def make_goal_based_options(mdp_distr): ''' Args: mdp_distr (MDPDistribution) Returns: (list): Contains Option instances. ''' goal_list = set([]) for mdp in mdp_distr.get_all_mdps(): vi = ValueIteration(mdp) state_space = vi.get_states() for s in state_space: if s.is_terminal(): goal_list.add(s) options = set([]) for mdp in mdp_distr.get_all_mdps(): init_predicate = Predicate(func=lambda x: True) term_predicate = InListPredicate(ls=goal_list) o = Option(init_predicate=init_predicate, term_predicate=term_predicate, policy=_make_mini_mdp_option_policy(mdp), term_prob=0.0) options.add(o) return options
def compute_avg_mdp(mdp_distr, sample_rate=5): ''' Args: mdp_distr (defaultdict) Returns: (MDP) ''' # Get normal components. init_state = mdp_distr.get_init_state() actions = mdp_distr.get_actions() gamma = mdp_distr.get_gamma() T = mdp_distr.get_all_mdps()[0].get_transition_func() # Compute avg reward. avg_rew = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float)) avg_trans_counts = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float))) # Stores T_i(s,a,s') * Pr(M_i) for mdp in mdp_distr.get_mdps(): prob_of_mdp = mdp_distr.get_prob_of_mdp(mdp) # Get a vi instance to compute state space. vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.0001, max_iterations=2000, sample_rate=sample_rate) iters, value = vi.run_vi() states = vi.get_states() for s in states: for a in actions: r = mdp.reward_func(s,a) avg_rew[s][a] += prob_of_mdp * r for repeat in xrange(sample_rate): s_prime = mdp.transition_func(s,a) avg_trans_counts[s][a][s_prime] += prob_of_mdp avg_trans_probs = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float))) for s in avg_trans_counts.keys(): for a in actions: for s_prime in avg_trans_counts[s][a].keys(): avg_trans_probs[s][a][s_prime] = avg_trans_counts[s][a][s_prime] / sum(avg_trans_counts[s][a].values()) def avg_rew_func(s,a): return avg_rew[s][a] avg_trans_func = T # def avg_trans_func(s,a): # s_prime_index = list(np.random.multinomial(1, avg_trans_probs[s][a].values())).index(1) # s_prime = avg_trans_probs[s][a].keys()[s_prime_index] # s_prime.set_terminal(False) # return s_prime avg_mdp = MDP(actions, avg_trans_func, avg_rew_func, init_state, gamma) return avg_mdp
def __init__(self, mdp, name="value_iter", delta=0.0001, max_iterations=500, sample_rate=3): ValueIteration.__init__(self, mdp, name, delta, max_iterations, sample_rate) # Including for clarity. OptionsMDPValueIteration gets actions from its # MDP instance, and not from the self.actions variable in the Planner class. self.actions = None
def main(): import OptimalBeliefAgentClass # Setup multitask setting. # R ~ D : Puddle, Rock Sample # G ~ D : octo, four_room # T ~ D : grid mdp_class, is_goal_terminal, samples = parse_args() mdp_distr = make_mdp_distr(mdp_class=mdp_class, is_goal_terminal=is_goal_terminal) mdp_distr.set_gamma(0.99) actions = mdp_distr.get_actions() # Compute average MDP. print "Making and solving avg MDP...", sys.stdout.flush() avg_mdp = compute_avg_mdp(mdp_distr) avg_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(avg_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=5) iters, value = avg_mdp_vi.run_vi() print "done." #, iters, value sys.stdout.flush() # Agents. print "Making agents...", sys.stdout.flush() mdp_distr_copy = copy.deepcopy(mdp_distr) opt_stoch_policy = compute_optimal_stoch_policy(mdp_distr_copy) opt_stoch_policy_agent = FixedPolicyAgent(opt_stoch_policy, name="$\pi_{prior}$") opt_belief_agent = OptimalBeliefAgentClass.OptimalBeliefAgent( mdp_distr, actions) vi_agent = FixedPolicyAgent(avg_mdp_vi.policy, name="$\pi_{avg}$") rand_agent = RandomAgent(actions, name="$\pi^u$") ql_agent = QLearningAgent(actions) print "done." agents = [vi_agent, opt_stoch_policy_agent, rand_agent, opt_belief_agent] # Run task. run_agents_multi_task(agents, mdp_distr, task_samples=samples, episodes=1, steps=100, reset_at_terminal=False, track_disc_reward=False, cumulative_plot=True)
def __init__(self, mdp, transition_func, reward_func, observation_func, updater_type='discrete'): ''' Args: mdp (POMDP) transition_func: T(s, a) --> s' reward_func: R(s, a) --> float observation_func: O(s, a) --> z updater_type (str) ''' self.reward_func = reward_func self.updater_type = updater_type # We use the ValueIteration class to construct the transition and observation probabilities = ValueIteration(mdp, sample_rate=500) self.transition_probs = self.construct_transition_matrix(transition_func) self.observation_probs = self.construct_observation_matrix(observation_func, transition_func) if updater_type == 'discrete': self.updater = self.discrete_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'kalman': self.updater = self.kalman_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'particle': self.updater = self.particle_filter_updater else: raise AttributeError('updater_type {} did not conform to expected type'.format(updater_type))
def _make_mini_mdp_option_policy(mini_mdp): ''' Args: mini_mdp (MDP) Returns: Policy ''' # Solve the MDP defined by the terminal abstract state. mini_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(mini_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=10) iters, val = mini_mdp_vi.run_vi() o_policy_dict = make_dict_from_lambda(mini_mdp_vi.policy, mini_mdp_vi.get_states()) o_policy = PolicyFromDict(o_policy_dict) return o_policy.get_action
def _make_mini_mdp_option_policy(mini_mdp, initiating_states): ''' Args: mini_mdp (MDP) Returns: Policy ''' # Solve the MDP defined by the terminal abstract state. if isinstance(mini_mdp, OptionsMDP): mini_mdp_vi = OptionsMDPValueIteration(mini_mdp, delta=0.005, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=30) else: mini_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(mini_mdp, delta=0.005, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=30) for s_g in initiating_states: if s_g.is_terminal(): return lambda s: random.choice(mini_mdp.get_actions(s_g) ), mini_mdp_vi iters, val = mini_mdp_vi.run_vi() o_policy_dict = make_dict_from_lambda( mini_mdp_vi.policy, mini_mdp_vi.get_states() + initiating_states) o_policy = PolicyFromDict(o_policy_dict) return o_policy.get_action, mini_mdp_vi
def plan_with_vi(gamma=0.99): ''' Args: gamma (float): discount factor Running value iteration on the problem to test the correctness of the policy returned by BSS ''' mdp = GridWorldMDP(gamma=gamma, goal_locs=[(4, 3)], slip_prob=0.0) value_iter = ValueIteration(mdp, sample_rate=5) value_iter.run_vi() action_seq, state_seq = value_iter.plan(mdp.get_init_state()) print "[ValueIteration] Plan for {}".format(mdp) for i in range(len(action_seq)): print 'pi({}) --> {}'.format(state_seq[i], action_seq[i])
def make_random_sa_stack(mdp_distr, cluster_size_ratio=0.5, max_num_levels=2): ''' Args: mdp_distr (MDPDistribution) cluster_size_ratio (float): A float in (0,1) that determines the size of the abstract state space. max_num_levels (int): Determines the _total_ number of levels in the hierarchy (includes ground). Returns: (StateAbstraction) ''' # Get ground state space. vi = ValueIteration(mdp_distr.get_all_mdps()[0], delta=0.0001, max_iterations=5000) ground_state_space = vi.get_states() sa_stack = StateAbstractionStack(list_of_phi=[]) # Each loop adds a stack. for i in range(max_num_levels - 1): # Grab curent state space (at level i). cur_state_space = _get_level_i_state_space(ground_state_space, sa_stack, i) cur_state_space_size = len(cur_state_space) if int(cur_state_space_size / cluster_size_ratio) <= 1: # The abstract is as small as it can get. break # Add the mapping. new_phi = {} for s in cur_state_space: new_phi[s] = HierarchyState(data=random.randint( 1, max(int(cur_state_space_size * cluster_size_ratio), 1)), level=i + 1) if len(set(new_phi.values())) <= 1: # The abstract is as small as it can get. break # Add the sa to the stack. sa_stack.add_phi(new_phi) return sa_stack
