コード例 #1
ファイル: monte.py プロジェクト: chrinide/siman
def get_zr_range(st, thickness, zr):

    red_thick = thickness/np.linalg.norm(st.rprimd[2])
    # z_range = [z2 - thickness, z2]
    zr_range = [zr - red_thick, zr]
    printlog('zr_range is ', zr_range)
    return zr_range
コード例 #2
def suf_en(cl1, cl2, silent=0):
    """Calculate surface energy
    cl1 - supercell with surface
    cl2 - comensurate bulk supercell
    the area is determined from r[0] and r[1];- i.e they lie in surface

    st1 = cl1.end
    st2 = cl2.end
    # pm = st1.convert2pymatgen(oxidation = {'Y':'Y3+', 'Ba':'Ba2+', 'Co':'Co2.25+', 'O':'O2-'})

    A = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(st1.rprimd[0], st1.rprimd[1]))
    # print(A)

    if st1.natom % st2.natom > 0:
            'Warning! non-stoichiometric slab, check system sizes: natom1 = ',
            st1.natom, 'natom2 = ', st2.natom, st1.natom / st2.natom)

    mul = st1.natom / st2.natom
    gamma = (cl1.e0 - cl2.e0 * mul) / 2 / A * header.eV_A_to_J_m
    if not silent:
        print('Surface energy = {:3.2f} J/m2   | {:} | {:} '.format(
            gamma, cl1.id, cl2.id))

    return gamma
コード例 #3
ファイル: small_functions.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
def gunzip_file(filename):
    printlog('unzipping file', filename)
    with open(filename.replace('.gz', ''), 'wb') as f_out:
        with gzip.open(filename, 'rb') as f_in:
            shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)

コード例 #4
def file_exists_on_server(file, addr):

    file = file.replace('\\', '/')  # make sure is POSIX

    printlog('Checking existence of file', file, 'on server', addr)

    exist = run_on_server(' ls ' + file, addr)

    # if header.ssh_object:
    #     exist = header.ssh_object.fexists(file)
    # else:
    #     exist = runBash('ssh '+addr+' ls '+file)

    if 'No such file' in exist:
        exist = ''
        exist = 'file exists'

    if exist:
        res = True
        res = False

    printlog('File exist? ', res)

    return res
コード例 #5
ファイル: set_functions.py プロジェクト: antonboev22/siman
    def set_potential(self, znucl, arg=''):
        # print arg

        if not arg:
            arg = header.PATH2POTENTIALS + '/' + invert(znucl)
            printlog('Attention!, Default potentials is chosen from ',

        if type(arg) not in (str, ):
            # sys.exit("\nset_potential error\n")
            raise RuntimeError

        if znucl in self.potdir:
            if arg == self.potdir[znucl]:
                    "Warning! You already have the same potential for " +
                    str(znucl) + " element\n")
        # print type(self.potdir)
        self.potdir[znucl] = arg
        self.history += "Potential for " + str(
            znucl) + " was changed to " + arg + "\n"
        print_and_log("Potential for " + str(znucl) + " was changed to " +
                      arg + "\n")

        # self.update()
コード例 #6
ファイル: inout.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
def write_occmatrix(occs, folder):
    #create OCCMATRIX

    printlog('I create OCCMATRIX in ', folder, imp='y')
    filename = folder + '/OCCMATRIX'
    with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:
        numat = len(occs)
        f.write(str(numat) + '  #num of atoms to be specified\n')

        at_nums = occs.keys()
        at_spin = []  # # 2 or 1
        at_ltyp = []  # l - orbital type, 1 - s, 2 - d, 3 - f
        for key in occs:
            occ = occs[key]
            if len(occ) == 10:  # spin polarized, d orbital
                raise RuntimeError  # please write by yourself for other cases

        for i, l, s in zip(at_nums, at_spin, at_ltyp):

            f.write(list2string([i + 1, l, s]) + '    #i, l, s\n')
            # for sp in range(s):
            f.write('spin 1\n')
            for row in occs[i][0:len(occs[i]) // s]:
                f.write(list2string(row) + '\n')
            if s == 2:
                f.write('spin 2\n')
                for row in occs[i][len(occs[i]) // s:]:
                    f.write(list2string(row) + '\n')
    return filename
コード例 #7
ファイル: impurity.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
def insert_atom(
    """Simple Wrapper for inserting atoms """

    r_impurity = r_imp
    st_pores, sums, avds = determine_voids(st, r_impurity)

    insert_positions = determine_unique_voids(st_pores, sums, avds)

    printlog('To continue please choose *i_void* from the list above', imp='y')
    if i_void == None:

