コード例 #1
def label2rgb(label, image=None, colors=None, alpha=0.3,
              bg_label=-1, bg_color=None, image_alpha=1):
    """Return an RGB image where color-coded labels are painted over the image.

    label : array
        Integer array of labels with the same shape as `image`.
    image : array
        Image used as underlay for labels. If the input is an RGB image, it's
        converted to grayscale before coloring.
    colors : list
        List of colors. If the number of labels exceeds the number of colors,
        then the colors are cycled.
    alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of colorized labels. Ignored if image is `None`.
    bg_label : int
        Label that's treated as the background.
    bg_color : str or array
        Background color. Must be a name in `color_dict` or RGB float values
        between [0, 1].
    image_alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of the image.
    if colors is None:
        colors = DEFAULT_COLORS
    colors = [_rgb_vector(c) for c in colors]

    if image is None:
        colorized = np.zeros(label.shape + (3,), dtype=np.float64)
        # Opacity doesn't make sense if no image exists.
        alpha = 1
        if not image.shape[:2] == label.shape:
            raise ValueError("`image` and `label` must be the same shape")

        if image.min() < 0:
            warnings.warn("Negative intensities in `image` are not supported")

        image = img_as_float(rgb2gray(image))
        colorized = gray2rgb(image) * image_alpha + (1 - image_alpha)

    labels = list(set(label.flat))
    color_cycle = itertools.cycle(colors)

    if bg_label in labels:
        if bg_color is not None:
            labels.insert(0, bg_label)
            bg_color = _rgb_vector(bg_color)
            color_cycle = itertools.chain(bg_color, color_cycle)

    for c, i in zip(color_cycle, labels):
        mask = (label == i)
        colorized[mask] = c * alpha + colorized[mask] * (1 - alpha)

    return colorized
コード例 #2
def label2rgb(label, image=None, colors=None, alpha=0.3,
              bg_label=-1, bg_color=None, image_alpha=1):
    """Return an RGB image where color-coded labels are painted over the image.

    label : array
        Integer array of labels with the same shape as `image`.
    image : array
        Image used as underlay for labels. If the input is an RGB image, it's
        converted to grayscale before coloring.
    colors : list
        List of colors. If the number of labels exceeds the number of colors,
        then the colors are cycled.
    alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of colorized labels. Ignored if image is `None`.
    bg_label : int
        Label that's treated as the background.
    bg_color : str or array
        Background color. Must be a name in `color_dict` or RGB float values
        between [0, 1].
    image_alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of the image.
    if colors is None:
        colors = DEFAULT_COLORS
    colors = [_rgb_vector(c) for c in colors]

    if image is None:
        image = np.zeros(label.shape + (3,), dtype=np.float64)
        # Opacity doesn't make sense if no image exists.
        alpha = 1
        if not image.shape[:2] == label.shape:
            raise ValueError("`image` and `label` must be the same shape")

        if image.min() < 0:
            warnings.warn("Negative intensities in `image` are not supported")

        image = img_as_float(rgb2gray(image))
        image = gray2rgb(image) * image_alpha + (1 - image_alpha)

    # Ensure that all labels are non-negative so we can index into
    # `label_to_color` correctly.
    offset = min(label.min(), bg_label)
    if offset != 0:
        label = label - offset  # Make sure you don't modify the input array.
        bg_label -= offset

    new_type = np.min_scalar_type(label.max())
    if new_type == np.bool:
        new_type = np.uint8
    label = label.astype(new_type)

    unique_labels, color_cycle = _match_label_with_color(label, colors,
                                                         bg_label, bg_color)

    if len(unique_labels) == 0:
        return image

    dense_labels = range(max(unique_labels) + 1)
    label_to_color = np.array([c for i, c in zip(dense_labels, color_cycle)])

    result = label_to_color[label] * alpha + image * (1 - alpha)

    # Remove background label if its color was not specified.
    remove_background = bg_label in unique_labels and bg_color is None
    if remove_background:
        result[label == bg_label] = image[label == bg_label]

    return result
コード例 #3
def label2rgb(label, image=None, colors=None, alpha=0.3,
              bg_label=-1, bg_color=None, image_alpha=1):
    """Return an RGB image where color-coded labels are painted over the image.