def run(task_block, task_room, red_pos, green_pos, blue_pos, drone_pos, pub, drone_path): """ Assume the block is on the floor of each cell Get initial pos of drone from caller """ height = 2 # vertical space task = DroneTask(task_block, task_room) room1 = DroneRoom("room1", [(x, y, z) for x in range(4) for y in range(1) for z in range(height)], "red") room2 = DroneRoom("room2", [(x, y, z) for x in range(0, 2) for y in range(2, 4) for z in range(height)], color="green") room3 = DroneRoom("room3", [(x, y, z) for x in range(3, 4) for y in range(2, 4) for z in range(height)], color="blue") block1 = DroneBlock("block1", red_pos[0], red_pos[1], red_pos[2] - 1, color="red") block2 = DroneBlock("block2", green_pos[0], green_pos[1], green_pos[2] - 1, color="green") block3 = DroneBlock("block3", blue_pos[0], blue_pos[1], blue_pos[2] - 1, color="blue") rooms = [room1, room2, room3] blocks = [block1, block2, block3] doors = [DroneDoor(1, 1, height), DroneDoor(3, 1, height)] mdp = DroneMDP(drone_pos, task, rooms=rooms, blocks=blocks, doors=doors) print("Start Value Iteration") vi = ValueIteration(mdp) vi.run_vi() action_seq, state_seq = vi.plan(mdp.init_state) policy = defaultdict() for i in range(len(action_seq)): policy[state_seq[i]] = action_seq[i] print("Start Flying") mdp.send_path(policy, pub, drone_path)
def get_policy(self, mdp, verbose=False): ''' Args: mdp (MDP): MDP (same level as the current Policy Generator) Returns: policy (defaultdict): optimal policy in mdp ''' vi = ValueIteration(mdp, sample_rate=1) vi.run_vi() policy = defaultdict() action_seq, state_seq = vi.plan(mdp.init_state) if verbose: print('Plan for {}:'.format(mdp)) for i in range(len(action_seq)): if verbose: print("\tpi[{}] -> {}".format(state_seq[i], action_seq[i])) policy[state_seq[i]] = action_seq[i] return policy
def _make_mini_mdp_option_policy(mini_mdp): ''' Args: mini_mdp (MDP) Returns: Policy ''' # Solve the MDP defined by the terminal abstract state. mini_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(mini_mdp, delta=0.005, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=30) iters, val = mini_mdp_vi.run_vi() o_policy_dict = make_dict_from_lambda(mini_mdp_vi.policy, mini_mdp_vi.get_states()) o_policy = PolicyFromDict(o_policy_dict) return o_policy.get_action, mini_mdp_vi
def __init__(self, ground_mdp, state_abstr=None, action_abstr=None, vi_sample_rate=5, max_iterations=1000, amdp_sample_rate=5, delta=0.001): ''' Args: ground_mdp (simple_rl.MDP) state_abstr (simple_rl.StateAbstraction) action_abstr (simple_rl.ActionAbstraction) vi_sample_rate (int): Num samples per transition for running VI. max_iterations (int): Usual VI # Iteration bound. amdp_sample_rate (int): Num samples per abstract transition to use for computing R_abstract, T_abstract. ''' self.ground_mdp = ground_mdp # Grab ground state space. vi = ValueIteration(self.ground_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=5) state_space = vi.get_states() # Make the abstract MDP. self.state_abstr = state_abstr if state_abstr is not None else StateAbstraction( ground_state_space=state_space) self.action_abstr = action_abstr if action_abstr is not None else ActionAbstraction( prim_actions=ground_mdp.get_actions()) abstr_mdp = abstr_mdp_funcs.make_abstr_mdp( ground_mdp, self.state_abstr, self.action_abstr, step_cost=0.0, sample_rate=amdp_sample_rate) # Create VI with the abstract MDP. ValueIteration.__init__(self, abstr_mdp, vi_sample_rate, delta, max_iterations)
def compute_optimistic_q_function(mdp_distr, sample_rate=5): ''' Instead of transferring an average Q-value, we transfer the highest Q-value in MDPs so that it will not under estimate the Q-value. ''' opt_q_func = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: float("-inf"))) for mdp in mdp_distr.get_mdps(): # prob_of_mdp = mdp_distr.get_prob_of_mdp(mdp) # Get a vi instance to compute state space. vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.0001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=sample_rate) iters, value = vi.run_vi() q_func = vi.get_q_function() # print "value =", value for s in q_func: for a in q_func[s]: opt_q_func[s][a] = max(opt_q_func[s][a], q_func[s][a]) return opt_q_func
def compute_sub_opt_func_for_mdp_distr(mdp_distr): ''' Args: mdp_distr (dict) Returns: (list): Contains the suboptimality function for each MDP in mdp_distr. subopt: V^*(s) - Q^(s,a) ''' actions = mdp_distr.get_actions() sub_opt_funcs = [] i = 0 for mdp in mdp_distr.get_mdps(): print "\t mdp", i + 1, "of", mdp_distr.get_num_mdps() vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000) iters, value = vi.run_vi() new_sub_opt_func = defaultdict(float) for s in vi.get_states(): max_q = float("-inf") for a in actions: next_q = vi.get_q_value(s, a) if next_q > max_q: max_q = next_q for a in actions: new_sub_opt_func[(s, a)] = max_q - vi.get_q_value(s, a) sub_opt_funcs.append(new_sub_opt_func) i += 1 return sub_opt_funcs
def get_distance(mdp, epsilon=0.05): vi = ValueIteration(mdp) vi.run_vi() vstar = vi.value_func # dictionary of state -> float states = vi.get_states() # list of state distance = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) v_df = ValueIterationDist(mdp, vstar) v_df.run_vi() d_to_s = v_df.distance for t in states: for s in states: distance[t][s] = max(d_to_s[t] - 1, 0) for s in states: # s: state vis = ValueIterationDist(mdp, vstar) vis.add_fixed_val(s, vstar[s]) vis.run_vi() d_to_s = vis.distance for t in states: distance[t][s] = min(d_to_s[t], distance[t][s]) sToInd = OrderedDict() indToS = OrderedDict() for i, s in enumerate(states): sToInd[s] = i indToS[i] = s d = np.zeros((len(states), len(states)), dtype=int) # print "type(d)=", type(d) # print "d.shape=", d.shape for s in states: for t in states: # print 's, t=', index[s], index[t] d[sToInd[s]][sToInd[t]] = distance[s][t] return sToInd, indToS, d
def main(): # ======================== # === Make Environment === # ======================== mdp_class = "four_room" environment = make_mdp.make_mdp_distr(mdp_class=mdp_class, grid_dim=10) actions = environment.get_actions() # ========================== # === Make SA, AA Stacks === # ========================== # sa_stack, aa_stack = aa_stack_h.make_random_sa_diropt_aa_stack(environment, max_num_levels=3) sa_stack, aa_stack = hierarchy_helpers.make_hierarchy(environment, num_levels=3) mdp = environment.sample() HVI = HierarchicalValueIteration(mdp, sa_stack, aa_stack) VI = ValueIteration(mdp) h_iters, h_val = HVI.run_vi() iters, val = VI.run_vi()
def compute_optimal_stoch_policy(mdp_distr): ''' Args: mdp_distr (defaultdict) Returns: (lambda) ''' # Key: state # Val: dict # Key: action # Val: probability policy_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) # Compute optimal policy for each MDP. for mdp in mdp_distr.get_all_mdps(): # Solve the MDP and get the optimal policy. vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000) iters, value = vi.run_vi() vi_policy = vi.policy states = vi.get_states() # Compute the probability each action is optimal in each state. prob_of_mdp = mdp_distr.get_prob_of_mdp(mdp) for s in states: a_star = vi_policy(s) policy_dict[s][a_star] += prob_of_mdp # Create the lambda. def policy_from_dict(state): action_id = np.random.multinomial( 1, policy_dict[state].values()).tolist().index(1) action = policy_dict[state].keys()[action_id] return action return policy_from_dict
