def test_sort_title_reversed(self): """ Test sorting by title field reversed. If the request has a GET variable of 'sort' with the value of 'title', and a variable 'reverse' with the value of 'true', then the threads should be ordered by title in reverse alphabetical order. """ thread1 = create_thread( topic=self.topic, title='cats') thread2 = create_thread( topic=self.topic, title='animals') thread3 = create_thread( topic=self.topic, title='bats') url = thread_list_url(topic=self.topic, sort='title', rev=True) response = self.client.get(url) expected = [ '<Thread: %s>' % thread1, '<Thread: %s>' % thread3, '<Thread: %s>' % thread2, ] self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['thread_list'], expected)
def test_full_title_search(self): """ Test searching for the title of a thread. Searching for the title of a thread should return only that thread. """ thread = create_thread(title='cat') create_thread(title='dog') results = [t for t, _ in'cat')] self.assertEqual([thread], results)
def test_full_title_search(self): """ Test searching for the title of a thread. Searching for the title of a thread should return only that thread. """ create_thread(title='cat') create_thread(title='dog') self.assertQuerysetEqual('cat'), ['<Thread: cat>'])
def test_partial_title_match(self): """ Test search that matches multiple threads. If a search matches multiple threads, all matching threads should be returned. """ t1 = create_thread(title='cat escapes prison') t2 = create_thread(title='woman finds cat playing with yarn') create_thread(title='stray dog wins lottery') results = [t for t, _ in'cat')] expected = [t1, t2] self.assertEqual(expected, results)
def test_partial_title_match(self): """ Test search that matches multiple threads. If a search matches multiple threads, all matching threads should be returned. """ t1 = create_thread(title='cat escapes prison') t2 = create_thread(title='woman finds cat playing with yarn') create_thread(title='stray dog wins lottery') self.assertQuerysetEqual('cat'), ['<Thread: %s>' % t1, '<Thread: %s>' % t2], ordered=False)
def test_blank_search(self): """ Test result of searching for a blank string. Searching for a blank string should return all threads. """ create_thread(title='thread 1') create_thread(title='thread 2') results = [t for t, _ in'')] expected = list() for thread in models.Thread.objects.all(): expected.append(thread) self.assertEqual(expected, results)
def test_add_messages(self): """ Test adding a thread that has messages associated with it. Adding a message that has messages associated with it should also add those messages to the search index. """ thread = create_thread() message = create_message(thread=thread) self.backend.add(thread) es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}]) source = es.get_source( index=self.backend.index, doc_type='message', source_json = json.dumps(source) expected = { 'body': message.body, } expected_json = json.dumps(expected) self.assertJSONEqual(expected_json, source_json)
def test_blank_search(self): """ Test result of searching for a blank string. Searching for a blank string should return all threads. """ create_thread(title='thread 1') create_thread(title='thread 2') expected = list() for thread in models.Thread.objects.all(): expected.append('<Thread: %s>' % thread) self.assertQuerysetEqual(''), expected, ordered=False)
def test_thread_for_different_topic(self): """ Test view when there is a thread for a different topic. If a thread is associated with a different topic, it should not be displayed. """ thread = create_thread(topic=self.topic) create_thread(title="I shouldn't be included") url = thread_list_url(topic=self.topic) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['thread_list'], ['<Thread: %s>' % thread])
def test_send_notification(self): """ Test sending a notification email. Calling this method should send an email to the user assocated with the notification. """ user = get_test_user(email='*****@*****.**') thread = create_thread() message = create_message(thread=thread) notification = models.ThreadNotification.objects.create( user=user, thread=thread) notification.send_notification(message) expected = 'Thread #%d was updated' % ( self.assertEqual(1, len(mail.outbox)) m = mail.outbox[0] self.assertEqual('Thread Updated', m.subject) self.assertEqual(expected, m.body) self.assertEqual('*****@*****.**', m.from_email) self.assertEqual([],
def test_create_new_message(self): """ Test creating a new message. Creating a new message on a thread that has a notification associated with it should send an email notification. """ user = get_test_user() thread = create_thread() notification = create_thread_notification( user=user, thread=thread) message = create_message( user=get_test_user(username="******"), thread=thread) self.assertEqual(1, len(mail.outbox)) result = mail.outbox[0] mail.outbox = [] notification.send_notification(message) expected = mail.outbox[0] self.assertMailEqual(expected, result)
def test_get_title(self): """ Test getting the thread's title. This method should return the title field of the thread. """ thread = create_thread() self.assertEqual(thread.title, thread.get_title())
def test_sticky_default(self): """ Test default 'sticky' value. Threads should not be sticky by default. """ thread = create_thread() self.assertFalse(thread.sticky)
def test_slug_generation(self): """ Test the automatic generation of a url slug. When creating a thread instance, the instance should generate a url slug based on its title. """ thread = create_thread(title='test title') self.assertEqual('test-title', thread.slug)
