コード例 #1
ファイル: skinDetection.py プロジェクト: Kenhouse/Leonardo
def get_face_mask(img,landmarks):
    mask = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1]), dtype=img.dtype)
    r = landmarks[0:17,0]
    c = landmarks[0:17,1]
    #rr: row is y-coord, cc: col is x-coord
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 255

    #remove left eyes
    r = landmarks[36:42,0]
    c = landmarks[36:42,1]
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 0

    #remove right eyes
    r = landmarks[42:48,0]
    c = landmarks[42:48,1]
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 0

    #remove lips
    r = landmarks[48:60,0]
    c = landmarks[48:60,1]
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 0
    return mask
コード例 #2
ファイル: skinDetection.py プロジェクト: Kenhouse/Leonardo
def remove_eyes_and_lips_area(mask,landmarks):
    r = landmarks[0:17,0]
    c = landmarks[0:17,1]
    #rr: row is y-coord, cc: col is x-coord
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 255

    #remove left eyes
    r = landmarks[36:42,0]
    c = landmarks[36:42,1]
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 0

    #remove right eyes
    r = landmarks[42:48,0]
    c = landmarks[42:48,1]
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 0

    #remove lips
    r = landmarks[48:60,0]
    c = landmarks[48:60,1]
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(r, c)
    mask[cc, rr] = 0
    return mask
コード例 #3
ファイル: facial_alignment.py プロジェクト: 121onto/noaa
def draw_reference_frame(x, y, z, h, theta):
    frame = np.ones((2 * y + 1, x + 1))
    red_x = np.array([0, x // 2, x, 0])
    red_y = np.array([0, y, 0, 0])
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(red_y, red_x)
    frame[rr, cc] = 2
    m = h * x // (2 * y)
    white_x = np.array([m, x - m, z, m])
    white_y = np.array([h, h, 0, h])
    rr, cc = draw.polygon(white_y, white_x)
    frame[rr, cc] = 3

    cy = y
    cx = x // 2 - 1
    radius = cx
    rr, cc = draw.circle(cy, cx, radius)
    zeros = np.ones_like(frame)
    zeros[rr, cc] = 0
    frame[zeros == 1] = 1

    c_in = np.array(frame.shape) // 2
    c_out = np.array(frame.shape) // 2
    transform = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
    offset = c_in - c_out.dot(transform)
    frame = ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(frame, transform.T, order=0, cval=1, offset=offset).astype(int)
    return frame.astype("uint8")
コード例 #4
ファイル: shapes.py プロジェクト: carlgogo/VIP
def create_ringed_spider_mask(im_shape, ann_out, ann_in=0, sp_width=10,
    Mask out information is outside the annulus and inside the spiders (zeros).

    im_shape : tuple of int
        Tuple of length two with 2d array shape (Y,X).
    ann_out : int
        Outer radius of the annulus.
    ann_in : int
        Inner radius of the annulus.
    sp_width : int
        Width of the spider arms (3 branches).
    sp_angle : int
        angle of the first spider arm (on the positive horizontal axis) in
        counter-clockwise sense.

    mask : numpy ndarray
        2d array of zeros and ones.

    mask = np.zeros(im_shape)

    s = im_shape[0]
    r = s/2
    theta = np.arctan2(sp_width/2, r)

    t0 = np.array([theta, np.pi-theta, np.pi+theta, np.pi*2 - theta])
    t1 = t0 + sp_angle/180 * np.pi
    t2 = t1 + np.pi/3
    t3 = t2 + np.pi/3

    x1 = r * np.cos(t1) + s/2
    y1 = r * np.sin(t1) + s/2
    x2 = r * np.cos(t2) + s/2
    y2 = r * np.sin(t2) + s/2
    x3 = r * np.cos(t3) + s/2
    y3 = r * np.sin(t3) + s/2

    rr1, cc1 = polygon(y1, x1)
    rr2, cc2 = polygon(y2, x2)
    rr3, cc3 = polygon(y3, x3)

    cy, cx = frame_center(mask)
    rr0, cc0 = circle(cy, cx, min(ann_out, cy))
    rr4, cc4 = circle(cy, cx, ann_in)

    mask[rr0, cc0] = 1
    mask[rr1, cc1] = 0
    mask[rr2, cc2] = 0
    mask[rr3, cc3] = 0
    mask[rr4, cc4] = 0
    return mask
コード例 #5
ファイル: rois.py プロジェクト: Peichao/Constrained_NMF
    def tomask(coords):
        mask = np.zeros(dims)
        coords = np.array(coords)
        rr, cc = polygon(coords[:, 0] + 1, coords[:, 1] + 1)
        mask[rr, cc] = 1

        return mask
コード例 #6
ファイル: ROI.py プロジェクト: JoshBradshaw/bloodtools
 def get_indices(self):
     """Returns a set of points that lie inside the picked polygon."""
     coo = self.get_coords()
     if coo is None:
         return None
     y,x = coo
     return polygon(x,y, self.im)
コード例 #7
ファイル: delaunay.py プロジェクト: LouisK130/oii
    def __init__(self,image):
        """Extract points, compute Delaunay tessellation, compute features, and make properties

        image - ndimage the image data
        segments - a set of N indexes of segments that still exist
        vertices(N) - for each segment, the coordinates of its vertices
        pixels(N) - for each segment, the coordinates of its boundary and interior pixels
        neighbors(N) - for each segment, a set of indicies of neighboring segments
        features(N) - for each segment, a dictionary of features"""
        self.image = image
        points = self.find_points()
        tri = Delaunay(points)
        self.segments = set()
        self.vertices = {}
        self.pixels = {}
        self.neighbors = {}
        self.features = {}
        N = len(tri.vertices)
        for v,n in zip(tri.vertices,range(N)):
            py,px = np.rot90(points[v],3) # ccw for y,x
            iy,ix = [f.astype(int) for f in polygon(py,px)] # interior
            oy,ox = outline(py,px) # edges
            self.vertices[n] = (py,px)
            self.pixels[n] = (np.concatenate((iy,oy)),np.concatenate((ix,ox)))
            self.neighbors[n] = set(tri.neighbors[n])
            self.features[n] = self.compute_features(n)
コード例 #8
def get_morph(im1, im2, im1_pts_array, imt2_pts_array, t):
    # Get the average image
    mean_pts_array = (im1_pts_array) * (1-t) + (im2_pts_array) * (t)

    # Delaunay Mean
    tri_mean = Delaunay(mean_pts_array)

    #mean_pts_array[:,0], mean_pts_array[:,1] = mean_pts_array[:,1], mean_pts_array[:,0].copy()
    mean_im = np.zeros(im1.shape).astype(float)

    for tri_vert_idxs in tri_mean.simplices.copy():
        vert_idx1, vert_idx2, vert_idx3 = tri_vert_idxs

        im1_tri = np.array([im1_pts_array[vert_idx1], im1_pts_array[vert_idx2], im1_pts_array[vert_idx3]])
        im2_tri = np.array([im2_pts_array[vert_idx1], im2_pts_array[vert_idx2], im2_pts_array[vert_idx3]])
        im_mean_tri = np.array([mean_pts_array[vert_idx1], mean_pts_array[vert_idx2], mean_pts_array[vert_idx3]])

