コード例 #1
 def test_equals_not(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
     sm2 = SingularModule([[x, y, z]])
     #Assert these are not equal
コード例 #2
 def test_standard_basis_irredundent(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
     std_gens = sm1.standard_basis()
     std_mod = SingularModule(std_gens)
コード例 #3
 def test_contains_module(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     smA = SingularModule([[x**2, x * y, y * z], [x, y, z]])
     smB = SingularModule([[x**2 + x, x * y + y, y * z + z],
                           [zero, zero, y * z - x * z]])
コード例 #4
 def test_equals_B(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     #Assert these are equal - from crossing divisor
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, zero, zero], [zero, y, zero],
                           [zero, zero, z]])
     sm2 = SingularModule([[zero, y, z], [zero, zero, z], [x, zero, zero]])
コード例 #5
 def test_equals_A(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     #Assert these are equal
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
     sm2 = SingularModule([[x, y, z], [x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
コード例 #6
 def test_reduce_lossless(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
     sm2 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
コード例 #7
 def test_intersection_symetry(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
     sm2 = SingularModule([[x, y**2, z**3]])
     sm_1_2 = sm1.intersection(sm2)
     sm_2_1 = sm2.intersection(sm1)
     #Assert that equals is symetric
コード例 #8
 def test_intersect(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     smA = SingularModule([[x, y**3, z + x], [z, x, x**2]])
     smB = SingularModule([[z, y, x], [-z, x**2, 4 * y + z]])
     smI = smA.intersection(smB)
     gen_1_1 = x**5 * z + x * y**3 * z**2 + 4 * y**4 * z**2 + y**3 * z**3 + x**3 * y * z - x**3 * z**2 - x**2 * z**3 - x**3 * z - 4 * x**2 * y * z - x**2 * z**2 - x * y * z**2 - y * z**3
     gen_2_1 = x**4 * y**3 * z - x**3 * y**3 * z + x**2 * y**4 * z + 4 * y**5 * z + y**4 * z**2 + x**5 - x**4 * z - x**3 * z**2 - 4 * x**2 * y**2 - 2 * x**2 * y * z - x * y * z**2
     gen_3_1 = x**3 * y**3 * z - x**3 * y * z + 4 * x**2 * y**4 * z + x**2 * y**3 * z**2 + x**6 - 4 * x**3 * y**2 - x**4 * z - x**3 * z**2 - x**3 * z - 4 * x**2 * y * z + 4 * x * y**2 * z - 2 * x**2 * z**2 - 3 * x * y * z**2 + 4 * y**2 * z**2 - x * z**3 + y * z**3
     gens = [[gen_1_1, gen_2_1, gen_3_1]]
     #Test this example
     self.assertEqual(gens, smI.gens)
コード例 #9
 def test_intersect_contains(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
     sm2 = SingularModule([[x, y**2, z**3]])
     #Assert the intersection is contained in both modules
     gens = (sm1.intersection(sm2)).gens
     for gen in gens:
     for gen in gens:
コード例 #10
 def test_contains_combination(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     #Assert we contain a combination of the generorators
     self.assertTrue(sm.contains([2 * x, 2 * y + z, z**3 - 2 * y + z]))
コード例 #11
 def test_creation(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     #Check this did cause an error
コード例 #12
 def test_is_free(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     free = SingularModule([[x, zero, zero], [zero, y, zero],
                            [zero, zero, x**2]])
コード例 #13
 def test_contained_in_ambient(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     smA = SingularModule([[x, y**3, z + x], [z, x, x**2]])
     am = smA.ambient_free_module()
コード例 #14
 def test_contains_fail_multiple(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm = SingularModule([[x**2, x * y, x * z]])
     #Detect that this is not contianed even though a multiple is
     self.assertFalse(sm.contains([x, y, z]))
コード例 #15
 def test_lift_linear(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     vec = sm1.lift([3 * x, 3 * y + z, z**3 - 2 * y + 2 * z], True)
     self.assertEqual(vec, [1, 2])
コード例 #16
 def test_contains_gen(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     #Assert we contain our generators
     self.assertTrue(sm.contains([x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y]))
     self.assertTrue(sm.contains([x, y, z]))
コード例 #17
 def test_contains_zero(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     #Assert we always contain zero
     self.assertTrue(sm.contains([zero, zero, zero]))
コード例 #18
 def test_create_module_str(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm = SingularModule([[x, 2 * y**2, 3 * z**3]])
         "module MT=[1*x(1)^1,2*x(2)^2,3*x(3)^3];\n groebner(MT);\n")
コード例 #19
 def test_contains_fail(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     one = self.poly_ring.one()
     sm = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     #Detect that certain vectors are not contained
     self.assertFalse(sm.contains([one, x, z]))
     self.assertFalse(sm.contains([y, y, y]))
     self.assertFalse(sm.contains([z, y, x]))
コード例 #20
 def test_lift_zero(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     one = self.poly_ring.one()
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2], [one, x, y]])
     vec = sm1.lift([zero, zero, zero])
     self.assertEqual(vec, [zero for _ in range(4)])
コード例 #21
 def test_ambient_free_module(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     one = self.poly_ring.one()
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z],
                           [x, y, z**2]])
         [[one, zero, zero], [zero, one, zero], [zero, zero, one]])
コード例 #22
 def test_create_relationB(self):
     #From an error uncovered in log derivations
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     relation = [y * z, x * z, x * y]
     ideal = Ideal(self.poly_ring, [x * y * z])
     mod = SingularModule.create_from_relation(relation, ideal)
     true_mod = SingularModule([[x, zero, zero], [zero, y, zero],
                                [zero, zero, z]])
コード例 #23
 def test_create_relationA(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     one = self.poly_ring.one()
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     relation = [x**2, one + z**2, y]
     ideal = Ideal(self.poly_ring, [x**2 * y - z**2])
     mod = SingularModule.create_from_relation(relation, ideal)
     true_mod = SingularModule([[one, -x**2, x**4], [zero, y, -z**2 - 1],
                                [zero, z**2, -x**2 * z**2 - x**2],
                                [zero, zero, x**2 * y - z**2]])
コード例 #24
 def test_lift_satisfy(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     vec = sm1.lift([
         x**2 + x * z + x, x * y + x * z + y * z + y,
         z**3 * x - 2 * y * x + z**2 + z
     self.assertEqual(vec[0] * x + vec[1] * x, x**2 + x * z + x)
     self.assertEqual(vec[0] * (y + z) + vec[1] * y,
                      x * y + x * z + y * z + y)
     self.assertEqual(vec[0] * (z**3 - 2 * y) + vec[1] * z,
                      z**3 * x - 2 * y * x + z**2 + z)
コード例 #25
 def test_normal_crossing(self):
     zero = self.poly_ring.zero()
     log_der = LogarithmicDerivations(self.x * self.y * self.z)
     free = SingularModule([[self.x, zero, zero], [zero, self.y, zero],
                            [zero, zero, self.z]])
コード例 #26
 def test_is_free_not(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     sm1 = SingularModule([[x, x, x], [y, y, y]])
コード例 #27
 def test_create_ring_str(self):
     x = self.x
     y = self.y
     z = self.z
     sm = SingularModule([[x, y + z, z**3 - 2 * y], [x, y, z]])
     self.assertEqual(sm.create_ring_str(), "ring r=0,x(1..3),dp;\n")