    # st.name = st.name.split('+')[0]

    xc = insert_positions[i_void]

    st_new, i_add = st.add_atoms([xc], el, return_ins=True)

    st_new.name += '+' + el + str(i_void)
    st_new.des += ';Atom ' + el + ' added to ' + str(xc)
    printlog(st.des, imp='y')

    st_new.magmom = [None]

    return st_new, i_add
コード例 #8
ファイル: set_functions.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
    def printme(self):
        for key in self.vasp_params:
            if self.vasp_params[key] == None: continue
            print_and_log( "{:30s} = {:s} ".format("s.vasp_params['"+key+"']", str(self.vasp_params[key]) ), imp = 'Y', end = '\n' )

        printlog('ngkpt:', self.ngkpt, imp = 'Y')

        printlog('POTDIR:', self.potdir, imp = 'Y', end = '\n' )
コード例 #9
def vasp_step(v, msg, rm=0):
    printlog('Calculating ' + msg + ' point!\n', imp='y')
    copyfile(str(v) + '.POSCAR', 'POSCAR')
    cl = vasp_run(3, msg, vasprun_command=vasprun_command)
    if rm:
        runBash('rm CHGCAR CHG WAVECAR')
    return cl
コード例 #10
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: Kurufinve/siman
def chgsum(cll, el, site, silent=1):
    calculate sum of Bader charges for particular atoms

    for cl in cll:
        # print(cl.id, end = '  ')

            cl.chgsum[(el, site)] = 0
        if not hasattr(cl, 'charges') or len(cl.charges) == 0:
        # determine_symmetry_positions(cl.end, el, silent = 0)

    # print('')
        pos = determine_symmetry_positions(cll[0].end, el, silent=1)
        printlog('chgsum() Warning!', cll[0].id, 'is broken!')
        return 0

    for p in pos[site]:
        for cl in cll:
            if not hasattr(cl, 'chgsum'):
                cl.chgsum = {}
                cl.chgsum[(el, site)] = 0

            cl.chgsum[(el, site)] += cl.charges[p]

            # print('{:5.3f}'.format(cl.charges[p]), end = '  ')
        # print('')
    if not silent:
        print('Sum of charges for ', el + str(site + 1), ':')

    el_ind = cl.init.znucl.index(
        invert(el))  # index of element in znucl and zval and nznucl
    zval = cl.init.zval[el_ind]  # number of electrons in chosen potential

    for cl in cll:
        cl.chgsum[(el, site)] /= len(pos[site])

        chgsum = zval - cl.chgsum[(el, site)]

        if cl == cll[0]:
            chgsum_ref = chgsum
        if not silent:

            print('{:5.2f}({:4.2f})'.format(chgsum, chgsum_ref - chgsum), )
    if not silent:

    # print(cl.charges)
    return chgsum
コード例 #11
ファイル: small_functions.py プロジェクト: Kurufinve/siman
def setting_sshpass(cl):
    if hasattr(cl , 'cluster'):
        # print(cl.cluster)
        # clust = header.CLUSTERS[cl.cluster]
        if 'sshpass' in cl.cluster and cl.cluster['sshpass']:
            printlog('setting sshpass to True', imp = '')
            # sys.exit()
            header.sshpass = cl.cluster['sshpass']
            header.sshpass = None
コード例 #12
ファイル: small_functions.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
def makedir(path):
    *path* - path to some file 
    Make dirname(path) directory if it does not exist
    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)

    if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
        printlog("Directory", dirname, " was created", imp = 'y')
コード例 #13
ファイル: set_functions.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
 def set_ngkpt(self,arg):
     if not is_list_like(arg):
         printlog("Error! set_ngkpt type error")
     old = copy.copy(self.ngkpt)     
     self.ngkpt = copy.copy(arg)
     self.kpoints_file = True
     self.vasp_params['KSPACING'] = None
     if old == arg:
         print_and_log( "Warning! You did not change one of your parameters in new set", imp = 'y')
     self.history += "ngkpt was changed from "+str(old)+" to "+str(arg) + " and KPOINTS file was swithed on\n"
コード例 #14
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: chrinide/siman
def run_on_server(command, addr = None):
    printlog('Running', command, 'on server ...')
    command = command.replace('\\', '/') # make sure is POSIX
    # sys.exit()
    # print(header.sshpass)
    # sys.exit()