def __init__(self, mdp, transition_func, reward_func, observation_func, updater_type='discrete'): ''' Args: mdp (POMDP) transition_func: T(s, a) --> s' reward_func: R(s, a) --> float observation_func: O(s, a) --> z updater_type (str) ''' self.reward_func = reward_func self.updater_type = updater_type # We use the ValueIteration class to construct the transition and # observation probabilities = ValueIteration(mdp, sample_rate=100) print("Constructing transition matrix") self.transition_probs = self.construct_transition_matrix( transition_func) print("Constructing observation matrix") self.observation_probs = self.construct_observation_matrix( observation_func, transition_func) if updater_type == 'discrete': self.updater = self.discrete_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'kalman': self.updater = self.kalman_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'particle': self.updater = self.particle_filter_updater else: raise AttributeError( 'updater_type {} did not conform to expected type'.format( updater_type))
def make_multitask_sa(mdp_distr, state_class=State, indic_func=ind_funcs._q_eps_approx_indicator, epsilon=0.0, aa_single_act=True, track_act_opt_pr=False): ''' Args: mdp_distr (MDPDistribution) state_class (Class) indicator_func (S x S --> {0,1}) epsilon (float) aa_single_act (bool): If we should track optimal actions. Returns: (StateAbstraction) ''' sa_list = [] for mdp in mdp_distr.get_mdps(): sa = make_singletask_sa(mdp, indic_func, state_class, epsilon, aa_single_act=aa_single_act, prob_of_mdp=mdp_distr.get_prob_of_mdp(mdp), track_act_opt_pr=track_act_opt_pr) sa_list += [sa] mdp = mdp_distr.get_all_mdps()[0] vi = ValueIteration(mdp) ground_states = vi.get_states() multitask_sa = merge_state_abstr(sa_list, ground_states) return multitask_sa
def __init__(self, ground_mdp, state_abstr=None, action_abstr=None, vi_sample_rate=5, max_iterations=1000, amdp_sample_rate=5, delta=0.001): ''' Args: ground_mdp (simple_rl.MDP) state_abstr (simple_rl.StateAbstraction) action_abstr (simple_rl.ActionAbstraction) vi_sample_rate (int): Num samples per transition for running VI. max_iterations (int): Usual VI # Iteration bound. amdp_sample_rate (int): Num samples per abstract transition to use for computing R_abstract, T_abstract. ''' self.ground_mdp = ground_mdp # Grab ground state space. vi = ValueIteration(self.ground_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=5) state_space = vi.get_states() # Make the abstract MDP. self.state_abstr = state_abstr if state_abstr is not None else StateAbstraction(ground_state_space=state_space) self.action_abstr = action_abstr if action_abstr is not None else ActionAbstraction(prim_actions=ground_mdp.get_actions()) abstr_mdp = abstr_mdp_funcs.make_abstr_mdp(ground_mdp, self.state_abstr, self.action_abstr, step_cost=0.0, sample_rate=amdp_sample_rate) # Create VI with the abstract MDP. ValueIteration.__init__(self, abstr_mdp, vi_sample_rate, delta, max_iterations)
def update_init_q_function(self, mdp): if self.task_number == 0: self.default_q_func = copy.deepcopy(self.default_q_func) elif self.task_number < self.num_sample_tasks: new_q_func = self.q_func for x in new_q_func: for y in new_q_func[x]: self.default_q_func[x][y] = max(new_q_func[x][y], self.default_q_func[x][y]) elif self.task_number == self.num_sample_tasks: vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.1, max_iterations=2, sample_rate=1) _, _ = vi.run_vi() new_q_func = vi.get_q_function() # VI to enumerate all states for s in new_q_func: for a in new_q_func[s]: if self.default_q_func[s][ a] < 0: # If (s, a) is never visited set Vmax self.default_q_func[s][a] = self.default_q print(, "Initial Q func from", self.task_number, "tasks") self.print_dict(self.default_q_func)
def planFromAtoB(self, Maps, nearestVertex, kStepConfig): # if not self.computedMDP: # self.wallLocations = [] # for x in range(len(self.Maps.occupancyMap)): # for y in range(len(self.Maps.occupancyMap[x])): # if self.Maps.occupancyMap[x][y] == Env.WALL: # self.wallLocations.append(Loc.Location(x,y)) # self.computedMDP = True mdp = GridWorldMDP(width=len(Maps.occupancyMap), height=len(Maps.occupancyMap[0]), init_loc=(nearestVertex.x, nearestVertex.y), goal_locs=[(kStepConfig.x, kStepConfig.y)], gamma=0.95) vi = ValueIteration(mdp) vi.run_vi() action_seq, state_seq = vi.plan() #check if conflict for s in state_seq: if Maps.occupancyMap[s[0], s[1]] == env.WALL: return False return True
def __init__(self): self.base_human_model = PuddleMDP(step_cost=1.0) self.base_agent = ValueIteration(self.base_human_model, max_iterations=5000, sample_rate=1) self.sample_agent = ModQLearningAgent( actions=self.base_human_model.get_actions(), epsilon=0.5, anneal=True) #run_single_agent_on_mdp(self.base_agent, self.base_human_model, episodes=10000, steps=60, verbose=True) self.base_agent.run_vi() #print ("Q func", self.base_agent.q_func) self.test_run = False if self.test_run: self.novice_model_1 = self.base_human_model self.novice_model_2 = self.base_human_model self.fully_actulized_model = self.base_human_model self.novice_agent_1 = self.base_agent self.novice_agent_2 = self.base_agent self.fully_actulized_agent = self.base_agent else: self.novice_model_1 = PuddleMDP2(step_cost=1.0) self.novice_agent_1 = ValueIteration(self.novice_model_1) self.novice_agent_1.run_vi() self.novice_model_2 = PuddleMDP3(step_cost=1.0) self.novice_agent_2 = ValueIteration(self.novice_model_2) self.novice_agent_2.run_vi() self.fully_actulized_model = PuddleMDP4(step_cost=1.0) self.fully_actulized_agent = ValueIteration( self.fully_actulized_model) self.fully_actulized_agent.run_vi() #self.fully_actulized_agent = ModQLearningAgent(actions=self.fully_actulized_model.get_actions(), epsilon=0.5, anneal=True) #run_single_agent_on_mdp(self.fully_actulized_agent, self.fully_actulized_model, episodes=10000, steps=60, verbose=True) # TODO Add other settings self.current_agent = self.base_agent self.current_mdp = self.base_human_model
class PUDDLER: def __init__(self): self.base_human_model = PuddleMDP(step_cost=1.0) self.base_agent = ValueIteration(self.base_human_model, max_iterations=5000, sample_rate=1) self.sample_agent = ModQLearningAgent( actions=self.base_human_model.get_actions(), epsilon=0.5, anneal=True) #run_single_agent_on_mdp(self.base_agent, self.base_human_model, episodes=10000, steps=60, verbose=True) self.base_agent.run_vi() #print ("Q func", self.base_agent.q_func) self.test_run = False if self.test_run: self.novice_model_1 = self.base_human_model self.novice_model_2 = self.base_human_model self.fully_actulized_model = self.base_human_model self.novice_agent_1 = self.base_agent self.novice_agent_2 = self.base_agent self.fully_actulized_agent = self.base_agent else: self.novice_model_1 = PuddleMDP2(step_cost=1.0) self.novice_agent_1 = ValueIteration(self.novice_model_1) self.novice_agent_1.run_vi() self.novice_model_2 = PuddleMDP3(step_cost=1.0) self.novice_agent_2 = ValueIteration(self.novice_model_2) self.novice_agent_2.run_vi() self.fully_actulized_model = PuddleMDP4(step_cost=1.0) self.fully_actulized_agent = ValueIteration( self.fully_actulized_model) self.fully_actulized_agent.run_vi() #self.fully_actulized_agent = ModQLearningAgent(actions=self.fully_actulized_model.get_actions(), epsilon=0.5, anneal=True) #run_single_agent_on_mdp(self.fully_actulized_agent, self.fully_actulized_model, episodes=10000, steps=60, verbose=True) # TODO Add other settings self.current_agent = self.base_agent self.current_mdp = self.base_human_model def get_init_info(self): data_points = [] return data_points def get_human_reinf_from_prev_step(self, state, action, explanation_features=[0, 0]): delta = 0.1 print(explanation_features) if explanation_features[1] == 1 and explanation_features[0] == 1: self.current_mdp = self.fully_actulized_model self.current_agent = self.fully_actulized_agent elif explanation_features[0] == 1: self.current_mdp = self.novice_model_1 self.current_agent = self.novice_agent_1 elif explanation_features[1] == 1: self.current_mdp = self.novice_model_2 self.current_agent = self.novice_agent_2 else: self.current_mdp = self.base_human_model self.current_agent = self.base_agent curr_best_q_val = self.current_agent.get_value(state) curr_q_val = self.current_agent.get_q_value(state, action) # return curr_q_val - curr_best_q_val return min((float(curr_best_q_val - curr_q_val) + delta) / (float(curr_best_q_val) + delta), 1) def get_possible_actions(self): return self.base_human_model.get_actions() def get_best_action(self, state, explanation_features=[0, 0]): if explanation_features[1] == 1 and explanation_features[0] == 1: self.current_mdp = self.fully_actulized_model self.current_agent = self.fully_actulized_agent elif explanation_features[0] == 1: self.current_mdp = self.novice_model_1 self.current_agent = self.novice_agent_1 elif explanation_features[1] == 1: self.current_mdp = self.novice_model_2 self.current_agent = self.novice_agent_2 else: self.current_mdp = self.base_human_model self.current_agent = self.base_agent return self.current_agent._get_max_q_action(state) def get_initial_state(self): # TODO Randomize return self.base_human_model.get_init_state() def get_initial_state_features(self): return self.base_human_model.get_init_state().features() def get_next_state(self, state, act, explanation_features=[0]): if explanation_features[0] >= 0.5: self.current_mdp = self.fully_actulized_model self.current_agent = self.fully_actulized_agent else: self.current_mdp = self.base_human_model self.current_agent = self.base_agent self.current_mdp.set_state(state) reward, new_state = self.current_mdp.execute_agent_action(act) return new_state def set_state(self, x, y): state = GridWorldState(x, y) self.base_human_model.set_state(state) return state def visualize_agent(self, state): self.base_human_model.set_state(state) self.base_human_model.visualize_state(self.sample_agent)
def __init__(self, ground_mdp, state_abstr=None, action_abstr=None, sample_rate=10, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000): ''' Args: ground_mdp (MDP) state_abstr (StateAbstraction) action_abstr (ActionAbstraction) ''' self.ground_mdp = ground_mdp self.state_abstr = state_abstr if state_abstr not in [ [], None ] else StateAbstraction() self.action_abstr = action_abstr if action_abstr not in [ [], None ] else ActionAbstraction(prim_actions=ground_mdp.get_actions()) mdp = make_abstr_mdp(ground_mdp, self.state_abstr, self.action_abstr) ValueIteration.__init__(self, mdp, sample_rate, delta, max_iterations) # = delta # self.max_iterations = max_iterations # self.sample_rate = sample_rate # self.value_func = defaultdict(float) # self.reachability_done = False # self.has_run_vi = False # self._compute_reachable_state_space() # def get_num_states(self): # return len(self.states) # def get_states(self): # if self.reachability_done: # return self.states # else: # self._compute_reachable_state_space() # return self.states # def _compute_reachable_state_space(self): # ''' # Summary: # Starting with @self.start_state, determines all reachable states # and stores their abstracted counterparts in self.states. # ''' # state_queue = Queue.Queue() # s_g_init = self.mdp.get_init_state() # s_a_init = self.state_abstr.phi(s_g_init) # state_queue.put(s_g_init) # self.states.add(s_a_init) # ground_t = self.mdp.get_transition_func() # while not state_queue.empty(): # ground_state = state_queue.get() # for option in self.action_abstr.get_active_options(ground_state): # # For each active option. # # Take @sample_rate samples to estimate E[V] # for samples in xrange(self.sample_rate): # next_g_state = option.act_until_terminal(ground_state, ground_t) # if next_g_state not in self.states: # next_a_state = self.state_abstr.phi(next_g_state) # self.states.add(next_a_state) # state_queue.put(next_g_state) # self.reachability_done = True # def plan(self, ground_state=None, horizon=100): # ''' # Args: # ground_state (State) # horizon (int) # Returns: # (tuple): # (list): List of primitive actions taken. # (list): List of ground states. # (list): List of abstract actions taken. # ''' # ground_state = self.mdp.get_init_state() if ground_state is None else ground_state # if self.has_run_vi is False: # print "Warning: VI has not been run. Plan will be random." # primitive_action_seq = [] # abstr_action_seq = [] # state_seq = [ground_state] # steps = 0 # ground_t = self.transition_func # # Until terminating condition is met. # while (not ground_state.is_terminal()) and steps < horizon: # # Compute best action, roll it out. # next_option = self._get_max_q_action(ground_state) # while not next_option.is_term_true(ground_state): # # Keep applying option until it terminates. # abstr_state = self.state_abstr.phi(ground_state) # ground_action = next_option.act(ground_state) # ground_state = ground_t(ground_state, ground_action) # steps += 1 # primitive_action_seq.append(ground_action) # state_seq.append(ground_state) # abstr_action_seq.append(next_option) # return primitive_action_seq, state_seq, abstr_action_seq # def run_vi(self): # ''' # Summary: # Runs ValueIteration and fills in the self.value_func. # ''' # # Algorithm bookkeeping params. # iterations = 0 # max_diff = float("inf") # # Main loop. # while max_diff > and iterations < self.max_iterations: # max_diff = 0 # for s_g in self.get_states(): # if s_g.is_terminal(): # continue # max_q = float("-inf") # for a in self.action_abstr.get_active_options(s_g): # # For each active option, compute it's q value. # q_s_a = self.get_q_value(s_g, a) # max_q = q_s_a if q_s_a > max_q else max_q # # Check terminating condition. # max_diff = max(abs(self.value_func[s_g] - max_q), max_diff) # # Update value. # self.value_func[s_g] = max_q # iterations += 1 # value_of_init_state = self._compute_max_qval_action_pair(self.init_state)[0] # self.has_run_vi = True # return iterations, value_of_init_state # def get_q_value(self, s_g, option): # ''' # Args: # s (State) # a (Option): Assumed active option. # Returns: # (float): The Q estimate given the current value function @self.value_func. # ''' # # Take samples and track next state counts. # next_state_counts = defaultdict(int) # reward_total = 0 # for samples in xrange(self.sample_rate): # Take @sample_rate samples to estimate E[V] # next_state, reward, num_steps = self.do_rollout(option, s_g) # next_state_counts[next_state] += 1 # reward_total += reward # # Compute T(s' | s, option) estimate based on MLE and R(s, option). # next_state_probs = defaultdict(float) # avg_reward = 0 # for state in next_state_counts: # next_state_probs[state] = float(next_state_counts[state]) / self.sample_rate # avg_reward = float(reward_total) / self.sample_rate # # Compute expected value. # expected_future_val = 0 # for state in next_state_probs: # expected_future_val += next_state_probs[state] * self.value_func[state] # return avg_reward + self.gamma*expected_future_val # def do_rollout(self, option, ground_state): # ''' # Args: # option (Option) # ground_state (State) # Returns: # (tuple): # (State): Next ground state. # (float): Reward. # (int): Number of steps taken. # ''' # ground_t = self.mdp.get_transition_func() # ground_r = self.mdp.get_reward_func() # if type(option) is str: # ground_action = option # else: # ground_action = option.act(ground_state) # total_reward = ground_r(ground_state, ground_action) # ground_state = ground_t(ground_state, ground_action) # total_steps = 1 # while type(option) is not str and not option.is_term_true(ground_state): # # Keep applying option until it terminates. # ground_action = option.act(ground_state) # total_reward += ground_r(ground_state, ground_action) # ground_state = ground_t(ground_state, ground_action) # total_steps += 1 # return ground_state, total_reward, total_steps # def _compute_max_qval_action_pair(self, state): # ''' # Args: # state (State) # Returns: # (tuple) --> (float, str): where the