コード例 #1
ファイル: fastq.py プロジェクト: 7924102/scikit-bio
def _parse_quality_scores(fh, seq_len, variant, phred_offset, prev):
    phred_scores = []
    qual_len = 0
    for chunk in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False):
        if chunk:
            if chunk.startswith('@') and qual_len == seq_len:
                return np.hstack(phred_scores), chunk
                if not prev:
                    _blank_error("after '+' or within quality scores")
                qual_len += len(chunk)

                if qual_len > seq_len:
                    raise FASTQFormatError(
                        "Found more quality score characters than sequence "
                        "characters. Extra quality score characters: %r" %
                        chunk[-(qual_len - seq_len):])

                    _decode_qual_to_phred(chunk, variant=variant,
        prev = chunk

    if qual_len != seq_len:
        raise FASTQFormatError(
            "Found incomplete/truncated FASTQ record at end of file.")
    return np.hstack(phred_scores), None
コード例 #2
ファイル: fastq.py プロジェクト: 7924102/scikit-bio
def _fastq_to_generator(fh, variant=None, phred_offset=None,
    # Skip any blank or whitespace-only lines at beginning of file
    seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))

    if not seq_header.startswith('@'):
        raise FASTQFormatError(
            "Expected sequence (@) header line at start of file: %r"
            % seq_header)

    while seq_header is not None:
        id_, desc = _parse_fasta_like_header(seq_header)
        seq, qual_header = _parse_sequence_data(fh, seq_header)

        if qual_header != '+' and qual_header[1:] != seq_header[1:]:
            raise FASTQFormatError(
                "Sequence (@) and quality (+) header lines do not match: "
                "%r != %r" % (seq_header[1:], qual_header[1:]))

        phred_scores, seq_header = _parse_quality_scores(fh, len(seq),
        yield constructor(seq, metadata={'id': id_, 'description': desc},
                          positional_metadata={'quality': phred_scores})
コード例 #3
ファイル: fastq.py プロジェクト: 7924102/scikit-bio
def _parse_sequence_data(fh, prev):
    seq_chunks = []
    for chunk in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False):
        if chunk.startswith('+'):
            if not prev:
                _blank_error("before '+'")
            if not seq_chunks:
                raise FASTQFormatError(
                    "Found FASTQ record without sequence data.")
            return ''.join(seq_chunks), chunk
        elif chunk.startswith('@'):
            raise FASTQFormatError(
                "Found FASTQ record that is missing a quality (+) header line "
                "after sequence data.")
            if not prev:
                _blank_error("after header or within sequence")
            if _whitespace_regex.search(chunk):
                raise FASTQFormatError(
                    "Found whitespace in sequence data: %r" % chunk)
        prev = chunk

    raise FASTQFormatError(
        "Found incomplete/truncated FASTQ record at end of file.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: fastq.py プロジェクト: jessdwitch/scikit-bio
def _parse_quality_scores(fh, seq_len, variant, phred_offset, prev):
    phred_scores = []
    qual_len = 0
    for chunk in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False):
        if chunk:
            if chunk.startswith('@') and qual_len == seq_len:
                return np.hstack(phred_scores), chunk
                if not prev:
                    _blank_error("after '+' or within quality scores")
                qual_len += len(chunk)

                if qual_len > seq_len:
                    raise FASTQFormatError(
                        "Found more quality score characters than sequence "
                        "characters. Extra quality score characters: %r" %
                        chunk[-(qual_len - seq_len):])