    if addr is None:
        addr = header.cluster_address

    if header.ssh_object:
        # printlog('Using paramiko ...', imp = 'y')
        # if 'ne' in header.warnings:
        # sys.exit()

        out = header.ssh_object.run(command, noerror = True, printout = 'ne' in header.warnings)

    elif header.sshpass and header.sshpass == 'proxy':
        com = 'ssh -tt sdv sshpass -f '+ header.path2pass +' ssh '+addr+' "'+command+'"'
        # print(com)
        # sys.exit()

        out = runBash(com) 
        # print(out)
        out = out.split('Connection to')[0] # remove last message Connection to ipaddress closed
        # sys.exit()

    elif header.sshpass:
        com = 'sshpass -f '+header.path2pass+' ssh '+addr+' "'+command+'"'
        # print(com)
        # sys.exit()
        out = runBash(com)    

        # sys.exit()

        bash_comm = 'ssh '+addr+' "'+command+'"'
        # print(bash_comm)
        # sys.exit()
        out = runBash(bash_comm)    
    out = out.split('#')[-1].strip()

    # print(out)
    # sys.exit()

    return out
コード例 #15
ファイル: inout.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
    def update_var(st):
        if st.natom != len(st.xred) != len(st.xcart) != len(st.typat) or len(
                st.znucl) != max(st.typat):
            printlog("Error! write_xyz: check your arrays.\n\n")

        if st.xcart == [] or len(st.xcart) != len(st.xred):
                "Warining! write_xyz: len(xcart) != len(xred) making xcart from xred.\n"
            st.xcart = xred2xcart(st.xred, st.rprimd)
            #print xcart[1]

        return st.rprimd, st.xcart, st.xred, st.typat, st.znucl, len(st.xred)
コード例 #16
ファイル: monte.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
def vasp_run(n, des):
    #allows to run vasp several times, here fireworks can be used
    #n - number of attempts
    #des - description of run
    for i in range(n):  # max three attempts
        out = runBash(vasprun_command)
        printlog(des, 'attempt', i, 'out is', out)
        cl = CalculationVasp(output='OUTCAR')
        out = cl.read_results(show='fo')
        printlog('Results are', imp='y')
        printlog(out, imp='y')

        status = check(cl)
        if status == 0:
            if os.path.exists('CONTCAR'):
                copyfile('CONTCAR', 'POSCAR')
                    'No CONTCAR was found. No further attempts to run VASP',

    return cl
コード例 #17
ファイル: set_functions.py プロジェクト: antonboev22/siman
def inherit_iset(ise_new,
    """ Create new set copying from existing and update some fields. If ise_from does not exist create new"""

    ise_new = ise_new.strip()
    ise_from = ise_from.strip()

    if ise_from not in varset:
        printlog("\nWarning! Set " + ise_from +
                 " does not exist. I return new empty set\n")
        return InputSet(ise_new)

    old = varset[ise_from]

    for key in vasp_electronic_keys + vasp_ionic_keys + vasp_other_keys:  #check if new keys was added
        if key not in old.vasp_params:
            old.vasp_params[key] = None

    if override:
        print_and_log("\nAttention! You have chosen to override set " +
                      ise_new + "\n")
    elif ise_new in varset:
            "\nSet " + ise_new +
            " already exists. I return it without changes. Be carefull not to spoil it\n"
        return varset[ise_new]

    new = copy.deepcopy(old)
    new.ise = ise_new
    new.compare_with = ise_from + " "
    new.des = "no description for these set, see history"
    new.conv = {}

    print_and_log("New set " + ise_new + " was inherited from set " +
                  ise_from + "\n")
    new.history = old.history + "\nSet " + ise_new + " was inherited from: " + ise_from + "\n"

    if newblockfolder:
        new.history += 'blockfolder changed from ' + new.blockfolder + ' to ' + newblockfolder + '\n'
        new.blockfolder = newblockfolder

    varset[ise_new] = new

    return new
コード例 #18
def form_en(sources, products, norm_el=None):
    Calculate formation energy of reaction.

    sources, products - list of tuples (x, cl), where x is multiplier and cl is calculation
    norm_el  - which element to use for normalization

        'all' - normalize by total number of atoms
        'el' - normalize by this element
        int - divide by this number

    El = []
    Nzl = []

    for ls in [sources, products]:
        E = 0
        Nz = {}
        for x, cl in ls:
            E += x * cl.e0
            for i, z in enumerate(cl.end.znucl):
                if z not in Nz:
                    Nz[z] = 0
                Nz[z] += x * cl.end.nznucl[i]

    for z in Nzl[0]:
        if abs(Nzl[0][z] - Nzl[1][z]) > 1e-5:
            printlog('Error! Number of', invert(z),
                     'atoms in source and product are different!')

