コード例 #1
def get_write_target_stats_options(**kwargs):
    Get optional arguments for write_target_stats function.

    Retrieves the keywords supplied to the WRITE_TARGET_STATS 
    function (**KWARGS), and returns the values in a OPTION dictionary. 
    Default values are assigned to selected optional arguments. The 
    function will terminate with an error if an unrecognized optional 
    argument is supplied.
    **kwargs : keyword argument list
    option : data structure containing option values.
    option['title']     : title descriptor for data set.
    option['overwrite'] : boolean to overwrite Excel file.
      A title description for each dataset TITLE can be optionally 
    provided as well as an overwrite option if the file name currently
    label = label : label for each data point in target diagram, e.g. 
                    'OC445 (CB)'
    overwrite = boolean : true/false flag to overwrite Excel file
    title = title : title descriptor for each data set in data, e.g. 
                   'Expt. 01.0'
    Author: Peter A. Rochford
    Acorn Science & Innovation
    [email protected]

    Created on Dec 10, 2016

    @author: rochfordp  
    from skill_metrics import check_on_off

    nargin = len(kwargs)

    #  Set default parameters
    option = {}
    option['overwrite'] = False
    option['label'] = []
    option['title'] = ''
    if nargin == 0:
        # No options requested, so return with only defaults
        return option

    # Load custom options, storing values in option data structure

    # Check for valid keys and values in dictionary
    for optname, optvalue in kwargs.items():
        optname = optname.lower()
        if not optname in option:
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized option: ' + optname)
            # Replace option value with that from arguments
            option[optname] = optvalue

            # Check values for specific options
            if optname == 'overwrite':
                option['overwrite'] = check_on_off(option['overwrite'])

    return option
コード例 #2
def get_taylor_diagram_options(*args,**kwargs):
    Get optional arguments for taylor_diagram function.
    Retrieves the optional arguments supplied to the TAYLOR_DIAGRAM 
    function as a variable-length input argument list (*ARGS), and
    returns the values in an OPTION dictionary. Default values are 
    assigned to selected optional arguments. The function will terminate
    with an error if an unrecognized optional argument is supplied.
    *kwargs : variable-length keyword argument list. The keywords by 
              definition are dictionaries with keys that must correspond to 
              one choices given in OUTPUTS below.
    option : dictionary containing option values. (Refer to 
             display_taylor_diagram_options function for more information.)
    option['alpha']           : blending of symbol face color (0.0 
                                transparent through 1.0 opaque). (Default : 1.0)
    option['axismax']         : maximum for the radial contours
    option['checkstats']      : Check input statistics satisfy Taylor 
                                relationship (Default : 'off')
    option['cmapzdata']       : data values to use for color mapping of
                                markers, e.g. RMSD or BIAS. (Default empty)

    option['colcor']          : color for correlation coefficient labels (Default : blue)
    option['colobs']          : color for observation labels (Default : magenta)
    option['colrms']          : color for RMS labels (Default : medium green)
    option['colstd']          : color for STD labels (Default : black)

    option['colormap']        : 'on'/'off' switch to map color shading of
                                 markers to CMapZData values ('on') or min to
                                 max range of CMapZData values ('off').
                                 (Default : 'on')
    option['locationcolorbar'] : location for the colorbar, 'NorthOutside' or

    option['markercolor']     : single color to use for all markers (Default: red)
    option['markerdisplayed'] : markers to use for individual experiments
    option['markerlabel']     : name of the experiment to use for marker
    option['markerlabelcolor']: marker label color (Default : 'k')
    option['markerlegend']    : 'on'/'off' switch to display marker legend
                                (Default 'off')
    option['markerobs'  ]     : marker to use for x-axis indicating observed 
                                STD. A choice of 'none' will suppress 
                                appearance of marker. (Default 'none')
    option['markersize']      : marker size (Default 10)

    option['numberpanels']  : Number of panels to display
                              = 1 for positive correlations
                              = 2 for positive and negative correlations
                             (Default value depends on correlations (CORs))

