コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: stanri/caesar-web
def view_all_chunks(request, viewtype, submission_id):
    user = request.user
    submission = Submission.objects.get(id = submission_id)
    semester = Semester.objects.get(assignments__milestones__submitmilestone__submissions=submission)
    authors = User.objects.filter(submissions=submission)

    # block a user who's crawling
    if user.username=="dekehu":
        raise Http404

        user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=semester)
        # you get a 404 page ifchrome
        # # you weren't a teacher during the semester
        # #   and
        # # you aren't django staff
        # #   and
        # # you aren't an author of the submission
        if not user_membership.is_teacher() and not user.is_staff and not (user in authors):
            raise PermissionDenied
    except Member.MultipleObjectsReturned:
        raise Http404 # you can't be multiple members for a class so this should never get called
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied # you get a 401 page if you aren't a member of the semester

    files = File.objects.filter(submission=submission_id).select_related('chunks')
    if not files:
        raise Http404

    milestone = files[0].submission.milestone
    milestone_name = milestone.full_name()

    paths = []
    user_stats = []
    static_stats = []
    all_highlighted_lines = []
    for afile in files:
    common_prefix = ""
    if len(paths) > 1:
        common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(paths)

    #get a list of only the relative paths
    paths = []
    for afile in files:
        paths.append(os.path.relpath(afile.path, common_prefix))

    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    for afile in files:
        staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk__file=afile).order_by('start_line', 'end_line')
        lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(afile.path)
        #prepare the file - get the lines that are part of chunk and the ones that aren't
        highlighted_lines_for_file = []
        numbers, lines = zip(*afile.lines)
        highlighted = zip(numbers,
                highlight(afile.data, lexer, formatter).splitlines())

        highlighted_lines = []
        staff_line_index = 0
        for number, line in highlighted:
            if staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number >= staff_lines[staff_line_index].start_line and number <= staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                while staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number == staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                    staff_line_index += 1
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, True))
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, False))

        chunks = afile.chunks.order_by('start')
        total_lines = len(afile.lines)
        offset = numbers[0]
        start = offset
        end = offset
        user_comments = 0
        static_comments = 0
        for chunk in chunks:
            if len(chunk.lines)==0:
            numbers, lines = zip(*chunk.lines)
            chunk_start = numbers[0]
            chunk_end = chunk_start + len(numbers)
            if end != chunk_start and chunk_start > end: #some lines between chunks
                #non chunk part
                start = end
                end = chunk_start
                #True means it's a chunk, False it's not a chunk
                highlighted_lines_for_file.append((highlighted_lines[start-offset:end - offset], False, None, None))
            if end == chunk_start:
                #get comments and count them
                def get_comment_data(comment):
                    snippet = chunk.generate_snippet(comment.start, comment.end)
                    return (comment, snippet)

                comments = chunk.comments.select_related('chunk', 'author__profile')
                comment_data = map(get_comment_data, comments)

                user_comments += comments.filter(type='U').count()
                static_comments += comments.filter(type='S').count()

                #now for the chunk part
                start = chunk_start
                end = chunk_end
                #True means it's a chunk, False it's not a chunk
                highlighted_lines_for_file.append((highlighted_lines[start-offset:end-offset], True, chunk, comment_data))
        #see if there is anything else to grab
        highlighted_lines_for_file.append((highlighted_lines[end-offset:], False, None, None))
    file_data = zip(paths, all_highlighted_lines, files)

    code_only = False
    comment_view = True
    if viewtype == "code":
        code_only = True
        comment_view = False

    path_and_stats = zip(paths, user_stats, static_stats)

    return render(request, 'chunks/view_all_chunks.html', {
        'milestone_name': milestone_name,
        'path_and_stats': path_and_stats,
        'file_data': file_data,
        'code_only': code_only,
        'read_only': False,
        'comment_view': comment_view,
        'full_view': True,
        'articles': [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: stanri/caesar-web
def view_chunk(request, chunk_id):
    user = request.user
    chunk = get_object_or_404(Chunk, pk=chunk_id)
    semester = chunk.file.submission.milestone.assignment.semester
    is_reviewer = Task.objects.filter(chunk=chunk, reviewer=user).exists()