    # norm = 1
    if 'all' == norm_el:
        norm = sum(Nzl[0].values())
    elif type(norm_el) == str:
        norm = Nzl[0][invert(norm_el)]
    elif norm_el != None:
        norm = norm_el
        norm = 1

    print('Normalizing by ', norm_el, norm, 'atoms')

    dE = (El[1] - El[0]) / norm
    print('dE = {:4.2f} eV'.format(dE))

    return dE
コード例 #19
def makedir(path, renew_folder=False):
    *path* - path to some file 
    Make dirname(path) directory if it does not exist
    import shutil as S

    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)

    if renew_folder and os.path.exists(dirname): S.rmtree(path)
    else: pass

    if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
        printlog("Directory", dirname, " was created", imp = 'y')
コード例 #20
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: chrinide/siman
    def download(file, to_file):

        # print(header.sshpass)
        if header.ssh_object:

            exist = file_exists_on_server(file, addr)
            # try:
            if exist:
                printlog('Using paramiko: ssh_object.get(): from  to ', file, to_file)
                header.ssh_object.get(file,  to_file  )
                out = ''
            # except FileNotFoundError:
                out = 'error, file not found'

        elif header.sshpass and header.sshpass == 'proxy':
            # com = 'ssh sdv "sshpass -f ~/.ssh/p ssh ' + addr + ' \\"tar zcf - '+ file +'\\"" | tar zxf - '+to_file # does not work?
            com = 'ssh sdv "sshpass -f ~/.ssh/p ssh ' + addr + ' \\"tar cf - '+ file +'\\"" > '+to_file
            # print('sshpass',com)
            # sys.exit()
            out = runBash(com)

        elif header.sshpass:
            #com = 'rsync --rsh='+"'sshpass -f /home/aksenov/.ssh/p ssh' "  +' -uaz  '+addr+':'+file+ ' '+to_file
            com = 'rsync --rsh='+"'sshpass -f "+header.path2pass+" ssh' "  +' -uaz  '+addr+':'+file+ ' '+to_file

            out = runBash(com)
            # print(addr)
            # sys.exit()

            # print(addr,file,to_file)
            out = runBash('rsync -uaz  '+addr+':'+file+ ' '+to_file)

        if 'error' in out:
            res = out
            res = 'OK'
            out = ''

        printlog('Download result is ', res)

        return out
コード例 #21
def interface_en(cl, cl1, cl2, mul1=1, mul2=1, silent=0, n_intefaces=1):
    Calculate surface energy
    cl - slab or cell with interface
    cl1 - slab or cell with phase 1, usually substrate
    cl2 - slab or cell with phase 2, usually film
    mul1, mul2, - multiply cells

    n_intefaces - number of similar  interfaces in the system

    Interface is assumed to be normal to R3!

    st = cl.end
    st1 = cl1.end
    st2 = cl2.end
    natom = st.natom
    natom1 = st1.natom
    natom2 = st2.natom

    A = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(st.rprimd[0], st.rprimd[1]))
    A1 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(st1.rprimd[0], st1.rprimd[1])) * mul1
    A2 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(st2.rprimd[0], st2.rprimd[1])) * mul2

    print('Sets are {:} {:} {:}'.format(cl.id[1], cl1.id[1], cl2.id[1]))
    print('Max forces are {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} meV/A'.format(
        cl.maxforce, cl1.maxforce, cl2.maxforce))
    print('Surface areas: {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} A^2'.format(A, A1, A2))

    mul = natom / (natom1 * mul1 + natom2 * mul2
                   )  # natom1 and natom2 should be scaled equally

