title='Agent base options group') CONF.register_group(agent_group) rpc_agent_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('zone', default='all', regex='^[a-z][a-z0-9]+$', help='Agent zone mark'), cfg.IntOpt('websokcets', default=5, min=0, max=10, help='websocket sub process number'), cfg.ListOpt( 'dnsnames', item_type=types.Hostname(), default=[], help='Agent dns hostnames', ), cfg.MultiOpt('ports_range', item_type=cfg.types.PortRange(), help='Rpc agent can alloc port from this range'), cfg.IntOpt('online_report_interval', default=5, choices=[1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60], help='Rpc agent online report interval time in minute'), cfg.BoolOpt('report_performance', default=True, help='Rpc agent online report with system performance'), cfg.IntOpt('metadata_flush_probability', min=1, default=10,
from simpleutil.config import cfg from simpleutil.config import types from fluttercomic.plugin import platforms CONF = cfg.CONF platforms_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('platforms', item_type=types.String(), default=[], help='Platforms list enabled'), ] platform_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('sandbox', default=True, help='paypal is sandbox api, just for send to paypal sandbox'), cfg.FloatOpt( 'roe', default=1.0, help= 'money rate of exchange, do not change this value if you don not what for' ), cfg.IntOpt('scale', default=100, help='scale for money to coins'), cfg.StrOpt('currency', default='USD', help='Pay currency type'), cfg.ListOpt('choices', default=[], item_type=types.Integer(), help='Pay money choice') ]
from simpleutil.config import cfg from simpleutil.config import types CONF = cfg.CONF gop_rpc_server_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('expire_time', min=2, max=20, default=10, help='Rpc agent status expire time'), cfg.ListOpt('executers', item_type=types.String(), default=['http'], help='Rpc server executer class list'), cfg.ListOpt('conditions', item_type=types.String(), default=['agents', 'entitys'], help='Rpc server conditions class list'), ] def list_opts(): return gop_rpc_server_opts
from simpleutil.config import cfg from simpleutil.config import types CONF = cfg.CONF NAME = 'huawei' huawei_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('huawei', item_type=types.String(), default=[], help='huawei opts'), ] def register_opts(group): CONF.register_opts(huawei_opts, group)
import os import ConfigParser import logging as default_logging from simpleutil.log import log as logging from simpleutil.config import cfg from simpleutil.config import types from simpleutil.utils import systemutils from simpleservice import config as service_config CONF = cfg.CONF endpoint_load_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('endpoints', item_type=types.String(), default=[], help='The endpoint group name or namespace'), ] service_base_opts = [ cfg.IPOpt('local_ip', version=4, help='Goperation local ip address'), cfg.ListOpt('external_ips', item_type=cfg.types.IPAddress(version=4), default=[], help='Goperation external network IP addresses'), cfg.FolderPathOpt('work_path', help='Goperation work in this path'), cfg.StrOpt('repo', help='Goperation rpm repo address'), ] def set_all_default():
from simpleutil.config import cfg from simpleutil.config import types CONF = cfg.CONF authfilter_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('allowed_trusted_ip', item_type=types.IPAddress(version=4), default=[], help='Allowed ipaddress without token, and local ip is allowed'), cfg.BoolOpt('allowed_same_subnet', default=True, help='Allow ipaddress without token in same subnet'), cfg.ListOpt('allowed_hostname', default=["*"], help='Allow hostname'), ] cors_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('allowed_origin', default=["*"], help='Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the ' 'domain received in the requests "origin" header.'), cfg.BoolOpt('allow_credentials', default=True, help='Indicate that the actual request can include user ' 'credentials'), cfg.ListOpt('expose_headers', default=['Content-Type', 'Cache-Control', 'Content-Language', 'Expires', 'Last-Modified', 'Pragma'],