コード例 #1
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: RNAer/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3(self):
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(self.imd1, fh, seq_id='Chromosome')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines()
                   if not i.startswith('#')]

        with open(self.single_fp) as f:
            exp = [i.rstrip() for i in f.readlines() if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: zengqingsong/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3(self):
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(self.imd1, fh, seq_id='Chromosome')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [
                i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines() if not i.startswith('#')

        with open(self.single_fp) as f:
            exp = [i.rstrip() for i in f.readlines() if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: RNAer/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_missing_field(self):
        exp = 'ctg123\t.\tgene\t1\t9\t.\t.\t.\tID=gene00001;Name=EDEN'
        imd = IntervalMetadata(9)
        imd.add([(0, 9)], metadata={
            'type': 'gene', 'ID': 'gene00001', 'Name': 'EDEN'})
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='ctg123')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines()
                   if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual([exp], obs)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: zengqingsong/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_escape(self):
        # test escape of reserved char in GFF3
        exp = 'ctg123\t.\tgene\t1\t9\t.\t.\t.\tID=a%3B%3D%26%2Cb'
        imd = IntervalMetadata(9)
        imd.add([(0, 9)], metadata={'type': 'gene', 'ID': 'a;=&,b'})
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='ctg123')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [
                i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines() if not i.startswith('#')

        self.assertEqual([exp], obs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: RNAer/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_multiple_values(self):
        # test multiple values of db_xref are correctly serialized
        exp = 'ctg123\t.\tgene\t1\t9\t.\t.\t.\tDbxref=GO:000152,GO:001234'
        imd = IntervalMetadata(9)
        imd.add([(0, 9)], metadata={
            'type': 'gene', 'db_xref': ['GO:000152', 'GO:001234']})
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='ctg123')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines()
                   if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual([exp], obs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: RNAer/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_escape(self):
        # test escape of reserved char in GFF3
        exp = 'ctg123\t.\tgene\t1\t9\t.\t.\t.\tID=a%3B%3D%26%2Cb'
        imd = IntervalMetadata(9)
        imd.add([(0, 9)], metadata={
            'type': 'gene', 'ID': 'a;=&,b'})
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='ctg123')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines()
                   if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual([exp], obs)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: zengqingsong/scikit-bio
    def test_roundtrip_interval_metadata(self):
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
                self.single_fp, seq_id='Chromosome'),
            obs = [
                i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines() if not i.startswith('#')

        with open(self.single_fp) as f:
            exp = [i.rstrip() for i in f.readlines() if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: RNAer/scikit-bio
    def test_roundtrip_interval_metadata(self):
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            obs = [i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines()
                   if not i.startswith('#')]

        with open(self.single_fp) as f:
            exp = [i.rstrip() for i in f.readlines() if not i.startswith('#')]

        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: zengqingsong/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_multiple_values(self):
        # test multiple values of db_xref are correctly serialized
        exp = 'ctg123\t.\tgene\t1\t9\t.\t.\t.\tDbxref=GO:000152,GO:001234'
        imd = IntervalMetadata(9)
        imd.add([(0, 9)],
                    'type': 'gene',
                    'db_xref': ['GO:000152', 'GO:001234']
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='ctg123')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [
                i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines() if not i.startswith('#')

        self.assertEqual([exp], obs)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: zengqingsong/scikit-bio
    def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_missing_field(self):
        exp = 'ctg123\t.\tgene\t1\t9\t.\t.\t.\tID=gene00001;Name=EDEN'
        imd = IntervalMetadata(9)
        imd.add([(0, 9)],
                    'type': 'gene',
                    'ID': 'gene00001',
                    'Name': 'EDEN'
        with io.StringIO() as fh:
            _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='ctg123')
            # only compare the uncommented lines because the comments are not
            # stored in IntervalMetadata
            obs = [
                i for i in fh.getvalue().splitlines() if not i.startswith('#')

        self.assertEqual([exp], obs)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: zengqingsong/scikit-bio
 def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_empty(self):
     imd = IntervalMetadata(None)
     with io.StringIO() as fh:
         _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='foo')
         obs = fh.getvalue()
     self.assertEqual(obs, '##gff-version 3\n')
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_gff3.py プロジェクト: RNAer/scikit-bio
 def test_interval_metadata_to_gff3_empty(self):
     imd = IntervalMetadata(None)
     with io.StringIO() as fh:
         _interval_metadata_to_gff3(imd, fh, seq_id='foo')
         obs = fh.getvalue()
     self.assertEqual(obs, '##gff-version 3\n')