    # print(mul)
    if natom != (natom1 * mul1 + natom2 * mul2) * mul:
        printlog('Error! Number of atoms are different:', st.natom, st1.natom,

    diff = cl.e0 - (cl1.e0 * mul1 + cl2.e0 * mul2) * mul
    gamma = diff / A * header.eV_A_to_J_m / n_intefaces  # inteface

    if not silent:
        print('Interface energy = {:3.2f} J/m2   | {:3.2f} eV '.format(
            gamma, diff))

    return gamma
コード例 #22
ファイル: small_functions.py プロジェクト: antonboev22/siman
def setting_sshpass(cl=None, clust=None):
    Creates some variables for sshpass mode
    cl (Caluculation) - object, should contain cluster dict, has higher priority
    clust (dict) - cluster dicts

    if cl and hasattr(cl, 'cluster'):
        clust = cl.cluster

    # print(clust.get('sshpass'))
    if clust and clust.get('sshpass') is True:
        printlog('setting sshpass to True', imp='')
        header.sshpass = clust['sshpass']
        header.path2pass = clust.get('path2pass')
        header.sshpass = None
        header.path2pass = None
コード例 #23
def check_output(filename, check_string, load):
    Check if file exist and it is finished by search for check_string

    if filename and os.path.exists(filename):

        out = grep_file(check_string, filename, reverse = True)

        printlog('The grep result of',filename, 'is:', out)
        # sys.exit()
        if check_string in out or 'un' in load:
            state = '4. Finished'
            state = '5. Broken outcar'

        state = '5. no OUTCAR'

    return state
コード例 #24
ファイル: chg_func.py プロジェクト: BinaryBeaver/siman
def cal_chg_diff(cl1, cl2, wcell, chg = 'CHGCAR'):
    """1. Calculate differences of charge densities
    Works on local computer
    wcell = 0 or 1 - which cell to use to show
    chg (str) - which file to use 
        CHGCAR - the name as outcar
            if not exist CHG is used
        PARCHG - partial charge, the name without any additions

    TO DO:
    instead of paths to files, work with objects
    d = d(cl1) - d(cl2)
    d is calculated on server

    files = []
    for cl in cl1, cl2:
        if chg == 'CHGCAR':
            file = cl.get_chg_file(nametype  = 'asoutcar')
            if not file:
                printlog('No CHGCAR for cl',cl.id[0], 'trying CHG', imp = 'Y')
                file = cl.get_chg_file('CHG', nametype  = 'asoutcar')
        elif chg == 'PARCHG':
            file = cl.get_file('PARCHG')


    file1 = files[0]
    file2 = files[1]

    if file1 == None or file2 == None:
        printlog('Error!, chg not found for one cl:', file1, file2)

    working_dir = cl1.dir

    dendiff_filename = working_dir + (chg+'_'+str(cl1.id[0])+'-'+str(cl2.id[0])).replace('.', '_')

    printlog('Diff =', file1, '-', file2)
    chgarith(file1, file2, '-', dendiff_filename, wcell)

    printlog('Charge difference saved to', dendiff_filename, imp = 'Y')

    return dendiff_filename
コード例 #25
def wrapper_cp_on_server(file, to, new_filename = None):
    tries iterativly scratch and gz
    copy_to   = to

    copy_file = file

    filename = os.path.basename(file)
    if new_filename:
        app = 'with new name '+new_filename
        app = ''

    for s, gz in product([0,1], ['', '.gz']):

        printlog('scratch, gz:', s, gz)

        out = server_cp(copy_file+gz, to = to, gz = gz, scratch = s, new_filename = new_filename)

        if out == '':
            printlog('File', filename, 'was succesfully copied to',to, app, imp = 'y')
        # else:
        printlog('Warning! File was not copied, probably it does not exist. Try using header.warnings = "neyY" for more details', imp = 'y')

コード例 #26
def server_cp(copy_file, to, gz = True, scratch = False, new_filename = None):
    if scratch:
        if not header.PATH2ARCHIVE:
            printlog('Warning! PATH2ARCHIVE is empty! Please put path archive in ~/simanrc.py or ./project_conf.py ')

        copy_file = header.PATH2ARCHIVE + '/' + copy_file
        copy_file = header.project_path_cluster + '/' + copy_file

    filename = os.path.basename(copy_file)

    if new_filename is None:
        new_filename = filename

    if gz:
        command = 'cp '+copy_file + ' ' + to +'/'+new_filename + '.gz ; gunzip -f '+ to+ '/'+new_filename+'.gz'
        command = 'cp '+copy_file + ' ' + to +'/'+new_filename 