        Trans1 = TriAffine(im_mean_tri, im1_tri)
        Trans2 = TriAffine(im_mean_tri, im2_tri)

        poly_mean_x_idxs, poly_mean_y_idxs = polygon(im_mean_tri[:,0], im_mean_tri[:,1])

        poly1_x_idxs, poly1_y_idxs = Trans1.transform(poly_mean_x_idxs, poly_mean_y_idxs)
        poly2_x_idxs, poly2_y_idxs = Trans2.transform(poly_mean_x_idxs, poly_mean_y_idxs)

        mean_im[poly_mean_x_idxs, poly_mean_y_idxs] = im1[poly1_x_idxs, poly1_y_idxs] * (1-t) + im2[poly2_x_idxs, poly2_y_idxs] * (t)
    return mean_im
コード例 #9
ファイル: shape.py プロジェクト: lvanderlinden/004
def fromRadialShape(a, r, shape):

		Generates an image array based on angle and radius information. The
		image will be 0 for background and 1 for shape.

			desc:	An array with angles (radial).
			type:	ndarray
			desc:	An array with radii (pixels).
			type:	ndarray
			desc:	The shape (width, height) for the resulting shape.
			type:	tuple

		desc:	An image.
		type:	ndarray

	x = shape[0]/2 + r * np.cos(a)
	y = shape[1]/2 + r * np.sin(a)
	rr, cc = draw.polygon(x, y)
	im = np.zeros(shape)
	im[rr, cc] = 1
	return im
コード例 #10
ファイル: lineprofile.py プロジェクト: SamHames/scikit-image
    def output(self):
        """Return the drawn line and the resulting scan.

        line_image : (M, N) uint8 array, same shape as image
            An array of 0s with the scanned line set to 255.
            If the linewidth of the line tool is greater than 1,
            sets the values within the profiled polygon to 128.
        scan : (P,) or (P, 3) array of int or float
            The line scan values across the image.
        end_points = self.line_tool.end_points
        line_image = np.zeros(self.image_viewer.image.shape[:2],
        width = self.line_tool.linewidth
        if width > 1:
            rp, cp = measure.profile._line_profile_coordinates(
                *end_points[:, ::-1], linewidth=width)
            # the points are aliased, so create a polygon using the corners
            yp = np.rint(rp[[0, 0, -1, -1],[0, -1, -1, 0]]).astype(int)
            xp = np.rint(cp[[0, 0, -1, -1],[0, -1, -1, 0]]).astype(int)
            rp, cp = draw.polygon(yp, xp, line_image.shape)
            line_image[rp, cp] = 128
        (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = end_points.astype(int)
        rr, cc = draw.line(y1, x1, y2, x2)
        line_image[rr, cc] = 255
        return line_image, self.scan_data
コード例 #11
ファイル: locator.py プロジェクト: UManPychron/pychron
    def _segment_polygon(self, image, frame, target,
                         cthreshold, mi, ma):

        src = frame[:]

        wh = get_size(src)
        # make image with polygon
        im = zeros(wh)
        points = asarray(target.poly_points)

        rr, cc = polygon(*points.T)
        im[cc, rr] = 255

        # do watershedding
        distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(im)
        local_maxi = feature.peak_local_max(distance, labels=im,
#                                             footprint=ones((1, 1))
        markers, ns = ndimage.label(local_maxi)
        wsrc = watershed(-distance, markers,
        wsrc = wsrc.astype('uint8')

#         self.test_image.setup_images(3, wh)
#         self.test_image.set_image(distance, idx=0)
#         self.test_image.set_image(wsrc, idx=1)

#         self.wait()

        targets = self._find_polygon_targets(wsrc)
        ct = cthreshold * 0.75
        target = self._test_targets(wsrc, targets, ct, mi, ma)
        if not target:
            values, bins = histogram(wsrc, bins=max((10, ns)))
            # assume 0 is the most abundant pixel. ie the image is mostly background
            values, bins = values[1:], bins[1:]
            idxs = nonzero(values)[0]

                polygon is now segmented into multiple regions
                consectutively remove a region and find targets
            nimage = ones_like(wsrc, dtype='uint8') * 255
            nimage[wsrc == 0] = 0
            for idx in idxs:
                bl = bins[idx]
                bu = bins[idx + 1]
                nimage[((wsrc >= bl) & (wsrc <= bu))] = 0

                targets = self._find_polygon_targets(nimage)
                target = self._test_targets(nimage, targets, ct, mi, ma)
                if target:

        return target
コード例 #12
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ERCpy/ercpy
def poly_to_mask(vertex_row_coords, vertex_col_coords, shape):
    Creates a poligon mask
    fill_row_coords, fill_col_coords = draw.polygon(vertex_row_coords, vertex_col_coords, shape)
    mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool)
    mask[fill_row_coords, fill_col_coords] = True
    return mask
コード例 #13
 def add_background(self):
     dis = self.lv_radius**2/self.e_h
     poly = np.array((
     (self.e_center[0]+self.e_h, self.e_center[1]),
     (self.e_center[0]-self.e_h, self.e_center[1]),
     (self.lv_center[0]-self.lv_radius, self.lv_center[1]),
     (self.lv_center[0]+self.lv_radius, self.lv_center[1]),
     self.back = d.polygon(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1])
コード例 #14
ファイル: image_tools.py プロジェクト: mridulafmach/Py-MSI
 def __init__(self,roilist,image):
     ''' Construct a list of ROI masks'''
     self.image = image
     self.masks = []
     for roi in roilist:
         empty = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
         rr,cc = polygon(roi[1,:],roi[0,:])
         empty[rr, cc] = 1 
コード例 #15
def assignPts2Triangles(triangles_vertices):
    triLabels = []
    for i,triangle in enumerate(triangles_vertices):
        triangle = np.array(triangle)
        y = triangle[:,1:]
        x = triangle[:,:1]
        rr, cc = polygon(y,x)
        triLabels.append([tuple(pair) for pair in np.vstack((cc,rr)).T])
    return np.array(triLabels)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_draw.py プロジェクト: ameya005/scikit-image
def test_polygon_rectangle():
    img = np.zeros((10, 10), 'uint8')

    rr, cc = polygon((1, 4, 4, 1, 1), (1, 1, 4, 4, 1))
    img[rr, cc] = 1

    img_ = np.zeros((10, 10))
    img_[1:4, 1:4] = 1

    assert_array_equal(img, img_)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_draw.py プロジェクト: AlexG31/scikit-image
def test_polygon_exceed():
    img = np.zeros((10, 10), 'uint8')
    poly = np.array(((1, -1), (100, -1), (100, 100), (1, 100), (1, 1)))

    rr, cc = polygon(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1], img.shape)
    img[rr, cc] = 1

