コード例 #1
ファイル: printer.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def text_error(text):
    from sire.shared import opt

    if opt.get("verbose") is 0:
    text = format_text_out(text)
    if opt.get("color"):
        print "%s%sError: %s%s" % (C["bold"], C["red"], C["default"], text)
        print "Error: " + text
コード例 #2
ファイル: printer.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def text_warning(text):
    from sire.shared import opt

    if opt.get("verbose") is 0:
    text = format_text_out(text)
    if opt.get("color"):
        print "%s%sWarning: %s%s" % (C["bold"], C["yellow"], C["default"], text)
        print "Warning: " + text
コード例 #3
ファイル: printer.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def text_note(text):
    from sire.shared import opt

    text = format_text_out(text)
    if opt.get("color"):
        print "%s%sNote: %s%s" % (C["bold"], C["green"], C["default"], text)
        print "Note: " + text
コード例 #4
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def title_exists(cat, title):
    from sire.helpers import format_text_in
    if not db_valid_category(cat):
        return False
    cursor = dbexec("SELECT title FROM item WHERE title = '%s' AND cat = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % 
        (format_text_in(title), format_text_in(cat), opt.get('profile')), None, False)
    if len(cursor) > 0:
        return True
    return False
コード例 #5
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def enforce_duplicate_policy(name, category):
    from shared import opt
    import sys

    dup = get_duplicate_policy(category)
    if dup == '0' and item_exists(name):
        existing_category = get_category_from_title(name)
        existing_duplicate = get_duplicate_policy(existing_category)
        if existing_duplicate not in ["1", "2"]:
            text_warning("Item already exists in category '%s'. Use (--force, -f) to add anyway." % c(existing_category))
            if not opt.get('force'):

    # need to check both
    if dup == '1' and title_exists(category, name):
        text_warning(Misc.ERROR["itemexists"] % c(category))
        if not opt.get('force'):
コード例 #6
ファイル: find.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def approxsearch(edits, search_strings, destinations):
    from sire.helpers import text_warning, format_text_out
    from sire.printer import format_category_out
    from sire.shared import opt
    from sire.misc import Misc

    show_categories = config_value('find.showcats') == '1' and opt.get('category') is not False
    edits = determine_edits(edits)
    results = search(edits, search_strings, destinations)
    sort_results(results, show_categories)

    if not results:
        text_warning("No matches found!")

    previous_category = None
    for result in results:
        item_id, ratio, title, category = result[0], str(result[2]) + '%', result[1], result[3]
        spacer_id = ' '*(5 - len(str(item_id)))
        spacer_ratio = ' '*(6 - len(ratio))

        if show_categories:
            if should_show_category_header(previous_category, category):
                if previous_category is not None:
                previous_category = category

        # Showing ID when listing is optional.
        if config_value("general.showid") == '0' or opt.get('id') is False:
            print("%s%s%s %s | %s%s | %s" %
                  (Misc.C['bold'], item_id, Misc.C['default'],
                  spacer_id, ratio, spacer_ratio, format_text_out(title)))
コード例 #7
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def get_duplicates_from_categories(cats):
    from sire.misc import Misc

    # not categories specified, find in all
    if cats is None:
        return dbexec("SELECT id, title, COUNT(title) FROM item GROUP BY title HAVING (COUNT(title) > 1)", None, False)

    sqlcat = "WHERE profile = '%s' AND (" % opt.get('profile')
    # set up the WHERE sql thingie
    for cat in cats:
        # no dropping tables here kiddo
        if not db_valid_category(cat):
        sqlcat += "cat = '%s' OR " % cat
    # probably don't want the last ' OR ' anyway
    sqlcat = sqlcat[:-4] + ')'

    # fire up the main laseeer
    return dbexec("SELECT id, title, COUNT(title) FROM item %s GROUP BY title HAVING (COUNT(title) > 1)" % sqlcat, None, False)
コード例 #8
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def sort(items):
    # Sorting is optional.
    sortmethod = opt.get('sort')
    if not sortmethod: 
        sortmethod = config_value("defval.sort")
    if sortmethod is None:
        return items
    if sortmethod == "title":
        items = sorted(items, key=lambda (k,v,a,b,c): (v.lower(),int(k),a,b,c))
    elif sortmethod == "id":
        items = sorted(items, key=lambda (k,v,a,b,c): (int(k),v,a,b,c))
    elif sortmethod == "time":
        items = sorted(items, key=lambda (k,v,a,b,c): (a,int(k),v,b,c))
    elif sortmethod == "score":
        items = sorted(items, key=lambda (k,v,a,b,c): (int(c),int(k),v,a,b))

    return items
コード例 #9
ファイル: printer.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def format_category_out(category):
    from sire.helpers import config_value
    from sire.shared import opt

    cattitle = config_value("categories." + category)
    if not cattitle:
        text_error(ERROR["catdesc"] % c(category))

    if not opt.get("color"):
        return "  %s ('%s')\n" % (cattitle, category)

    color = config_value("colors." + category)
    if not color:
        color = config_value("defval.color")
    if color in C:
        color = C[color]