    # you get a 404 page if
    # # you weren't a teacher during the semester
    # #   and
    # # you didn't write the code
    # #   and
    # # you weren't assigned to review the code
    # #   and
    # # you aren't a django admin
    # #   and
    # # this isn't a personal code upload chunk

        if not semester.semester == "Lifetime" and not semester.subject.name == "Life": #give permission if personal code upload
            user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=semester)
            if not user_membership.is_teacher() and not chunk.file.submission.has_author(user) and not is_reviewer and not user.is_staff:
                raise PermissionDenied
    except Member.MultipleObjectsReturned:
        raise Http404 # you can't be multiple members for a class so this should never get called
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied # you get a 401 page if you aren't a member of the semester

    user_votes = dict((vote.comment_id, vote.value) \
            for vote in user.votes.filter(comment__chunk=chunk_id))

    staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk=chunk).order_by('start_line', 'end_line')

    def get_comment_data(comment):
        vote = user_votes.get(comment.id, None)
        snippet = chunk.generate_snippet(comment.start, comment.end)
        return (comment, vote, snippet)

    comment_data = map(get_comment_data, chunk.comments.select_related('author__profile'))

    lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(chunk.file.path)

    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    numbers, lines = zip(*chunk.lines)
    # highlight the code this way to correctly identify multi-line constructs
    # TODO implement a custom formatter to do this instead
    highlighted = zip(numbers,
            highlight(chunk.data, lexer, formatter).splitlines())
    highlighted_lines = []
    staff_line_index = 0
    for number, line in highlighted:
        if staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number >= staff_lines[staff_line_index].start_line and number <= staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
            while staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number == staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                staff_line_index += 1
            highlighted_lines.append((number, line, True))
            highlighted_lines.append((number, line, False))

    task_count = Task.objects.filter(reviewer=user) \
    remaining_task_count = task_count
    # get the associated task if it exists
        task = Task.objects.get(chunk=chunk, reviewer=user)
        last_task = task_count==1 and not (task.status == 'U' or task.status == 'C')
        if task.status == 'N':
        if not (task.status=='U' or task.status=='C'):
            remaining_task_count -= 1
    except Task.DoesNotExist:
        task = None
        if user.is_staff:
            # this is super hacky and it's only here to allow admins to view chunks like a student
                task = Task.objects.filter(chunk=chunk)[0]
            except IndexError:
                # having a task = None doesn't break the view_chunk.html page.

        last_task = False

    return render(request, 'chunks/view_chunk.html', {
        'chunk': chunk,
        'similar_chunks': chunk.get_similar_chunks(),
        'highlighted_lines': highlighted_lines,
        'comment_data': comment_data,
        'task': task,
        'task_count': task_count,
        'full_view': True,
        'file': chunk.file,
        'articles': [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],
        'last_task': last_task,
        'remaining_task_count': remaining_task_count,
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: kleinab/caesar-web
def all_activity(request, review_milestone_id, username):
    user = request.user
        participant = User.objects.get(username__exact=username)
        #get all assignments
        review_milestone = ReviewMilestone.objects.select_related('submit_milestone', 'assignment__semester').get(id__exact=review_milestone_id)
        user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=review_milestone.assignment.semester)
        if not user_membership.is_teacher() and not user==participant and not user.is_staff:
            raise Http404
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise Http404
    #get all relevant chunks
    chunks = Chunk.objects \
        .filter(file__submission__milestone= review_milestone.submit_milestone) \
        .filter(Q(comments__author=participant) | Q(comments__votes__author=participant)) \
        .select_related('comments__votes', 'comments__author_profile')
    chunk_set = set()
    review_milestone_data = []