float is the Qval, str is the action. # ''' # # Grab random initial action in case all equal # max_q_val = float("-inf") # shuffled_option_list = self.action_abstr.get_active_options(state)[:] # if len(shuffled_option_list) == 0: # # Prims on failure. # shuffled_option_list = self.mdp.get_actions() # random.shuffle(shuffled_option_list) # best_action = shuffled_option_list[0] # # Find best action (action w/ current max predicted Q value) # for option in shuffled_option_list: # q_s_a = self.get_q_value(state, option) # if q_s_a > max_q_val: # max_q_val = q_s_a # best_action = option # return max_q_val, best_action # def _get_max_q_action(self, state): # ''' # Args: # state (State) # Returns: # (str): denoting the action with the max q value in the given @state. # ''' # return self._compute_max_qval_action_pair(state)[1] # def policy(self, state): # ''' # Args: # state (State) # Returns: # (str): Action # Summary: # For use in a FixedPolicyAgent. # ''' # return self._get_max_q_action(state) # def main(): # # MDP Setting. # multi_task = False # mdp_class = "grid" # # Make single/multi task environment. # environment = make_mdp.make_mdp_distr(mdp_class=mdp_class, num_mdps=3, horizon=30) if multi_task else make_mdp.make_mdp(mdp_class=mdp_class) # actions = environment.get_actions() # gamma = environment.get_gamma() # directed_sa, directed_aa = ae.get_abstractions(environment, directed=True) # default_sa, default_aa = ae.get_sa(environment, default=True), ae.get_aa(environment, default=True) # vi = ValueIteration(environment) # avi = AbstractValueIteration(environment, state_abstr=default_sa, action_abstr=default_aa) # a_num_iters, a_val = avi.run_vi() # g_num_iters, g_val = vi.run_vi() # print "a", a_num_iters, a_val # print "g", g_num_iters, g_val # if __name__ == "__main__": # main()
def main(eps=0.1, open_plot=True): mdp_class, is_goal_terminal, samples, alg = parse_args() # Setup multitask setting. mdp_distr = make_mdp.make_mdp_distr(mdp_class=mdp_class) actions = mdp_distr.get_actions() # Compute average MDP. print "Making and solving avg MDP...", sys.stdout.flush() avg_mdp = compute_avg_mdp(mdp_distr) avg_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(avg_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=5) iters, value = avg_mdp_vi.run_vi() ### Yuu transfer_fixed_agent = FixedPolicyAgent(avg_mdp_vi.policy, name="transferFixed") rand_agent = RandomAgent(actions, name="$\pi^u$") opt_q_func = compute_optimistic_q_function(mdp_distr) avg_q_func = avg_mdp_vi.get_q_function() if alg == "q": pure_ql_agent = QLearnerAgent(actions, epsilon=eps, name="Q-0") qmax = 1.0 * (1 - 0.99) # qmax = 1.0 pure_ql_agent_opt = QLearnerAgent(actions, epsilon=eps, default_q=qmax, name="Q-vmax") transfer_ql_agent_optq = QLearnerAgent(actions, epsilon=eps, name="Q-trans-max") transfer_ql_agent_optq.set_init_q_function(opt_q_func) transfer_ql_agent_avgq = QLearnerAgent(actions, epsilon=eps, name="Q-trans-avg") transfer_ql_agent_avgq.set_init_q_function(avg_q_func) agents = [ pure_ql_agent, pure_ql_agent_opt, transfer_ql_agent_optq, transfer_ql_agent_avgq ] elif alg == "rmax": pure_rmax_agent = RMaxAgent(actions, name="RMAX-vmax") updating_trans_rmax_agent = UpdatingRMaxAgent(actions, name="RMAX-updating_max") trans_rmax_agent = RMaxAgent(actions, name="RMAX-trans_max") trans_rmax_agent.set_init_q_function(opt_q_func) agents = [pure_rmax_agent, updating_trans_rmax_agent, trans_rmax_agent] elif alg == "delayed-q": pure_delayed_ql_agent = DelayedQLearnerAgent(actions, opt_q_func, name="DelayedQ-vmax") pure_delayed_ql_agent.set_vmax() updating_delayed_ql_agent = UpdatingDelayedQLearnerAgent( actions, name="DelayedQ-updating_max") trans_delayed_ql_agent = DelayedQLearnerAgent( actions, opt_q_func, name="DelayedQ-trans-max") agents = [ pure_delayed_ql_agent, updating_delayed_ql_agent, trans_delayed_ql_agent ] else: print "Unknown type of agents:", alg print "(q, rmax, delayed-q)" assert (False) # Run task. # TODO: Function for Learning on each MDP run_agents_multi_task(agents, mdp_distr, task_samples=samples, episodes=1, steps=100, reset_at_terminal=is_goal_terminal, is_rec_disc_reward=False, cumulative_plot=True, open_plot=open_plot)
def main(): # This accepts arguments from the command line with flags. # Example usage: python -w 4 -H 3 -s 0.05 -g 0.95 -il [(0,0)] -gl [(4,3)] -ll [(4,2)] -W [(2,2)] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Run a demo that shows a visualization of value iteration on a GridWorld MDP' ) # Add the relevant arguments to the argparser parser.add_argument( '-w', '--width', type=int, nargs="?", const=5, default=5, help= 'an integer representing the number of cells for the GridWorld width') parser.add_argument( '-H', '--height', type=int, nargs="?", const=5, default=5, help= 'an integer representing the number of cells for the GridWorld height') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--slip', type=float, nargs="?", const=0.05, default=0.05, help= 'a float representing the probability that the agent will "slip" and not take the intended action' ) parser.add_argument( '-g', '--gamma', type=float, nargs="?", const=0.95, default=0.95, help='a float representing the decay probability for Value Iteration') parser.add_argument( '-il', '--i_loc', type=tuple, nargs="?", const=(0, 0), default=(0, 0), help= 'two integers representing the starting cell location of the agent [with zero-indexing]' ) parser.add_argument( '-gl', '--g_loc', type=list, nargs="?", const=[(3, 3)], default=[(3, 3)], help= 'a sequence of integer-valued coordinates where the agent will receive a large reward and enter a terminal state' ) args = parser.parse_args() mdp = generate_MDP(args.width, args.height, args.i_loc, args.g_loc, args.gamma, args.slip) # Run value iteration on the mdp and save the history of value backups until convergence vi = ValueIteration(mdp, max_iterations=1) _, _, histories = vi.run_vi_histories() # For every value backup, visualize the policy for value_dict in histories: #mdp.visualize_policy(lambda in_state: value_dict[in_state]) # Note: This lambda is necessary because the policy must be a function #time.sleep(0.5) print("========================") for k in value_dict.keys( ): # Note: This lambda is necessary because the policy must be a function print(str(k) + " " + str(value_dict[k])) print(vi.plan(state=mdp.init_state))
def main(): # This accepts arguments from the command line with flags. # Example usage: python -w 7 -H 5 -s 0.05 -g 0.95 # -il '(1,1)' -gl '[(7,4)]' -ll '[(7,3)]' -W '[(2,2)]' # Examples WINDOWS Usage: python -w 7 -H 5 -s 0.05 # -g 0.95 -il (1,1) -gl [(7,4)] -ll [(7,3)] -W [(2,2)] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Run a demo that shows a visualization of value' + 'iteration on a GridWorld MDP. \n Notes: \n 1.' + 'Goal states should appear as green circles, lava' + ' states should be red circles and the agent start' + ' location should appear with a blue triangle. If' + ' these are not shown, you have probably passed in' + ' a value that is outside the grid \n 2.' + 'This program is intended to provide a visualization' + ' of Value Iteration after every iteration of the algorithm.' + ' Once you pass in the correct arguments, a PyGame screen should pop-up.' + ' Press the esc key to view the next iteration and the q key to quit' + '\n 3. The program prints the total time taken for VI to run in seconds ' + ' and the number of iterations (as the history) to the console.') # Add the relevant arguments to the argparser parser.add_argument( '-w', '--width', type=int, nargs="?", const=4, default=4, help= 'an integer representing the number of cells for the GridWorld width') parser.add_argument( '-H', '--height', type=int, nargs="?", const=3, default=3, help= 'an integer representing the number of cells for the