コード例 #1
def likelihood_score(X, precision_):
    # compute empirical covariance of the test set
    location_ = X.mean(1).reshape(X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[2])
    test_cov = np.array(
        [empirical_covariance(x, assume_centered=True) for x in X - location_])

    res = sum(log_likelihood(S, K) for S, K in zip(test_cov, precision_))

    return res
コード例 #2
def _objective(mle, precision_, alpha):
    """Evaluation of the graphical-lasso objective function

    the objective function is made of a shifted scaled version of the
    normalized log-likelihood (i.e. its empirical mean over the samples) and a
    penalisation term to promote sparsity
    p = precision_.shape[0]
    cost = -2. * log_likelihood(mle, precision_) + p * np.log(2 * np.pi)
    cost += alpha * (np.abs(precision_).sum() -
    return cost
コード例 #3
    def score(self, X, y):
        """Computes the log-likelihood of a Gaussian data set with
        `self.covariance_` as an estimator of its covariance matrix.

        X : array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
            Test data of which we compute the likelihood, where n_samples is
            the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
            X is assumed to be drawn from the same distribution than
            the data used in fit (including centering).

        y :  array-like, shape = (n_samples,)
            Class of samples.

        res : float
            The likelihood of the data set with `self.covariance_` as an
            estimator of its covariance matrix.

        # Covariance does not make sense for a single feature
        X, y = check_X_y(X,

        # compute empirical covariance of the test set
        test_cov = np.array([
            empirical_covariance(X[y == cl] - self.location_[i],
            for i, cl in enumerate(self.classes_)

        res = sum(X[y == cl].shape[0] * log_likelihood(S, K) for S, K, cl in
                  zip(test_cov, self.get_observed_precision(), self.classes_))

        return res
    def score(self, X_test, y=None):
        """Computes the log-likelihood of a Gaussian data set with
        `self.covariance_` as an estimator of its covariance matrix.

        X_test : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Test data of which we compute the likelihood, where n_samples is
            the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
            X_test is assumed to be drawn from the same distribution than
            the data used in fit (including centering).

        y : not used, present for API consistence purpose.

        res : float
            The likelihood of the data set with `self.covariance_` as an
            estimator of its covariance matrix.

        if not self.bypass_transpose:
            X_test = X_test.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # put time as first dimension
        # compute empirical covariance of the test set
        test_cov = np.array([
            empirical_covariance(x, assume_centered=True)
            for x in X_test - self.location_

        res = sum(
            log_likelihood(S, K)
            for S, K in zip(test_cov, self.get_observed_precision()))

        # ALLA  MATLAB1
        # ranks = [np.linalg.matrix_rank(L) for L in self.latent_]
        # scores_ranks = np.square(ranks-np.sqrt(L.shape[1]))

        return res  # - np.sum(scores_ranks)
コード例 #5
    def set_optimal_shrinkage_amount(self, X, method="cv", verbose=False):
        """Set optimal shrinkage amount according to chosen method.

        /!\ Could be rewritten with GridSearchCV.

        X: array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
          Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples
          and n_features is the number of features.
        method: float or str in {"cv", "lw", "oas"},
          The method used to set the shrinkage. If a floating value is provided
          that value is used. Otherwise, the selection is made according to
          the selected method.
          "cv" (default): 10-fold cross-validation.
                          (or Leave-One Out cross-validation if n_samples < 10)
          "lw": Ledoit-Wolf criterion
          "oas": OAS criterion
        verbose: bool,
          Verbose mode or not.

        optimal_shrinkage: float,
          The optimal amount of shrinkage.

