def error_RK3_with_post_projection(steps=3,
                                   project=[1, 1],
    # problem description
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription, 'periodic')
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()
    # define exact solutions
    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: 1 - np.cos(a * (x - t)) * np.sin(b * (
        y - t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: 1 + np.sin(a * (x - t)) * np.cos(b * (
        y - t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)

    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)

    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, 0)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, 0)
    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []

    iterations = []

    Coef = f.A()

    is_stable = True
    stability_counter = 0
    # # u and v num cell centered
    ucc = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    vcc = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])

    uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
    vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
    # u and v exact cell centered
    uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
    vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])

    # compute of kinetic energy
    ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_old = ken_new
    final_KE = nx * ny
    target_ke = ken_exact - alpha * (ken_exact - final_KE)
    print('time = ', t)
    print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
    print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
    while count < tend:
        RK3 = sc.RK3(name)
        a21 = RK3.a21
        a31 = RK3.a31
        a32 = RK3.a32
        b1 = RK3.b1
        b2 = RK3.b2
        b3 = RK3.b3
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        iter0 = 0
        iter1 = 0
        iter2 = 0
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm2 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 2:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            pnm2 = psol[-3].copy()

            d1 = 0
            d2, d3 = project
            f1x, f1y, f2x, f2y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1, pnm2],

        elif count <= 2:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps
            d1 = 1
            d2 = 1
            d3 = 1
            f1x, f1y, f2x, f2y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1, pnm2],

        time_start = time.clock()
        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn)
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2
        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)

        ## stage 3
        print('    Stage 3:')
        print('    --------')
        urhs2 = f.urhs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs(u2, v2)

        uh3 = u + dt * (a31 * (urhs1 - f1x) + a32 * (urhs2 - f2x))
        vh3 = v + dt * (a31 * (vrhs1 - f1y) + a32 * (vrhs2 - f2y))

        if d3 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(3))
            u3, v3, _, iter2 = f.ImQ(uh3, vh3, Coef, pn)
            print('        iterations stage 3 = ', iter2)

        elif d3 == 0:
            u3 = uh3
            v3 = vh3
        div3 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u3, v3).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u3 = ', div3)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2) + dt * b3 * (f.urhs(
            u3, v3))
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2) + dt * b3 * (f.vrhs(
            u3, v3))

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter3 = f.ImQ(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn)
        if post_projection:
            # post processing projection
            uhnp1_star = u + dt * (f.urhs(unp1, vnp1))
            vhnp1_star = v + dt * (f.vrhs(unp1, vnp1))

            _, _, press, _ = f.ImQ(uhnp1_star, vhnp1_star, Coef, pn)

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('        iterations last stage = ', iter3)
        # save new solutions

        iterations.append(iter1 + iter2 + iter3)
        # # u and v num cell centered
        ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])

        uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
        vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
        # u and v exact cell centered
        uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
        vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])
        t += dt

        # compute of kinetic energy
        ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
        ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
        print('time = ', t)
        print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
        print('target_ken=', target_ke)
        print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
        print('(ken_new - ken_old)/ken_old = ', (ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old)
        if (((ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old) > 0
                and count > 1) or np.isnan(ken_new):
            is_stable = False
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if stability_counter > 5:
                print('not stable !!!!!!!!')
                stability_counter += 1
            is_stable = True
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if ken_new < target_ke and count > 30:
        ken_old = ken_new.copy()

        #plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # if count %10 == 0:
        #     # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        #     plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx)
        #     plt.colorbar()
        count += 1
    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t).ravel() - unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel(), np.inf)
    print('        error={}'.format(diff))
    if return_stability:
        return is_stable

        return diff, [div_n, div2, div3, div_np1], is_stable, unp1[1:-1,
コード例 #2
def error_channel_flow_RK2_unsteady_inlet(steps=3,
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription)
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()

    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)
    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2) / 10000  # include ghost cells
    # u0 = np.ones([ny +2, nx+2])# include ghost cells
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2) / 10000  # include ghost cells
    # v0 = np.ones([ny +2, nx+2])  # include ghost cells

    at = lambda t: (np.pi / 6) * np.sin(t / 2)

    u_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_right_wall = lambda u: lambda yv: u
    u_bc_left_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: np.cos(at(t))

    v_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 0
    v_bc_left_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: np.sin(at(t))

    # pressure
    def pressure_right_wall(p):
        # pressure on the right wall
        p[1:-1, -1] = -p[1:-1, -2]

    p_bcs = lambda p: pressure_right_wall(p)
    # apply bcs
    f.top_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_right_wall(u0[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_left_wall(t), v_bc_left_wall(t))

    Coef = f.A_channel_flow()

    u0_free, v0_free, _, _ = f.ImQ_bcs(u0, v0, Coef, 0, p_bcs)

    f.top_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_right_wall(u0_free[1:-1, -1]),
    f.left_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_left_wall(t), v_bc_left_wall(t))

    print('div_u0=', np.linalg.norm(f.div(u0_free, v0_free).ravel()))

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []
    # usol.append(u0)

    vsol = []
    # vsol.append(v0)

    psol = []
    iterations = [0]

    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK2 = sc.RK2(name, theta)
        a21 = RK2.a21
        b1 = RK2.b1
        b2 = RK2.b2
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        # pnm2 = np.zeros_like(u) # only needed for high accurate pressure
        if count > 1:  # change the count for 2 if high accurate pressure at time np1 is needed
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            # pnm2 = psol[-3].copy() # only needed for high accurate pressure
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1],
            d2, = project

        elif count <= 1:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps # change the count for 2 if high accurate pressure at time np1 is needed
            d2 = 1
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1],

        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1

        # apply boundary conditions before the computation of the rhs
        f.top_wall(u1, v1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u1, v1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u1, v1, u_bc_right_wall(u1[1:-1, -1]),
                     v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(u1, v1, u_bc_left_wall(t), v_bc_left_wall(t))

        urhs1 = f.urhs_bcs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs_bcs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        f.top_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_right_wall(uh2[1:-1, -2]),
                     v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                    v_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt))

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn, p_bcs)
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_right_wall(u2[1:-1, -1]),
                     v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                    v_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt))

        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs_bcs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs_bcs(u2, v2)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2)

        f.top_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_right_wall(uhnp1[1:-1, -2]),
                     v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_left_wall(t + dt),
                    v_bc_left_wall(t + dt))

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ_bcs(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn, p_bcs)

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_right_wall(unp1[1:-1, -1]),
                     v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for unp1
        f.left_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_left_wall(t + dt), v_bc_left_wall(t + dt))

        time_end = time.clock()

