コード例 #1
    def absorb(self, other: 'qiskitQEngine'):
        Absorb the qubits from the other engine into this one. This is done by tensoring the state at the end.

        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + other.activeQubits
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        # Check whether there are in fact qubits to tensor up....
        if self.activeQubits == 0:
            self.qRegister = other.qRegister
            self.cRegister = other.cRegister
            self.activeQubits = other.activeQubits
            self.qc = other.qc
        elif other.activeQubits > 0:
            # Get the current state of the other engine
            other_state = run_and_get_results(other.qc)

            # Allocate qubits in this engine for the new qubits from the other engine
            qreg = QuantumRegister(other.activeQubits)
            self.qc.initialize(other_state, qreg)

            self.qRegister += qreg

        self.activeQubits = newNum
コード例 #2
    def absorb_parts(self, R, I, activeQ):
        Absorb the qubits, given in pieces

        R		real part of the qubit state as a list
        I		imaginary part as a list
        activeQ		active number of qubits
        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + activeQ
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        if activeQ > 0:

            # Convert the real and imaginary parts to a state
            state = [re + im * 1j for re, im in zip(R, I)]

            # Allocate qubits in this engine for the new qubits from the other engine
            qreg = QuantumRegister(activeQ)
            self.qc.initialize(state, qreg)

            self.qRegister += qreg

            self.activeQubits = newNum
コード例 #3
    def absorb_parts(self, R, I, activeQ):
        Absorb the qubits, given in pieces

        R		real part of the qubit state as a list
        I		imaginary part as a list
        activeQ		active number of qubits
        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + activeQ
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        if activeQ > 0:

            # Convert the real and imaginary parts to a state
            state = [re + im * 1j for re, im in zip(R, I)]

            # Allocate qubits in this engine for the new qubits from the other engine
            qreg = self.eng.allocate_qureg(activeQ)

            # Put the new qubits in the correct state
            pQ.ops.StatePreparation(state) | qreg

            # Add the qubits to the list of qubits
            self.qubitReg += list(qreg)

            self.activeQubits = newNum
コード例 #4
    def absorb(self, other):
        Absorb the qubits from the other engine into this one. This is done by tensoring the state at the end.

        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + other.activeQubits
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        # Check whether there are in fact qubits to tensor up....
        if self.activeQubits == 0:
            self.eng = other.eng
            self.qubitReg = list(other.qubitReg)
        elif other.activeQubits > 0:
            # Get the current state of the other engine
            other_state = other.eng.backend.cheat()[1]

            # Allocate qubits in this engine for the new qubits from the other engine
            qreg = self.eng.allocate_qureg(other.activeQubits)

            # Put the new qubits in the correct state
            pQ.ops.StatePreparation(other_state) | qreg

            # Add the qubits to the list of qubits
            self.qubitReg += list(qreg)

        self.activeQubits = newNum
コード例 #5
    def remove_qubit(self, qubitNum):
        Removes the qubit with the desired number qubitNum
        if (qubitNum + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to remove")

コード例 #6
    def apply_twoqubit_gate(self, gate, qubit1, qubit2):
        Applies a unitary gate to the two specified qubits.

        gate       The project Q gate to be applied
        qubit1 		the first qubit
        qubit2		the second qubit
        if (qubit1 + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to act as a control qubit")

        if (qubit2 + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to act as a target qubit")

        if qubit1 == qubit2:
            raise quantumError("Control and target are equal")

        gate | (self.qubitReg[qubit1], self.qubitReg[qubit2])
コード例 #7
    def absorb(self, other):
        Absorb the qubits from the other engine into this one. This is done by tensoring the state at the end.

        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + other.activeQubits
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        self.qubitReg = self.qubitReg.tensor_product(other.qubitReg)
コード例 #8
    def apply_onequbit_gate(self, gate, qubitNum):
        Applies a unitary gate to the specified qubit.

        gate       The project Q gate to be applied
        qubitNum 	the number of the qubit this gate is applied to

        if (qubitNum + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to apply a single qubit gate to")

        gate | self.qubitReg[qubitNum]
コード例 #9
    def absorb_parts(self, R, I, activeQ):
        Absorb the qubits, given in pieces

        R		The array describing the stabilizer state (from StabilizerState.to_array)
        I		Unused
        activeQ		active number of qubits
        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + activeQ
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        self.qubitReg = self.qubitReg.tensor_product(StabilizerState(R))
コード例 #10
    def add_qubit(self, newQubit):
        Add new qubit in the state described by the vector newQubit ([a, b])

        norm = np.dot(np.array(newQubit), np.array(newQubit).conj())
        if not norm <= 1:
            raise quantumError("State {} is not normalized.".format(newQubit))

        # Create a fresh qubit
        num = self.add_fresh_qubit()

        # Transform the new qubit into the correct state
        pQ.ops.StatePreparation(newQubit) | self.qubitReg[num]

        return num
コード例 #11
    def measure_qubit_inplace(self, qubitNum):
        Measures the desired qubit in the standard basis. This returns the classical outcome. The quantum register
        is in the post-measurment state corresponding to the obtained outcome.

        qubitNum	qubit to be measured

        # Check we have such a qubit...
        if (qubitNum + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to be measured.")

        outcome = self.qubitReg.measure(qubitNum, inplace=True)

        # return measurement outcome
        return outcome
コード例 #12
ファイル: qutipSimulator.py プロジェクト: Doomsk/SimulaQron
    def absorb(self, other):
        Absorb the qubits from the other engine into this one. This is done by tensoring the state at the end.

