def __init__ (self, tick): Inter.__init__ (self) # Create node and bind to Tk. self.node = Node () self.node.tick = tick # tick/s (self.node, READABLE, # Animation attributes. = 0 self.synced = True self.step_after = None self.step_time = None
def create_widgets (self): Inter.create_widgets (self) self.now_label = Label (self.right_frame, text = 'Now: 0 s') self.now_label.pack () self.step_button = Button (self.right_frame, text = 'Step', command = self.step) self.step_button.pack () self.step_size_scale = Scale (self.right_frame, orient = HORIZONTAL, from_ = 0.05, to = 1.0, resolution = 0.05) self.step_size_scale.pack () self.play_var = IntVar () self.play_button = Checkbutton (self.right_frame, variable = self.play_var, text = 'Play', command =, underline = 0) self.play_button.pack () self.bind_all ('p', lambda event: self.play_button.invoke ())
for j in xrange (0, 6): if (i + j) % 2: self.draw_rectangle ((1500 + i * 350, j * 350), (1850 + i * 350, 350 + j * 350), fill = RED) # Bonus. for i, j in ((0, 0), (1, 2), (1, 4)): self.draw_circle ((1500 - 175 - i * 350, 175 + j * 350), 50, fill = BLACK) self.draw_circle ((1500 + 175 + i * 350, 175 + j * 350), 50, fill = BLACK) # Protected zones. self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (1500 - 3 * 350, 0), (1500 - 350, 120), fill = BLACK) self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (1500 - 3 * 350, 120), (1500 - 3 * 350 + 22, 120 + 130), fill = BLACK) self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (1500 - 350, 120), (1500 - 350 - 22, 120 + 130), fill = BLACK) self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (1500 - 350, 120 + 130), (1500 - 350 - 20, 350), fill = BLACK) self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (1500 - 3 * 350, 350 - 20), (1500 - 350, 350), fill = BLACK) # Axes. self.draw_line ((0, 200), (0, 0), (200, 0), arrow = 'both') # Beacons. self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (-22, 2100 + 22), (-22 - 80, 2100 + 22 + 80), fill = BLACK) self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (-22, 1050 - 40), (-22 - 80, 1050 + 40), fill = BLACK) self.draw_both (self.draw_rectangle, (-22, -80 - 22), (-22 - 80, -22), fill = BLACK) # Children. Drawable.draw (self) if __name__ == '__main__': from simu.inter.inter import Inter import simu.model.table_eurobot2011 as model app = Inter () m = model.Table () Table (app.table_view, m) app.mainloop ()