        # new_press = 4 * pn - 9 * pnm1 / 2 + 3 * pnm2 / 2  # second order (working)

        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions

        Min = np.sum(unp1[1:ny + 1, 1])
        Mout = np.sum(unp1[1:ny + 1, nx + 1])

        print("Min=", Min)
        print("Mout=", Mout)

        t += dt

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # if count % 10 ==0:
        #     # divu = f.div(u0_free,v0_free)
        #     # plt.imshow(divu[1:-1,1:-1], origin='bottom')
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     speed = np.sqrt(ucc * ucc + vcc * vcc)
        #     # uexact = 4 * 1.5 * ycc * (1 - ycc)
        #     # plt.plot(uexact, ycc, '-k', label='exact')
        #     # plt.plot(ucc[:, int(8 / dx)], ycc, '--', label='x = {}'.format(8))
        #     plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     plt.colorbar()
        #     # plt.streamplot(xcc, ycc, ucc, vcc, color='black', density=0.75, linewidth=1.5)
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, psol[-1][1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1

    if return_stability:
        return True
        return True, [div_np1], True, unp1[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.01
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[4*32,32],L=[10,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.005)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# probDescription.set_dt(dt)
# error_channel_flow_RK2_unsteady_inlet (steps = 100,return_stability=False, name='midpoint', guess=None, project=[1],theta=None)
コード例 #3
def error_channel_flow_FE(steps=3,
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription)
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()

    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)
    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells

    u_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_right_wall = lambda u: lambda yv: u
    u_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 1

    v_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 0
    v_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 0

    # pressure
    def pressure_right_wall(p):
        # pressure on the right wall
        p[1:-1, -1] = -p[1:-1, -2]

    p_bcs = lambda p: pressure_right_wall(p)
    # apply bcs
    f.top_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_right_wall(u0[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []
    iterations = [0]
    Coef = f.A_channel_flow()
    total_iters = 0
    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        time_start = time.clock()
        uhnp1 = u + dt * f.urhs_bcs(u, v)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * f.vrhs_bcs(u, v)

        f.left_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter = f.ImQ_bcs(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn, p_bcs)

        total_iters += iter

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_right_wall(unp1[1:-1, -1]),
        f.left_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions

        t += dt

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # if count % 10 ==0:
        #     divu = f.div(unp1,vnp1)
        #     plt.imshow(divu[1:-1,1:-1], origin='bottom')
        #     plt.colorbar()
        #     # ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # speed = np.sqrt(ucc * ucc + vcc * vcc)
        #     # uexact = 4 * 1.5 * ycc * (1 - ycc)
        #     # plt.plot(uexact, ycc, '-k', label='exact')
        #     # plt.plot(ucc[:, int(8 / dx)], ycc, '--', label='x = {}'.format(8))
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     # plt.streamplot(xcc, ycc, ucc, vcc, color='black', density=0.75, linewidth=1.5)
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1

    if return_stability:
        return True
        return True, [total_iters], True, unp1[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.01
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[4*32,32],L=[10,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.005)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# probDescription.set_dt(dt)
# error_channel_flow_FE (steps = 2000)
コード例 #4
def error_DIRK2(steps=3,
    # problem description
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription, 'periodic')
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()
    # define exact solutions
    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uf = 1
    vf = 1
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: uf - np.cos(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.sin(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: vf + np.sin(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.cos(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)

    #     # define some boiler plate
    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)

    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, 0)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, 0)

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []

    iterations = []

    Coef = f.A()

    is_stable = True
    stability_counter = 0
    total_iteration = 0
    # # u and v num cell centered
    ucc = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    vcc = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])

    uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
    vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
    # u and v exact cell centered
    uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
    vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])

    # compute of kinetic energy
    ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_old = ken_new
    final_KE = nx * ny
    alpha = 0.999
    target_ke = ken_exact - alpha * (ken_exact - final_KE)
    print('time = ', t)
    print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
    print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        DIRK2 = sc.DIRK2(name, theta)
        b1 = DIRK2.b1
        b2 = DIRK2.b2
        time_start = time.clock()
        un = usol[-1].copy()
        vn = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = psol[-1].copy()

        # stage 1:

        u1, v1, p1, info = f.DIRK_S1(un, vn, pn, DIRK2)
        print('        number of function calls stage 1: ', info['nfev'])
        rhs_u1 = f.urhs(u1, v1) - f.Gpx(p1)
        rhs_v1 = f.vrhs(u1, v1) - f.Gpy(p1)

        # stage 2:
        # ---------
        u2, v2, p2, info = f.DIRK_S2(un, vn, pn, rhs_u1, rhs_v1, DIRK2)
        print('        number of function calls stage 2: ', info['nfev'])
        # time n+1
        uhnp1 = un + b1 * dt * f.urhs(u1, v1) + b2 * dt * f.urhs(u2, v2)
        vhnp1 = vn + b1 * dt * f.vrhs(u1, v1) + b2 * dt * f.vrhs(u2, v2)

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter = f.ImQ(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn)

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)

        # save new solutions
        print('len Usol:', len(usol))
        print('Courant Number=', 1.42 * dt / dx)
        # # u and v num cell centered
        ucc = 0.5 * (un[1:-1, 2:] + un[1:-1, 1:-1])
        vcc = 0.5 * (vn[2:, 1:-1] + vn[1:-1, 1:-1])
        uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
        vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
        # u and v exact cell centered
        uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
        vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])
        t += dt

        # compute of kinetic energy
        ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
        ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
        print('time = ', t)
        print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
        print('target_ken=', target_ke)
        print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
        print('(ken_new - ken_old)/ken_old = ', (ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old)
        if (((ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old) > 0
                and count > 1) or np.isnan(ken_new):
            is_stable = False
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if stability_counter > 3:
                print('not stable !!!!!!!!')
                stability_counter += 1
            is_stable = True
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if ken_new < target_ke and count > 30:
        ken_old = ken_new.copy()
        print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
        max = 4
        min = -4
        levels = np.linspace(min, max, 50, endpoint=True)
        # #plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # im = plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx,cmap='viridis',levels=levels,vmin=-4,vmax=4)
        # v = np.linspace(-4, 4, 5, endpoint=True)
        # cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
        # plt.title("time={:0.4f}s".format(t))
        # plt.tight_layout()
        # plt.savefig('Implicit-NSE/DIRK2_{}_capuano_form/animations/dpdx/timestep-{:0>2}.png'.format(name,count), dpi=300)
        # plt.close()

        count += 1
    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t).ravel() - unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel(), np.inf)
    if return_stability:
        return is_stable
        return diff, [total_iteration], is_stable, unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel()
コード例 #5
def error_lid_driven_cavity_RK2(steps=3,
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription)
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()

    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)
    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2)  # include ghost cells
    # u0 = np.ones([ny +2, nx+2])# include ghost cells
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells

    u_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 1
    u_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 0
    u_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 0

    v_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 0
    v_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 0

    # pressure
    p_bcs = lambda p: p
    # apply bcs
    f.top_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

    Coef = f.A_Lid_driven_cavity()

    # to make the initial condition divergence free.
    u0_free, v0_free, _, _ = f.ImQ_bcs(u0, v0, Coef, 0, p_bcs)

    f.top_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

    print('div_u0=', np.linalg.norm(f.div(u0_free, v0_free).ravel()))

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []
    iterations = [0]

    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK2 = sc.RK2(name)
        a21 = RK2.a21
        b1 = RK2.b1
        b2 = RK2.b2
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 1:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=guess, integ='RK2', type=name)
            d2, = project

        elif count <= 1:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps
            d2 = 1
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=None, integ='RK2', type=name)

        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs_bcs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs_bcs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn, p_bcs)
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
        f.left_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs_bcs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs_bcs(u2, v2)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2)

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ_bcs(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn, p_bcs)

