def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): attribs = [] longtext_attribs = [] for attrib, value in self.skinAttributes: if attrib.find('step') != -1: self.step = int(value) if attrib.find('steptime') != -1: self.steptime = int(value) if attrib.find('startdelay') != -1: self.startdelay = int(value) if attrib.find('font') != -1 or attrib.find('size') != -1 or attrib.find('zPosition') != -1 or attrib.find('transparent') != -1 or attrib.find('backgroundColor') != -1 or attrib.find('foregroundColor') != -1 or attrib.find('valign') != -1 or attrib.find('halign') != -1: longtext_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib != 'font' and attrib != 'valign' and attrib != 'halign' and attrib != 'foregroundColor' and attrib != 'step' and attrib != 'steptime' and attrib != 'startdelay' and attrib != 'css': attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find('css') != -1: from skin import cascadingStyleSheets styles = value.split(',') for style in styles: for _attrib in cascadingStyleSheets[style].keys(): _value = cascadingStyleSheets[style][_attrib] if _attrib.find('step') != -1: self.step = int(_value) if _attrib.find('steptime') != -1: self.steptime = int(_value) if _attrib.find('startdelay') != -1: self.startdelay = int(_value) if _attrib.find('font') != -1 or _attrib.find('size') != -1 or _attrib.find('zPosition') != -1 or _attrib.find('transparent') != -1 or _attrib.find('backgroundColor') != -1 or _attrib.find('foregroundColor') != -1 or _attrib.find('valign') != -1 or _attrib.find('halign') != -1: longtext_attribs.append((_attrib, _value)) if _attrib != 'font' and _attrib != 'valign' and _attrib != 'halign' and _attrib != 'foregroundColor' and _attrib != 'step' and _attrib != 'steptime' and _attrib != 'startdelay': attribs.append((_attrib, _value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, longtext_attribs, parent.scale) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.skinAttributes = attribs return Renderer.applySkin(self, desktop, parent)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollbarWidth = 20 scrollbarBorderWidth = 1 ret = False if self.skinAttributes: widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if "borderColor" in attrib or "borderWidth" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "scrollbarSliderForegroundColor" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarSliderBorderColor" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarSliderPicture" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarBackgroundPicture" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarWidth" in attrib: scrollbarWidth = int(value) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarSliderBorderWidth" in attrib: scrollbarBorderWidth = int(value) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "split" in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if "colposition" in attrib: self.column = int(value) if "dividechar" in attrib: self.splitchar = value if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("halign", "left")], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("transparent", "1"), ("halign", "left" if self.column else "right")], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True self.pageWidth = self.long_text.size().width() lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight(self.long_text.getFont()) or 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = int(self.long_text.size().height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * lineheight) self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) self.instance.resize(eSize(self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(self.pageWidth - scrollbarWidth, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(scrollbarWidth, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarBorderWidth) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop, updateonly = False): for val in self.renderer: if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) if not val.applySkin(desktop, self): print "warning, skin is missing renderer", val, "in", self for key in self: val = self[key] if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) depr = val.deprecationInfo if val.applySkin(desktop, self): if depr: print "WARNING: OBSOLETE COMPONENT '%s' USED IN SKIN. USE '%s' INSTEAD!" % (key, depr[0]) print "OBSOLETE COMPONENT WILL BE REMOVED %s, PLEASE UPDATE!" % (depr[1]) elif not depr: print "warning, skin is missing element", key, "in", self for w in self.additionalWidgets: if not updateonly: w.instance = w.widget(parent) # w.instance.thisown = 0 applyAllAttributes(w.instance, desktop, w.skinAttributes, self.scale) for f in self.onLayoutFinish: if type(f) is not type(self.close): # is this the best way to do this? exec(f) in globals(), locals() else: f()
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): if not self.visible: self.instance.hide() if self.skinAttributes is None: return False skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) return True
def applySkin(self): z = 0 baseres = (720, 576) idx = 0 skin_title_idx = -1 title = self.title for key, value in self.skinAttributes: if key == 'zPosition': z = int(value) elif key == 'title': skin_title_idx = idx if title: self.skinAttributes[skin_title_idx] = ('title', title) else: self['Title'].text = value self.summaries.setTitle(value) elif key == 'baseResolution': baseres = tuple([ int(x) for x in value.split(',') ]) idx += 1 self.scale = ((baseres[0], baseres[0]), (baseres[1], baseres[1])) if not self.instance: from enigma import eWindow self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, z) if skin_title_idx == -1 and title: self.skinAttributes.append(('title', title)) self.skinAttributes.sort(key=lambda a: {'position': 1}.get(a[0], 0)) applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale) self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): # testInstance = self.GUI_WIDGET(parent) testInstance = self.testInstance testInstance.hide() testSkinAttributes = [] if self.skinAttributes: for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if attrib == 'size': x, y = value.split(',') x = '2000' new_value = x + ',' + y testSkinAttributes.append((attrib, new_value)) else: testSkinAttributes.append((attrib, value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(testInstance, desktop, testSkinAttributes, parent.scale) Label.applySkin(self, desktop, parent) maxWidth = self.instance.size().width() # some random text text = 'DSADJASNKDNSJANDJKSANDJKSANDNASJKNDSJKANDJKSANDJKAS' text += 'FDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFSDFDSFDS' text += 'FDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFSDFDSFDS' text += 'FDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFDSFSDFDSFDS' testInstance.setText(text) actWidth = testInstance.calculateSize().width() pixsPerChar = float(actWidth) / float(len(text)) print actWidth, '/', len(text), '=', pixsPerChar print maxWidth if pixsPerChar > 0: self.maxChars = int(maxWidth / pixsPerChar) print self.maxChars