GridWorld height') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--slip', type=float, nargs="?", const=0.05, default=0.05, help= 'a float representing the probability that the agent will "slip" and not take the intended action but take a random action at uniform instead' ) parser.add_argument( '-g', '--gamma', type=float, nargs="?", const=0.95, default=0.95, help='a float representing the decay factor for Value Iteration') parser.add_argument( '-il', '--i_loc', type=ast.literal_eval, nargs="?", const=(1, 1), default=(1, 1), help= "a tuple of integers representing the starting cell location of the agent, with one-indexing. For example, do -il '(1,1)' , be sure to include apostrophes (unless you use Windows) or argparse will fail!" ) parser.add_argument( '-gl', '--g_loc', type=ast.literal_eval, nargs="?", const=[(3, 3)], default=[(3, 3)], help= "a list of tuples of of integer-valued coordinates where the agent will receive a large reward and enter a terminal state. Each coordinate is a location on the grid with one-indexing. For example, do -gl '[(3,3)]' , be sure to include apostrophes (unless you use Windows) or argparse will fail!" ) parser.add_argument( '-ll', '--l_loc', type=ast.literal_eval, nargs="?", const=[(3, 2)], default=[(3, 2)], help= "a list of tuples of of integer-valued coordinates where the agent will receive a large negative reward and enter a terminal state. Each coordinate is a location on the grid with one-indexing. For example, do -ll '[(3,2)]' , be sure to include apostrophes (unless you use Windows) or argparse will fail!" ) parser.add_argument( '-W', '--Walls', type=ast.literal_eval, nargs="?", const=[(2, 2)], default=[(2, 2)], help= "a list of tuples of of integer-valued coordinates where there are 'walls' that the agent can't transition into. Each coordinate is a location on the grid with one-indexing. For example, do -W '[(3,2)]' , be sure to include apostrophes (unless you use Windows) or argparse will fail!" ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--delta', type=float, nargs="?", const=0.0001, default=0.0001, help= 'After an iteration if VI, if no change more than delta has occurred, terminates.' ) parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-iter', type=int, nargs="?", const=500, default=500, help='Maximum number of iterations VI runs for') parser.add_argument('--skip', action='store_true', help='Skip to last frame or not') args = parser.parse_args() if args.skip is None: args.skip = False mdp = generate_MDP(args.width, args.height, args.i_loc, args.g_loc, args.l_loc, args.gamma, args.Walls, args.slip) # Run value iteration on the mdp and save the history of value backups until convergence st = time.time() vi = ValueIteration(mdp, max_iterations=args.max_iter, num_hist, _, q_act_histories, val_histories = vi.run_vi_histories() end = time.time() print('Took {:.4f} seconds'.format(end - st)) # For every value backup, visualize the policy if args.skip: mdp.visualize_policy_values( (lambda in_state: q_act_histories[-1][in_state]), (lambda curr_state: val_histories[-1][curr_state])) else: for i in range(num_hist): print('Showing history {:04d} of {:04d}'.format(i + 1, num_hist)) # Note: This lambda is necessary because the policy must be a function mdp.visualize_policy_values( (lambda in_state: q_act_histories[i][in_state]), (lambda curr_state: val_histories[i][curr_state]))
def update_init_q_function(self, mdp): ''' If sample_with_q is True, run Q-learning for sample tasks. If qstar_transfer is True, run value iteration for sample tasks to get Q*. Else, run delayed Q-learning for sample tasks ''' if self.sample_with_q: if self.task_number == 0: self.init_q_func = copy.deepcopy(self.q_agent.q_func) elif self.task_number < self.num_sample_tasks: new_q_func = self.q_agent.q_func for x in new_q_func: for y in new_q_func[x]: self.init_q_func[x][y] = max(new_q_func[x][y], self.init_q_func[x][y]) elif self.qstar_transfer: if self.task_number == 0: self.init_q_func = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: float("-inf"))) # else: elif self.task_number < self.num_sample_tasks: vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.0001, max_iterations=2000, sample_rate=5) _, _ = vi.run_vi() new_q_func = vi.get_q_function() for x in new_q_func: for y in new_q_func[x]: self.init_q_func[x][y] = max(new_q_func[x][y], self.init_q_func[x][y]) else: if self.task_number == 0: self.init_q_func = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: float("-inf"))) elif self.task_number < self.num_sample_tasks: new_q_func = self.q_func for x in new_q_func: assert len(self.init_q_func[x]) <= len(new_q_func[x]) for y in new_q_func[x]: self.init_q_func[x][y] = max(new_q_func[x][y], self.init_q_func[x][y]) assert (self.init_q_func[x][y] <= self.default_q) ### Uncomment the code below to check if Q-value is converging to the optimal enough # Compare q_func learned vs. the true Q value. # vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=2000, sample_rate=5) # _, _ = vi.run_vi() # qstar_func = vi.get_q_function() # VI to enumerate all states # print "Q-function learned by delayed-Q" # self.print_dict(new_q_func) # print "Optimal Q-function" # self.print_dict(qstar_func) if self.task_number == self.num_sample_tasks: vi = ValueIteration(mdp, delta=0.1, max_iterations=2, sample_rate=1) _, _ = vi.run_vi() new_q_func = vi.get_q_function() # VI to enumerate all states for s in new_q_func: for a in new_q_func[s]: if self.init_q_func[s][ a] < 0: # If (s, a) is never visited set Vmax self.init_q_func[s][a] = self.default_q print(, "Initial Q func from", self.task_number, "tasks") self.print_dict(self.init_q_func)
def make_singletask_sa(mdp, indic_func, state_class, epsilon=0.0, aa_single_act=False, prob_of_mdp=1.0): ''' Args: mdp (MDP) indic_func (S x S --> {0,1}) state_class (Class) epsilon (float) Returns: (StateAbstraction) ''' print "\tRunning VI...", sys.stdout.flush() # Run VI if isinstance(mdp, MDPDistribution): mdp = mdp.sample() vi = ValueIteration(mdp) iters, val = vi.run_vi() print " done." print "\tMaking state abstraction...", sys.stdout.flush() sa = StateAbstraction(phi={}, state_class=state_class) clusters = defaultdict(set) num_states = len(vi.get_states()) actions = mdp.get_actions() # Find state pairs that satisfy the condition. for i, state_x in enumerate(vi.get_states()): sys.stdout.flush() clusters[state_x].add(state_x) for state_y in vi.get_states()[i:]: if not (state_x == state_y) and indic_func( state_x, state_y, vi, actions, epsilon=epsilon): clusters[state_x].add(state_y) clusters[state_y].add(state_x) print "making clusters...", sys.stdout.flush() # Build SA. for i, state in enumerate(clusters.keys()): new_cluster = clusters[state] sa.make_cluster(new_cluster) # Destroy old so we don't double up. for s in clusters[state]: if s in clusters.keys(): clusters.pop(s) print " done." print "\tGround States:", num_states print "\tAbstract:", sa.get_num_abstr_states() print return sa
def main(): # Setup environment. mdp_class, agent_type, samples = parse_args() is_goal_terminal = False mdp_distr = make_mdp_distr(mdp_class=mdp_class, is_goal_terminal=is_goal_terminal) mdp_distr.set_gamma(0.99) actions = mdp_distr.get_actions() # Compute priors. # Stochastic mixture. mdp_distr_copy = copy.deepcopy(mdp_distr) opt_stoch_policy = ape.compute_optimal_stoch_policy(mdp_distr_copy) # Avg MDP avg_mdp = ape.compute_avg_mdp(mdp_distr) avg_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(avg_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=5) iters, value = avg_mdp_vi.run_vi() # Make agents. # Q Learning ql_agent = QLearnerAgent(actions) shaped_ql_agent_prior = ShapedQAgent(shaping_policy=opt_stoch_policy, actions=actions, name="Prior-QLearning") shaped_ql_agent_avgmdp = ShapedQAgent(shaping_policy=avg_mdp_vi.policy, actions=actions, name="AvgMDP-QLearning") # RMax rmax_agent = RMaxAgent(actions) shaped_rmax_agent_prior = ShapedRMaxAgent( shaping_policy=opt_stoch_policy, state_space=avg_mdp_vi.get_states(), actions=actions, name="Prior-RMax") shaped_rmax_agent_avgmdp = ShapedRMaxAgent( shaping_policy=avg_mdp_vi.policy, state_space=avg_mdp_vi.get_states(), actions=actions, name="AvgMDP-RMax") prune_rmax_agent = PruneRMaxAgent(mdp_distr=mdp_distr) if agent_type == "rmax": agents = [ rmax_agent, shaped_rmax_agent_prior, shaped_rmax_agent_avgmdp, prune_rmax_agent ] else: agents = [ql_agent, shaped_ql_agent_prior, shaped_ql_agent_avgmdp] # Run task. run_agents_multi_task(agents, mdp_distr, task_samples=samples, episodes=1, steps=200, is_rec_disc_reward=False, verbose=True)