    option['overlay']       : 'on'/'off' switch to overlay current
                                statistics on Taylor diagram (Default 'off')
                                Only markers will be displayed.
    option['rincrms']       : axis tick increment for RMS values
    option['rincstd']       : axis tick increment for STD values
    option['rmslabelformat'] : string format for RMS contour labels, e.g. '0:.2f'.
                               (Default '0', format as specified by str function)
    option['showlabelscor'] : show correlation coefficient labels 
                              (Default: 'on')
    option['showlabelsrms'] : show RMS labels (Default: 'on')
    option['showlabelsstd'] : show STD labels (Default: 'on')

    option['stylecor']      : line style for correlation coefficient grid 
                              lines (Default: dash-dot '-.')
    option['styleobs']      : line style for observation grid line. A choice of
                              empty string '' will suppress appearance of the
                              grid line (Default: '')
    option['stylerms']      : line style for RMS grid lines 
                              (Default: dash '--')
    option['stylestd']      : line style for STD grid lines 
                              (Default: dotted ':')
    option['tickcor'][panel]: tick values for correlation coefficients for
                              two types of panels
    option['tickrms']       : RMS values to plot grid circles from
                              observation point 
    option['tickstd']       : STD values to plot grid circles from
    option['tickrmsangle']  : tick RMS angle (Default: 135 degrees)
    option['titleColorBar'] : title for the colorbar
    option['titlecor']      : show correlation coefficient axis label 
                              (Default: 'on')
    option['titleobs']      : label for observation point (Default: '')
    option['titlerms']      : show RMS axis label (Default: 'on')
    option['titlestd']      : show STD axis label (Default: 'on')
    option['widthcor']      : linewidth for correlation coefficient grid 
                              lines (Default: .8)
    option['widthobs']      : linewidth for observation grid line (Default: .8)
    option['widthrms']      : linewidth for RMS grid lines (Default: .8)
    option['widthstd']      : linewidth for STD grid lines (Default: .8)
    Author: Peter A. Rochford
        Symplectic, LLC
        [email protected]

    Created on Nov 25, 2016
    Revised on Apr  22, 2017
    from skill_metrics import check_on_off
    from matplotlib import rcParams

    CORs = args[0]
    nargin = len(kwargs)

    # Set default parameters for all options
    option = {}
    option['alpha'] = 1.0
    option['axismax'] = 0.0
    option['bias'] = []
    option['checkstats'] = 'off'
    option['cmapzdata'] = []

    option['colcor'] = (0, 0, 1)  # blue
    option['colobs'] = 'm' # magenta
    option['colrms'] = (0, .6, 0) # medium green
    option['colstd'] = (0, 0, 0)  # black

    option['colormap'] = 'on'
    option['locationcolorbar'] = 'NorthOutside'

    option['markercolor'] = 'r'
    option['markerdisplayed'] = 'marker'
    option['markerlabel'] = ''
    option['markerlabelcolor'] = 'k'
    option['markerlegend'] = 'off'
    option['markerobs'] = 'none'
    option['markersize'] = 10
    negative = CORs[np.where(CORs < 0.0)]
    if len(negative) > 0:
        option['numberpanels'] = 2 # double panel
        option['numberpanels'] = 1 # single panel

    option['overlay'] = 'off'
    option['rincrms'] = []
    option['rincstd'] = []
    option['rmslabelformat'] = '0'
    option['showlabelscor'] = 'on'
    option['showlabelsrms'] = 'on'
    option['showlabelsstd'] = 'on'

    option['stylecor'] = '-.'
    option['styleobs'] = ''
    option['stylerms'] = '--'
    option['stylestd'] = ':'

