コード例 #1
def mzi4(freqs):
    y1 = siepic.YBranch()
    gc1 = siepic.GratingCoupler()
    wg1 = siepic.Waveguide(length=67.730e-6)
    wg2 = siepic.Waveguide(length=297.394e-6)
    y2 = siepic.YBranch()
    gc2 = siepic.GratingCoupler()
    wg3 = siepic.Waveguide(length=256.152e-6)
    simulator = SweepSimulator(freqs[0], freqs[-1], len(freqs))

    y1.rename_pins("N$0", "N$2", "N$1")
    gc1.rename_pins("ebeam_gc_te1550_detector2", "N$0")
    wg1.rename_pins("N$1", "N$4")
    wg2.rename_pins("N$2", "N$5")
    y2.rename_pins("N$6", "N$5", "N$4")
    gc2.rename_pins("ebeam_gc_te1550_laser1", "N$3")
    wg3.rename_pins("N$6", "N$3")

    y1.multiconnect(gc1["N$0"], wg2, wg1)
    y2.multiconnect(wg3, wg2, wg1)

    simulator.multiconnect(gc2, gc1)

    return simulator.circuit
コード例 #2
def mzi():
    gc_input = siepic.GratingCoupler()
    y_splitter = siepic.YBranch()
    wg_long = siepic.Waveguide(length=150e-6)
    wg_short = siepic.Waveguide(length=50e-6)
    y_recombiner = siepic.YBranch()
    gc_output = siepic.GratingCoupler()

    y_splitter.multiconnect(gc_input, wg_long, wg_short)
    y_recombiner.multiconnect(gc_output, wg_short, wg_long)

    return y_splitter.circuit
コード例 #3
    def test_caching(self, mzi, sweep):
        _, gc_input, _, _, _, gc_output = mzi
        sweep.multiconnect(gc_input, gc_output)

        # after simulating, the circuit should be cached
        assert sweep.circuit in sweep.__class__.scache

        # connecting the simulator to different points should retain the cache
        sweep.multiconnect(gc_output, gc_input)
        assert sweep.circuit in sweep.__class__.scache

        # if the circuit changes, it shouldn't be cached anymore
        wg_med = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6)
        sweep.multiconnect(gc_input, wg_med)
        assert sweep.circuit not in sweep.__class__.scache

        # of course, after simulation it should then be cached again
        assert sweep.circuit in sweep.__class__.scache
コード例 #4
ring1 = ring_factory(10e-6)

simulator = SweepSimulator(1500e-9, 1600e-9)
simulator.multiconnect(ring1["in"], ring1["pass"])

f, t = simulator.simulate(mode="freq")
plt.plot(f, t)
plt.title("10-micron Ring Resonator")


# Now, we'll create the circuit (using several ring resonator subcircuits)
# instantiate the basic components
wg_input = siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
wg_out1 = siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
wg_connect1 = siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
wg_out2 = siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
wg_connect2 = siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
wg_out3 = siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
terminator = siepic.Terminator()

# instantiate the rings with varying radii
ring1 = ring_factory(10e-6)
ring2 = ring_factory(11e-6)
ring3 = ring_factory(12e-6)

# connect the circuit together
ring1.multiconnect(wg_connect1, wg_input["pin2"], wg_out1)
ring2.multiconnect(wg_connect2, wg_connect1, wg_out2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: gm.py プロジェクト: BYUCamachoLab/simphony
import numpy as np

from simphony.libraries import siepic, sipann
from simphony.simulators import SweepSimulator
from simphony.tools import freq2wl, wl2freq

# Get all the components that we're going to need for the green machine circuit:
in1 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="in1")
in2 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="in2")
in3 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="in3")
in4 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="in4")
out1 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="out1")
out2 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="out2")
out3 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="out3")
out4 = siepic.GratingCoupler(name="out4")
wg1 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg1")
wg2 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg2")
wg3 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg3")
wg4 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg4")
wg5 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg5")
wg6 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg6")
wg7 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg7")
wg8 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg8")
wg_in1 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg_in1")
wg_in2 = siepic.Waveguide(length=100e-6, name="wg_in2")
dc1 = sipann.PremadeCoupler(50, name="dc1")
dc2 = sipann.PremadeCoupler(50, name="dc2")
dc3 = sipann.PremadeCoupler(50, name="dc3")
dc4 = sipann.PremadeCoupler(50, name="dc4")
crossing = sipann.PremadeCoupler(100, name="crossing")
wg_out1 = siepic.Waveguide(length=102.125e-6, name="wg_out1")
コード例 #6
def waveguide():
    return siepic.Waveguide(length=150e-6)
コード例 #7
def wg3():
    return siepic.Waveguide(50e-6)
コード例 #8
def wg2():
    return siepic.Waveguide(100e-6)
コード例 #9
def wg1():
    return siepic.Waveguide(150e-6)
コード例 #10
# Copyright © Simphony Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see simphony/__init__.py for details)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from simphony.libraries import siepic
from simphony.simulators import MonteCarloSweepSimulator, SweepSimulator

# first we initialize all of the components in the MZI circuit
gc_input = siepic.GratingCoupler()
y_splitter = siepic.YBranch()
wg_long = siepic.Waveguide(length=150e-6)
wg_short = siepic.Waveguide(length=50e-6)
y_recombiner = siepic.YBranch()
gc_output = siepic.GratingCoupler()

# next we connect the components to each other
# you can connect pins directly:

# or connect components with components:
# (when using components to make connections, their first unconnected pin will
# be used to make the connection.)

# or any combination of the two:
# y_splitter.connect(wg_short["pin1"])

# when making multiple connections, it is often simpler to use `multiconnect`