def read(self, path): """ Read tubes from path; A tube is a tupel of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('Path does not exist: %s' % (path) ) pp = os.path.join(path, '*.txt') #print pp files = glob.glob( pp ) nrFiles = len(files) # nr Frames print '\treading tubes:', path, '; Number of tubes read:', nrFiles if nrFiles == 0: raise Exception('No files found in: %s' % (pp) ) files.sort() #files.reverse() for i in xrange(nrFiles): f = files[i] tube = SingleTube() self._tubes.append( tube )
def read(self, path): """ Read tubes from path; A tube is a tupel of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('Path does not exist: %s' % (path)) pp = os.path.join(path, '*.txt') #print pp files = glob.glob(pp) nrFiles = len(files) # nr Frames print '\treading tubes:', path, '; Number of tubes read:', nrFiles if nrFiles == 0: raise Exception('No files found in: %s' % (pp)) files.sort() #files.reverse() for i in xrange(nrFiles): f = files[i] tube = SingleTube() self._tubes.append(tube)
def traj2tube(frameNumEnd, tubeFeatSpat, xmax=np.inf, ymax=np.inf, regionSize=15, framesPerTrack=15): """convert a trajectory to a SingleTube proposal""" frameNumStart = int(frameNumEnd - framesPerTrack) # make a tube as a tupel of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). tube = np.zeros( (framesPerTrack, 4), dtype='float32' ) # a trajectory has x,y in the center, with a size of 2*regionSize i = np.arange(framesPerTrack) tube[i,0] = np.maximum(0,tubeFeatSpat[i*2] - regionSize) # xmin tube[i,1] = np.maximum(0,tubeFeatSpat[i*2+1] - regionSize) # ymin tube[i,2] = np.minimum(xmax,tubeFeatSpat[i*2] + regionSize) # xmax tube[i,3] = np.minimum(ymax,tubeFeatSpat[i*2+1] + regionSize) # ymax return SingleTube(frameNumStart,tube)
def readHDF5(self, inHDF5fileName): """ Read tubes from hdf5 fileName; A tube is a tupel of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ if not os.path.exists(inHDF5fileName): print 'Path does not exist: %s' % (inHDF5fileName) raise Exception('Path does not exist: %s' % (inHDF5fileName) ) inHDF5file = h5py.File(inHDF5fileName, 'r') nrTubes = len(inHDF5file) print '\treading tubes:', inHDF5fileName, '; Number of tubes to read:', nrTubes if nrTubes == 0: raise Exception('No tubes found in: %s' % (pp) ) for i in xrange(nrTubes): tube = SingleTube() tube.readHDF5(inHDF5file, str(i) ) self._tubes.append( tube ) inHDF5file.close()
def readHDF5(self, inHDF5fileName): """ Read tubes from hdf5 fileName; A tube is a tupel of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ if not os.path.exists(inHDF5fileName): print 'Path does not exist: %s' % (inHDF5fileName) raise Exception('Path does not exist: %s' % (inHDF5fileName)) inHDF5file = h5py.File(inHDF5fileName, 'r') nrTubes = len(inHDF5file) print '\treading tubes:', inHDF5fileName, '; Number of tubes to read:', nrTubes if nrTubes == 0: raise Exception('No tubes found in: %s' % (pp)) for i in xrange(nrTubes): tube = SingleTube() tube.readHDF5(inHDF5file, str(i)) self._tubes.append(tube) inHDF5file.close()
def readFrameFormat(self, path, readWHformat=False, spatialSubSampleRate=1): """ Read tubes from path; dense format = a tube at each frame number A tube is a tupel of 4 numbers (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). if readWHformat == True: A tube is converted from (xmin, ymin, w, h) format. Every frame X should have a X.txt file with tubes. Every .txt file has a fixed nr of lines, each line is a tube; All .txt files have the same nr of tubes. If a tube is not visible in a frame XXX.txt, set the tube to (0,0,0,0) """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('Path does not exist: %s' % (path)) pp = os.path.join(path, '*.txt') #print pp files = glob.glob(pp) nrFiles = len(files) # nr Frames print 'readFrameFormat:', path, 'nrFiles', nrFiles, if nrFiles == 0: raise Exception('No files found in: %s' % (pp)) files.sort() #files.reverse() for i in xrange(nrFiles): f = files[i] #print f fileIn = open(f, 'r') lines = fileIn.readlines() nrLines = len(lines) # nr proposals if i == 0: # if first element, reserve space data = np.zeros((nrFiles, nrLines, 4), dtype='float32') print 'nrTubes', nrLines else: # nr tubes cannot differ per file if nrLines != data.shape[1]: raise Exception('NrLines in %s should be %d, but is %d' % (f, nrLines, data.shape[0])) for j in range(nrLines): line = lines[j] d = line.split(',') if len(d) == 1: d = line.split() data[i, j, :] = np.array( [float(s) / spatialSubSampleRate for s in d[:4]]) if readWHformat: data[i, j, 2] = data[i, j, 2] + data[i, j, 0] data[i, j, 3] = data[i, j, 3] + data[i, j, 1] fileIn.close() # convert data array to SingleTube objects nrTubes = data.shape[1] for t in range(nrTubes): # find frames without BBs: sum the BBs, empty are <= 0 minFrameNr = 0 maxFrameNr = nrFiles - 1 summedBB = np.sum(data[:, t, :], axis=1) emptyIdx = np.nonzero(summedBB <= 0)[0] # if pre-BB empty if summedBB[0] < 0: minFrameNr = min(emptyIdx) # if post-BB empty if summedBB[-1] < 0: maxFrameNr = max(emptyIdx) bbList = [] for f in range(nrFiles): if f >= minFrameNr and f <= maxFrameNr: bb = data[f, t, :] bbList.append(bb) tube = SingleTube(minFrameNr, bbList) # add tube to list self._tubes.append(tube)