    # Note that "0" must be explicitly given or a scientific number is
    # stored
    tickval1 = [1, 0.99, 0.95, 0]
    middle = np.linspace(0.9, 0.1, 9)
    tickval1[3:3] = middle
    tickval2 = tickval1[:]
    values = np.linspace(-0.1,-0.9,9)
    tickval2.extend([-0.95, -0.99, -1])
    option['tickcor'] = (tickval1, tickval2) # store as tuple

    option['tickrms'] = [] 
    option['tickstd'] = [] 
    option['tickrmsangle'] = -1
    option['titlecolorbar'] = ''
    option['titlecor'] = 'on'
    option['titleobs'] = ''
    option['titlerms'] = 'on'
    option['titlestd'] = 'on'
    lineWidth = rcParams.get('lines.linewidth')
    option['widthcor'] = lineWidth
    option['widthobs'] = lineWidth
    option['widthrms'] = lineWidth
    option['widthstd'] = lineWidth

    if nargin == 0:
        # No options requested, so return with only defaults
        return option
    # Check for valid keys and values in dictionary
    for optname, optvalue in kwargs.items():
        optname = optname.lower()
        if optname == 'nonrmsdz':
            raise ValueError('nonrmsdz is an obsolete option. Use cmapzdata instead.')

        if not optname in option:
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized option: ' + optname)
            # Replace option value with that from arguments
            if optname == 'tickcor':
                list1 = option['tickcor'][0]
                list2 = option['tickcor'][1]
                if option['numberpanels'] == 1:
                    list1 = optvalue
                    list2 = optvalue
                option['tickcor'] = (list1, list2)
                option[optname] = optvalue

            # Check values for specific options
            if optname == 'checkstats':
                option['checkstats'] = check_on_off(option['checkstats'])
            elif optname == 'cmapzdata':
                if isinstance(option[optname], str):
                    raise ValueError('cmapzdata cannot be a string!')
                elif isinstance(option[optname], bool):
                    raise ValueError('cmapzdata cannot be a boolean!')
                option['cmapzdata'] = optvalue
            elif optname == 'markerlabel':
                if not type(optvalue) is list:
                    raise ValueError('Option value is not a list: ' + 
                option['markerlabel'] = optvalue[1:]
            elif optname == 'markerlegend':
                option['markerlegend'] = check_on_off(option['markerlegend'])
            elif optname == 'overlay':
                option['overlay'] = check_on_off(option['overlay'])
            elif optname == 'rmslabelformat':
                # Check for valid string format
                labelFormat = '{' + optvalue + '}'
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('Invalid string format for rmslabelformat: ' + optvalue)
            elif optname == 'showlabelscor':
                option['showlabelscor'] = check_on_off(option['showlabelscor'])
            elif optname == 'showlabelsrms':
                option['showlabelsrms'] = check_on_off(option['showlabelsrms'])
            elif optname == 'showlabelsstd':
                option['showlabelsstd'] = check_on_off(option['showlabelsstd'])
            elif optname == 'tickrms':
                option['tickrms'] = np.sort(optvalue)
                option['rincrms'] = (max(option['tickrms']) - \
                                     min(option['tickrms']))/ \
            elif optname == 'tickstd':
                option['tickstd'] = np.sort(optvalue)
                option['rincstd'] = (max(option['tickstd']) - \
                                     min(option['tickstd']))/ \
            elif optname == 'titlecor':
                option['titlecor'] = check_on_off(option['titlecor'])
            elif optname == 'titlerms':
                option['titlerms'] = check_on_off(option['titlerms'])
            elif optname == 'titlestd':
                option['titlestd'] = check_on_off(option['titlestd'])
    return option
コード例 #3
def get_target_diagram_options(**kwargs):
    Get optional arguments for target_diagram function.
    Retrieves the optional arguments supplied to the TARGET_DIAGRAM 
    function as a variable-length keyword argument list (*KWARGS), and
    returns the values in an OPTION dictionary. Default values are 
    assigned to selected optional arguments. The function will terminate
    with an error if an unrecognized optional argument is supplied.
    *kwargs : variable-length keyword argument list. The keywords by 
              definition are dictionaries with keys that must correspond to 
              one choices given in OUTPUTS below.
    option : dictionary containing option values. (Refer to 
             display_target_diagram_options function for more information.)
    option['alpha']           : blending of symbol face color (0.0 
                                transparent through 1.0 opaque). (Default : 1.0)
    option['axismax']         : maximum for the Bias & uRMSD axis
    option['circlelinespec']  : circle line specification (default dashed 
                             black, '--k')
    option['circlelinewidth'] : circle line width specification (default 0.5)
    option['circles']         : radii of circles to draw to indicate 
                                isopleths of standard deviation (empty by default)
    option['colormap']        : 'on'/'off' switch to map color shading of
                                 markers to colormap ('on') or min to max range
                                 of RMSDz values ('off'). Set to same value as
    option['equalAxes']       : 'on'/'off' switch to set axes to be equal
    option['markerdisplayed'] : markers to use for individual experiments
    option['markerlabel']     : name of the experiment to use for marker
    option['markerlabelcolor'] : marker label color (Default 'k')
    option['markerlegend']    : 'on'/'off' switch to display marker legend
                                (Default 'off')
    option['markersize']      : marker size (Default 10)

