コード例 #1
 def get_image(self, frame, idx):
     '''Get image
     camera_name = dataset_pb2.CameraName.FRONT
     camera_calibration = utils.get(frame.context.camera_calibrations, camera_name)
     camera = utils.get(frame.images, camera_name)
     vehicle_to_image = utils.get_image_transform(camera_calibration) # Transformation
     img = utils.decode_image(camera)
     return img
コード例 #2
def display_labels_on_image(camera_calibration, camera, labels, display_time = -1):
    # Get the image transformation matrix
    vehicle_to_image = utils.get_image_transform(camera_calibration)

    # Decode the JPEG image
    img = utils.decode_image(camera)

    # Draw all the groundtruth labels
    for label in labels:
        utils.draw_3d_box(img, vehicle_to_image, label)

    # Display the image
    cv2.imshow("Image", img)
コード例 #3
def display_labels_on_image(camera_calibration, camera, labels, camera_labels, display_time = -1):
    # Get the image transformation matrix
    vehicle_to_image = utils.get_image_transform(camera_calibration)

    # Decode the JPEG image
    img = utils.decode_image(camera)

    # Draw all the groundtruth labels
    box_3d_to_2d = []
    class_labels = [l.type for l in labels]
    for label in labels:
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = utils.get_3d_boxes_to_2d(img, vehicle_to_image, label)
        box_3d_to_2d += [x1, y1, x2, y2]

        utils.draw_3d_box(img, vehicle_to_image, label)
        utils.draw_3d_box(img, vehicle_to_image, label, draw_2d_bounding_box=True, colour=(0, 255, 0))

    for label in camera_labels:
        utils.draw_2d_box(img, label, colour=(255, 0, 255))

    # Display the image
    cv2.imshow("Image", img)
    # Parse the top laser range image and get the associated projection.
    ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose = utils.parse_range_image_and_camera_projection(laser)

    # Convert the range image to a point cloud.
    pcl, pcl_attr = utils.project_to_pointcloud(frame, ri, camera_projection, range_image_pose, laser_calibration)

    # Get the front camera information
    camera_name = dataset_pb2.CameraName.FRONT
    camera_calibration = utils.get(frame.context.camera_calibrations, camera_name)
    camera = utils.get(frame.images, camera_name)

    # Get the transformation matrix for the camera.
    vehicle_to_image = utils.get_image_transform(camera_calibration)

    # Decode the image
    img = utils.decode_image(camera)

    # Some of the labels might be fully hidden therefore we attempt to compute the label visibility
    # by counting the number of LIDAR points inside each label bounding box.

    # For each label, compute the transformation matrix from the vehicle space to the box space.
    vehicle_to_labels = [np.linalg.inv(utils.get_box_transformation_matrix(label.box)) for label in frame.laser_labels]
    vehicle_to_labels = np.stack(vehicle_to_labels)

    # Convert the pointcloud to homogeneous coordinates.
    pcl1 = np.concatenate((pcl,np.ones_like(pcl[:,0:1])),axis=1)

    # Transform the point cloud to the label space for each label.
    # proj_pcl shape is [label, LIDAR point, coordinates]
    proj_pcl = np.einsum('lij,bj->lbi', vehicle_to_labels, pcl1)
コード例 #5
    def export(self,
        assert (os.path.exists(self.export_folder))
        # Get the image transformation matrix
        vehicle_to_image = utils.get_image_transform(camera_calibration)

        # Decode the JPEG image
        img = utils.decode_image(camera)

        # Draw all the groundtruth labels
        box_3d_to_2d = []
        box_3d_class_labels = []
        for label in labels:
            obj = utils.get_3d_boxes_to_2d(img, vehicle_to_image, label)
            if obj is None:
            box_3d_to_2d.append(list(map(int, obj['box'])))

        box_2d = []
        box_2d_labels = []
        if camera_labels is not None:
            for label in camera_labels:
                obj = utils.get_2d_boxes(label)
                if obj is None:

        boxes = {
            '2d_boxes': {
                'boxes': box_2d,
                'label': box_2d_labels
            '3d_boxes': {
                'boxes': box_3d_to_2d,
                'label': box_3d_class_labels

        velocities = {x[0].name: x[1] for x in camera.velocity.ListFields()}
        pose_data = {x[0].name: list(x[1]) for x in camera.pose.ListFields()}
        camera_info = {
            'id': '{}_{:05d}'.format(sequence_id, frame_id),
            'name': camera.name,
            'velocities': velocities,
            'pose': pose_data,
            'shutter': camera.shutter,
            'pose_timestamp': camera.pose_timestamp,
            'camera_trigger_time': camera.camera_trigger_time,
            'camera_readout_done_time': camera.camera_readout_done_time,
            'width': img.shape[1],
            'height': img.shape[0],
            'depth': img.shape[2]

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'rgb', sequence_id)):
            mkdir_p(os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'rgb', sequence_id))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'label',
            mkdir_p(os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'label', sequence_id))
        if not os.path.exists(
                os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'img_info', sequence_id)):
            mkdir_p(os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'img_info', sequence_id))
        with open(
                os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'label', sequence_id,
                             'frame_{:05d}.json'.format(frame_id)), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(boxes, f)
        with open(
                os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'img_info', sequence_id,
                             'frame_{:05d}.json'.format(frame_id)), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(camera_info, f)

        _filename = os.path.join(EXPORT_FOLDER, 'rgb', sequence_id,

        self.executor.submit(convert_to_png, _filename)