    img_ = np.zeros((10, 10))
    img_[1:, :] = 1

    assert_array_equal(img, img_)
コード例 #18
def getMeanPoint(outer_axis,inner_axis,pts_array):
    poly=np.array([p for p in inner_axis.coords]+[p for p in reversed(outer_axis.coords)])
    rr, cc = polygon(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1])
    new_pt=translate(center,xoff=pts_mean*x, yoff=pts_mean*y)
    return new_pt
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_draw.py プロジェクト: AlexG31/scikit-image
def test_polygon_rectangle():
    img = np.zeros((10, 10), 'uint8')
    poly = np.array(((1, 1), (4, 1), (4, 4), (1, 4), (1, 1)))

    rr, cc = polygon(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1])
    img[rr, cc] = 1

    img_ = np.zeros((10, 10))
    img_[1:4, 1:4] = 1

    assert_array_equal(img, img_)
コード例 #20
ファイル: blob_geometry.py プロジェクト: joefutrelle/oii
def convex_hull_image(hull,shape):
    """this can also be computed using
    chi = np.zeros(shape,dtype=np.bool)
    # points in the convex hull
    y, x = polygon(hull[:,0], hull[:,1])
    chi[y,x] = 1
    # points on the convex hull
    for row in np.hstack((hull, np.roll(hull,1,axis=0))):
    return chi
コード例 #21
ファイル: detector.py プロジェクト: joelvbernier/hexrd
    def clip_to_panel(self, xy, buffer_edges=True):
        if self.roi is not None, uses it by default

        TODO: check if need shape kwarg
        TODO: optimize ROI search better than list comprehension below
        TODO: panel_buffer can be a 2-d boolean mask, but needs testing

        xy = np.atleast_2d(xy)

        if self.roi is not None:
            ij_crds = self.cartToPixel(xy, pixels=True)
            ii, jj = polygon(self.roi[:, 0], self.roi[:, 1],
                             shape=(self.rows, self.cols))
            on_panel_rows = [i in ii for i in ij_crds[:, 0]]
            on_panel_cols = [j in jj for j in ij_crds[:, 1]]
            on_panel = np.logical_and(on_panel_rows, on_panel_cols)
            xlim = 0.5*self.col_dim
            ylim = 0.5*self.row_dim
            if buffer_edges and self.panel_buffer is not None:
                if self.panel_buffer.ndim == 2:
                    pix = self.cartToPixel(xy, pixels=True)

                    roff = np.logical_or(pix[:, 0] < 0, pix[:, 0] >= self.rows)
                    coff = np.logical_or(pix[:, 1] < 0, pix[:, 1] >= self.cols)

                    idx = np.logical_or(roff, coff)

                    pix[idx, :] = 0

                    on_panel = self.panel_buffer[pix[:, 0], pix[:, 1]]
                    on_panel[idx] = False
                    xlim -= self.panel_buffer[0]
                    ylim -= self.panel_buffer[1]
                    on_panel_x = np.logical_and(
                        xy[:, 0] >= -xlim, xy[:, 0] <= xlim
                    on_panel_y = np.logical_and(
                        xy[:, 1] >= -ylim, xy[:, 1] <= ylim
                    on_panel = np.logical_and(on_panel_x, on_panel_y)
            elif not buffer_edges:
                    on_panel_x = np.logical_and(
                        xy[:, 0] >= -xlim, xy[:, 0] <= xlim
                    on_panel_y = np.logical_and(
                        xy[:, 1] >= -ylim, xy[:, 1] <= ylim
                    on_panel = np.logical_and(on_panel_x, on_panel_y)
        return xy[on_panel, :], on_panel
コード例 #22
ファイル: superres_painter.py プロジェクト: Hello1024/tf-gen
def motion(event):
    if b1 == "down":
        global xold, yold, photo, data, color
        if xold is not None and yold is not None and photo is not None:
            x = np.array([xold, xold + 25, event.x + 25, event.x])
            y = np.array([yold, yold + 25, event.y + 25, event.y])
            rr, cc = polygon(y, x, (WIDTH, HEIGHT))

            for i in range(3):
                data[0, rr, cc, i] += color
                # here's where you draw it. smooth. neat.
        xold = event.x
        yold = event.y
コード例 #23
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: freealong/Mask_RCNN
def extract_mask_from_polygon(height, width, points):
    extract mask from polygon
    :param height: mask height
    :param width: mask width
    :param points: polygon points in [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]] format
    :return: mask
    np_points = np.array(points)
    M = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.bool)
    rr, cc = polygon(np_points[:, 1], np_points[:, 0])
    M[rr, cc] = 1
    return M
コード例 #24
ファイル: coco.py プロジェクト: AishwaryaAgrawal/coco-caption
 def segToMask( S, h, w ):
      Convert polygon segmentation to binary mask.
      :param   S (float array)   : polygon segmentation mask
      :param   h (int)           : target mask height
      :param   w (int)           : target mask width
      :return: M (bool 2D array) : binary mask
      M = np.zeros((h,w), dtype=np.bool)
      for s in S:
          N = len(s)
          rr, cc = polygon(np.array(s[1:N:2]), np.array(s[0:N:2])) # (y, x)
          M[rr, cc] = 1
      return M
コード例 #25
ファイル: polygons.py プロジェクト: hugadams/pyparty
    def _get_rr_cc(self):
        """ Very similar to Particle_get_rr_cc(), except rotates verticies then
        draws rr_cc instead of rotating rr_cc itself."""
        if self.phi % 360.0 == 0.0:
            xs, ys = self._xverts, self._yverts

            center = self.center            
            centered = self.xymatrix - center
            rr_cc_rot = rotate_vector(centered, self.phi, rint='up')
            xs, ys = (rr_cc_rot + center).T            

        return draw.polygon(ys, xs)      
コード例 #26
ファイル: dataset.py プロジェクト: AIRob/calamari
 def cutout(pageimg, coordstring, scale=1, rect=False):
     coords = [p.split(",") for p in coordstring.split()]
     coords = np.array([(int(scale * int(c[1])), int(scale * int(c[0])))
                        for c in coords])
     if rect:
         return pageimg[min(c[0] for c in coords):max(c[0] for c in coords),
                min(c[1] for c in coords):max(c[1] for c in coords)]
     rr, cc = polygon(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], pageimg.shape)
     offset = (min([x[0] for x in coords]), min([x[1] for x in coords]))
     box = np.ones(
         (max([x[0] for x in coords]) - offset[0],
          max([x[1] for x in coords]) - offset[1]),
         dtype=pageimg.dtype) * 255
     box[rr - offset[0], cc - offset[1]] = pageimg[rr, cc]
     return box
コード例 #27
ファイル: roi.py プロジェクト: flika-org/flika
    def getMask(self):
        from skimage.draw import polygon
        if self._untranslated_mask is not None:
            xx = self._untranslated_mask[0] + int(self.state['pos'][0])
            yy = self._untranslated_mask[1] + int(self.state['pos'][1])
            x, y = np.transpose(self._untranslated_pts)
            xx, yy = polygon(x,y,shape=mask.shape)
            self._untranslated_mask = xx, yy