def applySkin(self): self.skin_title = "" z = 0 baseres = (720, 576) # FIXME: a skin might have set another resolution, which should be the base res idx = 0 skin_title_idx = -1 title = self.title for (key, value) in self.skinAttributes: if key == "zPosition": z = int(value) elif key == "title": self.skin_title = value skin_title_idx = idx if title: self.skinAttributes[skin_title_idx] = ("title", title) else: self["Title"].text = value self.summaries.setTitle(value) elif key == "baseResolution": baseres = tuple([int(x) for x in value.split(',')]) idx += 1 self.scale = ((baseres[0], baseres[0]), (baseres[1], baseres[1])) if not self.instance: from enigma import eWindow self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, z) if skin_title_idx == -1 and title: self.skinAttributes.append(("title", title)) # we need to make sure that certain attributes come last self.skinAttributes.sort(key=lambda a: {"position": 1}.get(a[0], 0)) applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale) self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): if not self.visible: self.instance.hide() if self.skinAttributes is None: return False if'/')[0] not in ('Darkness'): self.skinAttributes.sort() skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) return True
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): attribs = [] longtext_attribs = [] for attrib, value in self.skinAttributes: if attrib.find('step') != -1: self.step = int(value) if attrib.find('steptime') != -1: self.steptime = int(value) if attrib.find('startdelay') != -1: self.startdelay = int(value) if attrib.find('font') != -1 or attrib.find( 'size' ) != -1 or attrib.find('zPosition') != -1 or attrib.find( 'transparent') != -1 or attrib.find( 'backgroundColor') != -1 or attrib.find( 'foregroundColor') != -1 or attrib.find( 'valign') != -1 or attrib.find('halign') != -1: longtext_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib != 'font' and attrib != 'valign' and attrib != 'halign' and attrib != 'foregroundColor' and attrib != 'step' and attrib != 'steptime' and attrib != 'startdelay' and attrib != 'css': attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find('css') != -1: from skin import cascadingStyleSheets styles = value.split(',') for style in styles: for _attrib in cascadingStyleSheets[style].keys(): _value = cascadingStyleSheets[style][_attrib] if _attrib.find('step') != -1: self.step = int(_value) if _attrib.find('steptime') != -1: self.steptime = int(_value) if _attrib.find('startdelay') != -1: self.startdelay = int(_value) if _attrib.find('font') != -1 or _attrib.find( 'size') != -1 or _attrib.find( 'zPosition') != -1 or _attrib.find( 'transparent') != -1 or _attrib.find( 'backgroundColor' ) != -1 or _attrib.find( 'foregroundColor' ) != -1 or _attrib.find( 'valign') != -1 or _attrib.find( 'halign') != -1: longtext_attribs.append((_attrib, _value)) if _attrib != 'font' and _attrib != 'valign' and _attrib != 'halign' and _attrib != 'foregroundColor' and _attrib != 'step' and _attrib != 'steptime' and _attrib != 'startdelay': attribs.append((_attrib, _value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, longtext_attribs, parent.scale) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.skinAttributes = attribs ret = Renderer.applySkin(self, desktop, parent) self.changed((self.CHANGED_DEFAULT, )) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollbarWidth = 20 scrollbarBorderWidth = 1 ret = False if self.skinAttributes: widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] scrollbarAttrib = ["borderColor", "borderWidth", "scrollbarSliderForegroundColor", "scrollbarSliderBorderColor", "scrollbarSliderPicture", "scrollbarBackgroundPicture"] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if attrib in scrollbarAttrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) elif "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) elif "scrollbarWidth" in attrib: scrollbarWidth = int(value) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) elif "scrollbarSliderBorderWidth" in attrib: scrollbarBorderWidth = int(value) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) elif "split" in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) elif "colposition" in attrib: self.column = int(value) elif "dividechar" in attrib: self.splitchar = value if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("halign", "left")], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("transparent", "1"), ("halign", "left" if self.column else "right")], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True self.pageWidth = self.long_text.size().width() lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight(self.long_text.getFont()) or 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = int(self.long_text.size().height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * lineheight) self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) self.instance.resize(eSize(self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(self.pageWidth - scrollbarWidth, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(scrollbarWidth, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarBorderWidth) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): if not self.visible: self.instance.hide() if self.skinAttributes is None: return False #//workaround for values from attributes the not be set # #The order of some attributes is crucial if they are applied. Also, an attribute may be responsible that another does not take effect and occurs at different skins. #It was noticed at 'scrollbarSliderBorderWidth' and 'scrollbarSliderForegroundColor'. # if'/')[0] not in ('DMConcinnity-HD'): self.skinAttributes.sort() skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) return True
