コード例 #1
    def read_overlap(self, **kwargs):
        """ Returns the overlap matrix from the TranSiesta file """
        tshs_g = self.read_geometry()
        geom = _geometry_align(tshs_g, kwargs.get('geometry', tshs_g),
                               self.__class__, 'read_overlap')

        # read the sizes used...
        sizes = _siesta.read_tshs_sizes(self.file)
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap', 'could not read sizes.')
        isc = _siesta.read_tshs_cell(self.file, sizes[3])[2].T
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap', 'could not read cell.')
        no = sizes[2]
        nnz = sizes[4]
        ncol, col, dS = _siesta.read_tshs_s(self.file, no, nnz)
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap', 'could not read overlap matrix.')

        # Create the Hamiltonian container
        S = Overlap(geom, nnzpr=1)

        # Create the new sparse matrix
        S._csr.ncol = ncol.astype(np.int32, copy=False)
        S._csr.ptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(ncol, dtype=np.int32), 0, 0)
        # Correct fortran indices
        S._csr.col = col.astype(np.int32, copy=False) - 1
        S._csr._nnz = len(col)

        S._csr._D = _a.emptyd([nnz, 1])
        S._csr._D[:, 0] = dS[:]

        # Convert to sisl supercell
        _csr_from_sc_off(S.geometry, isc, S._csr)

        return S
コード例 #2
        def __init__(self):
            bond = 1.42
            sq3h = 3.**.5 * 0.5
            self.sc = SuperCell(np.array([[1.5, sq3h, 0.],
                                          [1.5, -sq3h, 0.],
                                          [0., 0., 10.]], np.float64) * bond, nsc=[3, 3, 1])

            n = 60
            rf = np.linspace(0, bond * 1.01, n)
            rf = (rf, rf)
            orb = SphericalOrbital(1, rf, 2.)
            C = Atom(6, orb.toAtomicOrbital())
            self.g = Geometry(np.array([[0., 0., 0.],
                                        [1., 0., 0.]], np.float64) * bond,
                              atoms=C, sc=self.sc)
            self.S = Overlap(self.g)
コード例 #3
    def read_overlap(self, **kwargs):
        """ Returns the overlap matrix from the siesta.HSX file """
        # Now read the sizes used...
        Gamma, spin, no, no_s, nnz = _siesta.read_hsx_sizes(self.file)
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap',
                   'could not read overlap matrix sizes.')
        ncol, col, dS = _siesta.read_hsx_s(self.file, Gamma, spin, no, no_s,
        _bin_check(self, 'read_overlap', 'could not read overlap matrix.')

        geom = kwargs.get('geometry', kwargs.get('geom', None))
        if geom is None:
            warn(self.__class__.__name__ +
                 ".read_overlap requires input geometry to assign S")
        if geom.no != no:
            raise SileError(
                str(self) + '.read_overlap could not use the '
                'passed geometry as the number of atoms or orbitals is '
                'inconsistent with HSX file.')

        # Create the Hamiltonian container
        S = Overlap(geom, nnzpr=1)

        # Create the new sparse matrix
        S._csr.ncol = ncol.astype(np.int32, copy=False)
        S._csr.ptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(ncol, dtype=np.int32), 0, 0)
        # Correct fortran indices
        S._csr.col = col.astype(np.int32, copy=False) - 1
        S._csr._nnz = len(col)

        S._csr._D = _a.emptyf([nnz, 1])
        S._csr._D[:, 0] = dS[:]

        # Convert the supercells to sisl supercells
        if no_s // no == np.product(geom.nsc):
            _csr_from_siesta(geom, S._csr)

        return S
コード例 #4
 def test_fromsp(self, setup):
     S = setup.S.copy()
     csr = S.tocsr()
     S2 = Overlap.fromsp(S.geometry, csr)
     assert np.allclose(csr.data, S2.tocsr().data)