    label : array
        Integer array of labels with the same shape as `image`.
    image : array
        Image used as underlay for labels. If the input is an RGB image, it's
        converted to grayscale before coloring.
    colors : list
        List of colors. If the number of labels exceeds the number of colors,
        then the colors are cycled.
    alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of colorized labels. Ignored if image is `None`.
    bg_label : int
        Label that's treated as the background.
    bg_color : str or array
        Background color. Must be a name in `color_dict` or RGB float values
        between [0, 1].
    image_alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of the image.
    if colors is None:
        colors = DEFAULT_COLORS
    colors = [_rgb_vector(c) for c in colors]

    if image is None:
        img_layer = np.zeros(label.shape + (3,), dtype=np.float64)
        # Opacity doesn't make sense if no image exists.
        alpha = 1
        if not image.shape[:2] == label.shape:
            raise ValueError("`image` and `label` must be the same shape")

        if image.min() < 0:
            warnings.warn("Negative intensities in `image` are not supported")

        image = img_as_float(rgb2gray(image))
        img_layer = gray2rgb(image) * image_alpha + (1 - image_alpha)

    # need to ensure that all labels are ints >= 0
    offset = label.min()
    if offset != 0:
        label -= offset
        bg_label -= offset
    new_type = np.min_scalar_type(label.max())
    if new_type == np.bool:
        new_type = np.uint8
    label = label.astype(new_type)

    labels = list(set(label.flat))
    color_cycle = itertools.cycle(colors)

    remove_background = bg_label in labels and bg_color is None

    if bg_label in labels:
        if bg_color is not None:
            labels.insert(0, bg_label)
            bg_color = _rgb_vector(bg_color)
            color_cycle = itertools.chain(bg_color, color_cycle)

    if len(labels) == 0:
        return img_layer

    label_to_color = np.zeros((max(labels) + 1, 3))
    for lab, c in zip(labels, color_cycle):
        label_to_color[lab] = c

    label_layer = label_to_color[label]
    result = label_layer * alpha + img_layer * (1 - alpha)

    # remove background label if its color was not specified
    if remove_background:
        result[label == bg_label] = img_layer[label == bg_label]

    return result
コード例 #4
def label2rgb(label,
    """Return an RGB image where color-coded labels are painted over the image.

    label : array
        Integer array of labels with the same shape as `image`.
    image : array
        Image used as underlay for labels. If the input is an RGB image, it's
        converted to grayscale before coloring.
    colors : list
        List of colors. If the number of labels exceeds the number of colors,
        then the colors are cycled.
    alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of colorized labels. Ignored if image is `None`.
    bg_label : int
        Label that's treated as the background.
    bg_color : str or array
        Background color. Must be a name in `color_dict` or RGB float values
        between [0, 1].
    image_alpha : float [0, 1]
        Opacity of the image.
    if colors is None:
        colors = DEFAULT_COLORS
    colors = [_rgb_vector(c) for c in colors]

    if image is None:
        colorized = np.zeros(label.shape + (3, ), dtype=np.float64)
        # Opacity doesn't make sense if no image exists.
        alpha = 1
        if not image.shape[:2] == label.shape:
            raise ValueError("`image` and `label` must be the same shape")

        if image.min() < 0:
            warnings.warn("Negative intensities in `image` are not supported")

        image = img_as_float(rgb2gray(image))
        colorized = gray2rgb(image) * image_alpha + (1 - image_alpha)

    labels = list(set(label.flat))
    color_cycle = itertools.cycle(colors)

    if bg_label in labels:
        if bg_color is not None:
            labels.insert(0, bg_label)
            bg_color = _rgb_vector(bg_color)
            color_cycle = itertools.chain(bg_color, color_cycle)

    for c, i in zip(color_cycle, labels):
        mask = (label == i)
        colorized[mask] = c * alpha + colorized[mask] * (1 - alpha)

    return colorized