def applySkin(self, desktop): skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes) s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight(self.long_text.getFont()) lines = int(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width() - 20, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(20, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(1) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width() - 30, self.pageHeight * 16)) self.setText(self.message)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] for attrib, value in self.skinAttributes: if 'borderColor' in attrib or 'borderWidth' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'transparent' in attrib or 'backgroundColor' in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'split' in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) if 'colposition' in attrib: self.column = int(value) if 'dividechar' in attrib: self.splitchar = value if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [('halign', 'left')], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [('transparent', '1'), ('halign', 'left' and self.column or 'right')], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight(self.long_text.getFont()) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 lines = int(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width() - 10, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(10, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(1) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width() - 30, self.pageHeight * 40)) if self.split: self.right_text.move(ePoint(self.column, 0)) self.right_text.resize(eSize(s.width() - self.column - 30, self.pageHeight * 40)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: widget_attribs = [ ] scrollbar_attribs = [ ] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if "borderColor" in attrib or "borderWidth" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "split" in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) if "colposition" in attrib: self.column = int(value) if "dividechar" in attrib: self.splitchar = value if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("halign", "left")], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("transparent", "1"), ("halign", "left" and self.column or "right")], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs+widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight=fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont() ) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = (int)(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = (int)(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight+(int)(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width()-20,0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(20,self.pageHeight+(int)(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical); self.scrollbar.setRange(0,100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(1) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0,0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-30, self.pageHeight*16)) if self.split: self.right_text.move(ePoint(self.column,0)) self.right_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-self.column-30, self.pageHeight*16)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: widget_attribs = [ ] scrollbar_attribs = [ ] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if "borderColor" in attrib or "borderWidth" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "split" in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) if "colposition" in attrib: self.column = int(value) if "dividechar" in attrib: self.splitchar = value if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("halign", "left")], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("transparent", "1"), ("halign", "left" and self.column or "right")], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs+widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight=fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont() ) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = (int)(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = (int)(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight+(int)(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width()-20,0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(20,self.pageHeight+(int)(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical); self.scrollbar.setRange(0,100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(1) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0,0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-30, self.pageHeight*100)) if self.split: self.right_text.move(ePoint(self.column,0)) self.right_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-self.column-30, self.pageHeight*16)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self): z = 0 title = "" baseres = (720, 576) # FIXME: a skin might have set another resolution, which should be the base res for (key, value) in self.skinAttributes: if key == "zPosition": z = int(value) elif key == "title": title = value elif key == "baseResolution": baseres = tuple([int(x) for x in value.split(',')]) self.scale = ((baseres[0], baseres[0]), (baseres[1], baseres[1])) if not self.instance: from enigma import eWindow self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, z) self.title = title applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale) self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): if not self.visible: self.instance.hide() if self.skinAttributes is None: return False scale = ((1,1),(1,1)) toremove = [] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: #print 'Tabs - processing %r, %r'%(attrib, value) if attrib == 'size': size = parseSize(value, scale, self.instance, desktop) self.params['size'] = (size.width(), size.height()) elif attrib == 'position': position = parsePosition(value, scale, self.instance, desktop) self.params['position'] = (position.x(), position.y()) elif attrib in ('spaceWidth', 'spaceHeight'): self.params[attrib] = int(value) toremove.append((attrib, value)) elif attrib == 'tab_size': size = parseSize(value, scale, self.instance, desktop) self.tab_params['size'] = (size.width(), size.height()) toremove.append((attrib, value)) elif attrib in ('tab_valign', 'tab_halign', 'tab_fontActive', 'tab_fontInactive', 'tab_foregroundColorActive', 'tab_foregroundColorInactive', 'tab_backgroundColorActive', 'tab_backgroundColorInactive'): self.tab_params[attrib[4:]] = value toremove.append((attrib, value)) for item in toremove: self.skinAttributes.remove(item) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) self.initList() return True
