def createExportNeuroML2(netParams=None, simConfig=None, reference=None, connections=True, stimulations=True, output=False): ''' Sequence of commands to create and export network to NeuroML2 ''' import __main__ as top if not netParams: netParams = top.netParams if not simConfig: simConfig = top.simConfig sim.initialize( netParams, simConfig) # create network object and set cfg and net params pops = # instantiate network populations cells = ) # instantiate network cells based on defined populations conns = ) # create connections between cells based on params stims = ) # add external stimulation to cells (IClamps etc) simData = sim.setupRecording( ) # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc) sim.exportNeuroML2( reference, connections, stimulations) # export cells and connectivity to NeuroML 2 format if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)
def load(filename, simConfig=None, output=False, instantiate=True, createNEURONObj=True): ''' Sequence of commands load, simulate and analyse network ''' import sim sim.initialize() # create network object and set cfg and net params sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = createNEURONObj sim.loadAll(filename, instantiate=instantiate, createNEURONObj=createNEURONObj) if simConfig: sim.setSimCfg(simConfig) # set after to replace potentially loaded cfg if len( == 0 and instantiate: pops = # instantiate network populations cells = ) # instantiate network cells based on defined populations conns = ) # create connections between cells based on params stims = ) # add external stimulation to cells (IClamps etc) simData = sim.setupRecording( ) # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc) if output: try: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData) except: pass
def plotTraces (include = None, timeRange = None, overlay = False, oneFigPer = 'cell', rerun = False, figSize = (10,8), saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True): ''' Plot recorded traces - include (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of cells for which to plot the recorded traces (default: []) - timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None) - overlay (True|False): Whether to overlay the data lines or plot in separate subplots (default: False) - oneFigPer ('cell'|'trace'): Whether to plot one figure per cell (showing multiple traces) or per trace (showing multiple cells) (default: 'cell') - rerun (True|False): rerun simulation so new set of cells gets recorded (default: False) - figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (10,8)) - saveData (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the final data used to generate the figure; if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None) - saveFig (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the figure; if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None) - showFig (True|False): Whether to show the figure or not (default: True) - Returns figure handles ''' print('Plotting recorded cell traces ...') if include is None: include = [] # If not defined, initialize as empty list # rerun simulation so new include cells get recorded from if rerun: cellsRecord = [cell.gid for cell in sim.getCellsList(include)] for cellRecord in cellsRecord: if cellRecord not in sim.cfg.recordCells: sim.cfg.recordCells.append(cellRecord) sim.setupRecording() sim.simulate() colorList = [[0.42,0.67,0.84], [0.90,0.76,0.00], [0.42,0.83,0.59], [0.90,0.32,0.00], [0.34,0.67,0.67], [0.90,0.59,0.00], [0.42,0.82,0.83], [1.00,0.85,0.00], [0.33,0.67,0.47], [1.00,0.38,0.60], [0.57,0.67,0.33], [0.5,0.2,0.0], [0.71,0.82,0.41], [0.0,0.2,0.5]] tracesList = sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys() tracesList.sort() cells, cellGids, _ = getCellsInclude(include) gidPops = {cell['gid']: cell['tags']['popLabel'] for cell in cells} # time range if timeRange is None: timeRange = [0,sim.cfg.duration] recordStep = sim.cfg.recordStep figs = [] tracesData = [] # Plot one fig per cell if oneFigPer == 'cell': for gid in cellGids: figs.append(figure()) # Open a new figure fontsiz = 12 for itrace, trace in enumerate(tracesList): if 'cell_'+str(gid) in sim.allSimData[trace]: data = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_'+str(gid)][int(timeRange[0]/recordStep):int(timeRange[1]/recordStep)] t = arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]+recordStep, recordStep) tracesData.append({'t': t, 'cell_'+str(gid)+'_'+trace: data}) color = colorList[itrace] if not overlay: subplot(len(tracesList),1,itrace+1) color = 'blue' plot(t[:len(data)], data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label=trace) xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz) ylabel(trace, fontsize=fontsiz) xlim(timeRange) if itrace==0: title('Cell %d, Pop %s '%(int(gid), gidPops[gid])) if overlay: maxLabelLen = 10 subplots_adjust(right=(0.9-0.012*maxLabelLen)) legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) # Plot one fig per cell elif oneFigPer == 'trace': for itrace, trace in enumerate(tracesList): figs.append(figure()) # Open a new figure fontsiz = 12 for igid, gid in enumerate(cellGids): if 'cell_'+str(gid) in sim.allSimData[trace]: data = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_'+str(gid)][int(timeRange[0]/recordStep):int(timeRange[1]/recordStep)] t = arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]+recordStep, recordStep) tracesData.append({'t': t, 'cell_'+str(gid)+'_'+trace: data}) color = colorList[igid] if not overlay: subplot(len(cellGids),1,igid+1) color = 'blue' ylabel(trace, fontsize=fontsiz) plot(t[:len(data)], data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label='Cell %d, Pop %s '%(int(gid), gidPops[gid])) xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz) xlim(timeRange) title('Cell %d, Pop %s '%(int(gid), gidPops[gid])) if overlay: maxLabelLen = 10 subplots_adjust(right=(0.9-0.012*maxLabelLen)) legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) try: tight_layout() except: pass #save figure data if saveData: figData = {'tracesData': tracesData, 'include': include, 'timeRange': timeRange, 'oneFigPer': oneFigPer, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig} _saveFigData(figData, saveData, 'traces') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, str): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename+'_'+'traces.png' savefig(filename) # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return figs