    # lexer = JavaLexer()
    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    for chunk in chunks:
        if chunk in chunk_set:
        lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(chunk.file.path)
        participant_votes = dict((vote.comment.id, vote.value) \
                for vote in participant.votes.filter(comment__chunk=chunk.id))
        numbers, lines = zip(*chunk.lines)

        staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk=chunk).order_by('start_line', 'end_line')

        highlighted = zip(numbers,
                highlight(chunk.data, lexer, formatter).splitlines())

        highlighted_lines = []
        staff_line_index = 0
        for number, line in highlighted:
            if staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number >= staff_lines[staff_line_index].start_line and number <= staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                while staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number == staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                    staff_line_index += 1
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, True))
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, False))

        comments = chunk.comments.prefetch_related('votes', 'author__profile', 'author__membership__semester')
        highlighted_comments = []
        highlighted_votes = []
        for comment in comments:
            if comment.id in participant_votes:
            if comment.author == participant:
        comment_data = zip(comments, highlighted_comments, highlighted_votes)
        review_milestone_data.append((chunk, highlighted_lines, comment_data, chunk.file))

    return render(request, 'review/all_activity.html', {
        'review_milestone_data': review_milestone_data,
        'participant': participant,
        'activity_view': True,
        'full_view': True,
        'articles': [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],
コード例 #4
def view_chunk(request, chunk_id):
    user = request.user
    chunk = get_object_or_404(Chunk, pk=chunk_id)
    semester = chunk.file.submission.milestone.assignment.semester
    is_reviewer = Task.objects.filter(chunk=chunk, reviewer=user).exists()

    # you get a 404 page if
    # # you weren't a teacher during the semester
    # #   and
    # # you didn't write the code
    # #   and
    # # you weren't assigned to review the code
    # #   and
    # # you aren't a django admin
        user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=semester)
        if not user_membership.is_teacher(
        ) and not chunk.file.submission.has_author(
                user) and not is_reviewer and not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied
    except Member.MultipleObjectsReturned:
        raise Http404  # you can't be multiple members for a class so this should never get called
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied  # you get a 401 page if you aren't a member of the semester

    user_votes = dict((vote.comment_id, vote.value) \
            for vote in user.votes.filter(comment__chunk=chunk_id))

    staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk=chunk).order_by(
        'start_line', 'end_line')

    def get_comment_data(comment):
        vote = user_votes.get(comment.id, None)
        snippet = chunk.generate_snippet(comment.start, comment.end)
        return (comment, vote, snippet)

    comment_data = map(

    lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(chunk.file.path)
    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    highlighted_lines = highlight_chunk_lines(lexer, formatter, staff_lines,

    task_count = Task.objects.filter(reviewer=user) \
    remaining_task_count = task_count
    # get the associated task if it exists
        task = Task.objects.get(chunk=chunk, reviewer=user)
        last_task = task_count == 1 and not (task.status == 'U'
                                             or task.status == 'C')
        if task.status == 'N':
        if not (task.status == 'U' or task.status == 'C'):
            remaining_task_count -= 1
    except Task.DoesNotExist:
        task = None
        if user.is_staff:
            # this is super hacky and it's only here to allow admins to view chunks like a student
            task = Task.objects.filter(chunk=chunk)[0]
        last_task = False

    context = {
        [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],

    return render(request, 'chunks/view_chunk.html', context)
コード例 #5
def view_all_chunks(request, viewtype, submission_id):
    user = request.user
    submission = Submission.objects.get(id=submission_id)
    semester = Semester.objects.get(
    authors = User.objects.filter(submissions=submission)
    is_reviewer = Task.objects.filter(submission=submission,

        user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=semester)
        # you get a 404 page ifchrome
        # # you weren't a teacher during the semester
        # #   and
        # # you aren't django staff
        # #   and
        # # you aren't an author of the submission
        if not user_membership.is_teacher() and not user.is_staff and not (
                user in authors) and not is_reviewer:
            raise PermissionDenied
    except Member.MultipleObjectsReturned:
        raise Http404  # you can't be multiple members for a class so this should never get called
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied  # you get a 401 page if you aren't a member of the semester

    files = File.objects.filter(
    if not files:
        raise Http404

    milestone = files[0].submission.milestone
    milestone_name = milestone.full_name()

    paths = []
    user_stats = []
    static_stats = []
    all_highlighted_lines = []
    for afile in files:
    common_prefix = ""
    if len(paths) > 1:
        common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(paths)

