コード例 #1
ファイル: gcode_step.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
 def __init__(self):
     "Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
     # Set the default preferences.
     self.addFeedRateEvenWhenUnchanging = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue(
         "Add FeedRate Even When Unchanging", self, True
     self.addSpaceBetweenWords = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Add Space Between Words", self, True)
     self.addZEvenWhenUnchanging = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue(
         "Add Z Even When Unchanging", self, True
     self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename(
         [("Gcode text files", "*.gcode")], "Open File to be Converted to Gcode Step", self, ""
     self.feedRateStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue(
         "FeedRate Step Length (millimeters/second)", self, 0.1
     self.radiusStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue(
         "Radius Step Length (millimeters)", self, 0.1
     self.xStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("X Step Length (millimeters)", self, 0.1)
     self.yStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Y Step Length (millimeters)", self, 0.1)
     self.zStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Z Step Length (millimeters)", self, 0.01)
     self.xOffset = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("X Offset (millimeters)", self, 0.0)
     self.yOffset = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Y Offset (millimeters)", self, 0.0)
     self.zOffset = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Z Offset (millimeters)", self, 0.0)
     # Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
     self.executeTitle = "Convert to Gcode Step"
         self, "skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.export_plugins.gcode_step.html"
コード例 #2
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Fabmetheus Blog, Announcements & Questions:', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameAfterHTTP( 'fabmetheus.blogspot.com/', 'Fabmetheus Blog', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Index of Local Documentation: ', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameSubName( 'Index', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Manual, Wiki with Pictures & Charts: ', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameAfterWWW( 'bitsfrombytes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Skeinforge', 'Manual', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Overview of Skeinforge: ', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameSubName( 'Overview', self, 'skeinforge.html' )
		preferences.LabelSeparator().getFromRepository( self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Forums:', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Bits from Bytes Printing Board:', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameAfterWWW( 'bitsfrombytes.com/fora/user/index.php?board=5.0', 'Bits from Bytes Printing Board', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Bits from Bytes Software Board:', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameAfterWWW( 'bitsfrombytes.com/fora/user/index.php?board=4.0', 'Bits from Bytes Software Board', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Skeinforge Contributions Thread:', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameAfterHTTP( 'dev.forums.reprap.org/read.php?12,27562', 'Skeinforge Contributions Thread', self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Skeinforge Settings Thread:', self )
		preferences.HelpPage().getFromNameAfterHTTP( 'dev.forums.reprap.org/read.php?12,27434', 'Skeinforge Settings Thread', self )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = None
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.help.html' )
コード例 #3
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Exported', self, '' )
		self.activateExport = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Export', self, True )
		self.alsoSendOutputTo = preferences.StringPreference().getFromValue( 'Also Send Output To:', self, '' )
		self.deleteComments = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Delete Comments', self, True )
		exportPluginsFolderPath = gcodec.getAbsoluteFolderPath( __file__, 'export_plugins' )
		exportStaticDirectoryPath = os.path.join( exportPluginsFolderPath, 'static_plugins' )
		exportPluginFilenames = gcodec.getPluginFilenamesFromDirectoryPath( exportPluginsFolderPath )
		exportStaticPluginFilenames = gcodec.getPluginFilenamesFromDirectoryPath( exportStaticDirectoryPath )
		self.exportLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Export Operations: ', self )
		self.exportPlugins = []
		exportRadio = []
		self.doNotChangeOutput = preferences.RadioCapitalized().getFromRadio( 'Do Not Change Output', exportRadio, self, True )
		self.doNotChangeOutput.directoryPath = None
		allExportPluginFilenames = exportPluginFilenames + exportStaticPluginFilenames
		for exportPluginFilename in allExportPluginFilenames:
			exportPlugin = None
			if exportPluginFilename in exportPluginFilenames:
				path = os.path.join( exportPluginsFolderPath, exportPluginFilename )
				exportPlugin = preferences.RadioCapitalizedButton().getFromPath( exportPluginFilename, path, exportRadio, self, False )
				exportPlugin.directoryPath = exportPluginsFolderPath
				exportPlugin = preferences.RadioCapitalized().getFromRadio( exportPluginFilename, exportRadio, self, False )
				exportPlugin.directoryPath = exportStaticDirectoryPath
			self.exportPlugins.append( exportPlugin )
		self.fileExtension = preferences.StringPreference().getFromValue( 'File Extension:', self, 'gcode' )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Export'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.export.html' )
コード例 #4
ファイル: outset.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Outsetted', self, '' )
		self.activateOutset = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Outset:', self, True )
		self.executeTitle = 'Outset'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.outset.html' )
コード例 #5
ファイル: jitter.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Jitter', self, '' )
		self.activateJitter = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Jitter', self, True )
		self.jitterOverExtrusionWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Jitter Over Extrusion Width (ratio):', self, 2.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Jitter'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.jitter.html' )
コード例 #6
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		description = 'Write your description of the profile here.\n\nSuggested format is a description, followed by a link to the profile post or web page.'