    option['nonrmsdz']        : 'on'/'off' switch indicating values in RMSDz 
                                do not correspond to total RMS Differences. 
                                (Default 'off')
    option['normalized']      : statistics supplied are normalized with 
                                respect to the standard deviation of reference
                                values (Default 'off')
    option['obsUncertainty']  : Observational Uncertainty (default of 0)
    option['overlay']         : 'on'/'off' switch to overlay current
                                statistics on Taylor diagram (Default 'off')
                                Only markers will be displayed.
    option['ticks']           : define tick positions (default is that used 
                                by the axis function)
    option['titlecolorbar']   : title for the colorbar
    option['xticklabelpos']   : position of the tick labels along the x-axis 
                                (empty by default)
    option['yticklabelpos']   : position of the tick labels along the y-axis 
                                (empty by default)
    Author: Peter A. Rochford
        Symplectic, LLC
        [email protected]

    Created on Nov 25, 2016
    from skill_metrics import check_on_off

    nargin = len(kwargs)

    # Set default parameters for all options
    option = {}
    option['alpha'] = 1.0
    option['axismax'] = 0.0
    option['circlelinespec'] = 'k--'
    option['circlelinewidth'] = 1.5
    option['circles'] = []
    option['colormap'] = 'off'
    option['equalaxes'] = 'on'

    option['markercolor'] = 'r'
    option['markerdisplayed'] = 'marker'
    option['markerlabel'] = ''
    option['markerlabelcolor'] = 'k'
    option['markerlegend'] = 'off'
    option['markersize'] = 10

    option['nonrmsdz'] = 'off'
    option['normalized'] = 'off'
    option['obsuncertainty'] = 0.0
    option['overlay'] = 'off'
    option['ticks'] = []
    option['titlecolorbar'] = ''
    option['xticklabelpos'] = []
    option['yticklabelpos'] = []
    if nargin == 0:
        # No options requested, so return with only defaults
        return option

    # Check for valid keys and values in dictionary
    for optname, optvalue in kwargs.items():
        optname = optname.lower()
        if not optname in option:
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized option: ' + optname)
            # Replace option value with that from arguments
            option[optname] = optvalue

            # Check values for specific options
            if optname == 'equalaxes':
                option['equalaxes'] = check_on_off(option['equalaxes'])
            elif optname == 'markerlegend':
                option['markerlegend'] = check_on_off(option['markerlegend'])
            elif optname == 'nonrmsdz':
                option['nonrmsdz'] = check_on_off(option['nonrmsdz'])
            elif optname == 'normalized':
                option['normalized'] = check_on_off(option['normalized'])
            elif optname == 'overlay':
                option['overlay'] = check_on_off(option['overlay'])

    option['colormap'] = option['nonrmsdz']

    return option