コード例 #1
def safe_delete(conn, db, table, item_id, debug=False):
    safely deleting row in table

    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name
    * [table] table name
    * [item_id] the item id want to delete

    * [sql] str, the command of sql    
    res = _sql_args_check(table, item_id)
    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: table[{table}] item_id[{item_id}]"

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("Conn cannot be null")

    # generate sql
    str_sql = f"DELETE FROM `{db}`.`{table}` WHERE `id` = '{item_id}'"

    if debug:  # for deubg

    # executing sql
    return PySQLConnection.execute(conn, str_sql)
コード例 #2
def safe_query_tables(conn, db):
    safely show tables in schema

    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name

    * [rows] dict, the execution results
    * [sql] str, the command of sql    
    res = _sql_args_check(db)
    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: db[{db}]")

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("Conn cannot be null")

    # generating sql
    str_sql = f"SHOW TABLES IN `{db}`"

    # executing sql
    final_results = []
    for i in PySQLConnection.query(conn, str_sql):  # obtaining a list
        for k, v in i.items():
    return final_results
コード例 #3
def safe_query_columns(conn, db, table):
    safely show columns in table

    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name
    * [table] table name

    * [rows] dict, the execution results
    * [sql] str, the command of sql    
    res = _sql_args_check(db, table)
    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: db[{db}] table[{table}]")

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("Conn cannot be null")

    # generating sql
    str_sql = f'SHOW COLUMNS IN `{db}`.`{table}`'

    # executing sql
    return PySQLConnection.query(conn, str_sql)  # obtaining a list
コード例 #4
def safe_query_id(conn, db, table, item_id, debug=False):
    safely querying database, and avoid sql injection attack

    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name
    * [table] table name
    * [item_id] the item id want to search
    * [debug] default to False, if you wannar to see the output sql statement, make it to True

    * [rows(dict)] the execution results
    res = _sql_args_check(db, table, item_id)
    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: table[{table}], id[{item_id}]")

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("Conn cannot be null")

    # generate query sentence
    str_sql = f"SELECT * FROM `{db}`.`{table}` WHERE `id`='{item_id}'"

    if debug:  # for debug only

    # executing sql
    return PySQLConnection.query(conn, str_sql)
コード例 #5
def create_dict_by_list(key_list, default=None):
    given a list, and extend the list to a dictionary type, with all values are set to None (default)
    output = {}

    if type(default) is dict:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("dict type cannot be set to a new dict value")

    if type(default) is list:
        if len(default) != len(key_list):
            raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("default as a list have different length to key list")
            for i in range(0, len(key_list)):
                output[key_list[i]] = default[i]

            # return from two list
            return output

    # else, normal cases
    for key in key_list:
        output[key] = default

    # success
    return output
コード例 #6
ファイル: CommonTreeNode.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Siki
    def _append_node(self, leaf: object):
        if not isinstance(leaf, CommonTreeNode):
            raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException(
                "node must be an instance of TreeNode")

        if self._check_id_valid(leaf._item_id):
            leaf._item_root = self

            raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException(
                "node id can not be the same in tree")
コード例 #7
ファイル: RedisDataToken.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Matsuki
    def encode(self, data: object):
        convert given data into redis token

        * [data(any)] data can be anything, bytes, int, float or whatever

        * [token(bytes)] composed token consisted of data, type, timestamp
        # reset

        if data is None:
            raise excepts.NullPointerException("data cannot be a null type")

        # 1. create timestamp
        self.timestamp = ticker.time_since1970()

        # 2. assign bytes to self.data
        if type(data) is bytes:
            self.dtype = "bytes"
            self.data = convert.binary_to_string(base64.b64encode(data))
        else:  # other types
            self.data = data

            if type(data) is int:
                self.dtype = "int"
            elif type(data) is float:
                self.dtype = "float"
            elif type(data) is str:
                self.dtype = "str"
            elif type(data) is list:
                self.dtype = "list"
            elif type(data) is dict:
                self.dtype = "dict"
                raise excepts.InvalidParamException(
                    "{} cannot be processed into string nor bytes".format(

        # 3. composing a token dictionary type
        self.token = {
            "data": self.data,
            "type": self.dtype,
            "timestamp": self.timestamp

        # return to caller
        return convert.dict_to_binary(self.token)
コード例 #8
def safe_multiple_tables_query(conn,
                               db: str,
                               tables: list,
    safely multiple table cross querying, not allow nested querying to avoid sql injection.

