コード例 #1
def get_config_data(did, app_id):
    """For a device and application id, get the current data collected. This is going to be very
        ugly as we add new device and app types here."""
    dbc = local_db()

    if app_id == 1799:  # SilverPeak Orchestrator
        sql = """select 
                    max(case when object = 19752 then data end) hostname, 
                    max(case when object = 19755 then data end) ip, 
                    max(case when object = 19763 then data end) model, 
                    max(case when object = 19756 then data end) serial, 
                    max(case when object = 19753 then data end) version
                from dynamic_app_data_%s.dev_config_%s""" % (app_id, did)

    if app_id == 1793:  # SilverPeak EdgeConnect
        sql = """select 
                    max(case when object = 19696 then data end) hostname, 
                    max(case when object = 19698 then data end) ip, 
                    max(case when object = 19699 then data end) model, 
                    max(case when object = 19701 then data end) serial, 
                    max(case when object = 19711 then data end) version
                from dynamic_app_data_%s.dev_config_%s """ % (app_id, did)

    results = dbc.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #2
def get_org_devices(org):
    """Function to get the device ID list for an SL Org."""
    sql = """select id from master_dev.legend_device 
        where roa_id = %s and length(ip) > 1 """ % org
    dbc = local_db()
    results = dbc.fetchall()
    return results
def event_from_case(case):
    """For an input case number, get the event id(s) active."""
    dbc = local_db()
    sql = """select id from master_events.events_active where 
                ext_ticket_ref = '%s' """ % case
    results = dbc.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #4
def get_device_grp_devs(dgid):
    """Get the devices that belong to a device group."""
    sql = """SELECT did FROM master_dev.device_groups_to_devices
            where dgid = %s and did not in (select id from master_dev.legend_device 
            where roa_id = 1827)""" % dgid
    dbc = local_db()
    results = dbc.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #5
def rba_stage_add(**kwargs):
    """Add new data to the staging table for RBA correlation process."""
    dbc = local_db()
    sql = "insert into {tablename} ({columns}) values {values};" .format(
                tablename = "fidelus.rba_case_staging",
                columns = ', '.join(kwargs.keys()),
                values = tuple(kwargs.values())
コード例 #6
def cmdb_tables():
    """Return list of CMDB CI tables in use."""
    dbc = local_db()
    sql = """select cmdb_table from fidelus.snow_london_cmdb where sys_id is not null group by cmdb_table"""
    results = dbc.fetchall()
    out = []
    for i in results:
    return out
def get_active_event_case(event_id):
    # get active events for this device where a case exists
    # this list of events will be correlated together to prevent additional cases
    dbc = local_db()
    sql = """select ext_ticket_ref, force_ticket_uri from master_events.events_active 
                where id = %s and (ext_ticket_ref like 'CS%%') limit 1 """ % event_id
    results = dbc.fetchone()
    if results:
        result_dict = {}
        result_dict["case_number"] = results[0]
        result_dict["case_uri"] = results[1]
        return result_dict
        return None
コード例 #8
def devices_by_table(table):
    """Return SL device ids based on a cmdb table."""
    dbc = local_db()
    sql = """select mdev.id
                from master_dev.legend_device mdev
                inner join fidelus.snow_london_cmdb snow on mdev.class_type = snow.class_type
                inner join master_custom.ent_device_custom mcustom on mdev.id = mcustom.ent_id
                where snow.cmdb_table = '%s'""" % table
    results = dbc.fetchall()
    logging.info("SL query: %s\n" % sql)
    out = []
    for i in results:
    return out
コード例 #9
def get_did_details(did):
    """ function to get SL1 device and asset details from the DB """
    sql = """select mdev.id, mdev.device, mdev.ip, mdev.create_date, mdev.class_type,
        fslc.class, fslc.descript, fslc.snow_prod_model, fslc.sys_id product_sys_id,
        fslc.cmdb_table, mbo.crm_id, mbo.billing_id, mbla.model, mbla.serial, mbac.hostname,
        from master_dev.legend_device mdev
        inner join master_biz.legend_asset mbla on mdev.id = mbla.did
        inner join master_biz.organizations mbo on mdev.roa_id = mbo.roa_id
        inner join master_biz.asset_configuration mbac on mbla.id = mbac.iid
        inner join fidelus.snow_london_cmdb fslc on mdev.class_type = fslc.class_type
        inner join master_custom.ent_device_custom mc on mdev.id = mc.ent_id
        where mdev.id = %s""" % did
    dbc = local_db()
    results = dbc.fetchall()
    return results
        note_list.append(json.dumps(_content, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    ci_sys_id = str(_content["result"]["sys_id"])
    return ci_sys_id

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main runtime
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

did = EM7_VALUES["%x"]

note_list = []

# connect to EM7 DB
dbc = local_db()

# prepare a dict to hold the device and asset data for the CI
device_dict = {}

device = get_did_details(did)
note_list.append("Got details for device: %s" % did)

if device is not None:
    device_dict["device_id"] = device[0][0]
    device_dict["device_name"] = device[0][1]
    device_dict["ip"] = device[0][2]
    device_dict["create_date"] = device[0][3]
    device_dict["class_type"] = device[0][4]
    device_dict["dev_class"] = device[0][5]
    device_dict["descript"] = device[0][6]
コード例 #11
    elif data is not None:
        # Rearrange
        # First extract the individual dictionaries
        n = data['Name']
        # These are the lists that will be plugged into result_handler['oid_name']
        name = []
        windows_services = '|'
        for key in n.keys():
            # generate the list anyway, to show all the services.
            name.append((key, n[key]))
            if white_list and n[key] in white_list:
                windows_services = windows_services + n[key] + '|'
            elif not white_list:
                windows_services = windows_services + n[key] + '|'
        # return the transformed data
        result_handler['Name'] = name

        #print "windows_services:"
        custom_attribute = {'c-windows_services': windows_services}
        api = localAPI(local_db())
        result = api.post("/api/device/%s" % self.did, custom_attribute)
except Exception, err:
    self.internal_alerts.append((COLLECT_ERROR, "%s [%s] for device %s [%s] IP: %s Error: %s" % (app_name, self.app_id, self.name, self.did, self.ip, err)))