コード例 #1
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/SkeinFox
def writeOutput(fileName=""):
    "Export a gcode linear move file."
    fileName = interpret.getFirstTranslatorFileNameUnmodified(fileName)
    if fileName == "":
    exportPreferences = ExportPreferences()
    startTime = time.time()
    print("File " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) + " is being chain exported.")
    suffixFilename = fileName[: fileName.rfind(".")] + "_export." + exportPreferences.fileExtension.value
    gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText(fileName, "")
    procedures = consecution.getProcedures("export", gcodeText)
    gcodeText = consecution.getChainTextFromProcedures(fileName, procedures[:-1], gcodeText)
    if gcodeText == "":
    analyze.writeOutput(suffixFilename, gcodeText)
    exportChainGcode = getCraftedTextFromText(gcodeText, exportPreferences)
    replacableExportChainGcode = None
    selectedPluginModule = getSelectedPluginModule(exportPreferences.exportPlugins)
    if selectedPluginModule == None:
        replacableExportChainGcode = exportChainGcode
        if selectedPluginModule.isReplacable():
            replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput(exportChainGcode)
            selectedPluginModule.writeOutput(suffixFilename, exportChainGcode)
    if replacableExportChainGcode != None:
        replacableExportChainGcode = getReplaced(replacableExportChainGcode)
        gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, replacableExportChainGcode)
        print("The exported file is saved as " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(suffixFilename))
    if exportPreferences.alsoSendOutputTo.value != "":
        if replacableExportChainGcode == None:
            replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput(exportChainGcode)
        exec("print >> " + exportPreferences.alsoSendOutputTo.value + ", replacableExportChainGcode")
    print("It took " + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + " seconds to export the file.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: carve.py プロジェクト: lImbus/giseburt-ReplicatorG
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    "Carve a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, carve the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords(
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
                "There are no GNU Triangulated Surface files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    startTime = time.time()
    carvePreferences = CarvePreferences()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) +
          ' is being carved.')
    carveGcode = getCarveGcode(fileName, carvePreferences)
    if carveGcode == '':
    suffixFilename = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_carve.svg'
    suffixFilename = suffixFilename.replace(' ', '_')
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, carveGcode)
    print('The carved file is saved as ' +
    #		packageFilePath = os.path.abspath( __file__ )
    #		for level in xrange( numberOfLevelsDeepInPackageHierarchy + 1 ):
    #			packageFilePath = os.path.dirname( packageFilePath )
    #		documentationPath = os.path.join( os.path.join( packageFilePath, 'documentation' ), self.displayPreferences.fileNameHelp )
    #		os.system( webbrowser.get().name + ' ' + documentationPath )#used this instead of webbrowser.open() to workaround webbrowser open() bug
    #	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, carveGcode )
        webbrowser.get().name + ' ' + suffixFilename
    )  #used this instead of webbrowser.open() to workaround webbrowser open() bug
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to carve the file.')
コード例 #3
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    print("raftless  - writeOutput")
    "Raftless a gcode linear move file.  Chain raftless the gcode if it is not already raftless'd. If no fileName is specified, raftless the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    raftlessPreferences = RaftlessPreferences()
    startTime = time.time()
    print("File " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) +
          " is being chain raftless'd.")
    suffixFilename = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_raftless.gcode'
    raftlessGcode = getRaftlessChainGcode(fileName, '', raftlessPreferences)
    if raftlessGcode == '':
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, raftlessGcode)
    print('The raftless file is saved as ' +
    analyze.writeOutput(suffixFilename, raftlessGcode)
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to raftless the file.')