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
        f.left_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions

        t += dt

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # if count % 100 ==0:
        #     divu = f.div(unp1,vnp1)
        #     plt.imshow(divu[1:-1,1:-1], origin='bottom')
        #     plt.colorbar()
        #     # ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # speed = np.sqrt(ucc * ucc + vcc * vcc)
        #     # uexact = 4 * 1.5 * ycc * (1 - ycc)
        #     # plt.plot(uexact, ycc, '-k', label='exact')
        #     # plt.plot(ucc[:, int(8 / dx)], ycc, '--', label='x = {}'.format(8))
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     # plt.streamplot(xcc, ycc, ucc, vcc, color='black', density=0.75, linewidth=1.5)
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, psol[-1][1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1

    if return_stability:
        return True
        return True, [div_np1], True, unp1[1:-1, 2:-1].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.01
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[32,32],L=[1,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.005)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# probDescription.set_dt(dt)
# error_lid_driven_cavity_RK2 (steps = 2000,return_stability=False, name='heun', guess=None, project=[1],alpha=0.99)
コード例 #6
def error_FE(steps=3, return_stability=False, alpha=0.99):
    # problem description
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription, 'periodic')
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()
    # define exact solutions
    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uf = 1
    vf = 1
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: uf - np.cos(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.sin(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: vf + np.sin(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.cos(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)

    #     # define some boiler plate
    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)

    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, 0)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, 0)

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []

    iterations = []

    Coef = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.toarray(f.A())

    is_stable = True
    stability_counter = 0
    total_iteration = 0
    # # u and v num cell centered
    ucc = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    vcc = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])

    uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
    vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
    # u and v exact cell centered
    uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
    vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])

    # compute of kinetic energy
    ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_old = ken_new
    final_KE = nx * ny
    alpha = 0.999
    target_ke = ken_exact - alpha * (ken_exact - final_KE)
    print('time = ', t)
    print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
    print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        ## stage 1
        pn = np.zeros_like(u0)
        if count > 1:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u, v).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh = u + dt * f.urhs(u, v)
        vh = v + dt * f.vrhs(u, v)
        unp1, vnp1, press, iter = f.ImQ(uh, vh, Coef, pn)
        total_iteration += iter
        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions
        # # u and v num cell centered
        ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])

        uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
        vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
        # u and v exact cell centered
        uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
        vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])
        t += dt

        # compute of kinetic energy
        ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
        ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
        print('time = ', t)
        print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
        print('target_ken=', target_ke)
        print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
        print('(ken_new - ken_old)/ken_old = ', (ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old)
        if (((ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old) > 0
                and count > 1) or np.isnan(ken_new):
            is_stable = False
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if stability_counter > 3:
                print('not stable !!!!!!!!')
                stability_counter += 1
            is_stable = True
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if ken_new < target_ke and count > 30:
        ken_old = ken_new.copy()
        print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
        #plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx)
        # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1
    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t).ravel() - unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel(), np.inf)
    print('        error={}'.format(diff))
    if return_stability:
        return is_stable
        return diff, [total_iteration], is_stable, unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel()
コード例 #7
def error_channel_flow_RK4_unsteady_inlet (steps = 3,return_stability=False, name='regular', guess=None, project=[],alpha=0.99):
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription)
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()

    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)
    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    # u0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2) / 1000000  # include ghost cells
    # u0 = np.ones([ny +2, nx+2])# include ghost cells
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    # v0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2) / 1000000  # include ghost cells
    # v0 = np.ones([ny +2, nx+2])  # include ghost cells
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])

    at = lambda t: (np.pi / 6) * np.sin(t / 2)

    u_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_right_wall = lambda u: lambda yv: u
    u_bc_left_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: np.cos(at(t))

    v_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 0
    v_bc_left_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: np.sin(at(t))

    # pressure
    def pressure_right_wall(p):
        # pressure on the right wall
        p[1:-1, -1] = -p[1:-1, -2]

    p_bcs = lambda p: pressure_right_wall(p)
    # apply bcs
    f.top_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_right_wall(u0[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_left_wall(t), v_bc_left_wall(t))

    Coef = f.A_channel_flow()

    u0_free, v0_free, _, _ = f.ImQ_bcs(u0, v0, Coef, 0, p_bcs)

    f.top_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_right_wall(u0_free[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_left_wall(t), v_bc_left_wall(t))

    print('div_u0=', np.linalg.norm(f.div(u0_free, v0_free).ravel()))

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2]);  # include ghost cells

    # declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []
    # usol.append(u0)

    vsol = []
    # vsol.append(v0)

    psol = []
    iterations = [0]

    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK4 = sc.RK4(name)
        a21 = RK4.a21
        a31 = RK4.a31
        a32 = RK4.a32
        a41 = RK4.a41
        a42 = RK4.a42
        a43 = RK4.a43
        b1 = RK4.b1
        b2 = RK4.b2
        b3 = RK4.b3
        b4 = RK4.b4
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm2 = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm3 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 4:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            pnm2 = psol[-3].copy()
            pnm3 = psol[-4].copy()
            f1x, f1y, f2x, f2y, f3x, f3y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1,pnm2,pnm3], order=guess, integ='RK4', type=name)
            d2,d3, d4 = project

        elif count <= 4:  # compute pressures for 3 time steps
            d2 = 1
            d3 = 1
            d4 = 1
            f1x, f1y, f2x, f2y, f3x, f3y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1,pnm2,pnm3], order=None, integ='RK4', type=name)

        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs_bcs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs_bcs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        f.top_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_right_wall(uh2[1:-1, -2]), v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_left_wall(t+a21*dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+a21*dt))

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn, p_bcs)
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_right_wall(u2[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_left_wall(t+a21*dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+a21*dt))

        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs_bcs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs_bcs(u2, v2)

        ## stage 3
        print('    Stage 3:')
        print('    --------')
        uh3 = u + a31 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x) + a32 * dt * (urhs2 - f2x)
        vh3 = v + a31 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y) + a32 * dt * (vrhs2 - f2y)

        f.top_wall(uh3, vh3, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uh3, vh3, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uh3, vh3, u_bc_right_wall(uh3[1:-1, -2]), v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(uh3, vh3, u_bc_left_wall(t+(a31+a32)*dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+(a31+a32)*dt))

        if d3 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(3))
            u3, v3, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh3, vh3, Coef, pn, p_bcs)
            print('        iterations stage 3 = ', iter1)
        elif d3 == 0:
            u3 = uh3
            v3 = vh3

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u3, v3, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u3, v3, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u3, v3, u_bc_right_wall(u3[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(u3, v3, u_bc_left_wall(t+(a31+a32)*dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+(a31+a32)*dt))

        div3 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u3, v3).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u3 = ', div3)
        urhs3 = f.urhs_bcs(u3, v3)
        vrhs3 = f.vrhs_bcs(u3, v3)

