コード例 #1
 def test_01_03_adjacent_and_different(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5] = 1
     image[5, 6] = .5
     labels[5, 5:6] = 1
     expected = (image == 1)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
コード例 #2
 def test_01_03_adjacent_and_different(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5] = 1
     image[5, 6] = .5
     labels[5, 5:6] = 1
     expected = (image == 1)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
コード例 #3
    def test_03_01_disk_1(self):
        '''regression test of img-1194, footprint = [1]

        Test is_local_maximum when every point is a local maximum
        image = np.random.uniform(size=(10, 20))
        footprint = np.array([[1]])
        result = is_local_maximum(image, np.ones((10, 20)), footprint)
        result = is_local_maximum(image, footprint=footprint)
コード例 #4
 def test_03_01_disk_1(self):
     '''regression test of img-1194, footprint = [1]
     Test is_local_maximum when every point is a local maximum
     image = np.random.uniform(size=(10, 20))
     footprint = np.array([[1]])
     result = is_local_maximum(image, np.ones((10, 20)), footprint)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, footprint=footprint)
コード例 #5
 def test_01_02_adjacent_and_same(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5:6] = 1
     labels[5, 5:6] = 1
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == (labels == 1)))
コード例 #6
 def test_01_01_one_point(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5] = 1
     labels[5, 5] = 1
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == (labels == 1)))
コード例 #7
 def test_01_02_adjacent_and_same(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5:6] = 1
     labels[5, 5:6] = 1
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == (labels == 1)))
コード例 #8
 def test_01_01_one_point(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5] = 1
     labels[5, 5] = 1
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == (labels == 1)))
コード例 #9
 def test_01_06_adjacent_different_objects(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5] = 1
     image[5, 6] = .5
     labels[5, 5] = 1
     labels[5, 6] = 2
     expected = (labels > 0)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
コード例 #10
 def test_01_06_adjacent_different_objects(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     image[5, 5] = 1
     image[5, 6] = .5
     labels[5, 5] = 1
     labels[5, 6] = 2
     expected = (labels > 0)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
コード例 #11
 def test_02_01_four_quadrants(self):
     image = np.random.uniform(size=(40, 60))
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:40, 0:60]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 20) + (j >= 30) * 2
     i, j = np.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = (i * i + j * j <= 9)
     expected = np.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 20), (20, 40)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 30), (30, 60)):
             expected[imin:imax, jmin:jmax] = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(
                 image[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], footprint=footprint)
     expected = (expected == image)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, footprint)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
コード例 #12
 def test_02_01_four_quadrants(self):
     image = np.random.uniform(size=(40, 60))
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:40, 0:60]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 20) + (j >= 30) * 2
     i, j = np.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = (i * i + j * j <= 9)
     expected = np.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 20), (20, 40)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 30), (30, 60)):
             expected[imin:imax, jmin:jmax] = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(
                 image[imin:imax, jmin:jmax], footprint=footprint)
     expected = (expected == image)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, footprint)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
コード例 #13
 def test_00_00_empty(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(~ result))
コード例 #14
 def test_00_00_empty(self):
     image = np.zeros((10, 20))
     labels = np.zeros((10, 20), int)
     result = is_local_maximum(image, labels, np.ones((3, 3), bool))
コード例 #15
ファイル: locator.py プロジェクト: softtrainee/arlab
    def _filter_test(self, image, frame, target, dim, cthreshold, mi, ma):
            if the convexity of the target is <threshold try to do a watershed segmentation
            make black image with white polygon
            do watershed segmentation
            find polygon center
        def test(ti):
            ctest = ti.convexity > cthreshold
            centtest = self._near_center(ti.centroid, frame)
            atest = ma > ti.area > mi
#            print ma, ti.area, mi
#                print ctest, centtest, atest
            return ctest, centtest, atest

        # find the label with the max area ie max of histogram
        def get_limits(values, bins, width=1):
            ind = argmax(values)
            if ind == 0:
                bil = bins[ind]
                biu = bins[ind + width]
            elif ind == len(bins) - width:
                bil = bins[ind - width]
                biu = bins[ind]
                bil = bins[ind - width]
                biu = bins[ind + width]

            return bil, biu, ind

        ctest, centtest, atest = test(target)
        if not ctest and (atest and centtest):
            src = image.get_frame(0)
            draw_polygons(src, [target.poly_points], color=(0, 255, 255))

            wh = get_size(src)
            # make image with polygon
            im = zeros(wh)
            points = asarray(target.poly_points)

            points = asarray([(pi.x, pi.y) for pi in points])
            rr, cc = polygon(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])

            im[cc, rr] = 255

            # do watershedding
            distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(im)
            local_maxi = is_local_maximum(distance, im)
            markers, ns = ndimage.label(local_maxi)
            wsrc = watershed(-distance, markers,

            # bins = 3 * number of labels. this allows you to precisely pick the value of the max area
            values, bins = histogram(wsrc, bins=ns * 3)
            bil, biu, ind = get_limits(values, bins)

            if not bil:
                values = delete(values, ind)
                bins = delete(bins, (ind, ind + 1))
                bil, biu, ind = get_limits(values, bins)

            nimage = ones_like(wsrc, dtype='uint8') * 255
            nimage[wsrc < bil] = 0
            nimage[wsrc > biu] = 0

            nimage = invert(nimage)
            img = asMat(nimage)
            # locate new polygon from the segmented image
            tars = self._find_targets(image, img, dim, start=10, w=4, n=2)
#                do_later(lambda: self.debug_show(im, distance, wsrc, nimage))

            if tars:
                target = tars[0]
                ctest, centtest, atest = test(target)
                return None, False

        return target, ctest and atest and centtest