        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        if isinstance(method, str):
            std_shrinkage = np.trace(empirical_covariance(X)) / \
                (n_features * n_samples)
            self.std_shrinkage = std_shrinkage
        if method == "cv":
            from sklearn.covariance import log_likelihood
            n_samples, n_features = X.shape
            shrinkage_range = np.concatenate(
                ([0.], 10.**np.arange(-n_samples / n_features, -1, 0.5),
                 np.arange(0.05, 1., 0.05), np.arange(1., 20., 1.),
                 np.arange(20., 100, 5.), 10.**np.arange(2, 7, 0.5)))
            # get a "pure" active set with a standard shrinkage
            active_set_estimator = RMCDl2(shrinkage=std_shrinkage)
            active_set = np.where(active_set_estimator.support_)[0]
            # split this active set in ten parts
            active_set = active_set[np.random.permutation(active_set.size)]
            if active_set.size >= 10:
                # ten fold cross-validation
                n_folds = 10
                fold_size = active_set.size / 10
                n_folds = active_set.size
                fold_size = 1
            log_likelihoods = np.zeros((shrinkage_range.size, n_folds))
            if verbose:
                print "*** Cross-validation"
            for trial in range(n_folds):
                if verbose:
                    print trial / float(n_folds)
                # define train and test sets
                train_set_indices = np.concatenate(
                    (np.arange(0, fold_size * trial),
                     np.arange(fold_size * (trial + 1), n_folds * fold_size)))
                train_set = X[active_set[train_set_indices]]
                test_set = X[active_set[np.arange(fold_size * trial,
                                                  fold_size * (trial + 1))]]
                # learn location and covariance estimates from train set
                # for several amounts of shrinkage
                for i, shrinkage in enumerate(shrinkage_range):
                    location = test_set.mean(0)
                    cov = empirical_covariance(train_set)
                    cov.flat[::(n_features + 1)] += shrinkage * std_shrinkage
                    # compute test data likelihood
                    log_likelihoods[i, trial] = log_likelihood(
                        empirical_covariance(test_set - location,
                                             assume_centered=True), pinvh(cov))
            optimal_shrinkage = shrinkage_range[np.argmax(
            self.shrinkage = optimal_shrinkage * std_shrinkage
            self.shrinkage_cst = optimal_shrinkage
            if verbose:
                print "optimal shrinkage: %g (%g x lambda(= %g))" \
                    % (self.shrinkage, optimal_shrinkage, std_shrinkage)
            self.log_likelihoods = log_likelihoods
            self.shrinkage_range = shrinkage_range

            return shrinkage_range, log_likelihoods
        elif method == "oas":
            from sklearn.covariance import OAS
            rmcd = self.__init__(shrinkage=std_shrinkage)
            support = rmcd.fit(X).support_
            oas = OAS().fit(X[support])
            if oas.shrinkage_ == 1:
                self.shrinkage_cst = np.inf
                self.shrinkage_cst = oas.shrinkage_ / (1. - oas.shrinkage_)
            self.shrinkage = self.shrinkage_cst * std_shrinkage * n_features
        elif method == "lw":
            from sklearn.covariance import LedoitWolf
            rmcd = RMCDl2(self, h=self.h, shrinkage=std_shrinkage)
            support = rmcd.fit(X).support_
            lw = LedoitWolf().fit(X[support])
            if lw.shrinkage_ == 1:
                self.shrinkage_cst = np.inf
                self.shrinkage_cst = lw.shrinkage_ / (1. - lw.shrinkage_)
            self.shrinkage = self.shrinkage_cst * std_shrinkage * n_features
コード例 #6
X_train = np.dot(base_X_train, coloring_matrix)
X_test = np.dot(base_X_test, coloring_matrix)

# #############################################################################
# Compute the likelihood on test data

# spanning a range of possible shrinkage coefficient values
shrinkages = np.logspace(-2, 0, 30)
negative_logliks = [-ShrunkCovariance(shrinkage=s).fit(X_train).score(X_test)
                    for s in shrinkages]

# under the ground-truth model, which we would not have access to in real
# settings
real_cov = np.dot(coloring_matrix.T, coloring_matrix)
emp_cov = empirical_covariance(X_train)
loglik_real = -log_likelihood(emp_cov, linalg.inv(real_cov))