        ## stage 4
        print('    Stage 4:')
        print('    --------')
        uh4 = u + a41 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x) + a42 * dt * (urhs2 - f2x) + a43 * dt * (urhs3 - f3x)
        vh4 = v + a41 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y) + a42 * dt * (vrhs2 - f2y) + a43 * dt * (vrhs3 - f3y)

        f.top_wall(uh4, vh4, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uh4, vh4, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uh4, vh4, u_bc_right_wall(uh4[1:-1, -2]), v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(uh4, vh4, u_bc_left_wall(t+(a41+a42+a43)*dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+(a41+a42+a43)*dt))

        if d4 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(3))
            u4, v4, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh4, vh4, Coef, pn, p_bcs)
            print('        iterations stage 4 = ', iter1)
        elif d4 == 0:
            u4 = uh4
            v4 = vh4

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u4, v4, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u4, v4, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u4, v4, u_bc_right_wall(u4[1:-1, -1]), v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for u2
        f.left_wall(u4, v4, u_bc_left_wall(t+(a41+a42+a43)*dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+(a41+a42+a43)*dt))

        div4 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u4, v4).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u4 = ', div3)
        urhs4 = f.urhs_bcs(u4, v4)
        vrhs4 = f.vrhs_bcs(u4, v4)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2) + dt * b3 * (urhs3) + dt * b4 * (urhs4)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2) + dt * b3 * (vrhs3) + dt * b4 * (vrhs4)

        f.top_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_right_wall(uhnp1[1:-1, -2]),v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for unp1
        f.left_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_left_wall(t+dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+dt))

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ_bcs(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn, p_bcs)

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_right_wall(unp1[1:-1, -1]),
                     v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for unp1
        f.left_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_left_wall(t+dt), v_bc_left_wall(t+dt))

        # # post processing projection
        # unp1r =unp1+ dt * f.urhs_bcs(unp1, vnp1)
        # vnp1r =vnp1+ dt * f.vrhs_bcs(unp1, vnp1)
        # f.top_wall(unp1r, vnp1r, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        # f.bottom_wall(unp1r, vnp1r, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        # f.right_wall(unp1r, vnp1r, u_bc_right_wall(unp1r[1:-1, -2]),
        #              v_bc_right_wall)  # this won't change anything for unp1
        # f.left_wall(unp1r, vnp1r, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)
        # _, _, press, _ = f.ImQ_bcs(unp1r, vnp1r, Coef, pn, p_bcs)

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions

        t += dt

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # if count % 10 ==0:
        #     # divu = f.div(unp1,vnp1)
        #     # plt.imshow(divu[1:-1,1:-1], origin='bottom')
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     speed = np.sqrt(ucc * ucc + vcc * vcc)
        #     # uexact = 4 * 1.5 * ycc * (1 - ycc)
        #     # plt.plot(uexact, ycc, '-k', label='exact')
        #     # plt.plot(ucc[:, int(8 / dx)], ycc, '--', label='x = {}'.format(8))
        #     plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     plt.colorbar()
        #     # plt.streamplot(xcc, ycc, ucc, vcc, color='black', density=0.75, linewidth=1.5)
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, psol[-1][1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1

    if return_stability:
        return True
        return True, [div_np1], True, unp1[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()
        # return True, [div_np1], True, press[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.01
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[4*32,32],L=[10,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.005)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# probDescription.set_dt(dt)
# error_channel_flow_RK4_unsteady_inlet (steps = 2000,return_stability=False, name='regular', guess=None, project=[1,1,1],alpha=0.99)
def error_tv_time_dependent_bcs_RK2(steps=3,
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription)
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()

    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: 1 - np.cos(a * (x - t)) * np.sin(b * (
        y - t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: 1 + np.sin(a * (x - t)) * np.cos(b * (
        y - t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    pexact = lambda x, y, t: (
        -8 * np.sin(np.pi * t)**4 * np.sin(np.pi * y)**4 - 2 * np
        .sin(np.pi * t)**4 - 2 * np.sin(np.pi * y)**4 - 5 * np.cos(
            2 * np.pi * t) / 2 + 5 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * t) / 8 - 5 * np.cos(
                2 * np.pi * y) / 2 + 5 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * y) / 8 - np.cos(
                    np.pi * (2 * t - 4 * y)) / 4 + np.cos(np.pi *
                                                          (2 * t - 2 * y)) + np
        .cos(np.pi * (2 * t + 2 * y)) - np.cos(np.pi * (2 * t + 4 * y)) / 4 - 3
        * np.cos(np.pi * (4 * t - 4 * y)) / 16 - np.cos(np.pi *
                                                        (4 * t - 2 * y)) / 4 -
        np.cos(np.pi * (4 * t + 2 * y)) / 4 + np.cos(np.pi * (4 * t + 4 * y)) /
        16 + 27 / 8) * np.exp(-16 * np.pi**2 * μ * t) - np.exp(
            -16 * np.pi**2 * μ * t) * np.cos(np.pi * (-4 * t + 4 * x)) / 4
    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)
    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)

    print('div_before_bcs= {}'.format(np.linalg.norm(f.div(u0, v0))))
    # print('right wall :, yv= {}'.format(yv[:,-1]))

    u_bc_top_wall = lambda t: lambda xv: uexact(a, b, xu[-1, :],
                                                np.ones_like(xu[-1, :]), t)
    u_bc_bottom_wall = lambda t: lambda xv: uexact(a, b, xu[0, :],
                                                   np.zeros_like(xu[0, :]), t)
    u_bc_right_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: uexact(a, b, xu[:, -1], yu[:, -1], t
    u_bc_left_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: uexact(a, b, xu[:, 0], yu[:, 0], t)

    v_bc_top_wall = lambda t: lambda xv: vexact(a, b, xv[-1, :], yv[-1, :], t)
    v_bc_bottom_wall = lambda t: lambda xv: vexact(a, b, xv[0, :], yv[0, :], t)
    v_bc_right_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: vexact(a, b, np.ones_like(
        yv[:, -1]), yv[:, -1], t)
    v_bc_left_wall = lambda t: lambda yv: vexact(a, b, np.zeros_like(yv[:, 0]),
                                                 yv[:, 0], t)

    # plt.imshow(u0,origin='bottom')
    # pressure
    def pressure_bcs(p, t):
        # # right wall
        # p[1:-1,-1] = 2*pexact(np.ones_like(ycc[:,-1]),ycc[:,-1],t)/ np.sum(pexact(np.ones_like(ycc[:,-2]),ycc[:,-2],t).ravel()) *np.sum(p[1:-1,-2].ravel())  -p[1:-1,-2]
        # # left wall
        # p[1:-1,0] = 2*pexact(np.zeros_like(ycc[:,0]),ycc[:,0],t)/np.sum(pexact(np.zeros_like(ycc[:,1]),ycc[:,1],t).ravel())*np.sum(p[1:-1,1].ravel()) -p[1:-1,1]
        # # top wall
        # p[-1,1:-1] = 2*pexact(np.ones_like(ycc[-1,:]),ycc[-1,:],t)/np.sum(pexact(np.ones_like(ycc[-2,:]),ycc[-2,:],t).ravel())*np.sum(p[-2,1:-1].ravel()) - p[-2,1:-1]
        # # bottom wall
        # p[0, 1:-1] = 2 * pexact(np.zeros_like(ycc[0,:]),ycc[0,:],t)/np.sum(pexact(np.zeros_like(ycc[1,:]),ycc[1,:],t).ravel())*np.sum(p[1, 1:-1].ravel()) - p[1, 1:-1]
        # try extrapolation
        # right wall
        p[1:-1, -1] = (p[1:-1, -2] - p[1:-1, -3]) + p[1:-1, -2]
        # left wall
        p[1:-1, 0] = -(p[1:-1, 2] - p[1:-1, 1]) + p[1:-1, 1]
        # top wall
        p[-1, 1:-1] = (p[-2, 1:-1] - p[-3, 1:-1]) + p[-2, 1:-1]
        # bottom wall
        p[0, 1:-1] = -(p[2, 1:-1] - p[1, 1:-1]) + p[1, 1:-1]

    p_bcs = lambda t: lambda p: pressure_bcs(p, t)
    # apply bcs
    f.top_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_top_wall(t), v_bc_top_wall(t))
    f.bottom_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_bottom_wall(t), v_bc_bottom_wall(t))
    f.right_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_right_wall(t), v_bc_right_wall(t))
    f.left_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_left_wall(t), v_bc_left_wall(t))

    print('div_after_bcs= {}'.format(np.linalg.norm(f.div(u0, v0))))