コード例 #4
def writeOutput(fileName=""):
    "Carve a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, carve the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
    if fileName == "":
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords(interpret.getImportPluginFilenames())
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no GNU Triangulated Surface files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    startTime = time.time()
    carvePreferences = CarvePreferences()
    print("File " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) + " is being carved.")
    carveGcode = getCarveGcode(fileName, carvePreferences)
    if carveGcode == "":
    suffixFilename = fileName[: fileName.rfind(".")] + "_carve.svg"
    suffixFilename = suffixFilename.replace(" ", "_")
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, carveGcode)
    print("The carved file is saved as " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(suffixFilename))
    # 		packageFilePath = os.path.abspath( __file__ )
    # 		for level in xrange( numberOfLevelsDeepInPackageHierarchy + 1 ):
    # 			packageFilePath = os.path.dirname( packageFilePath )
    # 		documentationPath = os.path.join( os.path.join( packageFilePath, 'documentation' ), self.displayPreferences.fileNameHelp )
    # 		os.system( webbrowser.get().name + ' ' + documentationPath )#used this instead of webbrowser.open() to workaround webbrowser open() bug
    # 	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, carveGcode )
        webbrowser.get().name + " " + suffixFilename
    )  # used this instead of webbrowser.open() to workaround webbrowser open() bug
    print("It took " + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + " seconds to carve the file.")
コード例 #5
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Export a gcode linear move file."
	fileName = interpret.getFirstTranslatorFileNameUnmodified( fileName )
	if fileName == '':
	exportRepository = ExportRepository()
	preferences.getReadRepository( exportRepository )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain exported.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_export.' + exportRepository.fileExtension.value
	gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText( fileName, '' )
	procedures = consecution.getProcedures( 'export', gcodeText )
	gcodeText = consecution.getChainTextFromProcedures( fileName, procedures[ : - 1 ], gcodeText )
	if gcodeText == '':
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, gcodeText )
	exportChainGcode = getCraftedTextFromText( gcodeText, exportRepository )
	replacableExportChainGcode = None
	selectedPluginModule = getSelectedPluginModule( exportRepository.exportPlugins )
	if selectedPluginModule == None:
		replacableExportChainGcode = exportChainGcode
		if selectedPluginModule.isReplacable():
			replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput( exportChainGcode )
			selectedPluginModule.writeOutput( suffixFilename, exportChainGcode )
	if replacableExportChainGcode != None:
		replacableExportChainGcode = getReplaced( replacableExportChainGcode )
		gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, replacableExportChainGcode )
		print( 'The exported file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	if exportRepository.alsoSendOutputTo.value != '':
		if replacableExportChainGcode == None:
			replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput( exportChainGcode )
		exec( 'print >> ' + exportRepository.alsoSendOutputTo.value + ', replacableExportChainGcode' )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to export the file.' )
コード例 #6
ファイル: carve.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/SkeinFox
def writeOutput(fileName=""):
    "Carve a GNU Triangulated Surface file."
    startTime = time.time()
    print("File " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) + " is being carved.")
    carveGcode = getCraftedText(fileName)
    if carveGcode == "":
    suffixFilename = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename(fileName, "_carve.svg")
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, carveGcode)
    print("The carved file is saved as " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(suffixFilename))
    print("It took " + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + " seconds to carve the file.")
コード例 #7
ファイル: carve.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Carve a GNU Triangulated Surface file."
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being carved.' )
	carveGcode = getCraftedText( fileName )
	if carveGcode == '':
	suffixFilename = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename( fileName, '_carve.svg' )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, carveGcode )
	print( 'The carved file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to carve the file.' )
	preferences.openWebPage( suffixFilename )
コード例 #8
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: lImbus/giseburt-ReplicatorG
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    """Export a gcode linear move file.  Chain export the gcode if it is not already exported.
	If no fileName is specified, export the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."""
