コード例 #1
def terminate_whenStateIsReached(clock, model):
    return model.trafficLight.state.get() == "manual"

#    A termination time is prefered over a termination condition,
#    as it is much simpler to use.
#    e.g. to simulate until simulation time 100.0 is reached

# B. Set the use of a tracer to show what happened during the simulation run
#    Both writing to stdout or file is possible:
#    pass None for stdout, or a filename for writing to that file

# C. Use Classic DEVS instead of Parallel DEVS
#    If your model uses Classic DEVS, this configuration MUST be set as
#    otherwise errors are guaranteed to happen.
#    Without this option, events will be remapped and the select function
#    will never be called.

#    ======================================================================

# 4. Simulate the model

#    ======================================================================

# 5. (optional) Extract data from the simulated model
print("Simulation terminated with traffic light in state %s" % (trafficSystem.trafficLight.state.get()))