# #############################################################################
# Compare different approaches to setting the parameter

# GridSearch for an optimal shrinkage coefficient
tuned_parameters = [{'shrinkage': shrinkages}]
cv = GridSearchCV(ShrunkCovariance(), tuned_parameters, cv=5)

# Ledoit-Wolf optimal shrinkage coefficient estimate
lw = LedoitWolf()
loglik_lw = lw.fit(X_train).score(X_test)

# OAS coefficient estimate
oa = OAS()
コード例 #7
def graphical_lasso(emp_cov,
    """l1-penalized covariance estimator

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <sparse_inverse_covariance>`.

    emp_cov : 2D ndarray, shape (n_features, n_features)
        Empirical covariance from which to compute the covariance estimate.

    alpha : positive float
        The regularization parameter: the higher alpha, the more
        regularization, the sparser the inverse covariance.

    cov_init : 2D array (n_features, n_features), optional
        The initial guess for the covariance.

    mode : {'cd', 'lars'}
        The Lasso solver to use: coordinate descent or LARS. Use LARS for
        very sparse underlying graphs, where p > n. Elsewhere prefer cd
        which is more numerically stable.

    tol : positive float, optional
        The tolerance to declare convergence: if the dual gap goes below
        this value, iterations are stopped.

    enet_tol : positive float, optional
        The tolerance for the elastic net solver used to calculate the descent
        direction. This parameter controls the accuracy of the search direction
        for a given column update, not of the overall parameter estimate. Only
        used for mode='cd'.

    max_iter : integer, optional
        The maximum number of iterations.

    verbose : boolean, optional
        If verbose is True, the objective function and dual gap are
        printed at each iteration.

    return_costs : boolean, optional
        If return_costs is True, the objective function and dual gap
        at each iteration are returned.

    eps : float, optional
        The machine-precision regularization in the computation of the
        Cholesky diagonal factors. Increase this for very ill-conditioned

    return_n_iter : bool, optional
        Whether or not to return the number of iterations.

    covariance : 2D ndarray, shape (n_features, n_features)
        The estimated covariance matrix.

    precision : 2D ndarray, shape (n_features, n_features)
        The estimated (sparse) precision matrix.

    costs : list of (objective, dual_gap) pairs
        The list of values of the objective function and the dual gap at
        each iteration. Returned only if return_costs is True.

    n_iter : int
        Number of iterations. Returned only if `return_n_iter` is set to True.

    See Also
    GraphicalLasso, GraphicalLassoCV

    The algorithm employed to solve this problem is the GLasso algorithm,
    from the Friedman 2008 Biostatistics paper. It is the same algorithm
    as in the R `glasso` package.

    One possible difference with the `glasso` R package is that the
    diagonal coefficients are not penalized.

    _, n_features = emp_cov.shape
    if alpha == 0:
        if return_costs:
            precision_ = linalg.inv(emp_cov)
            cost = -2. * log_likelihood(emp_cov, precision_)
            cost += n_features * np.log(2 * np.pi)
            d_gap = np.sum(emp_cov * precision_) - n_features
            if return_n_iter:
                return emp_cov, precision_, (cost, d_gap), 0
                return emp_cov, precision_, (cost, d_gap)
            if return_n_iter:
                return emp_cov, linalg.inv(emp_cov), 0
                return emp_cov, linalg.inv(emp_cov)
    if cov_init is None:
        covariance_ = emp_cov.copy()
        covariance_ = cov_init.copy()
    # As a trivial regularization (Tikhonov like), we scale down the
    # off-diagonal coefficients of our starting point: This is needed, as
    # in the cross-validation the cov_init can easily be
    # ill-conditioned, and the CV loop blows. Beside, this takes
    # conservative stand-point on the initial conditions, and it tends to
    # make the convergence go faster.
    covariance_ *= 0.95
    diagonal = emp_cov.flat[::n_features + 1]
    covariance_.flat[::n_features + 1] = diagonal
    precision_ = linalg.pinvh(covariance_)