def test_num_replies_with_no_replies(self): """ Test retrieving the number of replies for a thread. If there are no messages associated with the thread, the number of replies should be 0. """ thread = create_thread() self.assertEqual(0, thread.num_replies)
def test_time_last_activity_no_replies(self): """ Test the 'time_last_activity' property with no replies. If there are no replies, this property should return the time that the thread was created. """ thread = create_thread() self.assertEqual(thread.time_created, thread.time_last_activity)
def test_slug_generation_for_long_title(self): """ Test generating a slug when the title is really long. If the title is longer than 50 characters, the slug should be truncated to 50 chars. """ thread = create_thread(title='a' * 51) self.assertEqual('a' * 50, thread.slug)
def test_num_replies_with_initial_reply(self): """ Test retrieving the number of replies for a thread. If the only message associated with a thread is the initial message, then the property should return 0 replies. """ thread = create_thread() create_message(thread=thread) self.assertEqual(0, thread.num_replies)
def test_get_search_description_no_message(self): """ Test getting the search description with no message. If there is no message assocated with the thread, the search description should display a message that there are no replies. """ thread = create_thread() expected = 'There are no replies to this thread.' self.assertEqual(expected, thread.get_search_description())
def test_add(self): """ Test adding a result to the result set. Adding a thread to the result set with it's score should save the thread in the result set. """ thread = create_thread() result_set = SearchResultSet() result_set.add(thread, 0) self.assertEqual((thread, 0), result_set[0])
def test_default_time_created(self): """ Test the default for the 'time_created' field. If no parameter is passed to 'time_created', it should default to the current time. """ start_time = thread = create_thread() end_time = self.assertTrue(start_time <= thread.time_created <= end_time)
def test_update_last_activity_time(self): """ Test if saving a message updates its parent thread. Saving a message should update the 'time_last_activity' field on its parent thread instance. """ past = - timedelta(days=1) thread = create_thread(time_created=past) message = create_message(thread=thread) self.assertEqual(message.time_created, thread.time_last_activity)
def test_add_default_score(self): """ Test adding a result to the result set with no score. Adding a thread to the result set and not specifying a score should set the result's score to 0. """ thread = create_thread() result_set = SearchResultSet() result_set.add(thread) self.assertEqual((thread, 0), result_set[0])
def test_time_last_activity_with_reply(self): """ Test the 'time_last_activity' property with a reply. If there is a reply, this property should return the time that the most recent reply was posted. """ past = - timedelta(days=1) thread = create_thread(time_created=past) message = create_message(thread=thread) self.assertEqual(message.time_created, thread.time_last_activity)
def test_reply_form_unauthenticated(self): """ Test presence of reply form for unauthenticated users. If a user isn't logged in, there should be no reply form. """ thread = create_thread() url = thread_detail_url(thread=thread) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) self.assertTrue('reply_form' not in response.context)
def test_post_unauthenticated(self): """ Test sending an unauthenticated POST request. A POST request from an unauthenticated user should result in a 403 status code. """ thread = create_thread() url = reverse('simple-forums:follow-thread', kwargs={'pk':}) response =, {}) self.assertEqual(403, response.status_code)
def test_get_search_description(self): """ Test getting the search description. The search description should return text used to describe the thread for search results. """ thread = create_thread() message = create_message(thread=thread) expected = message.body self.assertEqual(expected, thread.get_search_description())
def test_remove_invalid_pk(self): """ Test removing an object that is not in the index. Removing an object that is not in the index should raise a NotFoundError """ thread = create_thread() self.backend.add(thread) self.backend.remove(thread) # try removing it after it's been removed with self.assertRaises(NotFoundError): self.backend.remove(thread)
def test_threads(self): """ Test view with multiple threads. If there are multiple threads, they should be ordered by the date of their last activity. """ past = - timedelta(days=1) thread1 = create_thread( topic=self.topic, title='Test Thread 1', time_created=past) thread2 = create_thread( topic=self.topic, title='Test Thread 2') url = thread_list_url(topic=self.topic) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['thread_list'], ['<Thread: %s>' % thread2, '<Thread: %s>' % thread1])
def test_sticky_thread(self): """ Test view when there is a sticky thread. If there is a sticky thread, it should be in a context variable for the sticky threads, and not in the one for normal threads. """ thread = create_thread(topic=self.topic) sticky_thread = create_thread( topic=self.topic, title='Sticky Thread', sticky=True) url = thread_list_url(topic=self.topic) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['thread_list'], ['<Thread: %s>' % thread]) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['sticky_thread_list'], ['<Thread: %s>' % sticky_thread])