def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop, updateonly=False): for val in self.renderer: if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) if not val.applySkin(desktop, self): print( "[Screen] Warning: Skin is missing renderer '%s' in %s." % (val, str(self))) for key in self: val = self[key] if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) depr = val.deprecationInfo if val.applySkin(desktop, self): if depr: print( "[Screen] WARNING: OBSOLETE COMPONENT '%s' USED IN SKIN. USE '%s' INSTEAD!" % (key, depr[0])) print( "[Screen] OBSOLETE COMPONENT WILL BE REMOVED %s, PLEASE UPDATE!" % depr[1]) elif not depr: print( "[Screen] Warning: Skin is missing element '%s' in %s." % (key, str(self))) for w in self.additionalWidgets: if not updateonly: w.instance = w.widget(parent) # w.instance.thisown = 0 applyAllAttributes(w.instance, desktop, w.skinAttributes, self.scale) for f in self.onLayoutFinish: if not isinstance(f, type(self.close)): if six.PY2: exec f in globals(), locals() else: exec(f, globals(), locals()) else: f()
def applySkin(self): # DEBUG: baseRes = (getDesktop(GUI_SKIN_ID).size().width(), getDesktop(GUI_SKIN_ID).size().height()) baseRes = (720, 576) # FIXME: A skin might have set another resolution, which should be the base res. zPosition = 0 for (key, value) in self.skinAttributes: if key == "baseResolution": baseRes = tuple([int(x) for x in value.split(",")]) elif key == "zPosition": zPosition = int(value) self.scale = ((baseRes[0], baseRes[0]), (baseRes[1], baseRes[1])) if not self.instance: self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, zPosition) if "title" not in self.skinAttributes and self.screenTitle: self.skinAttributes.append(("title", self.screenTitle)) else: for attribute in self.skinAttributes: if attribute[0] == "title": self.setTitle(_(attribute[1])) self.skinAttributes.sort(key=lambda a: {"position": 1}.get(a[0], 0)) # We need to make sure that certain attributes come last. applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale) self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) widget_attribs = [ ] scrollbar_attribs = [ ] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if "borderColor" in attrib or "borderWidth" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib,value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs+widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight=fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont() ) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = int(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight+ int(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width()-10,0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(10,self.pageHeight+ int(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0,100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(1) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0,0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-30, self.pageHeight*40)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if "borderColor" in attrib or "borderWidth" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight(self.long_text.getFont()) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = int(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width() - 10, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(10, self.pageHeight + int(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(1) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width() - 30, self.pageHeight * 40)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) widget_attribs = [ ] scrollbar_attribs = [ ] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if attrib.find("borderColor") != -1 or attrib.find("borderWidth") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if attrib.find("transparent") != -1 or attrib.find("backgroundColor") != -1: widget_attribs.append((attrib,value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs+widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight=fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont() ) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = (int)(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = (int)(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight+(int)(lineheight/6))) scrollbarwidth, scrollbarborderwidth = self.scrollbar.updateScrollLabelProperties(20, 1) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width()-scrollbarwidth,0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(scrollbarwidth,self.pageHeight+(int)(lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical); self.scrollbar.setRange(0,100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarborderwidth) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0,0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-scrollbarwidth-10, self.pageHeight*16)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop, updateonly=False): for val in self.renderer: if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) if not val.applySkin(desktop, self): print("[GUISkin] warning, skin is missing renderer", val, "in", self) for key in self: val = self[key] if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) depr = val.deprecationInfo if val.applySkin(desktop, self): if depr: print( "[GUISkin] WARNING: OBSOLETE COMPONENT '%s' USED IN SKIN. USE '%s' INSTEAD!" % (key, depr[0])) print( "[GUISkin] OBSOLETE COMPONENT WILL BE REMOVED %s, PLEASE UPDATE!" % (depr[1])) elif not depr: print("[GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element", key, "in", self) for w in self.additionalWidgets: if not updateonly: w.instance = w.widget(parent) # w.instance.thisown = 0 applyAllAttributes(w.instance, desktop, w.skinAttributes, self.scale) for f in self.onLayoutFinish: if type(f) is not type( self.close): # is this the best way to do this? exec f in globals(), locals() else: f()