    # plt.imshow(u0, origin='bottom')

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []
    iterations = [0]
    Coef = f.A_Lid_driven_cavity()

    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK2 = sc.RK2(name, theta=theta)
        a21 = RK2.a21
        b1 = RK2.b1
        b2 = RK2.b2
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 1:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=guess, integ='RK2', type=name)
            d2, = project

        elif count <= 1:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps
            d2 = 1
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=None, integ='RK2', type=name)

        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs_bcs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs_bcs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        f.top_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_top_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                   v_bc_top_wall(t + a21 * dt))
        f.bottom_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_bottom_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                      v_bc_bottom_wall(t + a21 * dt))
        f.right_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_right_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                     v_bc_right_wall(t + a21 * dt))
        f.left_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                    v_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt))

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn,
                                         p_bcs((t + a21 * dt)))
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_top_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                   v_bc_top_wall(t + a21 * dt))
        f.bottom_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_bottom_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                      v_bc_bottom_wall(t + a21 * dt))
        f.right_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_right_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                     v_bc_right_wall(t + a21 * dt))
        f.left_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt),
                    v_bc_left_wall(t + a21 * dt))

        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs_bcs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs_bcs(u2, v2)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2)

        f.top_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_top_wall(t + dt), v_bc_top_wall(t + dt))
        f.bottom_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall(t + dt),
                      v_bc_bottom_wall(t + dt))
        f.right_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_right_wall(t + dt),
                     v_bc_right_wall(t + dt))
        f.left_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_left_wall(t + dt),
                    v_bc_left_wall(t + dt))

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ_bcs(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn,
                                             p_bcs(t + dt))

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_top_wall(t + dt), v_bc_top_wall(t + dt))
        f.bottom_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall(t + dt),
                      v_bc_bottom_wall(t + dt))
        f.right_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_right_wall(t + dt),
                     v_bc_right_wall(t + dt))
        f.left_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_left_wall(t + dt), v_bc_left_wall(t + dt))

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions

        t += dt

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # if count % 1 ==0:
        #     # plt.imshow(unp1[1:-1,1:]-uexact(a,b,xu,yu,t),origin='bottom')
        #     plt.imshow(unp1[1:-1,1:],origin='bottom')
        #     plt.colorbar()
        #     # divu = f.div(unp1,vnp1)
        #     # plt.imshow(divu[1:-1,1:-1], origin='bottom')
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     # ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # speed = np.sqrt(ucc * ucc + vcc * vcc)
        #     # uexact = 4 * 1.5 * ycc * (1 - ycc)
        #     # plt.plot(uexact, ycc, '-k', label='exact')
        #     # plt.plot(ucc[:, int(8 / dx)], ycc, '--', label='x = {}'.format(8))
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     # plt.streamplot(xcc, ycc, ucc, vcc, color='black', density=0.75, linewidth=1.5)
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, psol[-1][1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1

    if return_stability:
        return True
        return True, [div_np1], True, unp1[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.01
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[32,32],L=[1,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.005)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# print('dt = ',dt)
# probDescription.set_dt(0.001)
# error_tv_time_dependent_bcs_RK2(steps = 200,return_stability=False, name='midpoint', guess=None, project=[1],theta=None)
コード例 #9
def error_normal_velocity_bcs_RK2(steps=3,
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription)
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()

    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)
    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    mag = 10
    u0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2) * mag  # include ghost cells
    # u0 = np.zeros([ny +2, nx+2])# include ghost cells
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    # v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0 = np.random.rand(ny + 2, nx + 2) * mag  # include ghost cells

    Min = np.sum(np.ones_like(u0[1:ny + 1, 1]))
    Mout = np.sum(8 * (yu[:ny + 1, 1] - yu[:ny + 1, 1]**2))

    u_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    u_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    # u_bc_right_wall = lambda Mout:lambda yv: 8*(yu[:ny+1,1]-yu[:ny+1,1]**2)*Min/Mout
    u_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 8 * (yu[:ny + 1, 1] - yu[:ny + 1, 1]**2
                                      ) * Min / np.sum(8 * (yu[:ny + 1, 1] -
                                                            yu[:ny + 1, 1]**2))
    # u_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 8*(yu[:ny+1,1]-yu[:ny+1,1]**2)
    u_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 1

    v_bc_top_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_bottom_wall = lambda xv: 0
    v_bc_right_wall = lambda yv: 0
    v_bc_left_wall = lambda yv: 0

    # pressure
    def p_bcs(p):
        p[1:ny + 1, nx + 1] = p[1:ny + 1, nx]
        p[1:ny + 1, 0] = p[1:ny + 1, 1]

    # apply bcs
    f.top_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0, v0, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

    Coef = f.A_Lid_driven_cavity()

    # # plot
    # # -------------------------------------------
    # ucc0 = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    # vcc0 = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    # speed0 = np.sqrt(ucc0 * ucc0 + vcc0 * vcc0)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4.01))
    # ax = plt.axes()
    # # velocity_mag0 = ax.pcolormesh(xcc, ycc, speed0)
    # div0 = ax.pcolormesh(xcc, ycc, f.div(u0, v0)[1:-1, 1:-1])
    # # add_colorbar(velocity_mag0,aspect=5 )
    # add_colorbar(div0, aspect=5)
    # # name = 'vel_mag.pdf'
    # name = 'div_non_div_free_Ic.pdf'
    # # vel = True
    # vel = False
    # if vel:
    #     Q = ax.quiver(xcc[::1, ::10], ycc[::1, ::10], ucc0[::1, ::10], vcc0[::1, ::10],
    #                   pivot='mid', units='inches', scale=5)
    #     key = ax.quiverkey(Q, X=0.3, Y=1.05, U=1,
    #                        label='Quiver key, length = 1m/s', labelpos='E')
    # plt.savefig('./initial_cond/poisseille_flow/mag_{}/{}'.format(mag,name),dpi=300)

    u0_free, v0_free, phi, _ = f.ImQ_bcs(u0, v0, Coef, 0, p_bcs)

    f.top_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
    f.bottom_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
    f.right_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
    f.left_wall(u0_free, v0_free, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

    print('div_u0=', np.linalg.norm(f.div(u0_free, v0_free).ravel()))