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    exportPreferences = ExportPreferences()
    startTime = time.time()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) +
          ' is being chain exported.')
    suffixFilename = fileName[:fileName.rfind(
        '.')] + '.' + exportPreferences.fileExtension.value
    gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText(fileName, '')
    #	if not gcodec.isProcedureDone( gcodeText, 'unpause' ):
    #		gcodeText = unpause.getUnpauseChainGcode( fileName, gcodeText )
    if not gcodec.isProcedureDone(gcodeText, 'raftless'):
        gcodeText = raftless.getRaftlessChainGcode(fileName, gcodeText)
    if gcodeText == '':

    # Now prepend the start file and append the end file
    gcodeText = getStartText() + gcodeText + getEndText()

    analyze.writeOutput(suffixFilename, gcodeText)
    exportChainGcode = getExportGcode(gcodeText, exportPreferences)

    replacableExportChainGcode = None
    selectedPluginModule = getSelectedPlugin(exportPreferences)
    if selectedPluginModule == None:
        replacableExportChainGcode = exportChainGcode
        if selectedPluginModule.isReplacable():
            replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput(
            selectedPluginModule.writeOutput(suffixFilename, exportChainGcode)
    if replacableExportChainGcode != None:
        replacableExportChainGcode = getReplaced(replacableExportChainGcode)
        gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, replacableExportChainGcode)
        print('The exported file is saved as ' +
    if exportPreferences.alsoSendOutputTo.value != '':
        if replacableExportChainGcode == None:
            replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput(
        exec('print >> ' + exportPreferences.alsoSendOutputTo.value +
             ', replacableExportChainGcode')
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to export the file.')
コード例 #9
ファイル: carve.py プロジェクト: lImbus/giseburt-ReplicatorG
 def getReplacedSVGTemplateLines(self, fileName, rotatedBoundaryLayers):
     "Get the lines of text from the svg_template.txt file."
     #( layers.length + 1 ) * (margin + sliceDimY * unitScale + txtHeight) + margin + txtHeight + margin + 110
     svgTemplateText = gcodec.getFileTextInFileDirectory(
         __file__, 'svg_template.svg')
     originalTextLines = gcodec.getTextLines(svgTemplateText)
     self.margin = getParameterFromJavascript(originalTextLines, 'margin',
     self.textHeight = getParameterFromJavascript(originalTextLines,
     javascriptControlsWidth = getParameterFromJavascript(
         originalTextLines, 'javascripControlBoxX', 510.0)
     noJavascriptControlsHeight = getParameterFromJavascript(
         originalTextLines, 'noJavascriptControlBoxY', 110.0)
     controlTop = len(rotatedBoundaryLayers) * (
         self.margin + self.extent.y * self.unitScale +
         self.textHeight) + 2.0 * self.margin + self.textHeight
     #	width = margin + (sliceDimX * unitScale) + margin;
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedInQuotes(
         self.getRounded(controlTop + noJavascriptControlsHeight +
                         self.margin), svgTemplateText)
     width = 2.0 * self.margin + max(self.extent.y * self.unitScale,
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedInQuotes('width', self.getRounded(width),
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'layerThickness', self.getRounded(self.layerThickness),
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'maxX', self.getRounded(self.cornerMaximum.x), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'minX', self.getRounded(self.cornerMinimum.x), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'dimX', self.getRounded(self.extent.x), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'maxY', self.getRounded(self.cornerMaximum.y), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'minY', self.getRounded(self.cornerMinimum.y), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'dimY', self.getRounded(self.extent.y), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'maxZ', self.getRounded(self.cornerMaximum.z), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'minZ', self.getRounded(self.cornerMinimum.z), svgTemplateText)
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes(
         'dimZ', self.getRounded(self.extent.z), svgTemplateText)
     summarizedFilename = gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(
         fileName) + ' SVG Slice File'
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes('Title',
     noJavascriptControlsTagString = '<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(%s, %s)">' % (
         self.getRounded(self.margin), self.getRounded(controlTop))
     svgTemplateText = getReplacedTagString(noJavascriptControlsTagString,
     #	<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(20, 1400)">
     return gcodec.getTextLines(svgTemplateText)
コード例 #10
ファイル: svg_codec.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def getReplacedSVGTemplateLines( self, fileName, rotatedBoundaryLayers ):
		"Get the lines of text from the svg_template.tmpl file."