        idx_to_keep = np.logical_not( (xx>=self.window.mx) | (xx<0) | (yy>=self.window.my) | (yy<0))
        xx = xx[idx_to_keep]
        yy = yy[idx_to_keep]
        return xx, yy
コード例 #28
ファイル: ROIs.py プロジェクト: BrettJSettle/ChannelViewer
	def getMaskOnImage(self, tif):
	    pts = self.getPoints()
	    x=np.array([p[0] for p in pts])
	    y=np.array([p[1] for p in pts])
	    if nDims==4: #if this is an RGB image stack
	    elif nDims==3:
	    if nDims==2: #if this is a static image

	    return mask
コード例 #29
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: davidbliu/faces
def morph(im1, im2, im1_pts, im2_pts, tri, warp_frac, dissolve_frac):
    result = np.empty(im1.shape)
    for triangle in tri.simplices:
        pts1 = im1_pts[triangle]
        pts2 = im2_pts[triangle]
        pts3 = warp_frac*pts1 + (1-warp_frac)*pts2
        A = computeAffine(pts3, pts1)
        B = computeAffine(pts3, pts2)
        rr, cc = polygon(pts3[:,1], pts3[:,0])
        vector = np.ones([3, len(rr)])
        vector[0] = rr
        vector[1] = cc
        A = np.dot(A, vector).astype(int)
        B = np.dot(B, vector).astype(int)
        result[rr, cc] = dissolve_frac*im1[A[0], A[1]] +\
                (1-dissolve_frac)*im2[B[0], B[1]]
    return result
コード例 #30
ファイル: ac_function.py プロジェクト: guohengkai/MIRVAP
def ac_mask_simple(acontour, framesize):
    mask = npy.zeros(framesize, dtype = npy.uint8)
    new_acontour = npy.zeros([2, 5 * acontour.shape[1] - 4], dtype = npy.float32)
    s = acontour.shape[1]
    cnt = npy.arange(0, s) * 5
    spline = [0, 0]
    for i in range(2):
        spline[i] = itp.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(cnt, acontour[i, :])
    for j in range(new_acontour.shape[1]):
        if j % 5 == 0:
            new_acontour[:, j] = acontour[:, j / 5]
            for i in range(2):
                new_acontour[i, j] = spline[i](j)
    rr, cc = polygon(acontour[1, :], acontour[0, :])
    mask[cc, rr] = 1
    return mask
コード例 #31
def createMask(levelDims, vertices, pattern):
    Input: levelDims (nested list): dimensions of each layer of the slide.
           vertices (dict object as describe above)
    Output: (tuple) mask
            numpy nd array of 0/1, where 1 indicates inside the region
            and 0 is outside the region
    # Down scale the XML region to create a low reso image mask, and then
    # rescale the image to retain reso of image mask to save memory and time
    Xratio, Yratio = calculateRatio(levelDims)

    nRows, nCols = levelDims[-1]
    mask = np.zeros((nRows, nCols), dtype=np.uint8)

    for i in range(len(vertices[pattern])):
        lowX = np.array(vertices[pattern][i]['X']) / Xratio
        lowY = np.array(vertices[pattern][i]['Y']) / Yratio
        rr, cc = polygon(lowX, lowY, (nRows, nCols))
        mask[rr, cc] = 1

    return mask
コード例 #32
def create_mask(coordinates, shape=STANDARD_SHAPE):
    `coordinates` as represented in the Pylidc database for
    outlining the boundary of individual nodules.
    coords = coordinates.split('\n')
    coords_split = [c.split(',') for c in coords]
    rows = [int(c[0]) for c in coords_split]
    cols = [int(c[1]) for c in coords_split]

    #min_x = np.amin(rows)
    #min_y = np.amin(cols)

    #rows = [r - min_x for r in rows]
    #cols = [c - min_y for c in cols]

    rows, cols = draw.polygon(rows, cols, shape)

    mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool)
    mask[rows, cols] = True

    return mask, rows, cols
コード例 #33
ファイル: make_label_file.py プロジェクト: bohaohuang/sis
def create_polygon_fig(csv_files, patch_size=(300, 300)):
    Create and save the polygon ground truth image
    :param csv_files: list of csv files
    :param patch_size: used if the ground truth file is empty
    for csv_file in tqdm(csv_files):
        df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)

        if not df.empty:
            gt = np.zeros((df['height'][0], df['width'][0]))
            for name, group in df.groupby('Object', sort=False):
                y, x = polygon(group['Y'].values, group['X'].values)
                y, x = check_bounds(y, x, df['height'][0] - 1,
                                    df['width'][0] - 1)
                gt[y, x] = 1
            gt = np.zeros((patch_size))

        save_name = csv_file[:-7] + 'GT.png'
        ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, gt.astype(np.uint8))
コード例 #34
	def fillColor(self,image, boundary,rgb):
		# boundary[:,[0,1]] = boundary[:,[1,0]]
		#b = np.repeat(F[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
		img = image.copy()
		rr, cc = polygon(boundary[:,0], boundary[:,1], image.shape)
		image[rr,cc,:] = rgb#*image[rr,cc,:]
		rr, cc = polygon_perimeter(boundary[:,0], boundary[:,1], image.shape)
		image[rr,cc,:] = rgb#*image[rr,cc,:]
		# rgb = (webcolors.name_to_rgb(col)[0],webcolors.name_to_rgb(col)[1],webcolors.name_to_rgb(col)[2])
		# print(rgb)
		# for x in range(image.shape[0]):
		# 	for y in range(image.shape[1]):
		# 		if(cv2.pointPolygonTest(boundary,(x,y),True)>=0):
		# 			image[y][x][0] = rgb[0]
		# 			image[y][x][1] = rgb[1]
		# 			image[y][x][2] = rgb[2]
		#cv2.fillPoly(image, pts =[boundary], color=rgb)
		# cv2.imshow("sdjkfnskj",image)
		# cv2.waitKey(0)
		return image
コード例 #35
def read_polygon_csv_data(csv_file):
    def get_bounding_box(y, x):
        y_min = np.min(y).astype(int)
        x_min = np.min(x).astype(int)
        y_max = np.max(y).astype(int)
        x_max = np.max(x).astype(int)
        return y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max

    encoder = {'DT': 1, 'TT': 2, 'T': 1}
    label_order = ['SS', 'OT', 'DT', 'TT', 'OL', 'DL', 'TL']
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
    df['temp_label'] = pd.Categorical(df['Label'],
    df.sort_values('temp_label', inplace=True, kind='mergesort')

    for name, group in df.groupby('Object', sort=False):
        label = group['Label'].values[0]
        if group['Type'].values[0] == 'Polygon' and label in encoder:
            x, y = polygon(group['X'].values, group['Y'].values)
            if (x != []) and (y != []):
                yield label, get_bounding_box(y, x)
コード例 #36
def draw_polygon(img_height, img_width, vertices):
    Uses scikit-image draw polygon function to draw a polygonal
    shape on an empty image

    img_height -- image height
    img_width  -- image width
    vertices   -- List of vertices in relative coordinates, e.g. 
        [(0.0,0.3), (0.0,0.7), (0.3,0.5), (0.0,0.3)] will create a reversed triangle
        on the top of the image

    bitmask representing the drawn shape
    fmask = np.zeros((img_height, img_width), dtype=np.uint8)
    r = np.round(img_height * np.array(vertices)[:, 0])
    c = np.round(img_width * np.array(vertices)[:, 1])
    rr, cc = polygon(r, c, (img_height, img_width))
    fmask[rr, cc] = 1

    return fmask
コード例 #37
ファイル: stimuli.py プロジェクト: brianhhu/DOC-tf
def add_rectangle(image, centre, shape, angle, RGB):
    Adds a rectangle to an image.