    indices = np.arange(n_features)
    costs = list()
    # The different l1 regression solver have different numerical errors
    if mode == 'cd':
        errors = dict(over='raise', invalid='ignore')
        errors = dict(invalid='raise')
        # be robust to the max_iter=0 edge case, see:
        # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/4134
        d_gap = np.inf
        # set a sub_covariance buffer
        sub_covariance = np.copy(covariance_[1:, 1:], order='C')
        for i in range(max_iter):
            for idx in range(n_features):
                # To keep the contiguous matrix `sub_covariance` equal to
                # covariance_[indices != idx].T[indices != idx]
                # we only need to update 1 column and 1 line when idx changes
                if idx > 0:
                    di = idx - 1
                    sub_covariance[di] = covariance_[di][indices != idx]
                    sub_covariance[:, di] = covariance_[:, di][indices != idx]
                    sub_covariance[:] = covariance_[1:, 1:]
                row = emp_cov[idx, indices != idx]
                with np.errstate(**errors):
                    if mode == 'cd':
                        # Use coordinate descent
                        coefs = -(precision_[indices != idx, idx] /
                                  (precision_[idx, idx] + 1000 * eps))
                        # TODO: swap in RLA LASSO with the following enet_coordinate_descent_gram() function!
                        if isRLA:
                            coefs = SLRviaRP(sub_covariance,
                                                     sub_covariance, -0.5),
                            coefs, _, _, _ = enet_coordinate_descent_gram(
                                coefs, alpha, 0, sub_covariance, row,
                                row, max_iter, enet_tol,
                                check_random_state(None), False)
                        # Use LARS
                        _, _, coefs = lars_path_gram(Xy=row,
                                                     alpha_min=alpha /
                                                     (n_features - 1),
                # Update the precision matrix
                precision_[idx, idx] = (
                    1. / (covariance_[idx, idx] -
                          np.dot(covariance_[indices != idx, idx], coefs)))
                precision_[indices != idx,
                           idx] = (-precision_[idx, idx] * coefs)
                           indices != idx] = (-precision_[idx, idx] * coefs)
                coefs = np.dot(sub_covariance, coefs)
                covariance_[idx, indices != idx] = coefs
                covariance_[indices != idx, idx] = coefs
            if not np.isfinite(precision_.sum()):
                raise FloatingPointError('The system is too ill-conditioned '
                                         'for this solver')
            d_gap = _dual_gap(emp_cov, precision_, alpha)
            cost = _objective(emp_cov, precision_, alpha)
            if verbose:
                print('[graphical_lasso] Iteration '
                      '% 3i, cost % 3.2e, dual gap %.3e' % (i, cost, d_gap))
            if return_costs:
                costs.append((cost, d_gap))
            if np.abs(d_gap) < tol:
            if not np.isfinite(cost) and i > 0:
                raise FloatingPointError('Non SPD result: the system is '
                                         'too ill-conditioned for this solver')
                'graphical_lasso: did not converge after '
                '%i iteration: dual gap: %.3e' % (max_iter, d_gap),
    except FloatingPointError as e:
        e.args = (e.args[0] +
                  '. The system is too ill-conditioned for this solver', )
        raise e

    if return_costs:
        if return_n_iter:
            return covariance_, precision_, costs, i + 1
            return covariance_, precision_, costs
        if return_n_iter:
            return covariance_, precision_, i + 1
            return covariance_, precision_
コード例 #8
ファイル: rmcd.py プロジェクト: VirgileFritsch/outliers
    def set_optimal_shrinkage_amount(self, X, method="cv", verbose=False):
        """Set optimal shrinkage amount according to chosen method.

        /!\ Could be rewritten with GridSearchCV.