    # # plot
    # # -------------------------------------------
    # ucc0 = 0.5 * (u0_free[1:-1, 2:] + u0_free[1:-1, 1:-1])
    # vcc0 = 0.5 * (v0_free[2:, 1:-1] + v0_free[1:-1, 1:-1])
    # speed0 = np.sqrt(ucc0 * ucc0 + vcc0 * vcc0)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4.01))
    # ax = plt.axes()
    # # velocity_mag0 = ax.pcolormesh(xcc, ycc, speed0)
    # # div0 = ax.pcolormesh(xcc, ycc,f.div(u0_free, v0_free)[1:-1,1:-1])
    # phi_free = ax.pcolormesh(xcc, ycc, phi[1:-1, 1:-1])
    # # add_colorbar(velocity_mag0, aspect=5)
    # # add_colorbar(div0, aspect=5)
    # add_colorbar(phi_free, aspect=5)
    # # vel = True
    # vel = False
    # # name = 'div_free_vel.pdf'
    # # name = "divergence_new_vel.pdf"
    # name = 'phi.pdf'
    # # for velocity mag only
    # if vel:
    #     Q = ax.quiver(xcc[::1, ::10], ycc[::1, ::10], ucc0[::1, ::10], vcc0[::1, ::10],
    #                   pivot='mid', units='inches', scale=5)
    #     key = ax.quiverkey(Q, X=0.3, Y=1.05, U=1,
    #                        label='Quiver key, length = 1m/s', labelpos='E')
    # plt.savefig('./initial_cond/poisseille_flow/mag_{}/{}'.format(mag, name), dpi=300)
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []
    # usol.append(u0)

    vsol = []
    # vsol.append(v0)

    psol = []
    iterations = [0]

    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK2 = sc.RK2(name, theta=theta)
        a21 = RK2.a21
        b1 = RK2.b1
        b2 = RK2.b2
        print('a21={}, b1={}, b2={}'.format(a21, b1, b2))
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 1:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=guess, integ='RK2', type=name)
            d2, = project

        elif count <= 1:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps
            d2 = 1
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=None, integ='RK2', type=name)

        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs_bcs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs_bcs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        f.top_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
        f.left_wall(uh2, vh2, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ_bcs(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn, p_bcs)
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
        f.left_wall(u2, v2, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs_bcs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs_bcs(u2, v2)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2)

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
        f.left_wall(uhnp1, vhnp1, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ_bcs(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn, p_bcs)

        # apply bcs
        f.top_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_top_wall, v_bc_top_wall)
        f.bottom_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_bottom_wall, v_bc_bottom_wall)
        f.right_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_right_wall, v_bc_right_wall)
        f.left_wall(unp1, vnp1, u_bc_left_wall, v_bc_left_wall)

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions

        print("Min=", Min)
        print("Mout=", np.sum(unp1[1:ny + 1, nx + 1]))

        # print('dp/dx=', (press[16,nx] - press[16,1])/10)
        t += dt

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        # if count % 100 ==0:
        #     divu = f.div(u0_free,v0_free)
        #     # plt.imshow(divu[1:-1,1:-1], origin='bottom')
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        #     ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     speed = np.sqrt(ucc * ucc + vcc * vcc)
        #     # uexact = 4 * 1.5 * ycc * (1 - ycc)
        #     # plt.plot(uexact, ycc, '-k', label='exact')
        #     # plt.plot(ucc[:, int(8 / dx)], ycc, '--', label='x = {}'.format(8))
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, press[1:-1,1:-1])
        #     plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, speed)
        #     plt.colorbar()
        #     # plt.streamplot(xcc, ycc, ucc, vcc, color='black', density=0.75, linewidth=1.5)
        #     # plt.contourf(xcc, ycc, psol[-1][1:-1, 1:-1])
        #     # plt.colorbar()
        count += 1

    if return_stability:
        return True
        return True, [div_np1], True, unp1[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.1
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[4*32,32],L=[10,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.005)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# probDescription.set_dt(dt)
# error_normal_velocity_bcs_RK2 (steps = 1,return_stability=False, name='heun', guess=None, project=[1])
コード例 #10
def error_BE(steps=3, return_stability=False, alpha=0.99):
    # problem description
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription, 'periodic')
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()
    # define exact solutions
    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uf = 1
    vf = 1
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: uf - np.cos(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.sin(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: vf + np.sin(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.cos(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)

    #     # define some boiler plate
    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)

    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, 0)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, 0)

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.ones([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    #declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []

    iterations = []

    Coef = f.A()

    is_stable = True
    stability_counter = 0
    total_iteration = 0
    # # u and v num cell centered
    ucc = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    vcc = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])

    uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
    vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
    # u and v exact cell centered
    uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
    vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])

    # compute of kinetic energy
    ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_old = ken_new
    final_KE = nx * ny
    alpha = 0.999
    target_ke = ken_exact - alpha * (ken_exact - final_KE)
    print('time = ', t)
    print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
    print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))

        time_start = time.clock()
        un = usol[-1].copy()
        vn = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = psol[-1].copy()

        unp1, vnp1, press, info = f.BackwardEuler(un, vn, pn)

        print('         number of function calls: ', info['nfev'])

        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('        cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('        Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations:', iter)
        # save new solutions
        print('len Usol:', len(usol))
        print('Courant Number=', 1.42 * dt / dx)
        # # u and v num cell centered
        ucc = 0.5 * (un[1:-1, 2:] + un[1:-1, 1:-1])
        vcc = 0.5 * (vn[2:, 1:-1] + vn[1:-1, 1:-1])
        uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
        vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
        # u and v exact cell centered
        uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
        vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])
        t += dt

        # compute of kinetic energy
        ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
        ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
        print('time = ', t)
        print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
        print('target_ken=', target_ke)
        print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
        print('(ken_new - ken_old)/ken_old = ', (ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old)
        if (((ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old) > 0
                and count > 1) or np.isnan(ken_new):
            is_stable = False
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if stability_counter > 3:
                print('not stable !!!!!!!!')
                stability_counter += 1
            is_stable = True
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if ken_new < target_ke and count > 30:
        ken_old = ken_new.copy()
        print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
        max = 0.1
        min = -0.1
        levels = np.linspace(min, max, 50, endpoint=True)
        # #plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # im = plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx,cmap='viridis',levels=levels,vmin=min,vmax=max)
        # im = plt.contourf(f.div(unp1,vnp1)[1:-1,1:] ,cmap='viridis')
        # # im = plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:],cmap='viridis',levels=levels,vmin=0.0,vmax=2.0)
        # # im = plt.contourf(f.div(usol[-1],vsol[-1])[1:-1,1:-1],cmap='viridis',levels=levels,vmin=0.0,vmax=2.0)
        # # plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx)
        # v = np.linspace(min, max, 5, endpoint=True)
        # cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
        # # cbar.set_ticks(v)
        # plt.title("time={:0.4f}s".format(t))
        # plt.tight_layout()
        # # plt.savefig('Implicit-NSE/Backward-Euler/test/courant-1/divergence/timestep-{:0>2}.png'.format(count),dpi = 300)
        # # plt.close()
        count += 1
    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t).ravel() - unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel(), np.inf)
    # print('        error={}'.format(diff))
    if return_stability:
        return is_stable
        return diff, [total_iteration], is_stable, unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel()