    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name
    * [tables] list of tables to query
    * [select_con] selection condition
    * [where_con] where condition
    * [order_by] order by command, default sequency is asc, if you want a desc results, append "DESC" to your command
    * [debug] default to False, if you wannar to see the output sql statement, make it to True

    * [rows(dict/list)] dict, the execution results
    if not isinstance(tables, list):
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("tables must be a list")

    res = _sql_args_check(db, *tables, select_con, where_con, order_by)
    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: table[{tables}] select[{select_con}] where[{where_con}] order[{order_by}]"

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("Conn cannot be null")

    # generate simple querying
    str_tables = ''
    for t in tables:
        str_tables += f"`{db}`.`{t}`,"

    str_sql = f"SELECT {select_con} FROM {str_tables[:-1]}"
    if where_con is not None:
        str_sql += f' WHERE {where_con}'
    if order_by is not None:
        str_sql += f' ORDER BY {order_by}'

    if debug:  # for debug only

    # executing sql
    return PySQLConnection.query(conn, str_sql)
コード例 #9
    def parsing_reg_rules(self, rule_list: list, args: dict):
        Parse the configuration list, and then verify the validity of the input parameters

        the format of rule list:
        [argument key] [mapping key] [regular expression]

        * [ruleList] list
        * [args] dict, data contained with key and value

        * [dict(str:obj)] dict type

        # parse the file
        for line in rule_list:
            # split token from spaces
            seps = line.split(' ')

            # check size
            if len(seps) != 3:
                raise Exceptions.InvalidArithException(
                    "regular line: {} is broken, [argument key] [mapping key] [regular expression]"

            # append regular token to list
            self.tokens.append(RegularToken(seps[0], seps[1], seps[2]))

        # After parsing the file, first extract the dictionary consisting of {old key-regular match} from the file,
        # and then perform regular filtering on the parameters
        filtered_args = self.use_args_regular_check(args)

        return filtered_args
コード例 #10
ファイル: PyCallback.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Matsuki
def reflect_request_with_database_callback(database: PySQLPool,
                                           do_action: object, *args):

    * [database] 用于访问的数据库
    * [do_action] 回调函数, 函数结构为callback(conn, [args]), 如果不需要附加参数,那么回调函数只为callback(conn)
    * [args] 用户需要添加的参数
    if not isinstance(database, PySQLPool):
        raise Exceptions.NoAvailableResourcesFoundException(
            "database is not available")

    conn = None

        # get connection from pool
        conn = database.get_connection()

        # check the connection status
        if not PySQLConnection.check_connection(conn):

        # send database connection to callback function
        if args is None:
            return do_action(conn)
            return do_action(conn, args)

        if conn:
コード例 #11
 def update_id(self, new_id):
     if type(new_id) is int:
         self.lastid = new_id
     elif type(new_id) is str:
         self.lastid = int(new_id)
         raise excepts.InvalidParamException(
             "given id must be string or integer")
コード例 #12
def cherry_pick(sets: list, item: object):
    cherry pick item from sets. For example [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
    After calling cherry_pick(sample, 3).
    The rest should be: sample = [1, 2, 4, 5]
    from siki.basics import Exceptions

    if not sets or len(sets) <= 0:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("the sets is empty")

    if not isinstance(item, type(sets[0])):
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("the type of element to pick from sets is invalid")

    for index in range(0, len(sets)):
        if sets[index] == item:  # element found
            return sets.pop(index)

    return None
コード例 #13
def safe_update(conn, db, table, item_id, args, debug=False):
    safely updating database, and avoid sql injection attack

    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name
    * [table] table name
    * [item_id] the item id want to update
    * [args(dict)] the data to update, something like: {id:1, key1:val1, key2:val2, ...}
    * [debug] default to False, if you wannar to see the output sql statement, make it to True

    * [sql] str, the command of sql
    res = _sql_args_check(db, table, item_id, args.keys(), args.values())
    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: table[{table}] item_id[{item_id}] vals[{args}]"

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("Conn cannot be null")

    # generate sql querying
    setval = []
    for key, val in args.items():
        if val:
            setval.append("`" + str(key) + "`='" + str(val) + "'")
            setval.append("`" + str(key) + "`=NULL")
    p_vals = ", ".join(setval)

    # generate sql
    str_sql = f"UPDATE `{db}`.`{table}` SET {p_vals} WHERE `id`='{item_id}'"

    if debug:  # for debug only

        # executing sql
    return PySQLConnection.execute(conn, str_sql)
コード例 #14
ファイル: CommonTreeNode.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Siki
    def _check_id_valid(self, leaf_id):
        if not isinstance(leaf_id, type(self._item_id)):
            raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException(
                "leaf id must be the same type of TreeNode id")

        if leaf_id == self._item_id:
            return False

        for leaf in self._item_leaves:
            if leaf.self_id() == leaf_id:
                return False

        return True
コード例 #15
ファイル: Queue.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Siki
    def dequeue(self):
        Deleting element from queue

            if len(self.queue) > 0:
                return self.queue.pop()
                raise Exceptions.EmptyCollectionElementException("Cannot dequeue an empty queue")
コード例 #16
def safe_insert(conn, db, table, args, debug=False):
    safely inserting database, and avoid sql injection attack
    * [conn] connection of sql
    * [db] database name
    * [table] table name
    * [args(dict)] the data to insert, something like: {id:1, key1:val1, key2:val2, ...}
    * [debug] default to False, if you wannar to see the output sql statement, make it to True
    * [sql] str, command of sql

    res = _sql_args_check(db, table, args.keys(), args.values())

    if res is False:
        raise Exceptions.SQLInjectionException(
            f"SQL injection detected, params: table[{table}], args[{args}]")

    if conn is None:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("conn cannot be null")

    if type(args) is not dict:
        raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("args must be dict type")