    :param image: An image
    :param centre: Pixel on which rectangle should be centred
    :param shape: (height, width) of rectangle
    :param angle: angle counterclockwise from right horizontal (radians)
    :param RGB: (red,green,blue) values between 0 and 1

    corners = [[-shape[0] / 2, -shape[1] / 2], [shape[0] / 2, -shape[1] / 2],
               [shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2], [-shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2],
               [-shape[0] / 2, -shape[1] / 2]]
    rotation = [[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)],
                [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]
    rotated = np.dot(rotation, np.array(corners).transpose()).transpose()
    centered = np.add(rotated, centre).astype(np.int)
    rr, cc = polygon(centered[:, 0], centered[:, 1], image.shape)

    for i in range(3):
        image[rr, cc, i] = RGB[i]
コード例 #38
def produce_ma_mask(kp_array, img_size, point_radius=4):
    from skimage.morphology import dilation, erosion, square
    mask = np.zeros(shape=img_size, dtype=bool)
    limbs = [[2, 3], [2, 6], [3, 4], [4, 5], [6, 7], [7, 8], [2, 9], [9, 10],
             [10, 11], [2, 12], [12, 13], [13, 14], [2, 1], [1, 15], [15, 17],
             [1, 16], [16, 18], [2, 17], [2, 18], [9, 12], [12, 6], [9, 3],
             [17, 18]]
    limbs = np.array(limbs) - 1
    for f, t in limbs:
        from_missing = kp_array[f][0] == MISSING_VALUE or kp_array[f][
            1] == MISSING_VALUE
        to_missing = kp_array[t][0] == MISSING_VALUE or kp_array[t][
            1] == MISSING_VALUE
        if from_missing or to_missing:

        norm_vec = kp_array[f] - kp_array[t]
        norm_vec = np.array([-norm_vec[1], norm_vec[0]])
        norm_vec = point_radius * norm_vec / np.linalg.norm(norm_vec)

        vetexes = np.array([
            kp_array[f] + norm_vec, kp_array[f] - norm_vec,
            kp_array[t] - norm_vec, kp_array[t] + norm_vec
        yy, xx = polygon(vetexes[:, 0], vetexes[:, 1], shape=img_size)
        mask[yy, xx] = True

    for i, joint in enumerate(kp_array):
        if kp_array[i][0] == MISSING_VALUE or kp_array[i][1] == MISSING_VALUE:
        yy, xx = circle(joint[0],
        mask[yy, xx] = True

    mask = dilation(mask, square(5))
    mask = erosion(mask, square(5))
    return mask
コード例 #39
def create_coco_dataset():
    # images http://images.cocodataset.org/annotations/annotations_trainval2017.zip
    # labels http://calvin.inf.ed.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/data/cocostuffdataset/stuffthingmaps_trainval2017.zip
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--annotation_file', type=str, default=os.path.join(settings.dataset_dir, "annotations_trainval2017", "annotations", "instances_train2017.json"))
    parser.add_argument('--input_label_dir', type=str, default=os.path.join(settings.dataset_dir, "stuffthingmaps_trainval2017", "train2017"))
    parser.add_argument('--output_instance_dir', type=str, default=os.path.join(settings.res_dir, "train_instances"))
    opt = parser.parse_args()

    print("annotation file at {}".format(opt.annotation_file))
    print("input label maps at {}".format(opt.input_label_dir))
    print("output dir at {}".format(opt.output_instance_dir))

    coco = COCO(opt.annotation_file)

    cats = coco.loadCats(coco.getCatIds())
    imgIds = coco.getImgIds(catIds=coco.getCatIds(cats))
    for ix, id in enumerate(imgIds):
        if ix % 50 == 0:
            print("{} / {}".format(ix, len(imgIds)))
        img_dict = coco.loadImgs(id)[0]
        filename = img_dict["file_name"].replace("jpg", "png")
        label_name = os.path.join(opt.input_label_dir, filename)
        inst_name = os.path.join(opt.output_instance_dir, filename)
        img = io.imread(label_name, as_grey=True)

        annIds = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=id, catIds=[], iscrowd=None)
        anns = coco.loadAnns(annIds)
        count = 0
        for ann in anns:
            if type(ann["segmentation"]) == list:
                if "segmentation" in ann:
                    for seg in ann["segmentation"]:
                        poly = np.array(seg).reshape((int(len(seg) / 2), 2))
                        rr, cc = polygon(poly[:, 1] - 1, poly[:, 0] - 1)
                        img[rr, cc] = count
                    count += 1

        io.imsave(inst_name, img)
コード例 #40
def get_mask(contours, slices):
        coutours: output from read_structure; a list of structures
        slices: a list of dicom slices of CT scan corresponding to contours
        label: a mask of the original CT scan where the values correspond to structure number
        colors: a list of colors corresponding

    image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices], axis=-1)
    z = [s.ImagePositionPatient[2] for s in slices]
    pos_r = slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[1]
    spacing_r = slices[0].PixelSpacing[1]
    pos_c = slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[0]
    spacing_c = slices[0].PixelSpacing[0]

    label = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
    for con in contours:
        num = int(con['number'])
        for c in con['contours']:
            nodes = np.array(c).reshape((-1, 3))
            assert np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(nodes[:, 2]))) == 0
            zNew = [round(elem, 0) for elem in z]
                z_index = z.index(round(nodes[0, 2], 1))
            except ValueError:
                    z_index = zNew.index(round(nodes[0, 2], 0))
                except ValueError:
                    z_index = (np.abs(z - nodes[0, 2])).argmin()
            # z_index = z.index(np.around(nodes[0, 2],1))
            r = (nodes[:, 1] - pos_r) / spacing_r
            c = (nodes[:, 0] - pos_c) / spacing_c
            rr, cc = polygon(r, c)
            # label[rr, cc, z_index] = num
            label[rr, cc, z_index] = int(1)
    colors = tuple(np.array([con['color'] for con in contours]) / 255.0)
    return label, colors
コード例 #41
        def render_images(self):
            if self.current_sample_id != self.renderingThread.id:
                    'rendering thread finished but for a different id! self %d thread %d'
                    % (self.current_sample_id, self.renderingThread.id))


            if self.renderingMutex.tryLock():

                sample = [
                    s for s in self.samples
                    if s['id'] == self.current_sample_id
                nucleus = sample['nucleus']
                c, r = nucleus.boundary.xy
                r_n, c_n = draw.polygon(r, c)

                sns.distplot(self.edu[r_n, c_n],
                self.mplEduHist.canvas.ax.set_xlim([0, 2**16])

