def test_save(self): """ Test saving the form. Saving the form should create a new thread from the title field in the form, and a new message on that thread containing the body field from the form. """ topic = create_topic() data = { 'topic': '%d' %, 'title': 'Test thread title', 'body': 'Test message body', } form = forms.ThreadCreationForm(data) user = get_user_model().objects.create_user( username='******', password='******') self.assertEqual(1, models.Thread.objects.count()) self.assertEqual(1, models.Message.objects.count()) thread = models.Thread.objects.get() message = models.Message.objects.get() self.assertEqual(data['title'], thread.title) self.assertEqual(user, message.user) self.assertEqual(thread, message.thread) self.assertEqual(data['body'], message.body)
def test_slug_generation_for_long_title(self): """ Test generating a slug when the title is really long. If the title is longer than 50 characters, the slug should be truncated to 50 chars. """ topic = create_topic(title='a' * 51) self.assertEqual('a' * 50, topic.slug)
def test_slug_generation(self): """ Test the automatic generation of a url slug. When creating a topic instance, the instance should generate a url slug based on its title. """ topic = create_topic(title='test title') self.assertEqual('test-title', topic.slug)
def test_get_absolute_url(self): """Test getting a Topic instance's absolute url. It should return the url of the thread list view for the topic. """ topic = create_topic() expected = reverse('simple-forums:thread-list', kwargs={ 'topic_pk':, 'topic_slug': topic.slug, }) self.assertEqual(expected, topic.get_absolute_url())
def test_create_with_all_fields(self): """ Test creation of a thread with all its fields. A thread instance should be able to be created with title text. """ topic = create_topic() time = - timedelta(days=1) thread = models.Thread.objects.create( topic=topic, title='test', time_created=time) self.assertEqual(topic, thread.topic) self.assertEqual('test', thread.title) self.assertEqual(time, thread.time_created)
def test_topic(self): """ Test the view when there is a topic. If there is a topic, it should be listed with its title and description. """ topic = create_topic() response = self.client.get(self.URL) topic_url = thread_list_url(topic=topic) link_href = 'href="%s"' % topic_url self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code) self.assertQuerysetEqual( response.context['topic_list'], ['<Topic: %s>' % topic]) self.assertContains(response, topic.title) self.assertContains(response, topic.description) self.assertContains(response, link_href)
def test_valid_form(self): """ Test authenticated user submitting a valid form. If an authenticated user submits a valid form, then a new thread should be created. """ self.login() topic = create_topic() data = { 'topic': '%d' %, 'title': 'Test Thread Title', 'body': 'Test thread body', } response =, data) thread = models.Thread.objects.get() message = thread.message_set.get() self.assertRedirects(response, thread_detail_url(thread=thread)) self.assertEqual(data['title'], thread.title) self.assertEqual(data['body'], message.body)
def setUp(self): """ Create topic for testing """ self.topic = create_topic()