        X: array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
          Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples
          and n_features is the number of features.
        method: float or str in {"cv", "lw", "oas"},
          The method used to set the shrinkage. If a floating value is provided
          that value is used. Otherwise, the selection is made according to
          the selected method.
          "cv" (default): 10-fold cross-validation.
                          (or Leave-One Out cross-validation if n_samples < 10)
          "lw": Ledoit-Wolf criterion
          "oas": OAS criterion
        verbose: bool,
          Verbose mode or not.

        optimal_shrinkage: float,
          The optimal amount of shrinkage.

        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        if isinstance(method, str):
            std_shrinkage = np.trace(empirical_covariance(X)) / \
                (n_features * n_samples)
            self.std_shrinkage = std_shrinkage
        if method == "cv":
            from sklearn.covariance import log_likelihood
            n_samples, n_features = X.shape
            shrinkage_range = np.concatenate((
                    [0.], 10. ** np.arange(-n_samples / n_features, -1, 0.5),
                    np.arange(0.05, 1., 0.05),
                    np.arange(1., 20., 1.), np.arange(20., 100, 5.),
                    10. ** np.arange(2, 7, 0.5)))
            # get a "pure" active set with a standard shrinkage
            active_set_estimator = RMCDl2(shrinkage=std_shrinkage)
            active_set = np.where(active_set_estimator.support_)[0]
            # split this active set in ten parts
            active_set = active_set[np.random.permutation(active_set.size)]
            if active_set.size >= 10:
                # ten fold cross-validation
                n_folds = 10
                fold_size = active_set.size / 10
                n_folds = active_set.size
                fold_size = 1
            log_likelihoods = np.zeros((shrinkage_range.size, n_folds))
            if verbose:
                print "*** Cross-validation"
            for trial in range(n_folds):
                if verbose:
                    print trial / float(n_folds)
                # define train and test sets
                train_set_indices = np.concatenate(
                    (np.arange(0, fold_size * trial),
                     np.arange(fold_size * (trial + 1), n_folds * fold_size)))
                train_set = X[active_set[train_set_indices]]
                test_set = X[active_set[np.arange(
                            fold_size * trial, fold_size * (trial + 1))]]
                # learn location and covariance estimates from train set
                # for several amounts of shrinkage
                for i, shrinkage in enumerate(shrinkage_range):
                    location = test_set.mean(0)
                    cov = empirical_covariance(train_set)
                    cov.flat[::(n_features + 1)] += shrinkage * std_shrinkage
                    # compute test data likelihood
                    log_likelihoods[i, trial] = log_likelihood(
                       empirical_covariance(test_set - location,
                                            assume_centered=True), pinvh(cov))
            optimal_shrinkage = shrinkage_range[
            self.shrinkage = optimal_shrinkage * std_shrinkage
            self.shrinkage_cst = optimal_shrinkage
            if verbose:
                print "optimal shrinkage: %g (%g x lambda(= %g))" \
                    % (self.shrinkage, optimal_shrinkage, std_shrinkage)
            self.log_likelihoods = log_likelihoods
            self.shrinkage_range = shrinkage_range

            return shrinkage_range, log_likelihoods
        elif method == "oas":
            from sklearn.covariance import OAS
            rmcd = self.__init__(shrinkage=std_shrinkage)
            support = rmcd.fit(X).support_
            oas = OAS().fit(X[support])
            if oas.shrinkage_ == 1:
                self.shrinkage_cst = np.inf
                self.shrinkage_cst = oas.shrinkage_ / (1. - oas.shrinkage_)
            self.shrinkage = self.shrinkage_cst * std_shrinkage * n_features
        elif method == "lw":
            from sklearn.covariance import LedoitWolf
            rmcd = RMCDl2(self, h=self.h, shrinkage=std_shrinkage)
            support = rmcd.fit(X).support_
            lw = LedoitWolf().fit(X[support])
            if lw.shrinkage_ == 1:
                self.shrinkage_cst = np.inf
                self.shrinkage_cst = lw.shrinkage_ / (1. - lw.shrinkage_)
            self.shrinkage = self.shrinkage_cst * std_shrinkage * n_features