コード例 #42
def create_label_map_from_polygons(building_list, label_map):
    """ create label map from polygons
    Dependencies: skimage
        polygons: same as the output of importgeojson
        label_map: 2-D ndarray
    for building in building_list:
        polygon = building['poly']
        ring = polygon.GetGeometryRef(0)
        xx, yy = [], []
        for i in range(0, ring.GetPointCount()):
            y, x, z = ring.GetPoint(i)
        xx = np.array(xx)
        yy = np.array(yy)
        rr, cc = sk_draw.polygon(xx, yy)
        #print('{}, {}'.format(rr, cc))
        label_map[rr, cc] = building['BuildingId']
    return label_map
コード例 #43
def _get_polygon_intensities(image, shape, zero_edge):
    # We max cause marking ROIs in GUI may render some coordinates negative
    shape_points = shape.getPoints()._val
    shape_points = [
        tuple(float(c) for c in p.split(',')) for p in shape_points.split()

    image_x_coords = [int(x) for x, y in shape_points]
    image_y_coords = [int(y) for x, y in shape_points]

    # Marking ROIs in GUI may render some coordinates out of bounds
    # TODO: Using this approach just brings every point within bounds but if taking ir diagonally it can have a larger influence on the selected area
    image_size_x = image.getSizeX()
    image_size_y = image.getSizeY()
    image_x_coords = [max(0, min(x, image_size_x)) for x in image_x_coords]
    image_y_coords = [max(0, min(y, image_size_y)) for y in image_y_coords]

    shape_x_pos = min(image_x_coords)
    shape_y_pos = min(image_y_coords)
    shape_x_coors = [x - shape_x_pos for x in image_x_coords]
    shape_y_coors = [y - shape_y_pos for y in image_y_coords]
    x_range = (shape_x_pos, max(image_x_coords))
    y_range = (shape_y_pos, max(image_y_coords))

    data = get_intensities(image=image, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range)

    if zero_edge:
        fill_y_coords, fill_x_coords = draw.polygon(shape_y_coors,

        masked_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
        masked_data[..., fill_y_coords,
                    fill_x_coords] = data[..., fill_y_coords, fill_x_coords]

        return masked_data
        return data
コード例 #44
def load_inbreast_mask(mask_path, imshape=(4084, 3328)):
    This function loads a osirix xml region as a binary numpy array for INBREAST

    @mask_path : Path to the xml file
    @imshape : The shape of the image as an array e.g. [4084, 3328]

    return: numpy array where positions in the roi are assigned a value of 1.

    def load_point(point_string):
        x, y = tuple(
            [float(num) for num in point_string.strip('()').split(',')])
        return y, x

    mask_shape = np.transpose(imshape)
    mask = np.zeros(mask_shape)
    with open(mask_path, 'rb') as mask_file:
        plist_dict = plistlib.load(mask_file,
        numRois = plist_dict['NumberOfROIs']
        rois = plist_dict['ROIs']
        assert len(rois) == numRois
        for roi in rois:
            numPoints = roi['NumberOfPoints']
            points = roi['Point_px']
            assert numPoints == len(points)
            points = [load_point(point) for point in points]
            if len(points) <= 2:
                for point in points:
                    mask[int(point[0]), int(point[1])] = 1
                x, y = zip(*points)
                x, y = np.array(x), np.array(y)
                poly_x, poly_y = polygon(x, y, shape=mask_shape)
                mask[poly_x, poly_y] = 1
    return mask
コード例 #45
def contour_sep():
    img = color.rgb2grey(imread('segmentation_WBC-master/Dataset 1/' + file))
    #invert black->white , white->black
    invert_img = 1 - img

    #find contour ( edge )
    contours = measure.find_contours(invert_img, 0.7)
    # save contour plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.imshow(invert_img, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
        ax.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2)
    for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
        pr = np.array([p[0] for p in contour])
        pc = np.array([p[1] for p in contour])
        row = list(map(np.uint8, contour[:, 0]))
        col = list(map(np.uint8, contour[:, 1]))
        rr, cc = polygon(pr, pc)
        invert_img[rr, cc] = 255

    #convert gray -> binary
    thresh = threshold_mean(invert_img)
    binary = invert_img > thresh
    binary = binary * 255
    imsave(PATH + '/segmentation/' + 'out_' + file + '.png', binary)

    #label object in image
    label_img = label(binary)
    props = regionprops(label_img)
コード例 #46
def iou(grasp_pre, grasp_true, angle_threshold=np.pi / 6):
    :功能 :计算两个给定框的iou
    :参数 : grasp_pre      :Grasp对象,单个预测结果中反求出的抓取框
    :参数 : grasp_true     :Grasp对象,单个真实标注抓取框
    :参数 : angle_threshold:角度阈值,超过这个角度就认为两者不符
    :返回 : 两者的iou
    if abs((grasp_pre.angle - grasp_true.angle + np.pi / 2) % np.pi -
           np.pi / 2) > angle_threshold:
        return 0
    rr1, cc1 = grasp_pre.polygon_coords()  #现在是中心点和角度定义的抓取,要转换成四个角点定义的抓取才方便操作
    rr2, cc2 = polygon(grasp_true.points[:, 0], grasp_true.points[:, 1])

    try:  #有时候这边返回的rr2是空的,再运行下面的就会报错,在这加个故障处理确保正常运行
        r_max = max(rr1.max(), rr2.max()) + 1
        c_max = max(cc1.max(), cc2.max()) + 1
        return 0
    r_max = max(rr1.max(), rr2.max()) + 1
    c_max = max(cc1.max(), cc2.max()) + 1

    canvas = np.zeros((r_max, c_max))
    canvas[rr1, cc1] += 1
    canvas[rr2, cc2] += 1

    union = np.sum(canvas > 0)

    if union == 0:
        return 0

    intersection = np.sum(canvas == 2)
    return intersection / union
コード例 #47
def get_mask(contours, slices):
    z = [s.ImagePositionPatient[2] for s in slices]
    pos_r = slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[1]
    spacing_r = slices[0].PixelSpacing[1]
    pos_c = slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[0]
    spacing_c = slices[0].PixelSpacing[0]
    #print z
    #print pos_r, pos_c, spacing_r, spacing_c
    #label = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
    label = np.zeros((slices[0].Columns, slices[0].Rows, len(slices) ), dtype=np.uint8)
    for con in contours:# For each contour get the corresponding matching slice
        num = int(con['number'])
        ref_sopuid = con['name']
        for s in slices:
            if(s.SOPInstanceUID == ref_sopuid): # Match contour with slice
                for c in con['contours']:
                    nodes = np.array(c).reshape((-1, 3))
                    assert np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(nodes[:, 2]))) == 0
                    #print nodes
                        z_index = z.index(nodes[0, 2])
                    except ValueError:
                        print "Boundary case, skipping...."
                        #z_index = zNew.index(nodes[0, 2])
                    #z_index = z.index(nodes[0, 2])
                    r = (nodes[:, 1] - pos_r) / spacing_r
                    c = (nodes[:, 0] - pos_c) / spacing_c
                    #r = s.Rows + np.floor(s.Rows * s.PixelSpacing[1]) * nodes[:,1]
                    #c = s.Columns + np.floor(s.Columns * s.PixelSpacing[0]) * nodes[:,0]
                    #print r,c
                    rr, cc = polygon(r, c)
                    #print rr,cc
                    #label[rr, cc, s.InstanceNumber] = num
                    label[rr, cc, z_index] = num

    colors = tuple(np.array([con['color'] for con in contours]) / 255.0)
    return label, colors
コード例 #48
def draw_eggs_rectangle(mask_shape, pos_ant, pos_lat, pos_post):
    """ from given 3 point estimate the ellipse