    printlog('Running on server', command, imp = '')
    if file_exists_on_server(copy_file, header.cluster_address):
        out = run_on_server(command, addr = header.cluster_address)
        printlog('Output of run_on_server', out, imp = '')
        out = 'error, file does not exist on server: '+copy_file                
    return out
コード例 #27
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: chrinide/siman
def push_to_server(files = None, to = None,  addr = None):
    if header.ssh_object then use paramiko
    to (str)     - path to remote folder ! 
    if not is_list_like(files):
        files = [files]    
    to = to.replace('\\', '/') # make sure is POSIX

    files_str = ' '.join(np.array(files ))

    command = ' mkdir -p {:}'.format( to )
    # print('asfsadfdsf', to)
    printlog('push_to_server():', command, run_on_server(command, addr))
    # sys.exit()

    printlog('push_to_server(): uploading files ', files, 'to', addr, to)

    if header.ssh_object:
        for file in files:
            # print(file, to)
            header.ssh_object.put(file,  to+'/'+os.path.basename(file) )
        out = ''

    elif header.sshpass and header.sshpass == 'proxy':
        com = 'tar cf - '+ files_str + ' | ssh sdv "sshpass -f ~/.ssh/p ssh '+addr+' \\"cd '+header.cluster_home+' && tar xvf -\\"" '
        # print(com)
        # sys.exit()
        out = runBash(com)
        # print(out)
        # sys.exit()
    elif header.sshpass:
        # if '@' not in addr:
        #     printlog('Error! Please provide address in the form user@address')
        # l = addr.split('@')
        # print(l)
        # user = l[0]
        # ad   = l[1]
        # com = 'rsync --rsh='+"'sshpass -f /home/aksenov/.ssh/p ssh' "  +' -uaz  '+files_str+ ' '+addr+':'+to
        com = 'rsync --rsh='+"'sshpass -f "+header.path2pass+" ssh' "  +' -uaz  '+files_str+ ' '+addr+':'+to

        # print(com)
        # sys.exit()
        out = runBash(com)

        out = runBash('rsync -uaz  '+files_str+ ' '+addr+':'+to)

    return out 
コード例 #28
ファイル: impurity.py プロジェクト: DarthFeiwante/siman
def insert_atom(
    """Simple Wrapper for inserting atoms 

    i_void (int) has higher priority than i_void_list
    return st_new, i_add, sts_by_one
        st_new - all positions are filled 
        i_add - the number of last inserted atom
        sts_by_one - list of structures with only one inserted atom in all found positions


    r_impurity = r_imp
    st_pores, sums, avds = determine_voids(st, r_impurity)

    insert_positions = determine_unique_voids(st_pores, sums, avds)

    printlog('To continue please choose *i_void* from the list above', imp='y')

    # st.name = st.name.split('+')[0]

    if i_void:
        i_void_list = [i_void]

    if i_void_list is None:
        i_void_list = list(range(len(insert_positions)))
        printlog('No i_void was provided, I insert all', imp='y')

    st_new = st.copy()
    sts_by_one = []
    for i in i_void_list:
        xc = insert_positions[i]

        st_new, i_add = st_new.add_atoms([xc], el, return_ins=True)
        st_one, _ = st.add_atoms([xc], el, return_ins=True)
        st_one.name += '+' + el + str(i)

        st_new.name += '+' + el + str(i)
        st_new.des += ';Atom ' + el + ' added to ' + str(xc)

    printlog(st.des, imp='y')

    st_new.magmom = [None]

    return st_new, i_add, sts_by_one
コード例 #29
ファイル: monte.py プロジェクト: amatgroup/siman
def check(cl, exit=0):
    # return 0 if ok, return 1 if failed
    if hasattr(cl, 'e0'):
        printlog('outcar is ok', imp='y')
        out = 0
        printlog('outcar is broken ', imp='y')
        out = 1
        if exit:
            printlog('exiting...', imp='y')
    return out
コード例 #30
def metropolis(E1, E2, T=1):
    Metropolis algorithm
    decrease = False  # energy reduction

    # kb = 1.3806488*10**-23  / 1.6 * 10 **19
    dE = E2 - E1

    printlog("metropolis(): dE is ", dE)
    if dE < -0.000001:
        printlog("dE is ", dE, "Accept!")
        decrease = True
    elif 1 > math.exp(-dE / kb / T) > random():
        printlog("Accepted due to the temperature; exponent is ",
                 math.exp(-dE / kb / T))
        decrease = True
        printlog('Not accepted')

    return decrease