def test_github_loads(self): """ Checks that the GitHub page loads by checking if the title is in the response data """ tester = app.test_client() response = tester.get('/github') self.assertTrue(b'GitHub Repos' in
def test_folder_is_created(self): """ Checks that the session creation creates a folder """ with app.test_client() as test_client: test_client.get('/') self.assertTrue( os.path.exists('uploads/' + flask.session['public_user']))
def test_generate_new_session(self): """ Asserts a session with the key 'public_user' is created Test adapted from] """ with app.test_client() as test_client: test_client.get('/') self.assertIsNot(flask.session['public_user'], None)
def test_false_route(self): """ Checks for response 404 on route that does not exist """ tester = app.test_client() response = tester.get('/test') status_code = response.status_code self.assertEqual(status_code, 404)
def test_github_route(self): """ Check for response 200 on the GitHub page """ tester = app.test_client() response = tester.get('/github') status_code = response.status_code self.assertEqual(status_code, 200)
def test_about_loads(self): """ Checks that the about page loads by checking if the title is in the response data """ tester = app.test_client() response = tester.get('/about') self.assertTrue(b'Under the Hood' in
def test_about_route(self): """ Check for response 200 on the about page """ tester = app.test_client() response = tester.get('/about') status_code = response.status_code self.assertEqual(status_code, 200)
def test_index_loads(self): """ Checks that the page loads properly by checking for the title in response data """ tester = app.test_client() response = tester.get('/') self.assertTrue(b'Citation Extractor' in
def test_index_route_post(self): """ Check for response 200 on the index page """ tester = app.test_client() response ='/') status_code = response.status_code self.assertEqual(status_code, 200)
def test_clean_up_of_session_folder(self): """ Asserts that the session clean up functionality works as expected with regard to folder deletion """ active_sessions = {} with app.test_client() as test_client: test_client.get('/') active_sessions[flask.session['public_user']] = session_management.clean_up_sessions(flask.session['public_user'], 'uploads/', active_sessions) self.assertFalse( os.path.exists('uploads/' + flask.session['public_user']))
def test_removal_from_active_session(self): """ Asserts that the session clean up functionality works as expected with regard to removing k,v pairs from the active_session dict """ active_sessions = {} with app.test_client() as test_client: test_client.get('/') active_sessions[flask.session['public_user']] = session_management.clean_up_sessions(flask.session['public_user'], 'uploads/', active_sessions) self.assertTrue( flask.session['public_user'] not in active_sessions)
def test_check_existing_file_name_true(self): """ Asserts True - showing that the file name would be renamed as the original file already existed within the directory """ with app.test_client() as test_client: test_client.get('/') shutil.copyfile( '../test_documents/sample_citations_second.docx', 'uploads/' + flask.session['public_user'] + '/sample_citations_second.docx') test_file_name = "sample_citations_second.docx" new_file_name = file_uploader.check_existing_file_name( test_file_name, FlaskTest.upload_folder) self.assertTrue(new_file_name is not test_file_name)
def test_update_existing_session(self): """ Asserts that the value in active sessions gets updated Example dict is created with test data.txt, function is called to update the value Assert checks that the updated timestamp != the initial """ with app.test_client() as test_client: test_client.get('/') time_stamp = active_sessions = {flask.session['public_user']: time_stamp} session_management.update_existing_session(active_sessions) self.assertTrue( active_sessions.get(flask.session['public_user']) is not time_stamp)