    :param (int, int) mask_shape:
    :param [[int, int]] pos_ant:
    :param [[int, int]] pos_lat:
    :param [[int, int]] pos_post:
    :return [ndarray]:

    >>> pos_ant, pos_lat, pos_post = [10, 10], [20, 20], [35, 20]
    >>> points = np.array([pos_ant, pos_lat, pos_post])
    >>> _= plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'og')
    >>> masks = draw_eggs_rectangle([30, 50], [pos_ant], [pos_lat], [pos_post])
    >>> [m.shape for m in masks]
    [(30, 50)]
    >>> for mask in masks:
    ...     _= plt.imshow(mask, alpha=0.5, interpolation='nearest')
    >>> _= plt.xlim([0, mask.shape[1]]), plt.ylim([0, mask.shape[0]]), plt.grid()
    >>> # plt.show()
    list_masks = []
    pos_ant, pos_lat, pos_post = list(pos_ant), list(pos_lat), list(pos_post)
    for ant, lat, post in zip(pos_ant, pos_lat, pos_post):
        ant, lat, post = map(np.array, [ant, lat, post])
        lat_proj = closest_point_on_line(ant, post, lat)
        shift = lat - lat_proj
        # center = ant + (post - ant) / 2.
        # dist = np.linalg.norm(shift)
        # angle = np.arctan2(*(post - ant))
        points = np.array([
            ant + shift, ant - shift, post - shift, post + shift, ant + shift
        rr, cc = draw.polygon(points[:, 1], points[:, 0], shape=mask_shape)
        mask = np.zeros(mask_shape)
        mask[rr, cc] = True

    return list_masks
コード例 #49
    def ragToGraphMat(
        self, maxT
    ):  #A appeler qu'une fois que la rag a été validé, on utilise donc la valeur des attributs
        zMax = self.shape[2]
        maxD = self.rag.graph['maxD']

        self.graphMat = np.zeros(
            (self.shape[0], self.shape[1], zMax, 4)).astype(np.uint8)

        for z in range(zMax):
            for n in self.rag:
                x0, y0, z0 = self.rag.nodes[n]['centroid']
                x0 = int(x0)
                y0 = int(y0)
                z0 = int(z0)

                if (int(z0) == z):
                    for v in self.rag.neighbors(n):
                        d = self.rag[n][v]['weight']
                        corners = self.thickLine(
                            (x0, y0), (int(self.rag.nodes[v]['centroid'][0]),
                            self.distanceToThickness(d, maxD, maxT))
                        rTL, cTL = draw.polygon(corners[:, 0], corners[:, 1],
                        self.graphMat[rTL, cTL, z, :] = self.deltaZToColor(
                            int(self.rag.nodes[v]['centroid'][2]) - z0, zMax)

            #On dessine ENSUITE les sommets pour les avoir au dessus des aretes
            for n in self.rag:
                x0, y0, z0 = self.rag.nodes[n]['centroid']
                x0 = int(x0)
                y0 = int(y0)
                z0 = int(z0)
                if (int(z0) == z):
                    rC, cC = draw.disk((x0, y0), 5, shape=self.shape[0:2])
                    #On met ces pixels à une valeur différente de 0
                    self.graphMat[rC, cC, z, :] = [0, 204, 255, 120]
コード例 #50
    def fill_polygon_by_lonlat(array_to_fill,
        Draws and fills a polygon onto an existing numpy array based on 
        vertices defined by longitude and latitude locations. This does NOT
        draw a polygon on a sphere, but instead based on straight lines 
        between points. This is OK for small regional areas, but not advisable
        for large and global regions.
        Polygon vertices are drawn in the order given.
        array_to_fill (2D array): Array onto which to fill polygon
        vertices_r (1D array): Row indices for polygon vertices
        vertices_c (1D_array): Column indices for polygon vertices
        fill_value (float, bool or int): Fill value for polygon (Default: 1)
        additive (bool): If true, add fill value to existing array. Otherwise
                         indices will be overwritten. (Default: False)

        Filled 2D array
        array_to_fill = np.array(array_to_fill)
        ind2D = general_utils.nearest_indices_2D(longitude, latitude,
                                                 vertices_lon, vertices_lat)

        polygon_ind = draw.polygon(ind2D[1], ind2D[0], array_to_fill.shape)
        if additive:
            array_to_fill[polygon_ind[0], polygon_ind[1]] += fill_value
            array_to_fill[polygon_ind[0], polygon_ind[1]] = fill_value
        return array_to_fill
コード例 #51
def add_figs(im):
    """Add random shapes."""
    figs = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3))
    wide = np.random.choice(range(10, 200), 1)[0]
    poly = np.array((
        (0, 0),
        (0, wide),
        (1000, wide),
        (1000, 0),
    rr, cc = polygon(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1], figs.shape)
    figs[rr, cc, 0] = 0.7
    figs[rr, cc, 1] = 0.1
    figs[rr, cc, 2] = 0.2
    figs = np.roll(figs, shift=np.random.choice(range(1000), 1)[0], axis=1)
    figs = filters.gaussian(figs,
    im += figs
    im[im > 1.0] = 1.0
    return im
コード例 #52
def draw_polygons(event):
    global pts, draw_img, draw_ax, draw_mask
    if event.button == 1:
        if not (event.ydata == None or event.xdata == None):
            pts.append([event.xdata, event.ydata])
            if len(pts) > 1:
                rr, cc = line(int(round(pts[-1][0])), int(round(pts[-1][1])),
                              int(round(pts[-2][0])), int(round(pts[-2][1])))
                draw_img[cc, rr, :1] = 255
    elif event.button == 3:
        if len(pts) > 2:
            # draw polygon
            pts_array = np.asarray(pts)
            rr, cc = polygon(pts_array[:, 0], pts_array[:, 1])
            draw_img[cc, rr, :1] = 255
            draw_mask[cc, rr] = 1
            print('need at least three clicks before finishing annotation')
コード例 #53
def cutout(pageimg, coordstring, scale=1, rect=False):
    """ Cut region from image
    pageimg : image (numpy array)
    coordstring : coordinates from PAGE as one string
    scale : factor to scale the coordinates with
    rect : cut out rectangle instead of polygons
    coords = [p.split(",") for p in coordstring.split()]
    coords = np.array([(int(scale*int(c[1])), int(scale*int(c[0])))
                       for c in coords])
    if rect:
        return pageimg[min(c[0] for c in coords):max(c[0] for c in coords),
                       min(c[1] for c in coords):max(c[1] for c in coords)]
    rr, cc = polygon(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], pageimg.shape)
    offset = (min([x[0] for x in coords]), min([x[1] for x in coords]))
    box = np.ones(
        (max([x[0] for x in coords]) - offset[0],
         max([x[1] for x in coords]) - offset[1]),
        dtype=pageimg.dtype) * 255
    box[rr-offset[0], cc-offset[1]] = pageimg[rr, cc]
    return box
コード例 #54
    def iou(self, bb, angle_threshold=np.pi / 6):
        #if abs(self.angle - bb.angle) % np.pi > angle_threshold:
        if abs((self.angle - bb.angle + np.pi / 2) % np.pi -
               np.pi / 2) > angle_threshold:
            return 0