def make_singletask_sa(mdp, indic_func, state_class, epsilon=0.0, aa_single_act=False, prob_of_mdp=1.0, track_act_opt_pr=False): ''' Args: mdp (MDP) indic_func (S x S --> {0,1}) state_class (Class) epsilon (float) Returns: (StateAbstraction) ''' print("\tRunning VI...",) sys.stdout.flush() # Run VI if isinstance(mdp, MDPDistribution): mdp = mdp.sample() vi = ValueIteration(mdp) iters, val = vi.run_vi() print(" done.") print("\tMaking state abstraction...",) sys.stdout.flush() sa = StateAbstraction(phi={}, state_class=state_class, track_act_opt_pr=track_act_opt_pr) clusters = defaultdict(list) num_states = len(vi.get_states()) actions = mdp.get_actions() # Find state pairs that satisfy the condition. for i, state_x in enumerate(vi.get_states()): sys.stdout.flush() clusters[state_x] = [state_x] for state_y in vi.get_states()[i:]: if not (state_x == state_y) and indic_func(state_x, state_y, vi, actions, epsilon=epsilon): clusters[state_x].append(state_y) clusters[state_y].append(state_x) print("making clusters...",) sys.stdout.flush() # Build SA. for i, state in enumerate(clusters.keys()): new_cluster = clusters[state] sa.make_cluster(new_cluster) # Destroy old so we don't double up. for s in clusters[state]: if s in clusters.keys(): clusters.pop(s) if aa_single_act: # Put all optimal actions in a set associated with the ground state. for ground_s in sa.get_ground_states(): a_star_set = set(vi.get_max_q_actions(ground_s)) sa.set_actions_state_opt_dict(ground_s, a_star_set, prob_of_mdp) print(" done.") print("\tGround States:", num_states) print("\tAbstract:", sa.get_num_abstr_states()) print() return sa
def main(open_plot=True): episodes = 100 steps = 100 gamma = 0.95 mdp_class, is_goal_terminal, samples, alg = parse_args() # Setup multitask setting. mdp_distr = make_mdp_distr(mdp_class=mdp_class, is_goal_terminal=is_goal_terminal, gamma=gamma) actions = mdp_distr.get_actions() # Compute average MDP. print("Making and solving avg MDP...", end='') sys.stdout.flush() avg_mdp = compute_avg_mdp(mdp_distr) avg_mdp_vi = ValueIteration(avg_mdp, delta=0.001, max_iterations=1000, sample_rate=5) iters, value = avg_mdp_vi.run_vi() ### Yuu # transfer_fixed_agent = FixedPolicyAgent(avg_mdp_vi.policy, name="transferFixed") rand_agent = RandomAgent(actions, name="$\\pi^u$") opt_q_func = compute_optimistic_q_function(mdp_distr) avg_q_func = get_q_func(avg_mdp_vi) best_v = -100 # Maximum possible value an agent can get in the environment. for x in opt_q_func: for y in opt_q_func[x]: best_v = max(best_v, opt_q_func[x][y]) print("Vmax =", best_v) vmax = best_v vmax_func = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: vmax)) if alg == "q": eps = 0.1 lrate = 0.1 pure_ql_agent = QLearningAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, alpha=lrate, epsilon=eps, name="Q-0") pure_ql_agent_opt = QLearningAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, alpha=lrate, epsilon=eps, default_q=vmax, name="Q-Vmax") ql_agent_upd_maxq = UpdatingQLearnerAgent(actions, alpha=lrate, epsilon=eps, gamma=gamma, default_q=vmax, name="Q-MaxQInit") transfer_ql_agent_optq = QLearningAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, alpha=lrate, epsilon=eps, name="Q-UO") transfer_ql_agent_optq.set_init_q_function(opt_q_func) transfer_ql_agent_avgq = QLearningAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, alpha=lrate, epsilon=eps, name="Q-AverageQInit") transfer_ql_agent_avgq.set_init_q_function(avg_q_func) agents = [ transfer_ql_agent_optq, ql_agent_upd_maxq, transfer_ql_agent_avgq, pure_ql_agent_opt, pure_ql_agent ] elif alg == "rmax": """ Note that Rmax is a model-based algorithm and is very slow compared to other model-free algorithms like Q-learning and delayed Q-learning. """ known_threshold = 10 min_experience = 5 pure_rmax_agent = RMaxAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, horizon=known_threshold, s_a_threshold=min_experience, name="RMAX-Vmax") updating_trans_rmax_agent = UpdatingRMaxAgent( actions, gamma=gamma, horizon=known_threshold, s_a_threshold=min_experience, name="RMAX-MaxQInit") trans_rmax_agent = RMaxAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, horizon=known_threshold, s_a_threshold=min_experience, name="RMAX-UO") trans_rmax_agent.set_init_q_function(opt_q_func) agents = [ trans_rmax_agent, updating_trans_rmax_agent, pure_rmax_agent, rand_agent ] elif alg == "delayed-q": torelance = 0.1 min_experience = 5 pure_delayed_ql_agent = DelayedQAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, name="DelayedQ-Vmax") pure_delayed_ql_agent.set_q_function(vmax_func) updating_delayed_ql_agent = UpdatingDelayedQLearningAgent( actions, default_q=vmax, gamma=gamma, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, name="DelayedQ-MaxQInit") updating_delayed_ql_agent.set_q_function(vmax_func) trans_delayed_ql_agent = DelayedQAgent(actions, gamma=gamma, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, name="DelayedQ-UO") trans_delayed_ql_agent.set_q_function(opt_q_func) agents = [ pure_delayed_ql_agent, updating_delayed_ql_agent, trans_delayed_ql_agent, rand_agent ] # agents = [updating_delayed_ql_agent, trans_delayed_ql_agent, rand_agent] elif alg == "sample-effect": """ This runs a comparison of MaxQInit with different number of MDP samples to calculate the initial Q function. Note that the performance of the sampled MDP is ignored for this experiment. It reproduces the result of Figure 4 of "Policy and Value Transfer for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning". """ torelance = 0.1 min_experience = 5 pure_delayed_ql_agent = DelayedQAgent(actions, opt_q_func, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, name="DelayedQ-Vmax") pure_delayed_ql_agent.set_vmax() dql_60samples = UpdatingDelayedQLearningAgent( actions, default_q=vmax, gamma=gamma, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, num_sample_tasks=60, name="$DelayedQ-MaxQInit60$") dql_40samples = UpdatingDelayedQLearningAgent( actions, default_q=vmax, gamma=gamma, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, num_sample_tasks=40, name="$DelayedQ-MaxQInit40$") dql_20samples = UpdatingDelayedQLearningAgent( actions, default_q=vmax, gamma=gamma, m=min_experience, epsilon1=torelance, num_sample_tasks=20, name="$DelayedQ-MaxQInit20$") # Sample MDPs. Note that the performance of the sampled MDP is ignored and not included in the average in the final plot. run_agents_lifelong([dql_20samples], mdp_distr, samples=int(samples * 1 / 5.0), episodes=episodes, steps=steps, reset_at_terminal=is_goal_terminal, track_disc_reward=False, cumulative_plot=True, open_plot=open_plot) # mdp_distr.reset_tasks() run_agents_lifelong([dql_40samples], mdp_distr, samples=int(samples * 2 / 5.0), episodes=episodes, steps=steps, reset_at_terminal=is_goal_terminal, track_disc_reward=False, cumulative_plot=True, open_plot=open_plot) # mdp_distr.reset_tasks() run_agents_lifelong([dql_60samples], mdp_distr, samples=int(samples * 3 / 5.0), episodes=episodes, steps=steps, reset_at_terminal=is_goal_terminal, track_disc_reward=False, cumulative_plot=True, open_plot=open_plot) # mdp_distr.reset_tasks() # agents = [pure_delayed_ql_agent] agents = [ dql_60samples, dql_40samples, dql_20samples, pure_delayed_ql_agent ] else: msg = "Unknown type of agent:" + alg + ". Use -agent_type (q, rmax, delayed-q)" assert False, msg # Run task. run_agents_lifelong(agents, mdp_distr, samples=samples, episodes=episodes, steps=steps, reset_at_terminal=is_goal_terminal, track_disc_reward=False, cumulative_plot=True, open_plot=open_plot)