    return "  %s%s%s ('%s')%s" % (C["bold"], color, cattitle, category, C["default"])
コード例 #10
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def set_title_with_id(title, id):
    from sire.helpers import format_text_in
    if not db_valid_id(id):
        return False
    dbexec("UPDATE item SET title = '%s' WHERE id = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (format_text_in(title), id, opt.get('profile')), None, True)
コード例 #11
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def delete(id):
    if not db_valid_id(id):
        return False
    return dbexec("DELETE FROM item WHERE id = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (id, opt.get('profile')), None, True)
コード例 #12
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def update_date(id, date):
    if not db_valid_id(id):
        return False
    return dbexec("UPDATE item SET date = '%s' WHERE id = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (date, id, opt.get('profile')), None, True)
コード例 #13
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def update_category(id, cat):
    from sire.helpers import format_text_in
    if not db_valid_id(id) or not db_valid_category(cat):
        return False
    return dbexec("UPDATE item SET cat = '%s' WHERE id = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (format_text_in(cat), id, opt.get('profile')), None, True)
コード例 #14
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def get_title_with_id(id):
    from sire.helpers import format_text_out
    if not db_valid_id(id):
        return None
    return format_text_out(dbexec("SELECT title FROM item WHERE id = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (id, opt.get('profile')), None, False)[0][0])
コード例 #15
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def add(title, category):
    from sire.helpers import format_text_in
    if not db_valid_category(category):
        return False
    dbexec("INSERT INTO item (title, cat, profile) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (format_text_in(title), format_text_in(category), opt.get('profile')), None, True)
    return True
コード例 #16
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def get_item_with_id(id):
    if not db_valid_id(id):
        return None
    return dbexec("SELECT id, title, date, cat, score FROM item WHERE id = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (id, opt.get('profile')), None, False)
コード例 #17
ファイル: dbman.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def get_items_with_category(cat):
    if not db_valid_category(cat):
        return None
    return dbexec("SELECT id, title, date, cat, score FROM item WHERE cat = '%s' AND profile = '%s'" % (cat, opt.get('profile')), None, False)
コード例 #18
ファイル: list.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def list(cats, colw_score = 7, colw_id = 5):
    from sire.helpers import cnr_parser, config_value, sort, is_young
    from sire.printer import text_warning, text_note, table_head, format_category_out, format_text_out, bold
    alldbs = dbman.get_all_categories()
    cats = cnr_parser(cats)
    if not cats:
        cats = [config_value("defval.list")]

    if not cats:

    # only care if it's set and not 0, and if newline is not... newline, dont show the table
    if config_value("general.showtable") and opt.get('newline') is '\n':
        colw_title = 0
        for cat in cats:
            dbsel = dbman.get_items_with_category(cat)
            for id, title, date, cat, score in dbsel:
                if len(title) > colw_title:
                    colw_title = len(title)
        table_head(opt.get('id'), opt.get('score'), [colw_title, colw_id, colw_score])

    output = ''
    for cat in cats:
        if cat not in alldbs:
            if config_value('warn.emptycat') in [None, 1]:
                text_warning(Misc.ERROR["emptycat"] % c(cat))

        # get all items in category 'cat' and sort them if sorting is specified
        dbsel = sort(dbman.get_items_with_category(cat))

        # (--no-category, -C) was used
        if opt.get('category'): 
            formcat = format_category_out(cat)
            if formcat:
                output += formcat + opt.get('newline')

        for id, title, date, cat, score in dbsel:
            # (--days-ago, -y) was used
            if not is_young(date):

            # Make titles aligned.
            id = str(id)
            sid = ' '*(colw_id - len(id))
            sscore = ' '*(colw_score - len(str(score)))

            # uuh, you probably don't want to touch the next few lines; it -works-, okay?
            l1 = ['1', None, False]
            l2 = ['0', False]
            gscore = config_value("general.showscore")
            if config_value("general.showid") is '1' and opt.get('id'):
                output += bold(id, opt.get('color')) + sid + ': '

            # break it down: gscore is the CONFIG value that tells us to PRINT scores or not,
            # opt.get('score') is the COMMAND LINE value that tells us to NOT PRINT (double negative)
            # the command line have higher priority than the config
            # remember: 'command' here is double negative, so NO is YES, ignorance is bliss, war is..., sorry
            # config + command = 
            #   NO   +    NO   = YES
            #   NO   +    YES  = NO
            #   YES  +    NO   = YES (not necessary, since config already sais 'print ahead, dude'
            #   YES  +    YES  = NO
            if gscore in l1 and opt.get('score') in l1 or gscore in l2 and opt.get('score') in l2:
                output += bold(str(score), opt.get('color')) + sscore + ': '
            output += format_text_out(title) + opt.get('newline')

    output = output.strip()
    if len(output) is 0:
        return text_note(Misc.ERROR["itemnotfound"])
    if output[-1] == ',':
        output = output[:-1]

    print output
コード例 #19
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def pretend():
    return opt.get('pretend')
コード例 #20
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def is_young(date):
    if opt.get('daysago') is 0:
        return True
    if int(time.time()) - int(date) > opt.get('daysago')*24*3600:
        return False
    return True
コード例 #21
ファイル: printer.py プロジェクト: sovaa/sire
def c(text):
    from sire.shared import opt

    if opt.get("color"):
        return C["g"] + str(text) + C["d"]
    return text