def applySkin(self): z = 0 baseres = ( 720, 576 ) # FIXME: a skin might have set another resolution, which should be the base res idx = 0 skin_title_idx = -1 title = self.title for (key, value) in self.skinAttributes: if key == "zPosition": z = int(value) elif key == "title": skin_title_idx = idx if title: self.skinAttributes[skin_title_idx] = ("title", title) else: self["Title"].text = value self.summaries.setTitle(value) elif key == "baseResolution": baseres = tuple([int(x) for x in value.split(',')]) elif key == "devtag": self["DeveloperTag"].text = value idx += 1 self.scale = ((baseres[0], baseres[0]), (baseres[1], baseres[1])) if self["DeveloperTag"].text == "": self["DeveloperTag"].text = self.__class__.__name__ if not self.instance: from enigma import eWindow self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, z) if skin_title_idx == -1 and title: self.skinAttributes.append(("title", title)) # we need to make sure that certain attributes come last self.skinAttributes.sort(key=lambda a: {"position": 1}.get(a[0], 0)) applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale) self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: self.spreadSingleAttribute(self.skinAttributes) applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.widget_attribs, parent.scale) applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.longtext_attribs, parent.scale) applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, self.scrollbar_attribs + self.widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True self.instance.move(self._position) self.resize(self._size) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.scrollbar.move( ePoint(self._size.width() - self.sliderlengthtip * 2, 1)) self.scrollbar.resize( eSize(self.sliderlengthtip * 2, self._size.height() - 2)) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 1000) self.scrollbar.hide() self.changed((self.CHANGED_DEFAULT, )) return ret
def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop, updateonly=False): for item in self.renderer: if isinstance(item, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: item.GUIcreate(parent) if not item.applySkin(desktop, self): print( "[Screen] Warning: Skin is missing renderer '%s' in %s." % (item, str(self))) for (name, item) in self.items(): if isinstance(item, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: item.GUIcreate(parent) depr = item.deprecationInfo if item.applySkin(desktop, self): if depr: print( "[Screen] WARNING: OBSOLETE COMPONENT '%s' USED IN SKIN. USE '%s' INSTEAD!" % (name, depr[0])) print( "[Screen] OBSOLETE COMPONENT WILL BE REMOVED %s, PLEASE UPDATE!" % depr[1]) elif not depr: print( "[Screen] Warning: Skin is missing element '%s' in %s." % (name, str(self))) for item in self.additionalWidgets: if not updateonly: item.instance = item.widget(parent) applyAllAttributes(item.instance, desktop, item.skinAttributes, self.scale) for callback in self.onLayoutFinish: if not isinstance(callback, type(self.close)): # The following command triggers an error in Puthon 3 even if a PY2 test is used!!! exec callback in globals(), locals( ) # Use this version for Python 2. # exec(callback, globals(), locals()) # Use this version for Python 3. else: callback()
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): if not self.visible: self.instance.hide() if self.skinAttributes is None: return False scale = ((1, 1), (1, 1)) toremove = [] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: #print 'Tabs - processing %r, %r'%(attrib, value) if attrib == 'size': size = parseSize(value, scale, self.instance, desktop) self.params['size'] = (size.width(), size.height()) elif attrib == 'position': position = parsePosition(value, scale, self.instance, desktop) self.params['position'] = (position.x(), position.y()) elif attrib in ('spaceWidth', 'spaceHeight'): self.params[attrib] = int(value) toremove.append((attrib, value)) elif attrib == 'tab_size': size = parseSize(value, scale, self.instance, desktop) self.tab_params['size'] = (size.width(), size.height()) toremove.append((attrib, value)) elif attrib in ('tab_valign', 'tab_halign', 'tab_fontActive', 'tab_fontInactive', 'tab_foregroundColorActive', 'tab_foregroundColorInactive', 'tab_backgroundColorActive', 'tab_backgroundColorInactive'): self.tab_params[attrib[4:]] = value toremove.append((attrib, value)) for item in toremove: self.skinAttributes.remove(item) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) self.initList() return True
def applySkin(self): bounds = (getDesktop(GUI_SKIN_ID).size().width(), getDesktop(GUI_SKIN_ID).size().height()) resolution = bounds zPosition = 0 for (key, value) in self.skinAttributes: if key == "resolution": resolution = tuple([int(x.strip()) for x in value.split(",")]) elif key == "zPosition": zPosition = int(value) if not self.instance: self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, zPosition) if "title" not in self.skinAttributes and self.screenTitle: self.skinAttributes.append(("title", self.screenTitle)) else: for attribute in self.skinAttributes: if attribute[0] == "title": self.setTitle(_(attribute[1])) self.scale = ((bounds[0], resolution[0]), (bounds[1], resolution[1])) applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale) self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)
