def get(self): user = get_user() # get user details from token portfolio_details = get_portfolio(user, "moving") portfolio_value_user = portfolio_value(user) file_basename = f'{portfolio_details["name"]}.xlsx' curr_dir = Path.cwd() file_path = curr_dir / "simvestr" / "resources" create_csv( file_path, file_basename, user, portfolio_details, portfolio_value_user ) @after_this_request def download_file(response): response = make_response( send_from_directory(directory=file_path, filename=file_basename, as_attachment=True) ) response.headers["X-UA-Compatible"] = "IE=Edge,chrome=1" response.headers["export"] = "portfolio" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Expires"] = "0" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public, max-age=0" return response return 200
def get(self): user = get_user() portfolio_id = # get the balances of all the portfolios balances_sorted = get_ordered_portfolios() # get the value of the users portfolio p = PortfolioPrice.query.filter( PortfolioPrice.portfolio_id == portfolio_id).order_by( PortfolioPrice.timestamp.desc()).first() my_value = p.close_balance + p.investment_value # find the position on the screen pos_screen = 1 while balances_sorted[pos_screen - 1]["portfolio"] != portfolio_id: pos_screen += 1 # find actual position in the leaderboard - maybe higher than displayed position if duplicate portfolio balances pos_actual = pos_screen while (pos_actual > 0) and (my_value == balances_sorted[pos_actual - 1]["value"]): pos_actual -= 1 pos_actual += 1 # add the ordinal suffix to the actual position suffix = ORDINAL_SUFFIXES[min(pos_actual % 10, 4)] if 11 <= (pos_actual % 100) <= 13: suffix = "th" return jsonify({ "nominal": pos_screen, "ordinal": str(pos_actual) + suffix })
def get(self): user = get_user() args = portfolio_history_parser.parse_args() if args["number_of_days"] < 1: return abort(400, "Number of days must be a non zero positive integer") history = get_close_balance(user, **args) return history, 200
def get(self): user = get_user() args = simulate_parser.parse_args() if args["date_from"] and args["date_to"]: if args["date_from"] > args["date_to"]: return abort(400, "date_from must be a date at least 1 day before date_to. Check your inputs.") elif args["date_to"] - args["date_from"] < timedelta(days=1).total_seconds(): return abort(400, "date_from must be a date at least 1 day before date_to. Check your inputs.") payload = simulate(user=user, **args) return {"simulation": payload}, 200
def put(self): user = get_user() # set cookie in browser token = auth.generate_token(user.email_id) @after_this_request def set_cookie_value(response): response.set_cookie("token", value=token, httponly=True) return response return 200
def delete(self, ): user = get_user() args = watchlist_parser.parse_args() symbol = args["symbol"].upper() # Run this to check if in the database or exists. Will add it if not already there get_details(symbol) if in_watchlist(symbol, user): items_to_remove = [ item for item in user.watchlist.watchlist_items if item.stock_symbol == symbol ] user.watchlist.watchlist_items.remove(*items_to_remove) db.session.commit() return {"symbol": symbol}, 201 else: return {"symbol": symbol}, 200
def get(self): user = get_user() watch = user.watchlist port = user.portfolio for pp in PortfolioPrice.query.filter_by( PortfolioPrice.query.filter_by( for tr in Transaction.query.filter_by( Transaction.query.filter_by( User.query.filter_by( Watchlist.query.filter_by( Portfolio.query.filter_by( db.session.commit() Token.get(self) return 200
def post(self): args = watchlist_parser.parse_args() symbol = args["symbol"].upper() # Run this to check if in the database or exists. Will add it if not already there get_details(symbol) user = get_user() if not in_watchlist(symbol, user): watchlist_item = WatchlistItem(, stock_symbol=symbol, ) user.watchlist.watchlist_items.append(watchlist_item) db.session.add(watchlist_item) db.session.commit() return {"symbol": symbol}, 201 else: return {"symbol": symbol}, 200
def get(self, ): user = get_user() data = get_transactions(user) return data, 200
def get(self): user = get_user() watchlist_list = get_watchlist(user) return watchlist_list, 200
def get(self, ): user = get_user() info = get_info(user) return info, 200
def get(self, ): user = get_user() data = get_user_details(user) return data, 200
def post(self): args = trade_parser.parse_args() symbol: str = args.get("symbol") quote = args.get("quote") trade_type = args.get("trade_type") quantity = args.get("quantity") symbol = symbol.upper() user = get_user() # get user details from token variation, slippage = check_price(symbol, quote) if variation: return abort( 416, "Current price has changed, can't commit this transaction") stock = Stock.query.filter_by(symbol=symbol).first() fee = 0 if quantity < 1: return abort( 400, f"Quantity should be an integer value greater than 0. Given {quantity}" ) quantity = -quantity if trade_type == "sell" else quantity # --- Buy --- # if quantity > 0: # check if user even has enough money to buy this stock quantity balance_adjustment = ((quote * quantity) + fee) if user.portfolio.balance - balance_adjustment < 0: return abort(417, "Insufficient funds") if stock not in user.portfolio.stocks: user.portfolio.stocks.append(stock) # --- Sell --- # elif quantity < 0: # check if user owns this stock first, then the quantity he's check_stock = stock_balance(user, symbol) if not check_stock: return abort(417, "You currently don't own this stock") if check_stock[0] + quantity < 0: return abort(417, "Insufficient quantity of stock to sell") if check_stock[0] + quantity == 0: user.portfolio.stocks.remove(stock) balance_adjustment = (quote * quantity) + fee else: return abort( 422, f"Invalid quantity. Quantity must be a non zero integer. Received {quantity}" ) stock.last_quote = quote user.portfolio.balance -= balance_adjustment # update user's balance after trade # --- Sell-ends --- # new_transaction = Transaction(, symbol=symbol, quote=quote, quantity=quantity, fee=fee, ) db.session.add(new_transaction) db.session.commit() return dict( symbol=symbol, quote=quote, quantity=quantity, trade_type=trade_type, ), 200
def get(self): user = get_user() args = portfolio_query_parser.parse_args() payload = get_portfolio(user, args["averagemode"]) return payload, 200