#( layers.length + 1 ) * (margin + sliceDimY * unitScale + txtHeight) + margin + txtHeight + margin + 110
		svgTemplateText = gcodec.getFileTextInFileDirectory( __file__, 'svg_template.tmpl' )
		originalTextLines = gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )
		self.margin = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'margin', self.margin )
		self.textHeight = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'textHeight', self.textHeight )
		javascriptControlsWidth = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'javascripControlBoxX', 510.0 )
		noJavascriptControlsHeight = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'noJavascriptControlBoxY', 110.0 )
		controlTop = len( rotatedBoundaryLayers ) * ( self.margin + self.extent.y * self.unitScale + self.textHeight ) + 2.0 * self.margin + self.textHeight
#	width = margin + (sliceDimX * unitScale) + margin;
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedInQuotes( 'height', self.getRounded( controlTop + noJavascriptControlsHeight + self.margin ), svgTemplateText )
		width = 2.0 * self.margin + max( self.extent.y * self.unitScale, javascriptControlsWidth )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedInQuotes( 'width', self.getRounded( width ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'layerThickness', self.getRounded( self.layerThickness ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxX', self.getRounded( self.cornerMaximum.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minX', self.getRounded( self.cornerMinimum.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'dimX', self.getRounded( self.extent.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxY', self.getRounded( self.cornerMaximum.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minY', self.getRounded( self.cornerMinimum.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'dimY', self.getRounded( self.extent.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxZ', self.getRounded( self.cornerMaximum.z ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minZ', self.getRounded( self.cornerMinimum.z ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'dimZ', self.getRounded( self.extent.z ), svgTemplateText )
		summarizedFilename = gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' SVG Slice File'
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'Title', summarizedFilename, svgTemplateText )
		noJavascriptControlsTagString = '<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(%s, %s)">' % ( self.getRounded( self.margin ), self.getRounded( controlTop ) )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedTagString( noJavascriptControlsTagString, 'noJavascriptControls', svgTemplateText )
#	<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(20, 1400)">
		return gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )
コード例 #11
def writeStatisticFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, statisticPreferences ):
	"Write statistics for a gcode file."
	print( 'Statistics are being generated for the file ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) )
	statisticGcode = getStatisticGcode( gcodeText )
	if statisticPreferences.printStatistics.value:
		print( statisticGcode )
	if statisticPreferences.saveStatistics.value:
		gcodec.writeFileMessageEnd( '.txt', fileName, statisticGcode, 'The statistics file is saved as ' )
コード例 #12
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: D1plo1d/ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"""Export a gcode linear move file.  Chain export the gcode if it is not already exported.
	If no fileName is specified, export the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."""
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	exportPreferences = ExportPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( exportPreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain exported.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '.' + exportPreferences.fileExtension.value
	gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText( fileName, '' )
#	if not gcodec.isProcedureDone( gcodeText, 'unpause' ):
#		gcodeText = unpause.getUnpauseChainGcode( fileName, gcodeText )
	if not gcodec.isProcedureDone( gcodeText, 'raftless' ):
		gcodeText = raftless.getRaftlessChainGcode( fileName, gcodeText )
	if gcodeText == '':

	# Now prepend the start file and append the end file
	gcodeText = getStartText() + gcodeText + getEndText()

	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, gcodeText )
	exportChainGcode = getExportGcode( gcodeText, exportPreferences )

	replacableExportChainGcode = None
	selectedPluginModule = getSelectedPlugin( exportPreferences )
	if selectedPluginModule == None:
		replacableExportChainGcode = exportChainGcode
		if selectedPluginModule.isReplacable():
			replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput( exportChainGcode )
			selectedPluginModule.writeOutput( suffixFilename, exportChainGcode )
	if replacableExportChainGcode != None:
		replacableExportChainGcode = getReplaced( replacableExportChainGcode )
		gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, replacableExportChainGcode )
		print( 'The exported file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	if exportPreferences.alsoSendOutputTo.value != '':