                    _decode_qual_to_phred(chunk, variant=variant,
        prev = chunk

    if qual_len != seq_len:
        raise FASTQFormatError(
            "Found incomplete/truncated FASTQ record at end of file.")
    return np.hstack(phred_scores), None
コード例 #5
ファイル: fastq.py プロジェクト: jessdwitch/scikit-bio
def _parse_sequence_data(fh, prev):
    seq_chunks = []
    for chunk in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False):
        if chunk.startswith('+'):
            if not prev:
                _blank_error("before '+'")
            if not seq_chunks:
                raise FASTQFormatError(
                    "Found FASTQ record without sequence data.")
            return ''.join(seq_chunks), chunk
        elif chunk.startswith('@'):
            raise FASTQFormatError(
                "Found FASTQ record that is missing a quality (+) header line "
                "after sequence data.")
            if not prev:
                _blank_error("after header or within sequence")
            if _whitespace_regex.search(chunk):
                raise FASTQFormatError(
                    "Found whitespace in sequence data: %r" % chunk)
        prev = chunk

    raise FASTQFormatError(
        "Found incomplete/truncated FASTQ record at end of file.")
コード例 #6
ファイル: fastq.py プロジェクト: jessdwitch/scikit-bio
def _fastq_to_generator(fh, variant=None, phred_offset=None,
                        constructor=Sequence, **kwargs):
    # Skip any blank or whitespace-only lines at beginning of file
    seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))

    if not seq_header.startswith('@'):
        raise FASTQFormatError(
            "Expected sequence (@) header line at start of file: %r"
            % seq_header)

    while seq_header is not None:
        id_, desc = _parse_fasta_like_header(seq_header)
        seq, qual_header = _parse_sequence_data(fh, seq_header)

        if qual_header != '+' and qual_header[1:] != seq_header[1:]:
            raise FASTQFormatError(
                "Sequence (@) and quality (+) header lines do not match: "
                "%r != %r" % (seq_header[1:], qual_header[1:]))

        phred_scores, seq_header = _parse_quality_scores(fh, len(seq),
        yield constructor(seq, metadata={'id': id_, 'description': desc},
                          positional_metadata={'quality': phred_scores},
コード例 #7
ファイル: fasta.py プロジェクト: bctaylor/scikit-bio
def _parse_fasta_raw(fh, data_parser, format_label):
    """Raw parser for FASTA or QUAL files.

    Returns raw values (seq/qual, id, description). It is the responsibility of
    the caller to construct the correct in-memory object to hold the data.

    # Skip any blank or whitespace-only lines at beginning of file
    seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))

    # header check inlined here and below for performance
    if seq_header.startswith('>'):
        id_, desc = _parse_fasta_like_header(seq_header)
        raise FASTAFormatError(
            "Found non-header line when attempting to read the 1st %s record:"
            "\n%s" % (format_label, seq_header))

    data_chunks = []
    prev = seq_header
    for line in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False):
        if line.startswith('>'):
            # new header, so yield current record and reset state
            yield data_parser(data_chunks), id_, desc
            data_chunks = []
            id_, desc = _parse_fasta_like_header(line)
            if line:
                # ensure no blank lines within a single record
                if not prev:
                    raise FASTAFormatError(
                        "Found blank or whitespace-only line within %s "
                        "record." % format_label)
        prev = line
    # yield last record in file
    yield data_parser(data_chunks), id_, desc
コード例 #8
def _parse_fasta_raw(fh, data_parser, error_type):
    """Raw parser for FASTA or QUAL files.

    Returns raw values (seq/qual, id, description). It is the responsibility of
    the caller to construct the correct in-memory object to hold the data.

    # Skip any blank or whitespace-only lines at beginning of file
    seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))

    # header check inlined here and below for performance
    if seq_header.startswith('>'):
        id_, desc = _parse_fasta_like_header(seq_header)
        raise error_type(
            "Found non-header line when attempting to read the 1st record:"
            "\n%s" % seq_header)

    data_chunks = []
    prev = seq_header
    for line in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False):
        if line.startswith('>'):
            # new header, so yield current record and reset state
            yield data_parser(data_chunks), id_, desc
            data_chunks = []
            id_, desc = _parse_fasta_like_header(line)
            if line:
                # ensure no blank lines within a single record
                if not prev:
                    raise error_type(
                        "Found blank or whitespace-only line within record.")
        prev = line
    # yield last record in file
    yield data_parser(data_chunks), id_, desc