    #get a list of only the relative paths
    paths = []
    for afile in files:
        paths.append(os.path.relpath(afile.path, common_prefix))

    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    for afile in files:
        staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk__file=afile).order_by(
            'start_line', 'end_line')
        lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(afile.path)
        #prepare the file - get the lines that are part of chunk and the ones that aren't
        highlighted_lines_for_file = []
        numbers, lines = zip(*afile.lines)
        highlighted = zip(numbers,
                          highlight(afile.data, lexer, formatter).splitlines())

        highlighted_lines = []
        staff_line_index = 0
        for number, line in highlighted:
            if staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number >= staff_lines[
                    staff_line_index].start_line and number <= staff_lines[
                while staff_line_index < len(
                ) and number == staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                    staff_line_index += 1
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, True))
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, False))

        chunks = afile.chunks.order_by('start')
        total_lines = len(afile.lines)
        offset = numbers[0]
        start = offset
        end = offset
        user_comments = 0
        static_comments = 0
        for chunk in chunks:
            if len(chunk.lines) == 0:
            numbers, lines = zip(*chunk.lines)
            chunk_start = numbers[0]
            chunk_end = chunk_start + len(numbers)
            if end != chunk_start and chunk_start > end:  #some lines between chunks
                #non chunk part
                start = end
                end = chunk_start
                #True means it's a chunk, False it's not a chunk
                    (highlighted_lines[start - offset:end - offset], False,
                     None, None))
            if end == chunk_start:
                #get comments and count them
                def get_comment_data(comment):
                    snippet = chunk.generate_snippet(comment.start,
                    return (comment, snippet)

                comments = chunk.comments.prefetch_related(
                    'chunk', 'author__profile', 'author__membership__semester')
                comment_data = map(get_comment_data, comments)

                user_comments += comments.filter(type='U').count()
                static_comments += comments.filter(type='S').count()

                #now for the chunk part
                start = chunk_start
                end = chunk_end
                #True means it's a chunk, False it's not a chunk
                    (highlighted_lines[start - offset:end - offset], True,
                     chunk, comment_data))
        #see if there is anything else to grab
            (highlighted_lines[end - offset:], False, None, None))
    file_data = zip(paths, all_highlighted_lines, files)

    code_only = False
    comment_view = True
    if viewtype == "code":
        code_only = True
        comment_view = False

    path_and_stats = zip(paths, user_stats, static_stats)

    return render(
        request, 'chunks/view_all_chunks.html', {
            [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],
コード例 #6
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: khobbs91/caesar-web
def view_chunk(request, chunk_id):
    user = request.user
    chunk = get_object_or_404(Chunk, pk=chunk_id)
    semester = chunk.file.submission.milestone.assignment.semester
    is_reviewer = Task.objects.filter(chunk=chunk, reviewer=user).exists()

    # you get a 404 page if
    # # you weren't a teacher during the semester
    # #   and
    # # you didn't write the code
    # #   and
    # # you weren't assigned to review the code
    # #   and
    # # you aren't a django admin
        user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=semester)
        if not user_membership.is_teacher() and not chunk.file.submission.has_author(user) and not is_reviewer and not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied
    except Member.MultipleObjectsReturned:
        raise Http404 # you can't be multiple members for a class so this should never get called
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise PermissionDenied # you get a 401 page if you aren't a member of the semester
    user_votes = dict((vote.comment_id, vote.value) \
            for vote in user.votes.filter(comment__chunk=chunk_id))

    staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk=chunk).order_by('start_line', 'end_line')

    def get_comment_data(comment):
        vote = user_votes.get(comment.id, None)
        snippet = chunk.generate_snippet(comment.start, comment.end)
        return (comment, vote, snippet)

    comment_data = map(get_comment_data, chunk.comments.prefetch_related('author__profile', 'author__membership__semester'))

    lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(chunk.file.path)
    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    highlighted_lines = highlight_chunk_lines(lexer, formatter, staff_lines, chunk)

    task_count = Task.objects.filter(reviewer=user) \
    remaining_task_count = task_count
    # get the associated task if it exists
        task = Task.objects.get(chunk=chunk, reviewer=user)
        last_task = task_count==1 and not (task.status == 'U' or task.status == 'C')
        if task.status == 'N':
        if not (task.status=='U' or task.status=='C'):
            remaining_task_count -= 1
    except Task.DoesNotExist:
        task = None
        if user.is_staff:
            # this is super hacky and it's only here to allow admins to view chunks like a student
            task = Task.objects.filter(chunk=chunk)[0]
        last_task = False

    context = {
        'chunk': chunk,
        'similar_chunks': chunk.get_similar_chunks(),
        'highlighted_lines': highlighted_lines,
        'comment_data': comment_data,
        'task': task,
        'task_count': task_count,
        'full_view': True,
        'file': chunk.file,
        'articles': [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],
        'last_task': last_task,
        'remaining_task_count': remaining_task_count,

    return render(request, 'chunks/view_chunk.html', context)
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: khanhnnvn/caesar-web
def all_activity(request, review_milestone_id, username):
    user = request.user
        participant = User.objects.get(username__exact=username)
        #get all assignments
        review_milestone = ReviewMilestone.objects.select_related('submit_milestone', 'assignment__semester').get(id__exact=review_milestone_id)
        user_membership = Member.objects.get(user=user, semester=review_milestone.assignment.semester)
        if not user_membership.is_teacher() and not user==participant and not user.is_staff:
            raise Http404
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        if not user.is_staff:
            raise Http404
    #get all relevant chunks
    chunks = Chunk.objects \
        .filter(file__submission__milestone= review_milestone.submit_milestone) \
        .filter(Q(comments__author=participant) | Q(comments__votes__author=participant)) \
        .select_related('comments__votes', 'comments__author_profile')
    chunk_set = set()
    review_milestone_data = []

    # lexer = JavaLexer()
    formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax', nowrap=True)
    for chunk in chunks:
        if chunk in chunk_set:
        lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(chunk.file.path)
        participant_votes = dict((vote.comment.id, vote.value) \
                for vote in participant.votes.filter(comment__chunk=chunk.id))
        numbers, lines = zip(*chunk.lines)

        staff_lines = StaffMarker.objects.filter(chunk=chunk).order_by('start_line', 'end_line')

        highlighted = zip(numbers,
                highlight(chunk.data, lexer, formatter).splitlines())

        highlighted_lines = []
        staff_line_index = 0
        for number, line in highlighted:
            if staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number >= staff_lines[staff_line_index].start_line and number <= staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                while staff_line_index < len(staff_lines) and number == staff_lines[staff_line_index].end_line:
                    staff_line_index += 1
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, True))
                highlighted_lines.append((number, line, False))

        comments = chunk.comments.prefetch_related('votes', 'author__profile', 'author__membership__semester')
        highlighted_comments = []
        highlighted_votes = []
        for comment in comments:
            if comment.id in participant_votes:
            if comment.author == participant:
        comment_data = zip(comments, highlighted_comments, highlighted_votes)
        review_milestone_data.append((chunk, highlighted_lines, comment_data, chunk.file))

    return render(request, 'review/all_activity.html', {
        'review_milestone_data': review_milestone_data,
        'participant': participant,
        'activity_view': True,
        'full_view': True,
        'articles': [x for x in Article.objects.all() if not x == Article.get_root()],