    # generate a insert sql command
    keys = "`" + "`, `".join(args.keys()) + "`"
    values = "'" + "', '".join(args.values()) + "'"

    # generate insert sentence
    str_sql = f"INSERT INTO `{db}`.`{table}` ({keys}) VALUES ({values})"

    if debug:  # for debug only

    # executing sql command
    return PySQLConnection.execute(conn, str_sql)
コード例 #17
    def parsing_reg_file(self, rule_file: str, args: dict):
        Parse the configuration file, and then verify the validity of the input parameters

        * [ruleFile] str, path of file
        * [args] dict, data contained with key and value

        * [dict(str:obj)] dict type

        if not FileUtils.exists(rule_file):
            raise Exceptions.NoAvailableResourcesFoundException(
                "file: {} not found".format(rule_file))

        # parse the file
        for line in open(rule_file, "rt"):
            # trim tailor
            line = self.trim_tailer_from_text(line)

            # split token from spaces
            seps = line.split(' ')

            # check size
            if len(seps) != 3:
                raise Exceptions.InvalidArithException(
                    "regular line: {} is broken, [argument key] [mapping key] ["
                    "regular expression]".format(line))

                # append regular token to list
                RegularToken(seps[0], seps[1], R"{}".format(seps[2])))

        # After parsing the file, first extract the dictionary consisting of {old key-regular match} from the file,
        # and then perform regular filtering on the parameters
        filtered_args = self.use_args_regular_check(args)

        return filtered_args
コード例 #18
    def _id_generate(self):
        generate the id in format of YYYYmmDDHHMMSS00000000
        id_strings = ""

        if self.bits <= 12 and self.bits > 0:
            id_strings = self._datetime() + "000000000000000000"[0:self.bits]
            raise excepts.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(
                "bits of seed to generate id is out of range")

        return int(id_strings)
コード例 #19
ファイル: Queue.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Siki
    def merge(self, queue):
        merge two queues into one

            if type(queue) is list or type(queue) is Queue:
                for item in queue:
                raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException("cannot merge a non-list or non-queue type")
コード例 #20
ファイル: CommonTreeNode.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Siki
    def search_delete(self, leaf_id):
        if not isinstance(leaf_id, type(self._item_id)):
            raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException(
                "leaf id must be the same type of TreeNode id")

        leaf = self.search_tree(leaf_id)
        if leaf is None:
            return None  # nothing to delete

        root = leaf._item_root
        if isinstance(root, CommonTreeNode):
            return ListExtern.cherry_pick(root._item_leaves, leaf)

        else:  # the leaf is not real leaf, it is the root of tree
            return self
コード例 #21
ファイル: PyCallback.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Matsuki
def reflect_request_with_cache_callback(cache: object, do_action: object,

    * [cache] 用于访问的缓存
    * [do_action] 回调函数, 函数结构为callback(conn, [args]), 如果不需要附加参数,那么回调函数只为callback(conn)
    * [args] 用户需要添加的参数
    if cache is None:
        raise Exceptions.NullPointerException("cache is not available")

    if args is None:
        return do_action(cache)
        return do_action(cache, args)
コード例 #22
ファイル: CommonTreeNode.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Siki
    def search_tree(self, leaf_id):
        if not isinstance(leaf_id, type(self._item_id)):
            raise Exceptions.InvalidParamException(
                "leaf id must be the same type of TreeNode id")

        if self._item_id == leaf_id:  # found
            return self

        for leaf in self._item_leaves:  # this node is not we want
            if leaf.self_id() == leaf_id:  # found
                return leaf

                if len(leaf) > 0:
                    sub_leaf = leaf.search_tree(leaf_id)
                    if isinstance(sub_leaf, CommonTreeNode):
                        return sub_leaf

        return None  # nothing found
コード例 #23
ファイル: RedisDataToken.py プロジェクト: seagochen/Matsuki
    def decode(self, token: bytes):
        since obtained token from redis, use this method to 
        convert the bytes into correct data type

        * [token(bytes)] obtained bytes from redis

        * [token(dict)] contains data, timestamp, type infomation
        # reset all

        if token is not None:
            # 1, convert the bytes into dictionary
            self.token = convert.binary_to_dict(token)

            # 2. assign to attributes
            self.dtype = self.token["type"]
            self.timestamp = self.token["timestamp"]

            # 3. if bytes, process them carefully
            if self.dtype == "bytes":
                self.data = base64.b64decode(
            else:  # normal data
                self.data = self.token["data"]

            # 4. return to caller
            self.token = {
                "data": self.data,
                "type": self.dtype,
                "timestamp": self.timestamp
            return self.token

            raise excepts.NullPointerException("token cannot be a null type")