		if replacableExportChainGcode == None:
			replacableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput( exportChainGcode )
		exec( 'print >> ' + exportPreferences.alsoSendOutputTo.value + ', replacableExportChainGcode' )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to export the file.' )
コード例 #13
ファイル: clip.py プロジェクト: lImbus/giseburt-ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Clip a gcode linear move file.  Chain clip the gcode if it is not already clipped.  If no fileName is specified, clip the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	loopTailorPreferences = ClipPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( loopTailorPreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain clipped.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_clip.gcode'
	loopTailorGcode = getClipChainGcode( fileName, '', loopTailorPreferences )
	if loopTailorGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, loopTailorGcode )
	print( 'The clipped file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, loopTailorGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to clip the file.' )
コード例 #14
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Oozebane a gcode linear move file.  Chain oozebane the gcode if it is not already oozebaned. If no fileName is specified, oozebane the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	oozebanePreferences = OozebanePreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( oozebanePreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain oozebaned.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_oozebane.gcode'
	oozebaneGcode = getOozebaneChainGcode( fileName, '', oozebanePreferences )
	if oozebaneGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, oozebaneGcode )
	print( 'The oozebaned file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, oozebaneGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to oozebane the file.' )
コード例 #15
ファイル: twitterbot.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/SkeinFox
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Twitterbot a gcode file.  Chain twitterbot the gcode if it is not already twitterbotted.  If no fileName is specified, twitterbot the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	twitterbotPreferences = TwitterbotPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( twitterbotPreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain twitterbotted.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_twitterbot.gcode'
	twitterbotGcode = getTwitterbotChainGcode( fileName, '', twitterbotPreferences )
	if twitterbotGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, twitterbotGcode )
	print( 'The twitterbotted file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, twitterbotGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to add Twitterbot codes to the file.' )
コード例 #16
	def getFilenameWriteFiles( self, fileName ):
		"Write one or multiple files for the fileName."
		directoryName = os.path.dirname( fileName )
		baseUnderscoredName = os.path.basename( fileName ).replace( ' ', '_' )
		baseUnderscoredPrefix = baseUnderscoredName[ : baseUnderscoredName.rfind( '.' ) ]
		if not self.isMultiple:
			suffixFilename = os.path.join( directoryName, baseUnderscoredPrefix + '.svg' )
			gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, self.vectorWindow.getVectorFormattedText() )
			return gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename )
		multipleDirectoryName = os.path.join( directoryName, baseUnderscoredPrefix )
			os.mkdir( multipleDirectoryName )
		except OSError:
		suffixFilenames = []
		indexFilename = os.path.join( multipleDirectoryName, 'index.html' )
		for vectorWindowIndex in xrange( len( self.vectorWindows ) ):
			self.writeVectorWindowText( baseUnderscoredPrefix, multipleDirectoryName, suffixFilenames, vectorWindowIndex )
		self.writeIndexText( baseUnderscoredPrefix, indexFilename, baseUnderscoredPrefix + ' Index', multipleDirectoryName, suffixFilenames )
		return gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( indexFilename )
コード例 #17
ファイル: unpause.py プロジェクト: D1plo1d/ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Unpause a gcode linear move file.  Chain unpause the gcode if it is not already unpaused.  If no fileName is specified, unpause the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	unpausePreferences = UnpausePreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( unpausePreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain unpaused.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_unpause.gcode'
	unpauseGcode = getUnpauseChainGcode( fileName, '', unpausePreferences )
	if unpauseGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, unpauseGcode )
	print( 'The unpaused file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, unpauseGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to unpause the file.' )
コード例 #18
ファイル: multiply.py プロジェクト: D1plo1d/ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"""Multiply a gcode linear move file.  Chain multiply the gcode if it is not already multiplied.
	If no fileName is specified, multiply the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."""