		self.descriptionText = preferences.TextPreference().getFromValue( 'Description Text:', self, description )
		#Create the archive, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = None
		self.saveCloseTitle = 'Save and Close'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.description.html' )
コード例 #7
ファイル: flow.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Flow', self, '' )
		self.activateFlow = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Flow:', self, True )
		self.flowRate = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Flow Rate (arbitrary units):', self, 210.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Flow'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.flow.html' )
コード例 #8
ファイル: comment.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.activateComment = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Comment', self, False )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( [ ( 'Gcode text files', '*.gcode' ) ], 'Open File to Write Comments for', self, '' )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Write Comments'
		self.saveCloseTitle = 'Save and Close'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.analyze_plugins.comment.html' )
コード例 #9
ファイル: comb.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Combed', self, '' )
		self.activateComb = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Comb', self, True )
		self.minimumDepartureDistanceOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Minimum Departure Distance over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.0 )
		self.runningJumpSpaceOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Running Jump Space over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 5.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Comb'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.comb.html' )
コード例 #10
ファイル: lash.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Lashed', self, '' )
		self.activateLash = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Lash', self, False )
		self.xBacklash = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'X Backlash (mm):', self, 0.2 )
		self.yBacklash = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Y Backlash (mm):', self, 0.3 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Lash'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.lash.html' )
コード例 #11
ファイル: craft.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Crafted', self, '' )
		self.craftLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Open Preferences: ', self )
		importantFilenames = [ 'carve', 'chop', 'feed', 'flow', 'lift', 'raft', 'speed' ]
		preferences.getDisplayToolButtonsRepository( getPluginsDirectoryPath(), importantFilenames, getPluginFilenames(), self )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Craft'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft.html' )
コード例 #12
ファイル: unpause.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Unpaused', self, '' )
		self.activateUnpause = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Unpause', self, False )
		self.delay = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Delay (milliseconds):', self, 28.0 )
		self.maximumSpeed = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Maximum Speed (ratio):', self, 1.5 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Unpause'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.unpause.html' )
コード例 #13
ファイル: chamber.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Chamber', self, '' )
		self.activateChamber = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Chamber:', self, True )
		self.temperatureBed = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Temperature of Bed (Celcius):', self, 60.0 )
		self.temperatureChamber = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Temperature of Chamber (Celcius):', self, 30.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Chamber'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.chamber.html' )
コード例 #14
ファイル: hop.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Hopped', self, '' )
		self.activateHop = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Hop', self, False )
		self.hopOverLayerThickness = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Hop Over Layer Thickness (ratio):', self, 1.0 )
		self.minimumHopAngle = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Minimum Hop Angle (degrees):', self, 30.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Hop'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.hop.html' )
コード例 #15
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( [ ( 'Gcode text files', '*.gcode' ) ], 'Open File to be Analyzed', self, '' )
		self.analyzeLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Open Preferences: ', self )
		importantFilenames = [ 'behold', 'skeinview', 'statistic' ]
		preferences.getDisplayToolButtonsRepository( getPluginsDirectoryPath(), importantFilenames, getPluginFilenames(), self )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Analyze'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.analyze.html' )
コード例 #16
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.activateVectorwrite = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Vectorwrite', self, False )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( [ ( 'Gcode text files', '*.gcode' ) ], 'Open File to Write Vector Graphics for', self, '' )
		self.layersFrom = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Layers From (index):', self, 0 )
		self.layersTo = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Layers To (index):', self, 999999999 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Vectorwrite'
		self.saveCloseTitle = 'Save and Close'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.analyze_plugins.vectorwrite.html' )
コード例 #17
ファイル: polyfile.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.directoryOrFileChoiceLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Directory or File Choice: ', self )
		directoryRadio = []
		self.directoryPreference = preferences.Radio().getFromRadio( 'Execute All Unmodified Files in a Directory', directoryRadio, self, False )
		self.filePreference = preferences.Radio().getFromRadio( 'Execute File', directoryRadio, self, True )
		#Create the archive, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = None
		self.saveCloseTitle = 'Save and Close'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.polyfile.html' )
コード例 #18
ファイル: tower.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Towered', self, '' )
		self.activateTower = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Tower', self, False )
		self.extruderPossibleCollisionConeAngle = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Extruder Possible Collision Cone Angle (degrees):', self, 60.0 )
		self.maximumTowerHeight = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Maximum Tower Height (layers):', self, 5 )
		self.towerStartLayer = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Tower Start Layer (integer):', self, 1 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Tower'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.tower.html' )
コード例 #19
ファイル: feed.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Feed', self, '' )
		self.activateFeed = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Feed:', self, True )
		self.feedRatePerSecond = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Feed Rate (mm/s):', self, 16.0 )
		self.maximumZFeedRatePerSecond = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Maximum Z Feed Rate (mm/s):', self, 8.0 )
		self.travelFeedRatePerSecond = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Travel Feed Rate (mm/s):', self, 16.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Feed'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.feed.html' )
コード例 #20
ファイル: whittle.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
 def __init__(self):