def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop, updateonly=False): for val in self.renderer: if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) if not val.applySkin(desktop, self): print 'warning, skin is missing renderer', val, 'in', self for key in self: val = self[key] if isinstance(val, GUIComponent): if not updateonly: val.GUIcreate(parent) depr = val.deprecationInfo if val.applySkin(desktop, self): if depr: print "WARNING: OBSOLETE COMPONENT '%s' USED IN SKIN. USE '%s' INSTEAD!" % ( key, depr[0]) print 'OBSOLETE COMPONENT WILL BE REMOVED %s, PLEASE UPDATE!' % depr[ 1] elif not depr: print 'warning, skin is missing element', key, 'in', self for w in self.additionalWidgets: if not updateonly: w.instance = w.widget(parent) applyAllAttributes(w.instance, desktop, w.skinAttributes, self.scale) for f in self.onLayoutFinish: if type(f) is not type(self.close): exec f in globals(), locals() else: f() if config.misc.fadeShowMenu.value and parent: parent.animationEnd.get().append(self.animationEnd)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): if self.skinAttributes is None: return False skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if attrib.find("borderColor") != -1 or attrib.find( "borderWidth") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("transparent") != -1 or attrib.find( "backgroundColor") != -1: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont()) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = (int)(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = (int)(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize( eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight + (int)(lineheight / 6))) scrollbarwidth, scrollbarborderwidth = self.scrollbar.updateScrollLabelProperties( 20, 1) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width() - scrollbarwidth, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize( eSize(scrollbarwidth, self.pageHeight + (int)(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarborderwidth) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.long_text.resize( eSize(s.width() - scrollbarwidth - 10, self.pageHeight * 16)) self.setText(self.message) return True
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollbarWidth = 10 itemHeight = 30 scrollbarBorderWidth = 1 ret = False if self.skinAttributes: widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] remove_attribs = [] for attrib, value in self.skinAttributes: if 'itemHeight' in attrib: itemHeight = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarMode' in attrib: self.scrollbarmode = value remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'borderColor' in attrib or 'borderWidth' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'transparent' in attrib or 'backgroundColor' in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderForegroundColor' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderBorderColor' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderPicture' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarBackgroundPicture' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarWidth' in attrib: scrollbarWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderBorderWidth' in attrib: scrollbarBorderWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'split' in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if 'colposition' in attrib: self.column = int(value) if 'dividechar' in attrib: self.splitchar = value for attrib, value in remove_attribs: self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes( self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [('halign', 'left')], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes( self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [('transparent', '1'), ('halign', 'left' if self.column else 'right')], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True self.pageWidth = self.long_text.size().width() self.lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont()) or itemHeight lines = int(self.long_text.size().height() / self.lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * self.lineheight) self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) self.instance.resize( eSize(self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight + int(self.lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(self.pageWidth - scrollbarWidth, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize( eSize(scrollbarWidth, self.pageHeight + int(self.lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarBorderWidth) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollbarWidth = 10 itemHeight = 30 scrollbarBorderWidth = 1 ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: widget_attribs = [] scrollbar_attribs = [] remove_attribs = [] for attrib, value in self.skinAttributes: if 'itemHeight' in attrib: itemHeight = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarMode' in attrib: self.scrollbarmode = value remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'borderColor' in attrib or 'borderWidth' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'transparent' in attrib or 'backgroundColor' in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderForegroundColor' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderBorderColor' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderPicture' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarBackgroundPicture' in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarWidth' in attrib: scrollbarWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'scrollbarSliderBorderWidth' in attrib: scrollbarBorderWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'split' in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) if 'colposition' in attrib: self.column = int(value) if 'dividechar' in attrib: self.splitchar = value if attrib == 'step': self.step = int(value) if attrib == 'steptime': self.steptime = int(value) if attrib == 'position': self._position = skin.parsePosition( value, ((1, 1), (1, 1))) self.widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib == 'size': self._size = skin.parseSize(value, ((1, 1), (1, 1))) self.longtext_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if 'startdelay' in attrib: if value.startswith('config.'): value = int(configfile.getResolvedKey(value)) * 1000 self.startdelay = int(value) if 'animation' in attrib: self.animation = True if 'astartdelay' in attrib: if value.startswith('config.'): value = int(configfile.getResolvedKey(value)) * 1000 self.astartdelay = int(value) if 'aposition' in attrib: self.aposition = skin.parsePosition( value, ((1, 1), (1, 1))) if 'asize' in attrib: self.asize = skin.parseSize(value, ((1, 1), (1, 1))) if 'autoScroll' in attrib: if value == '1' in attrib: self.autoScroll = True else: self.autoScroll = False if attrib in ('borderColor', 'borderWidth', 'sliderLengthTip', 'sliderBackground', 