class BeliefUpdater(object): ''' Wrapper class for different methods for belief state updates in POMDPs. ''' def __init__(self, mdp, transition_func, reward_func, observation_func, updater_type='discrete'): ''' Args: mdp (POMDP) transition_func: T(s, a) --> s' reward_func: R(s, a) --> float observation_func: O(s, a) --> z updater_type (str) ''' self.reward_func = reward_func self.updater_type = updater_type # We use the ValueIteration class to construct the transition and observation probabilities = ValueIteration(mdp, sample_rate=500) self.transition_probs = self.construct_transition_matrix( transition_func) self.observation_probs = self.construct_observation_matrix( observation_func, transition_func) if updater_type == 'discrete': self.updater = self.discrete_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'kalman': self.updater = self.kalman_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'particle': self.updater = self.particle_filter_updater else: raise AttributeError( 'updater_type {} did not conform to expected type'.format( updater_type)) def discrete_filter_updater(self, belief, action, observation): def _compute_normalization_factor(bel): return sum(bel.values()) def _update_belief_for_state(b, sp, T, O, a, z): return O[sp][z] * sum([T[s][a][sp] * b[s] for s in b]) new_belief = defaultdict() for sprime in belief: new_belief[sprime] = _update_belief_for_state( belief, sprime, self.transition_probs, self.observation_probs, action, observation) normalization = _compute_normalization_factor(new_belief) for sprime in belief: if normalization > 0: new_belief[sprime] /= normalization return new_belief def kalman_filter_updater(self, belief, action, observation): pass def particle_filter_updater(self, belief, action, observation): pass def construct_transition_matrix(self, transition_func): ''' Create an MLE of the transition probabilities by sampling from the transition_func multiple times. Args: transition_func: T(s, a) -> s' Returns: transition_probabilities (defaultdict): T(s, a, s') --> float ''' return def construct_observation_matrix(self, observation_func, transition_func): ''' Create an MLE of the observation probabilities by sampling from the observation_func multiple times. Args: observation_func: O(s) -> z transition_func: T(s, a) -> s' Returns: observation_probabilities (defaultdict): O(s, z) --> float ''' def normalize_probabilities(odict): norm_factor = sum(odict.values()) for obs in odict: odict[obs] /= norm_factor return odict obs_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) for state in for action in for sample in range( observation = observation_func(state, action) next_state = transition_func(state, action) obs_dict[next_state][ observation] += 1. / for state in obs_dict[state] = normalize_probabilities(obs_dict[state]) return obs_dict
def make_singletask_sa(mdp, indic_func, state_class, epsilon=0.0, aa_single_act=False, prob_of_mdp=1.0, track_act_opt_pr=False): ''' Args: mdp (MDP) indic_func (S x S --> {0,1}) state_class (Class) epsilon (float) Returns: (StateAbstraction) ''' print("\tRunning VI...", ) sys.stdout.flush() # Run VI if isinstance(mdp, MDPDistribution): mdp = mdp.sample() vi = ValueIteration(mdp) iters, val = vi.run_vi() print(" done.") print("\tMaking state abstraction...", ) sys.stdout.flush() sa = StateAbstraction(phi={}, state_class=state_class, track_act_opt_pr=track_act_opt_pr) clusters = defaultdict(list) num_states = len(vi.get_states()) actions = mdp.get_actions() # Find state pairs that satisfy the condition. for i, state_x in enumerate(vi.get_states()): sys.stdout.flush() clusters[state_x] = [state_x] for state_y in vi.get_states()[i:]: if not (state_x == state_y) and indic_func( state_x, state_y, vi, actions, epsilon=epsilon): clusters[state_x].append(state_y) clusters[state_y].append(state_x) print("making clusters...", ) sys.stdout.flush() # Build SA. for i, state in enumerate(clusters.keys()): new_cluster = clusters[state] sa.make_cluster(new_cluster) # Destroy old so we don't double up. for s in clusters[state]: if s in clusters.keys(): clusters.pop(s) if aa_single_act: # Put all optimal actions in a set associated with the ground state. for ground_s in sa.get_ground_states(): a_star_set = set(vi.get_max_q_actions(ground_s)) sa.set_actions_state_opt_dict(ground_s, a_star_set, prob_of_mdp) print(" done.") print("\tGround States:", num_states) print("\tAbstract:", sa.get_num_abstr_states()) print() return sa
class BeliefUpdater(object): ''' Wrapper class for different methods for belief state updates in POMDPs. ''' def __init__(self, mdp, transition_func, reward_func, observation_func, updater_type='discrete'): ''' Args: mdp (POMDP) transition_func: T(s, a) --> s' reward_func: R(s, a) --> float observation_func: O(s, a) --> z updater_type (str) ''' self.reward_func = reward_func self.updater_type = updater_type # We use the ValueIteration class to construct the transition and observation probabilities = ValueIteration(mdp, sample_rate=500) self.transition_probs = self.construct_transition_matrix(transition_func) self.observation_probs = self.construct_observation_matrix(observation_func, transition_func) if updater_type == 'discrete': self.updater = self.discrete_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'kalman': self.updater = self.kalman_filter_updater elif updater_type == 'particle': self.updater = self.particle_filter_updater else: raise AttributeError('updater_type {} did not conform to expected type'.format(updater_type)) def discrete_filter_updater(self, belief, action, observation): def _compute_normalization_factor(bel): return sum(bel.values()) def _update_belief_for_state(b, sp, T, O, a, z): return O[sp][z] * sum([T[s][a][sp] * b[s] for s in b]) new_belief = defaultdict() for sprime in belief: new_belief[sprime] = _update_belief_for_state(belief, sprime, self.transition_probs, self.observation_probs, action, observation) normalization = _compute_normalization_factor(new_belief) for sprime in belief: if normalization > 0: new_belief[sprime] /= normalization return new_belief def kalman_filter_updater(self, belief, action, observation): pass def particle_filter_updater(self, belief, action, observation): pass def construct_transition_matrix(self, transition_func): ''' Create an MLE of the transition probabilities by sampling from the transition_func multiple times. Args: transition_func: T(s, a) -> s' Returns: transition_probabilities (defaultdict): T(s, a, s') --> float ''' return def construct_observation_matrix(self, observation_func, transition_func): ''' Create an MLE of the observation probabilities by sampling from the observation_func multiple times. Args: observation_func: O(s) -> z transition_func: T(s, a) -> s' Returns: observation_probabilities (defaultdict): O(s, z) --> float ''' def normalize_probabilities(odict): norm_factor = sum(odict.values()) for obs in odict: odict[obs] /= norm_factor return odict obs_dict = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(float)) for state in for action in for sample in range( observation = observation_func(state, action) next_state = transition_func(state, action) obs_dict[next_state][observation] += 1. / for state in obs_dict[state] = normalize_probabilities(obs_dict[state]) return obs_dict