     "Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
     # Set the default preferences.
     # Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
     self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename(
         interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), "Open File to be Whittled", self, ""
     self.activateWhittle = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Activate Whittle:", self, False)
     self.maximumVerticalStep = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Maximum Vertical Step (mm):", self, 0.1)
     # Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
     self.executeTitle = "Whittle"
     preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition(self, "skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.whittle.html")
コード例 #21
ファイル: inset.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Inset', self, '' )
		self.addCustomCodeForTemperatureReading = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Add Custom Code for Temperature Reading', self, True )
		self.bridgeWidthMultiplier = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Bridge Width Multiplier (ratio):', self, 1.0 )
		self.overlapRemovalWidthOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Overlap Removal Width over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.6 )
		self.turnExtruderHeaterOffAtShutDown = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Turn Extruder Heater Off at Shut Down', self, True )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Inset'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.inset.html' )
コード例 #22
ファイル: multiply.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Multiplied', self, '' )
		self.activateMultiply = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Multiply:', self, False )
		self.centerX = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Center X (mm):', self, 0.0 )
		self.centerY = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Center Y (mm):', self, 0.0 )
		self.numberOfColumns = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Number of Columns (integer):', self, 1 )
		self.numberOfRows = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Number of Rows (integer):', self, 1 )
		self.separationOverExtrusionWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Separation over Extrusion Width (ratio):', self, 15.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Multiply'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.multiply.html' )
コード例 #23
ファイル: stretch.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Stretched', self, '' )
		self.activateStretch = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Stretch', self, False )
		self.loopStretchOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Loop Stretch Over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.11 )
		self.pathStretchOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Path Stretch Over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.0 )
		self.perimeterInsideStretchOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Perimeter Inside Stretch Over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.32 )
		self.perimeterOutsideStretchOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Perimeter Outside Stretch Over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 0.1 )
		self.stretchFromDistanceOverPerimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Stretch From Distance Over Perimeter Width (ratio):', self, 2.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Stretch'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.stretch.html' )
コード例 #24
ファイル: statistic.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
 def __init__(self):
     "Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
     # Set the default preferences.
     self.activateStatistic = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Activate Statistic", self, True)
     self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename(
         [("Gcode text files", "*.gcode")], "Open File to Generate Statistics for", self, ""
     self.printStatistics = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Print Statistics", self, True)
     self.saveStatistics = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Save Statistics", self, False)
     # Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
     self.executeTitle = "Generate Statistics"
     self.saveCloseTitle = "Save and Close"
         self, "skeinforge_tools.analyze_plugins.statistic.html"
コード例 #25
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileExtension = preferences.StringPreference().getFromValue( 'File Extension:', self, 'bin' )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( [ ( 'Gcode text files', '*.gcode' ) ], 'Open File to be Converted to Binary 16 Byte', self, '' )
		self.feedRateStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'FeedRate Step Length (millimeters/second)', self, 0.1 )
		self.xStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'X Step Length (millimeters)', self, 0.1 )
		self.yStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Y Step Length (millimeters)', self, 0.1 )
		self.zStepLength = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Z Step Length (millimeters)', self, 0.01 )
		self.xOffset = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'X Offset (millimeters)', self, 0.0 )
		self.yOffset = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Y Offset (millimeters)', self, 0.0 )
		self.zOffset = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Z Offset (millimeters)', self, 0.0 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Convert to Binary 16 Byte'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.export_plugins.binary_16_byte.html' )
コード例 #26
ファイル: oozebane.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Oozebaned', self, '' )
		self.activateOozebane = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Oozebane', self, False )
		self.afterStartupDistance = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'After Startup Distance (millimeters):', self, 1.2 )
		self.earlyShutdownDistance = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Early Shutdown Distance (millimeters):', self, 1.2 )
		self.earlyStartupDistanceConstant = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Early Startup Distance Constant (millimeters):', self, 20.0 )