'sliderForeground', 'sliderPointer'): self.scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib in ('font', 'transparent', 'foregroundColor', 'backgroundColor', 'valign', 'halign'): self.longtext_attribs.append((attrib, value)) for attrib, value in remove_attribs: self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes( self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [('halign', 'left')], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes( self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [('transparent', '1'), ('halign', 'left' and self.column or 'right')], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self._position) self.resize(self._size) self.lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont()) if not self.lineheight: self.lineheight = itemHeight lines = int(s.height() / self.lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * self.lineheight) self.instance.resize( eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight + int(self.lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width() - scrollbarWidth, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize( eSize(scrollbarWidth, self.pageHeight + int(self.lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setMode(eSlider.modeScrollbar) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarBorderWidth) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width() - 30, self.pageHeight)) if self.split: self.right_text.move(ePoint(self.column, 0)) self.right_text.resize( eSize(s.width() - self.column - 30, self.pageHeight)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollLabelDefaults = (("scrollbarBorderWidth", eListbox.DefaultScrollBarBorderWidth), ("scrollbarMode", eListbox.showOnDemand), ("scrollbarOffset", eListbox.DefaultScrollBarOffset), ("scrollbarScroll", eListbox.DefaultScrollBarScroll), ("scrollbarWidth", eListbox.DefaultScrollBarWidth)) for attribute, default in scrollLabelDefaults: if attribute not in scrollLabelStyle: scrollLabelStyle[attribute] = default splitMargin = 0 splitPosition = 0 splitSeparated = False sliderBorderWidth = scrollLabelStyle["scrollbarBorderWidth"] sliderMode = scrollLabelStyle["scrollbarMode"] sliderScroll = scrollLabelStyle["scrollbarScroll"] sliderOffset = scrollLabelStyle["scrollbarOffset"] sliderWidth = scrollLabelStyle["scrollbarWidth"] if self.skinAttributes: sliderProperties = ("scrollbarBorderColor", "scrollbarBorderWidth", "scrollbarBackgroundColor", "scrollbarForegroundColor", "scrollbarBackgroundPixmap", "scrollbarForegroundPixmap") widgetAttributes = [] leftLabelAttributes = [("transparent", "1")] rightLabelAttributes = [("transparent", "1")] sliderAttributes = [("transparent", "1")] leftAlign = "left" rightAlign = "left" for attribute, value in self.skinAttributes: if attribute in sliderProperties: sliderAttributes.append((attribute, value)) else: if attribute in ("backgroundColor", "transparent"): widgetAttributes.append((attribute, value)) continue if attribute in ("leftColumnAlignment", "leftColAlign"): leftAlign = parseHorizontalAlignment( value ) # The parser is used to check if the value is valid, an exception is raised if it isn't! elif attribute in ("rightColumnAlignment", "rightColAlign"): rightAlign = parseHorizontalAlignment( value ) # The parser is used to check if the value is valid, an exception is raised if it isn't! self.split = True elif attribute == "split": self.split = parseBoolean("split", value) elif attribute in ("splitCharacter", "divideChar", "dividechar"): self.splitCharacter = value self.split = True elif attribute == "splitMargin": splitMargin = parseInteger(value) elif attribute in ("splitPosition", "colPosition", "colposition"): splitPosition = parseInteger(value) self.split = True elif attribute == "splitSeparated": splitSeparated = parseBoolean("splitSeparated", value) self.split = True elif attribute == "splitTrim": self.splitTrim = parseBoolean("splitTrim", value) elif attribute == "scrollbarBorderWidth": sliderBorderWidth = parseInteger( value, eListbox.DefaultScrollBarBorderWidth) elif attribute == "scrollbarMode": sliderMode = parseScrollbarMode(value) elif attribute == "scrollbarScroll": sliderScroll = parseScrollbarScroll(value) elif attribute == "scrollbarOffset": sliderOffset = parseInteger( value, eListbox.DefaultScrollBarOffset) elif attribute == "scrollbarWidth": sliderWidth = parseInteger( value, eListbox.DefaultScrollBarWidth) else: leftLabelAttributes.append((attribute, value)) rightLabelAttributes.append((attribute, value)) if self.split: for attribute, value in leftLabelAttributes[:]: if attribute == "noWrap": # Remove "noWrap" attribute so it can be set later. leftLabelAttributes.remove((attribute, value)) break for attribute, value in rightLabelAttributes[:]: if attribute == "noWrap": # Remove "noWrap" attribute so it can be set later. rightLabelAttributes.remove((attribute, value)) break if not splitSeparated: leftAlign = "left" # If columns are used and not separated then left column needs to be "left" aligned to avoid overlapping text. leftLabelAttributes.extend([ ("horizontalAlignment", leftAlign), ("noWrap", "1") ]) # Set "noWrap" to keep lines synchronized. rightLabelAttributes.extend([ ("horizontalAlignment", rightAlign), ("noWrap", "1") ]) # Set "noWrap" to keep lines synchronized. applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widgetAttributes, parent.scale) applyAllAttributes(self.leftText, desktop, leftLabelAttributes, parent.scale) applyAllAttributes(self.rightText, desktop, rightLabelAttributes, parent.scale) applyAllAttributes(self.slider, desktop, sliderAttributes, parent.scale) retVal = True else: retVal = False lineHeight = int( fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.leftText.getFont()) or 25) # Assume a random line height if nothing is visible. self.pageWidth = self.leftText.size().width() self.pageHeight = (self.leftText.size().height() // lineHeight) * lineHeight self.instance.move(self.leftText.position()) self.instance.resize(eSize(self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight)) self.sliderWidth = sliderOffset + sliderWidth if self.split and sliderMode != eListbox.showNever: # Check that there is space for the scrollbar in the split. if abs(splitPosition) < self.sliderWidth: splitPosition = None elif abs(self.pageWidth - splitPosition) < self.sliderWidth: splitPosition = None splitPosition = self.pageWidth // 2 if splitPosition is None else splitPosition self.leftWidth = (splitPosition - splitMargin) if splitSeparated else self.pageWidth self.rightColX = splitPosition + splitMargin self.rightWidth = self.pageWidth - splitPosition - splitMargin self.splitSeparated = splitSeparated self.leftText.