# from singleton_classes import ProbDescription
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# #
# Uinlet = 1
# ν = 0.01
# probDescription = ProbDescription(N=[16,16],L=[1,1],μ =ν,dt = 0.088)
# dx,dy = probDescription.dx, probDescription.dy
# # dt = min(0.25*dx*dx/ν,0.25*dy*dy/ν, 4.0*ν/Uinlet/Uinlet)
# # probDescription.set_dt(dt)
# error_BE(steps=10, return_stability=False,alpha=0.99)
コード例 #11
def error_RK2(steps=3, return_stability=False, name='heun', guess=None, project=[1],alpha=0.9,theta=None):
    # problem description
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription,'periodic')
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()
    # define exact solutions
    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uf = 1
    vf = 1
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: uf - np.cos(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.sin(b * (y - vf * t)) * np.exp(
        -(a ** 2 + b ** 2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: vf + np.sin(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.cos(b * (y - vf * t)) * np.exp(
        -(a ** 2 + b ** 2) * μ * t)

    pexact=lambda x,y,t: (-8 * np.sin(np.pi * t) ** 4 * np.sin(np.pi * y) ** 4 - 2 * np.sin(np.pi * t) ** 4 - 2 * np.sin(np.pi * y) ** 4 - 5 * np.cos(
        2 * np.pi * t) / 2 + 5 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * t) / 8 - 5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * y) / 2 + 5 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * y) / 8 - np.cos(
        np.pi * (2 * t - 4 * y)) / 4 + np.cos(np.pi * (2 * t - 2 * y)) + np.cos(np.pi * (2 * t + 2 * y)) - np.cos(
        np.pi * (2 * t + 4 * y)) / 4 - 3 * np.cos(np.pi * (4 * t - 4 * y)) / 16 - np.cos(np.pi * (4 * t - 2 * y)) / 4 - np.cos(
        np.pi * (4 * t + 2 * y)) / 4 + np.cos(np.pi * (4 * t + 4 * y)) / 16 + 27 / 8) * np.exp(-16 * np.pi ** 2 * μ * t) - np.exp(
        -16 * np.pi ** 2 * μ * t) * np.cos(np.pi * (-4 * t + 4 * x)) / 4

    dpdxexact = lambda x,t:-np.pi*np.exp(-16*np.pi**2*μ*t)*np.sin(np.pi*(4*t - 4*x))
    #     # define some boiler plate
    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)

    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, 0)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, 0)

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2]);  # include ghost cells

    # declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []

    iterations = []

    Coef = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.toarray(f.A())

    is_stable = True

    # # u and v num cell centered
    ucc = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    vcc = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])

    uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
    vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
    # u and v exact cell centered
    uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
    vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])

    # compute of kinetic energy
    ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel() ** 2 + vcc.ravel() ** 2) / 2
    ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel() ** 2 + vexc_cc.ravel() ** 2) / 2
    ken_old = ken_new
    final_KE = nx * ny
    target_ke = ken_exact - alpha * (ken_exact - final_KE)
    print('time = ', t)
    print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
    print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
    stability_counter = 0
    iteration_i_2 = 0
    iteration_np1 = 0
    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK2 = sc.RK2(name,theta)
        a21 = RK2.a21
        b1 = RK2.b1
        b2 = RK2.b2
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        # pnm2 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 1: # change to 2 if high order pressure is needed
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()
            # pnm2 = psol[-3].copy()# only needed for high order pressure
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=guess, integ='RK2', type=name,theta=theta)
            d2, = project

        elif count <= 1:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps # change to 2 if high order pressure is needed
            d2 = 1
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=None, integ='RK2', type=name,theta=theta)
            iteration_i_2 = 0
            iteration_np1 = 0
        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, press_stage_2, iter1 = f.ImQ(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn)
            # u2, v2, press_stage_2, iter1 = f.ImQ(uh2, vh2, Coef, (3*pn-pnm1)/2,tol=1e-10)
            iteration_i_2 +=iter1
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2
        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs(u2, v2)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2)

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn,tol=1e-10)
        # unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, (3*pn-pnm1)/2,atol=1e-6,tol=1e-16) # midpoint
        # unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, press_stage_2)

        # new_press =  4*pn -9*pnm1/ 2 +3 * pnm2 / 2 #second order (working)


        # # post processing projection
        # unp1r = dt * f.urhs(unp1, vnp1)
        # vnp1r = dt * f.vrhs(unp1, vnp1)
        # _, _, press, _ = f.ImQ_post_processing(unp1r, vnp1r, Coef, press)
        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations last stage:', iter2)
        # save new solutions

        iterations.append(iter1 + iter2)
        # # u and v num cell centered
        ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])

        uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
        vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
        # u and v exact cell centered
        uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
        vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])
        t += dt

        # compute of kinetic energy
        ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel() ** 2 + vcc.ravel() ** 2) / 2
        ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel() ** 2 + vexc_cc.ravel() ** 2) / 2
        print('time = ', t)
        print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
        print('target_ken=', target_ke)
        print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
        print('(ken_new - ken_old)/ken_old = ', (ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old)
        if (((ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old) > 0 and count > 1) or np.isnan(ken_new):
            is_stable = False
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if stability_counter > 5:
                print('not stable !!!!!!!!')
                stability_counter += 1
            is_stable = True
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if ken_new < target_ke and count > 30:
        ken_old = ken_new.copy()
        print('is_stable = ', is_stable)

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        gradpx = (psol[-1][1:-1, 1:] - psol[-1][1:-1, :-1]) / dx

        maxbound = max(gradpx[1:-1, 1:].ravel())
        minbound = min(gradpx[1:-1, 1:].ravel())
        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # if count%10 == 0:
        #     plt.imshow(gradpx[1:-1,1:],origin='bottom',cmap='jet',vmax=maxbound, vmin=minbound)
        #     # plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx)
        #     v = np.linspace(minbound, maxbound, 4, endpoint=True)
        #     plt.colorbar(ticks=v)
        #     plt.title('time: {}'.format(t))
        count += 1
    diff = np.linalg.norm(uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t).ravel() - unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel(), np.inf)
    print('        error={}'.format(diff))
    if return_stability:
        return is_stable
        return diff, [iteration_i_2, iteration_np1], is_stable, unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel()
コード例 #12
def error_RK2_with_post_projection(steps=3,
    # problem description
    probDescription = sc.ProbDescription()
    f = func(probDescription, 'periodic')
    dt = probDescription.get_dt()
    μ = probDescription.get_mu()
    nx, ny = probDescription.get_gridPoints()
    dx, dy = probDescription.get_differential_elements()
    # define exact solutions
    a = 2 * np.pi
    b = 2 * np.pi
    uf = 1
    vf = 1
    uexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: uf - np.cos(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.sin(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)
    vexact = lambda a, b, x, y, t: vf + np.sin(a * (x - uf * t)) * np.cos(b * (
        y - vf * t)) * np.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) * μ * t)

    #     # define some boiler plate
    t = 0.0
    tend = steps
    count = 0
    print('dt=', dt)

    xcc, ycc = probDescription.get_cell_centered()
    xu, yu = probDescription.get_XVol()
    xv, yv = probDescription.get_YVol()