        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + other.activeQubits
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        # Check whether there are in fact qubits to tensor up....
        if self.activeQubits == 0:
            self.qubitReg = other.qubitReg
        elif other.activeQubits != 0:
            self.qubitReg = qp.tensor(self.qubitReg, other.qubitReg)

        self.activeQubits = newNum
コード例 #13
    def add_qubit(self, newQubit):
        Add new qubit in the state described by the vector newQubit ([a, b])

        norm = np.dot(np.array(newQubit), np.array(newQubit).conj())
        if not norm <= 1:
            raise quantumError("State {} is not normalized.".format(newQubit))

        # Create a fresh qubit
        num = self.add_fresh_qubit()

        qubit_register = QuantumRegister(1)
        init_circuit = QuantumCircuit(qubit_register, name="initializer_circ")
        init_circuit.initialize(newQubit, qubit_register)

        self.qc.append(init_circuit, [self.cRegister[num]])

        return num
コード例 #14
ファイル: qutipSimulator.py プロジェクト: Doomsk/SimulaQron
    def absorb_parts(self, R, I, activeQ):
        Absorb the qubits, given in pieces

        R		real part of the qubit state as a list
        I		imaginary part as a list
        activeQ		active number of qubits

        # Convert the real and imaginary parts given as lists into a qutip object
        M = I
        for s in range(len(I)):
            for t in range(len(I)):
                M[s][t] = R[s][t] + I[s][t] * 1j

        qt = qp.Qobj(M)

        # Check whether there is space
        newNum = self.activeQubits + activeQ
        if newNum > self.maxQubits:
            raise quantumError(
                "Cannot merge: qubits exceed the maximum available.\n")

        # Check whether there are in fact qubits to tensor up....
        if self.activeQubits == 0:
            self.qubitReg = qt
        elif qt.shape[0] != 0:
            self.qubitReg = qp.tensor(self.qubitReg, qt)

        self.activeQubits = newNum

        # Qutip distinguishes between system dimensionality and matrix dimensionality
        # so we need to make sure it knows we are talking about multiple qubits
        k = int(math.log2(self.qubitReg.shape[0]))
        dimL = []
        for j in range(k):

        self.qubitReg.dims = [dimL, dimL]
コード例 #15
ファイル: qutipSimulator.py プロジェクト: Doomsk/SimulaQron
    def measure_qubit_inplace(self, qubitNum):
        Measures the desired qubit in the standard basis. This returns the classical outcome. The quantum register
        is in the post-measurment state corresponding to the obtained outcome.

        qubitNum	qubit to be measured

        # Check we have such a qubit...
        if (qubitNum + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to be measured.")

        # Construct the two measurement operators, and put them at the right position
        v0 = qp.basis(2, 0)
        P0 = v0 * v0.dag()
        M0 = qp.gate_expand_1toN(P0, self.activeQubits, qubitNum)

        v1 = qp.basis(2, 1)
        P1 = v1 * v1.dag()
        M1 = qp.gate_expand_1toN(P1, self.activeQubits, qubitNum)

        # Compute the success probabilities
        obj = M0 * self.qubitReg
        p0 = obj.tr().real
        obj = M1 * self.qubitReg
        p1 = obj.tr().real

        # Sample the measurement outcome from these probabilities
        outcome = int(np.random.choice([0, 1], 1, p=[p0, p1]))

        # Compute the post-measurement state, getting rid of the measured qubit
        if outcome == 0:
            self.qubitReg = M0 * self.qubitReg * M0.dag() / p0
            self.qubitReg = M1 * self.qubitReg * M1.dag() / p1

        # return measurement outcome
        return outcome
コード例 #16
ファイル: qutipSimulator.py プロジェクト: Doomsk/SimulaQron
    def remove_qubit(self, qubitNum):
        Removes the qubit with the desired number qubitNum
        if (qubitNum + 1) > self.activeQubits:
            raise quantumError("No such qubit to remove")

        # Check if this the only qubit
        if self.activeQubits == 1:
            self.activeQubits = 0
            self.qubitReg = qp.Qobj()

        # Compute the list of qubits to keep
        keepList = []
        for j in range(self.activeQubits):
            if j != qubitNum:

        # Trace out this qubit by taking the partial trace
        self.qubitReg = self.qubitReg.ptrace(keepList)

        # Update the number of qubits
        self.activeQubits = self.activeQubits - 1