		self.earlyStartupMaximumDistance = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Early Startup Maximum Distance (millimeters):', self, 1.2 )
		self.firstEarlyStartupDistance = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'First Early Startup Distance (millimeters):', self, 25.0 )
		self.minimumDistanceForEarlyStartup = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Minimum Distance for Early Startup (millimeters):', self, 0.0 )
		self.minimumDistanceForEarlyShutdown = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Minimum Distance for Early Shutdown (millimeters):', self, 0.0 )
		self.slowdownStartupSteps = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Slowdown Startup Steps (positive integer):', self, 3 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Oozebane'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.oozebane.html' )
コード例 #27
ファイル: skeinforge.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File for Skeinforge', self, '' )
		versionText = gcodec.getFileText( gcodec.getVersionFileName() )
		self.createdOnLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Created On: ' + versionText, self )
		self.profileSelection = preferences.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName( 'Profile Selection: ', self )
		self.profileType = preferences.MenuButtonDisplay().getFromName( 'Profile Type: ', self )
		addToProfileMenu( self.profileSelection, self.profileType, self )
		preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( '', self )
		self.skeinforgeLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Open Preferences: ', self )
		importantFilenames = [ 'craft', 'profile' ]
		preferences.getDisplayToolButtonsRepository( gcodec.getAbsoluteFolderPath( __file__, 'skeinforge_tools' ), importantFilenames, getPluginFilenames(), self )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Skeinforge'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge.html' )
コード例 #28
ファイル: cool.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
 def __init__(self):
     "Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
     # Set the default preferences.
     self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename(
         interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), "Open File to be Cooled", self, ""
     self.activateCool = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Activate Cool", self, True)
     self.maximumCool = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Maximum Cool (Celcius):", self, 2.0)
     self.minimumLayerTime = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue("Minimum Layer Time (seconds):", self, 60.0)
     self.minimumOrbitalRadius = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue(
         "Minimum Orbital Radius (millimeters):", self, 10.0
     self.turnFanOnAtBeginning = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Turn Fan On at Beginning", self, True)
     self.turnFanOffAtEnding = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue("Turn Fan Off at Ending", self, True)
     # Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
     self.executeTitle = "Cool"
     preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition(self, "skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.cool.html")
コード例 #29
ファイル: wipe.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getGNUTranslatorGcodeFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Wiped', self, '' )
		self.activateWipe = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Activate Wipe', self, False )
		self.locationArrivalX = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Arrival X (mm):', self, - 70.0 )
		self.locationArrivalY = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Arrival Y (mm):', self, - 50.0 )
		self.locationArrivalZ = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Arrival Z (mm):', self, 50.0 )
		self.locationDepartureX = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Departure X (mm):', self, - 70.0 )
		self.locationDepartureY = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Departure Y (mm):', self, - 40.0 )
		self.locationDepartureZ = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Departure Z (mm):', self, 50.0 )
		self.locationWipeX = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Wipe X (mm):', self, - 70.0 )
		self.locationWipeY = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Wipe Y (mm):', self, - 70.0 )
		self.locationWipeZ = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Location Wipe Z (mm):', self, 50.0 )
		self.wipePeriod = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Wipe Period (layers):', self, 3 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Wipe'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.wipe.html' )
コード例 #30
ファイル: chop.py プロジェクト: TeamTeamUSA/ReplicatorG
	def __init__( self ):
		"Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName."
		#Set the default preferences.
		preferences.addListsToRepository( self )
		self.addExtraTopLayerIfNecessary = preferences.BooleanPreference().getFromValue( 'Add Extra Top Layer if Necessary', self, True )
		self.fileNameInput = preferences.Filename().getFromFilename( interpret.getTranslatorFileTypeTuples(), 'Open File to be Chopped', self, '' )
		self.extraDecimalPlaces = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Extra Decimal Places (integer):', self, 1 )
		self.importCoarseness = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Import Coarseness (ratio):', self, 1.0 )
		self.meshTypeLabel = preferences.LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Mesh Type: ', self, )
		importRadio = []
		self.correctMesh = preferences.Radio().getFromRadio( 'Correct Mesh', importRadio, self, True )
		self.unprovenMesh = preferences.Radio().getFromRadio( 'Unproven Mesh', importRadio, self, False )
		self.layerThickness = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Layer Thickness (mm):', self, 0.4 )
		self.layersFrom = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Layers From (index):', self, 0 )
		self.layersTo = preferences.IntPreference().getFromValue( 'Layers To (index):', self, 999999999 )
		self.perimeterWidth = preferences.FloatPreference().getFromValue( 'Perimeter Width (mm):', self, 0.6 )
		#Create the archive, title of the execute button, title of the dialog & preferences fileName.
		self.executeTitle = 'Chop'
		preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge_tools.craft_plugins.chop.html' )