.path.exists(tmpspecfile): os.remove(tmpspecfile) if os.path.exists(tmpwavfile): os.remove(tmpwavfile) return wav