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.rightText.move(ePoint(self.rightColX, 0)) self.slider.move( ePoint( 0 if sliderMode in (eListbox.showLeftOnDemand, eListbox.showLeftAlways) else (self.pageWidth - sliderWidth), 0)) self.slider.resize(eSize(sliderWidth, self.pageHeight)) self.slider.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.slider.setRange(0, 1000) self.slider.setBorderWidth(sliderBorderWidth) self.sliderMode = sliderMode self.sliderScroll = lineHeight if sliderScroll else self.pageHeight self.setText(self.msgText) return retVal
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollbarWidth = 10 itemHeight = 30 scrollbarBorderWidth = 1 ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: widget_attribs = [ ] scrollbar_attribs = [ ] remove_attribs = [ ] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if "itemHeight" in attrib: itemHeight = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarMode" in attrib: self.scrollbarmode = value remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "borderColor" in attrib or "borderWidth" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "transparent" in attrib or "backgroundColor" in attrib: widget_attribs.append((attrib,value)) if "scrollbarSliderForegroundColor" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarSliderBorderColor" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarSliderPicture" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarBackgroundPicture" in attrib: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib,value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarWidth" in attrib: scrollbarWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "scrollbarSliderBorderWidth" in attrib: scrollbarBorderWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if "split" in attrib: self.split = int(value) if self.split: self.right_text = eLabel(self.instance) if "colposition" in attrib: self.column = int(value) if "dividechar" in attrib: self.splitchar = value for (attrib, value) in remove_attribs: self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) if self.split: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("halign", "left")], parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.right_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes + [("transparent", "1"), ("halign", "left" and self.column or "right")], parent.scale) else: skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs+widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) self.lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont() ) if not self.lineheight: self.lineheight = itemHeight # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = int(s.height() / self.lineheight) self.pageHeight = int(lines * self.lineheight) self.instance.resize(eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight+ int(self.lineheight/6))) #TODO scrollbarmode self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width()-scrollbarWidth,0)) self.scrollbar.resize(eSize(scrollbarWidth,self.pageHeight+ int(self.lineheight/6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0,100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarBorderWidth) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0,0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-30, self.pageHeight)) if self.split: self.right_text.move(ePoint(self.column,0)) self.right_text.resize(eSize(s.width()-self.column-30, self.pageHeight)) self.setText(self.message) return ret
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): scrollbarWidth = 20 scrollbarBorderWidth = 1 ret = False if self.skinAttributes is not None: scrollbar_attribs = [] widget_attribs = [] remove_attribs = [] for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if attrib.find("borderColor") != -1 or attrib.find( "borderWidth") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("transparent") != -1 or attrib.find( "backgroundColor") != -1: widget_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("scrollbarSliderForegroundColor") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("scrollbarSliderBorderColor") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("scrollbarSliderPicture") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("scrollbarBackgroundPicture") != -1: scrollbar_attribs.append((attrib, value)) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("scrollbarWidth") != -1: scrollbarWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) if attrib.find("scrollbarSliderBorderWidth") != -1: scrollbarBorderWidth = int(value) remove_attribs.append((attrib, value)) for (attrib, value) in remove_attribs: self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value)) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.long_text, desktop, self.skinAttributes, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.instance, desktop, widget_attribs, parent.scale) skin.applyAllAttributes(self.scrollbar, desktop, scrollbar_attribs + widget_attribs, parent.scale) ret = True s = self.long_text.size() self.instance.move(self.long_text.position()) lineheight = fontRenderClass.getInstance().getLineHeight( self.long_text.getFont()) if not lineheight: lineheight = 30 # assume a random lineheight if nothing is visible lines = (int)(s.height() / lineheight) self.pageHeight = (int)(lines * lineheight) self.instance.resize( eSize(s.width(), self.pageHeight + (int)(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.move(ePoint(s.width() - scrollbarWidth, 0)) self.scrollbar.resize( eSize(scrollbarWidth, self.pageHeight + (int)(lineheight / 6))) self.scrollbar.setOrientation(eSlider.orVertical) self.scrollbar.setRange(0, 100) self.scrollbar.setBorderWidth(scrollbarBorderWidth) self.long_text.move(ePoint(0, 0)) self.long_text.resize(eSize(s.width() - 30, self.pageHeight * 16)) self.setText(self.message) return ret