    # initialize velocities - we stagger everything in the negative direction. A scalar cell owns its minus face, only.
    # Then, for example, the u velocity field has a ghost cell at x0 - dx and the plus ghost cell at lx
    u0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    u0[1:-1, 1:] = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, 0)  # initialize the interior of u0
    # same thing for the y-velocity component
    v0 = np.zeros([ny + 2, nx + 2])  # include ghost cells
    v0[1:, 1:-1] = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, 0)

    # initialize the pressure
    p0 = np.zeros([nx + 2, ny + 2])
    # include ghost cells

    # declare unp1
    unp1 = np.zeros_like(u0)
    vnp1 = np.zeros_like(v0)

    div_np1 = np.zeros_like(p0)
    # a bunch of lists for animation purposes
    usol = []

    vsol = []

    psol = []

    iterations = []

    Coef = f.A()

    is_stable = True

    # # u and v num cell centered
    ucc = 0.5 * (u0[1:-1, 2:] + u0[1:-1, 1:-1])
    vcc = 0.5 * (v0[2:, 1:-1] + v0[1:-1, 1:-1])

    uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
    vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
    # u and v exact cell centered
    uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
    vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])

    # compute of kinetic energy
    ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
    ken_old = ken_new
    final_KE = nx * ny
    target_ke = ken_exact - alpha * (ken_exact - final_KE)
    print('time = ', t)
    print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
    print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
    stability_counter = 0

    while count < tend:
        print('timestep:{}'.format(count + 1))
        # rk coefficients
        RK2 = sc.RK2(name)
        a21 = RK2.a21
        b1 = RK2.b1
        b2 = RK2.b2
        u = usol[-1].copy()
        v = vsol[-1].copy()
        pn = np.zeros_like(u)
        pnm1 = np.zeros_like(u)
        if count > 1:
            pn = psol[-1].copy()
            pnm1 = psol[-2].copy()

            if ml_model != None and ml_weights != None:
                f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1],
                f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1],
            d2, = project

        elif count <= 1:  # compute pressures for 2 time steps
            d2 = 1
            f1x, f1y = f.Guess([pn, pnm1], order=None, integ='RK2', type=name)

        ## stage 1

        print('    Stage 1:')
        print('    --------')
        time_start = time.clock()
        u1 = u.copy()
        v1 = v.copy()

        # Au1
        urhs1 = f.urhs(u1, v1)
        vrhs1 = f.vrhs(u1, v1)

        # divergence of u1
        div_n = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u1, v1).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u1 = ', div_n)
        ## stage 2
        print('    Stage 2:')
        print('    --------')
        uh2 = u + a21 * dt * (urhs1 - f1x)
        vh2 = v + a21 * dt * (vrhs1 - f1y)

        if d2 == 1:
            print('        pressure projection stage{} = True'.format(2))
            u2, v2, _, iter1 = f.ImQ(uh2, vh2, Coef, pn)
            print('        iterations stage 2 = ', iter1)
        elif d2 == 0:
            u2 = uh2
            v2 = vh2
        div2 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(u2, v2).ravel())
        print('        divergence of u2 = ', div2)
        urhs2 = f.urhs(u2, v2)
        vrhs2 = f.vrhs(u2, v2)

        uhnp1 = u + dt * b1 * (urhs1) + dt * b2 * (urhs2)
        vhnp1 = v + dt * b1 * (vrhs1) + dt * b2 * (vrhs2)

        unp1, vnp1, press, iter2 = f.ImQ(uhnp1, vhnp1, Coef, pn)

        if save_to != None and refNum != None:
            path = save_to + "/" + str(refNum) + "/p"
            pathlib.Path(path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
   + "/{:04d}.npy".format(count + 1),
                    press[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel())

        if post_projection:
            # post processing projection
            uhnp1_star = u + dt * (f.urhs(unp1, vnp1))
            vhnp1_star = v + dt * (f.vrhs(unp1, vnp1))

            _, _, post_press, _ = f.ImQ(uhnp1_star, vhnp1_star, Coef, pn)
            if save_to != None and refNum != None:
                path = save_to + "/" + str(refNum) + "/p_star"
                pathlib.Path(path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
       + "/{:04d}.npy".format(count + 1),
                        post_press[1:-1, 1:-1].ravel())
        time_end = time.clock()
        cpu_time = time_end - time_start
        print('cpu_time=', cpu_time)
        # Check mass residual
        div_np1 = np.linalg.norm(f.div(unp1, vnp1).ravel())
        residual = div_np1
        #         if residual > 1e-12:
        print('Mass residual:', residual)
        print('iterations last stage:', iter2)
        # save new solutions

        iterations.append(iter1 + iter2)
        # # u and v num cell centered
        ucc = 0.5 * (u[1:-1, 2:] + u[1:-1, 1:-1])
        vcc = 0.5 * (v[2:, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 1:-1])

        uexc = uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t)
        vexc = vexact(a, b, xv, yv, t)
        # u and v exact cell centered
        uexc_cc = 0.5 * (uexc[:, :-1] + uexc[:, 1:])
        vexc_cc = 0.5 * (vexc[:-1, :] + vexc[1:, :])
        t += dt

        # compute of kinetic energy
        ken_new = np.sum(ucc.ravel()**2 + vcc.ravel()**2) / 2
        ken_exact = np.sum(uexc_cc.ravel()**2 + vexc_cc.ravel()**2) / 2
        print('time = ', t)
        print('ken_new = ', ken_new)
        print('target_ken=', target_ke)
        print('ken_exc = ', ken_exact)
        print('(ken_new - ken_old)/ken_old = ', (ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old)
        if (((ken_new - ken_old) / ken_old) > 0
                and count > 1) or np.isnan(ken_new):
            is_stable = False
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if stability_counter > 5:
                print('not stable !!!!!!!!')
                stability_counter += 1
            is_stable = True
            print('is_stable = ', is_stable)
            if ken_new < target_ke and count > 30:
        ken_old = ken_new.copy()
        print('is_stable = ', is_stable)

        ken_old = ken_new.copy()
        print('is_stable = ', is_stable)

        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # # plt.contourf(usol[-1][1:-1,1:])
        gradpx = (psol[-1][1:-1, 1:] - psol[-1][1:-1, :-1]) / dx

        maxbound = max(gradpx[1:-1, 1:].ravel())
        minbound = min(gradpx[1:-1, 1:].ravel())
        # plot of the pressure gradient in order to make sure the solution is correct
        # if count%10 == 0:
        #     plt.imshow(gradpx[1:-1,1:],origin='bottom',cmap='jet',vmax=maxbound, vmin=minbound)
        #     # plt.contourf((psol[-1][1:-1,1:] - psol[-1][1:-1,:-1])/dx)
        #     v = np.linspace(minbound, maxbound, 4, endpoint=True)
        #     plt.colorbar(ticks=v)
        #     plt.title('time: {}'.format(t))
        count += 1
    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        uexact(a, b, xu, yu, t).ravel() - unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel(), np.inf)
    print('        error={}'.format(diff))
    if return_stability:
        return is_stable
        return diff, [div_n, div2, div_np1], is_stable, unp1[1:-1, 1:].ravel()