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	multiplyPreferences = MultiplyPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( multiplyPreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain multiplied.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_multiply.gcode'
	multiplyGcode = getMultiplyChainGcode( fileName, '', multiplyPreferences )
	if multiplyGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, multiplyGcode )
	print( 'The multiplied file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, multiplyGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to multiply the file.' )
コード例 #19
def writeOutput(fileName=""):
    """Speed a gcode linear move file.  Chain speed the gcode if it is not already speeded.
	If no fileName is specified, speed the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."""
    if fileName == "":
        unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    speedPreferences = SpeedPreferences()
    startTime = time.time()
    print("File " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) + " is being chain speeded.")
    suffixFilename = fileName[: fileName.rfind(".")] + "_speed.gcode"
    speedGcode = getSpeedChainGcode(fileName, "", speedPreferences)
    if speedGcode == "":
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, speedGcode)
    print("The speeded file is saved as " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(suffixFilename))
    analyze.writeOutput(suffixFilename, speedGcode)
    print("It took " + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + " seconds to speed the file.")
コード例 #20
ファイル: chop.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/SkeinFox
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Chop a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, chop the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords( interpret.getImportPluginFilenames() )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no carvable files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chopped.' )
	chopGcode = getCraftedText( fileName )
	if chopGcode == '':
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_chop.svg'
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFilename )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFilename ).replace( ' ', '_' )
	suffixFilename = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, chopGcode )
	print( 'The chopped file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to chop the file.' )
	preferences.openWebPage( suffixFilename )
コード例 #21
ファイル: raftless.py プロジェクト: D1plo1d/ReplicatorG
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	print( "raftless  - writeOutput" )
	"Raftless a gcode linear move file.  Chain raftless the gcode if it is not already raftless'd. If no fileName is specified, raftless the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	raftlessPreferences = RaftlessPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( raftlessPreferences )
	print( )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( "File " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + " is being chain raftless'd." )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_raftless.gcode'
	raftlessGcode = getRaftlessChainGcode( fileName, '', raftlessPreferences )
	if raftlessGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, raftlessGcode )
	print( 'The raftless file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, raftlessGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to raftless the file.' )
コード例 #22
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"""Fillet a gcode linear move file.  Chain fill the gcode if it is not already filled.
	Depending on the preferences, either arcPoint, arcRadius, arcSegment, bevel or do nothing.
	If no fileName is specified, fillet the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."""
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	filletPreferences = FilletPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( filletPreferences )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain filleted.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_fillet.gcode'
	filletGcode = getFilletChainGcode( fileName, '', filletPreferences )
	if filletGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, filletGcode )
	print( 'The filleted file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, filletGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to fillet the file.' )
コード例 #23
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    """Multiply a gcode linear move file.  Chain multiply the gcode if it is not already multiplied.
	If no fileName is specified, multiply the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."""
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    multiplyPreferences = MultiplyPreferences()
    startTime = time.time()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) +
          ' is being chain multiplied.')
    suffixFilename = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_multiply.gcode'
    multiplyGcode = getMultiplyChainGcode(fileName, '', multiplyPreferences)
    if multiplyGcode == '':
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, multiplyGcode)
    print('The multiplied file is saved as ' +
    analyze.writeOutput(suffixFilename, multiplyGcode)
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to multiply the file.')
コード例 #24
def arcRadiusFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Fillet a gcode linear move file into a helical radius move file.  If no fileName is specified, arc radius the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	filletPreferences = FilletPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( filletPreferences )
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being filleted into arc radiuses.' )
	gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if gcodeText == '':
	gcodec.writeFileMessageSuffix( fileName, getArcRadiusGcode( filletPreferences, gcodeText ), 'The arc radius file is saved as ', '_fillet' )
コード例 #25
def bevelFile( fileName = '' ):
	"Bevel a gcode linear move file.  If no fileName is specified, bevel the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getUnmodifiedGCodeFiles()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	filletPreferences = FilletPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( filletPreferences )
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being beveled.' )
	gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( fileName )
	if gcodeText == '':
	gcodec.writeFileMessageSuffix( fileName, getBevelGcode( filletPreferences, gcodeText ), 'The beveled file is saved as ', '_fillet' )
コード例 #26
ファイル: preferences.py プロジェクト: D1plo1d/ReplicatorG
	def execute( self ):
			import tkFileDialog
			summarized = gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( self.value )
			initialDirectory = os.path.dirname( summarized )
			if len( initialDirectory ) > 0:
				initialDirectory += os.sep
				initialDirectory = "."
			fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes = self.getFilenameFirstTypes(), initialdir = initialDirectory, initialfile = os.path.basename( summarized ), title = self.name )
			if ( str( fileName ) == '()' or str( fileName ) == '' ):
				self.wasCancelled = True
				self.value = fileName
			print( 'Oops, ' + self.name + ' could not get fileName.' )
コード例 #27
ファイル: vectorwrite.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/SkeinFox
def writeGivenPreferences(fileName, gcodeText, vectorwritePreferences):
    "Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the preferences."
    if gcodeText == "":
        return ""
    startTime = time.time()
    vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getSVG(fileName, gcodeText, vectorwritePreferences)
    if vectorwriteGcode == "":
    suffixFilename = fileName[: fileName.rfind(".")] + "_vectorwrite.svg"
    suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFilename)
    suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFilename).replace(" ", "_")
    suffixFilename = os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, vectorwriteGcode)
    print("The vectorwrite file is saved as " + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(suffixFilename))
    print("It took " + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + " seconds to vectorwrite the file.")
コード例 #28
def writeGivenPreferences( fileName, gcodeText, vectorwritePreferences ):
	"Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the preferences."
	if gcodeText == '':
		return ''
	startTime = time.time()
	vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getSVG( fileName, gcodeText, vectorwritePreferences )
	if vectorwriteGcode == '':
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_vectorwrite.svg'
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFilename )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFilename ).replace( ' ', '_' )
	suffixFilename = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, vectorwriteGcode )
	print( 'The vectorwrite file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to vectorwrite the file.' )
	preferences.openWebPage( suffixFilename )
コード例 #29
 def execute(self):
         import tkFileDialog
         summarized = gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(self.value)
         initialDirectory = os.path.dirname(summarized)
         if len(initialDirectory) > 0:
             initialDirectory += os.sep
             initialDirectory = "."
         fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(
         if (str(fileName) == '()' or str(fileName) == ''):
             self.wasCancelled = True
             self.value = fileName
         print('Oops, ' + self.name + ' could not get fileName.')
コード例 #30
ファイル: inset.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/SkeinFox
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Inset the carves of a gcode file.  Chain carve the file if it is a GNU TriangulatedSurface file.  If no fileName is specified, inset the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	startTime = time.time()
	insetPreferences = InsetPreferences()
	preferences.readPreferences( insetPreferences )
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' is being chain insetted.' )
	suffixFilename = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_inset.gcode'
	insetGcode = getInsetChainGcode( fileName, '', insetPreferences )
	if insetGcode == '':
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, insetGcode )
	print( 'The insetted file is saved as ' + suffixFilename )
	analyze.writeOutput( suffixFilename, insetGcode )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to inset the file.' )
コード例 #31
ファイル: inset.py プロジェクト: lImbus/giseburt-ReplicatorG
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    "Inset the carves of a gcode file.  Chain carve the file if it is a GNU TriangulatedSurface file.  If no fileName is specified, inset the first unmodified gcode file in this folder."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = interpret.getGNUTranslatorFilesUnmodified()
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    startTime = time.time()
    insetPreferences = InsetPreferences()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(fileName) +
          ' is being chain insetted.')
    suffixFilename = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_inset.gcode'
    insetGcode = getInsetChainGcode(fileName, '', insetPreferences)
    if insetGcode == '':
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, insetGcode)
    print('The insetted file is saved as ' + suffixFilename)
    analyze.writeOutput(suffixFilename, insetGcode)
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to inset the file.')