        rr1, cc1 = self.polygon_coords()
        rr2, cc2 = polygon(bb.points[:, 0], bb.points[:, 1])

            r_max = max(rr1.max(), rr2.max()) + 1
            c_max = max(cc1.max(), cc2.max()) + 1
            return 0

        canvas = np.zeros((r_max, c_max))
        canvas[rr1, cc1] += 1
        canvas[rr2, cc2] += 1
        union = np.sum(canvas > 0)
        if union == 0:
            return 0
        intersection = np.sum(canvas == 2)
        return intersection * 1.0 / union
コード例 #55
def vis_bbox(bbox, img, color=(0, 0, 0), modify=False):
    im_h, im_w = img.shape[0:2]
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
    x1 = max(0, min(x1, im_w - 1))
    x2 = max(x1, min(x2, im_w - 1))
    y1 = max(0, min(y1, im_h - 1))
    y2 = max(y1, min(y2, im_h - 1))
    r = [y1, y1, y2, y2]
    c = [x1, x2, x2, x1]

    if modify:
        img_ = img
        img_ = np.copy(img)

    rr, cc = skdraw.polygon(r, c, img.shape[:2])
    skdraw.set_color(img_, (rr, cc), color, alpha=0.2)

    rr, cc = skdraw.polygon_perimeter(r, c, img.shape[:2])
    for k in range(3):
        img_[rr, cc, k] = color[k]

    return img_
コード例 #56
def draw_slope(arr, img_id='slope'):
    xx = []
    yy = []
    xs = np.linspace(0, params.length, params.res)
    ys = arr[::-1]

    # base
    xx.extend([x for x in xs])
    yy.extend([0 for y in ys])
    # top
    xx.extend([x for x in xs[::-1]])
    yy.extend([y for y in ys[::-1]])
    # side
    xx.extend([0 for x in xs])
    yy.extend([y for y in ys])

    xx = np.array(xx) * params.res / max(params.length, params.height)
    yy = np.array(yy) * params.res / max(params.length, params.height)

    img = np.zeros((params.res + 1, params.res + 1), dtype=np.uint8) + 255
    img[polygon(xx, yy)] = 0
                   'L').save(os.path.join('Images', '{0}.png'.format(img_id)))
コード例 #57
    def get_mask(self, contours, slices, image):
        z = [round(s.ImagePositionPatient[2], 1) for s in slices]  ##
        pos_r = slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[1]
        spacing_r = slices[0].PixelSpacing[1]
        pos_c = slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[0]
        spacing_c = slices[0].PixelSpacing[0]

        label = np.zeros(image, dtype=np.uint8)
        for con in contours:
            num = int(con['number'])
            for c in con['contours']:
                nodes = np.array(c).reshape(
                    (-1, 3))  #triplets describing points of contour
                assert np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(nodes[:, 2]))) == 0
                z_index = z.index(np.around(nodes[0, 2], 1))
                r = (nodes[:, 1] - pos_r) / spacing_r
                c = (nodes[:, 0] - pos_c) / spacing_c
                rr, cc = polygon(r, c)
                label[rr, cc, z_index] = num

            colors = tuple(
                np.array([con['color'] for con in contours]) / 255.0)
        return label, colors
コード例 #58
ファイル: file_loader.py プロジェクト: tcpu/ANNA-PALM
 def generate(self, roi_list):
     from skimage import draw
     image_size = self.image_size
     mask_fill = np.zeros(image_size + (1, ), dtype=np.uint8)
     rr_all = []
     cc_all = []
     for i, roi in enumerate(roi_list):
         # Draw polygon and add it to image
         rr, cc = draw.polygon(roi[:, 0], roi[:, 1])
         rr[rr < 0] = 0
         rr[rr > image_size[0] - 1] = image_size[0] - 1
         cc[cc < 0] = 0
         cc[cc > image_size[0] - 1] = image_size[0] - 1
         # test if this region has already been added
         if any(np.array_equal(rr, rr_test) for rr_test in rr_all) and any(
                 np.array_equal(cc, cc_test) for cc_test in cc_all):
             # print('Region #{} has already been used'.format(i + 1))
         # Generate mask
         mask_fill[rr, cc, :] = 1
     return mask_fill
コード例 #59
ファイル: svg_utils.py プロジェクト: yjuha/CubiCasa5k
    def __init__(self, e, id, shape=None):
        self.id = id
        self.name = e.getAttribute('id')
        self.X, self.Y = self.get_points(e)
        if abs(max(self.X) -
               min(self.X)) < 4 or abs(max(self.Y) - min(self.Y)) < 4:
            # wall is too small and we ignore it.
            raise ValueError("small wall")
        if shape:
            self.X = np.clip(self.X, 0, shape[1])
            self.Y = np.clip(self.Y, 0, shape[0])
        # self.X, self.Y = self.sort_X_Y(self.X, self.Y)
        self.rr, self.cc = polygon(self.Y, self.X)
        direction = self.get_direction(self.X, self.Y)
        end_points = self.get_end_points(self.X, self.Y, direction)
        self.min_width = self.get_width(self.X, self.Y, direction)
        self.max_width = self.min_width

        Wall.__init__(self, id, end_points, direction, self.max_width,
        self.length = self.get_length(self.end_points)
        self.center = self.get_center(self.X, self.Y)
        self.min_coord, self.max_coord = self.get_width_coods(self.X, self.Y)
コード例 #60
    def getMask(self):
        pts = self.pts
        tif = self.window.image
        x = np.array([p[0] for p in pts])
        y = np.array([p[1] for p in pts])
        nDims = len(tif.shape)
        if nDims == 4:  #if this is an RGB image stack
            tif = np.mean(tif, 3)
            mask = np.zeros(tif[0, :, :].shape, np.bool)
        elif nDims == 3:
            mask = np.zeros(tif[0, :, :].shape, np.bool)
        if nDims == 2:  #if this is a static image
            mask = np.zeros(tif.shape, np.bool)

        xx, yy = polygon(x, y, shape=mask.shape)
        mask[xx, yy] = True
        pts_plus = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
        for pt in pts_plus:
            if not self.path.contains(QPointF(pt[0], pt[1])):
                mask[pt[0], pt[1]] = 0
        self.minn = np.min(
            np.array([np.array([p[0], p[1]]) for p in self.pts]), 0)
        self.mask = np.array(np.where(mask)).T - self.minn